// Copyright (c) Jon Thysell // Licensed under the MIT License. /** * @file MacLO.c * * This file provides implementations for MacLO.h. */ #include "GameWindow.h" #include "MacLO.h" /** Resource ID for the apple menu. */ #define AppleMenuResID BaseResID /** Resource ID for the about menu item. */ #define AboutMenuItemID 1 /** Resource ID for the game menu. */ #define GameMenuResID BaseResID+1 /** Resource ID for the title menu id. */ #define TitleMenuItemID 1 /** Resource ID for the clear menu id. */ #define ClearMenuItemID 2 /** Resource ID for the quit menu id. */ #define QuitMenuItemID 4 /** Resource ID for the about dialog. */ #define AboutDialogResID BaseResID /** Resource ID for the about dialog's ok button. */ #define AboutDialogOKID 1 /** GameWindow global instance. */ GameWindow gGameWindow; /** Bool to signal that the app should exit. */ bool gExitApp; /** * Processes the update event with the given EventRecord. * @param pEvent The EventRecord. */ void MacLO_HandleUpdate(const EventRecord *pEvent); /** * Processes the mouse down event with the given EventRecord. * @param pEvent The EventRecord. */ void MacLO_HandleMouseDown(const EventRecord *pEvent); /** * Processes the mouse up event with the given EventRecord. * @param pEvent The EventRecord. */ void MacLO_HandleMouseUp(const EventRecord *pEvent); /** * Processes when a menu has been selected. * @param menuChoice The menu selected. */ void MacLO_HandleMenuChoice(const int32_t menuChoice); /** * Processes when an item was selected in the apple menu. * @param item The item in the menu selected. */ void MacLO_HandleAppleMenuChoice(const int16_t item); /** * Shows the about dialog. */ void MacLO_ShowAboutDialog(); /** * Launches the item selected in the apple menu. * @param item The item in the menu selected. */ void MacLO_LaunchAppleMenuItem(const int16_t item); /** * Processes when an item was selected in the game menu. * @param item The item in the menu selected. */ void MacLO_HandleGameMenuChoice(const int16_t item); /** * Quits the application. */ void MacLO_Quit(); void MacLO_ToolBoxInit() { MaxApplZone(); InitGraf(&thePort); InitFonts(); InitWindows(); InitMenus(); TEInit(); InitDialogs(nil); FlushEvents(everyEvent, 0); InitCursor(); } void MacLO_AppInit() { Handle menuBar; MenuHandle appleMenu; // Add the menu bar menuBar = GetNewMBar(BaseResID); SetMenuBar(menuBar); // Populate the apple menu appleMenu = GetMHandle(AppleMenuResID); AddResMenu(appleMenu, 'DRVR'); DrawMenuBar(); // Setup the game window GameWindow_Init(&gGameWindow); GameWindow_Show(&gGameWindow); } void MacLO_MainLoop() { EventRecord event; char cmdChar; while (!gExitApp) { if (WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &event, LONG_MAX, nil)) { switch (event.what) { case updateEvt: MacLO_HandleUpdate(&event); break; case mouseDown: MacLO_HandleMouseDown(&event); break; case mouseUp: MacLO_HandleMouseUp(&event); break; case keyDown: case autoKey: // Translate command key combos to menu items cmdChar = event.message & charCodeMask; if ((event.modifiers & cmdKey) != 0) { MacLO_HandleMenuChoice(MenuKey(cmdChar)); } break; } } } } void MacLO_HandleUpdate(const EventRecord *pEvent) { WindowPtr window; window = (WindowPtr)pEvent->message; BeginUpdate(window); if (window == gGameWindow.Window) { GameWindow_Draw(&gGameWindow, true); } EndUpdate(window); } void MacLO_HandleMouseDown(const EventRecord *pEvent) { WindowPtr window; int32_t windowPart; int32_t menuChoice; Point mousePosition; windowPart = FindWindow(pEvent->where, &window); mousePosition = pEvent->where; switch (windowPart) { case inMenuBar: menuChoice = MenuSelect(mousePosition); MacLO_HandleMenuChoice(menuChoice); case inSysWindow: SystemClick(pEvent, window); break; case inDrag: DragWindow(window, mousePosition, &((*GetGrayRgn())->rgnBBox)); break; } } void MacLO_HandleMouseUp(const EventRecord *pEvent) { WindowPtr window; int32_t windowPart; Point mousePosition; windowPart = FindWindow(pEvent->where, &window); mousePosition = pEvent->where; switch (windowPart) { case inContent: GlobalToLocal(&mousePosition); GameWindow_Click(&gGameWindow, &mousePosition); break; } } void MacLO_HandleMenuChoice(const int32_t menuChoice) { int16_t menu; int16_t item; if (menuChoice != 0) { menu = HiWord(menuChoice); item = LoWord(menuChoice); switch (menu) { case AppleMenuResID: MacLO_HandleAppleMenuChoice(item); break; case GameMenuResID: MacLO_HandleGameMenuChoice(item); break; } HiliteMenu(0); } } void MacLO_HandleAppleMenuChoice(const int16_t item) { MenuHandle appleMenu; Str255 accName; int16_t accNumber; switch (item) { case AboutMenuItemID: MacLO_ShowAboutDialog(); break; default: MacLO_LaunchAppleMenuItem(item); break; } } void MacLO_ShowAboutDialog() { GrafPtr oldPort; DialogPtr dialog; int32_t itemHit; GetPort(&oldPort); dialog = GetNewDialog(AboutDialogResID, nil, MoveToFront); SetPort(dialog); SetDialogDefaultItem(dialog, AboutDialogOKID); ShowWindow(dialog); ModalDialog(nil, &itemHit); DisposDialog(dialog); SetPort(oldPort); } void MacLO_LaunchAppleMenuItem(const int16_t item) { MenuHandle appleMenu; Str255 accName; appleMenu = GetMHandle(AppleMenuResID); GetItem(appleMenu, item, accName); OpenDeskAcc(accName); } void MacLO_HandleGameMenuChoice(const int16_t item) { switch (item) { case TitleMenuItemID: GameWindow_SetScene(&gGameWindow, Title); break; case ClearMenuItemID: GameWindow_ClearScores(&gGameWindow); break; case QuitMenuItemID: MacLO_Quit(); break; } } void MacLO_Quit() { if (ShowConfirm("\pAre you sure you want to quit MacLO?")) { gExitApp = true; } }