![MacLO Demo](./.github/demo.gif) # MacLO # MacLO is a clone of the puzzle game [Lights Out](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lights_Out_(game)) for the 68k Macintosh. It is a port of [ArduLO](https://github.com/jonthysell/ArduLO) for the Arduboy. MacLO is B&W and 32-bit clean. It requires at least a Mac Plus running System 6.0.8, but will also work on newer machines up to Mac OS 9.2.2. ## Build ## To build MacLO from source, you'll need a working [THINK C 5.0](https://macintoshgarden.org/apps/think-c) development environment. This can be done in an emulator such as [Mini vMac](https://www.gryphel.com/c/minivmac/) or on real hardware. ## Play ## ![MacLO Title Screenshot](./.github/screenshots/title.gif) MacLO contains two sets of 50 puzzles. At the title screen you can select either Set A or Set B with the mouse to start the game. You can also toggle sound on and off. ![MacLO Game Screenshot](./.github/screenshots/game.gif) The objective is to turn off all of the lights in as few moves as possible. Clicking a light will cause it and the nearby lights to toggle in the shape of a plus. ![MacLO Level Done Screenshot](./.github/screenshots/leveldone.gif) After finshing a puzzle, you'll be given a score in one to three stars. Here you can either move on to the next puzzle or retry for a better score. Try to get three stars on all 50 levels in each set! ## Errata ## MacLO is open-source under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2021 Jon Thysell