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{"version":3,"file":"bundle.esm.js","sources":["../src/utils.ts","../src/cache.ts","../src/types/Cache.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import {\n DocumentNode,\n OperationDefinitionNode,\n SelectionSetNode,\n FieldNode,\n FragmentDefinitionNode,\n} from 'graphql';\n\nexport function queryFromPojo(obj: any): DocumentNode {\n const op: OperationDefinitionNode = {\n kind: 'OperationDefinition',\n operation: 'query',\n name: {\n kind: 'Name',\n value: 'GeneratedClientQuery',\n },\n selectionSet: selectionSetFromObj(obj),\n };\n\n const out: DocumentNode = {\n kind: 'Document',\n definitions: [op],\n };\n\n return out;\n}\n\nexport function fragmentFromPojo(obj: any, typename?: string): DocumentNode {\n const frag: FragmentDefinitionNode = {\n kind: 'FragmentDefinition',\n typeCondition: {\n kind: 'NamedType',\n name: {\n kind: 'Name',\n value: typename || '__FakeType',\n },\n },\n name: {\n kind: 'Name',\n value: 'GeneratedClientQuery',\n },\n selectionSet: selectionSetFromObj(obj),\n };\n\n const out: DocumentNode = {\n kind: 'Document',\n definitions: [frag],\n };\n\n return out;\n}\n\nfunction selectionSetFromObj(obj: any): SelectionSetNode {\n if (\n typeof obj === 'number' ||\n typeof obj === 'boolean' ||\n typeof obj === 'string' ||\n typeof obj === 'undefined' ||\n obj === null\n ) {\n // No selection set here\n return null;\n }\n\n if (Array.isArray(obj)) {\n // GraphQL queries don't include arrays\n return selectionSetFromObj(obj[0]);\n }\n\n // Now we know it's an object\n const selections: FieldNode[] = [];\n\n Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {\n const nestedSelSet: SelectionSetNode = selectionSetFromObj(obj[key]);\n\n const field: FieldNode = {\n kind: 'Field',\n name: {\n kind: 'Name',\n value: key,\n },\n selectionSet: nestedSelSet || undefined,\n };\n\n selections.push(field);\n });\n\n const selectionSet: SelectionSetNode = {\n kind: 'SelectionSet',\n selections,\n };\n\n return selectionSet;\n}\n\nexport const justTypenameQuery: DocumentNode = {\n kind: 'Document',\n definitions: [\n {\n kind: 'OperationDefinition',\n operation: 'query',\n name: null,\n variableDefinitions: null,\n directives: [],\n selectionSet: {\n kind: 'SelectionSet',\n selections: [\n {\n kind: 'Field',\n alias: null,\n name: {\n kind: 'Name',\n value: '__typename',\n },\n arguments: [],\n directives: [],\n selectionSet: null,\n },\n ],\n },\n },\n ],\n};\n","import { DocumentNode } from 'graphql';\nimport { getFragmentQueryDocument } from 'apollo-utilities';\n\nimport { DataProxy, Cache } from './types';\nimport { justTypenameQuery, queryFromPojo, fragmentFromPojo } from './utils';\n\nexport type Transaction<T> = (c: ApolloCache<T>) => void;\n\nexport abstract class ApolloCache<TSerialized> implements DataProxy {\n // required to implement\n // core API\n public abstract read<T, TVariables = any>(\n query: Cache.ReadOptions<TVariables>,\n ): T | null;\n public abstract write<TResult = any, TVariables = any>(\n write: Cache.WriteOptions<TResult, TVariables>,\n ): void;\n public abstract diff<T>(query: Cache.DiffOptions): Cache.DiffResult<T>;\n public abstract watch(watch: Cache.WatchOptions): () => void;\n public abstract evict<TVariables = any>(\n query: Cache.EvictOptions<TVariables>,\n ): Cache.EvictionResult;\n public abstract reset(): Promise<void>;\n\n // intializer / offline / ssr API\n /**\n * Replaces existing state in the cache (if any) with the values expressed by\n * `serializedState`.\n *\n * Called when hydrating a cache (server side rendering, or offline storage),\n * and also (potentially) during hot reloads.\n */\n public abstract restore(\n serializedState: TSerialized,\n ): ApolloCache<TSerialized>;\n\n /**