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{"version":3,"file":"bundle.esm.js","sources":["../src/index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import { Operation } from 'apollo-link';\nimport { print } from 'graphql/language/printer';\nimport { InvariantError } from 'ts-invariant';\n\n/*\n * Http Utilities: shared across links that make http requests\n */\n\n// XXX replace with actual typings when available\ndeclare var AbortController: any;\n\n//Used for any Error for data from the server\n//on a request with a Status >= 300\n//response contains no data or errors\nexport type ServerError = Error & {\n response: Response;\n result: Record<string, any>;\n statusCode: number;\n};\n\n//Thrown when server's resonse is cannot be parsed\nexport type ServerParseError = Error & {\n response: Response;\n statusCode: number;\n bodyText: string;\n};\n\nexport type ClientParseError = InvariantError & {\n parseError: Error;\n};\n\nexport interface HttpQueryOptions {\n includeQuery?: boolean;\n includeExtensions?: boolean;\n}\n\nexport interface HttpConfig {\n http?: HttpQueryOptions;\n options?: any;\n headers?: any; //overrides headers in options\n credentials?: any;\n}\n\nexport interface UriFunction {\n (operation: Operation): string;\n}\n\n// The body of a GraphQL-over-HTTP-POST request.\nexport interface Body {\n query?: string;\n operationName?: string;\n variables?: Record<string, any>;\n extensions?: Record<string, any>;\n}\n\nexport interface HttpOptions {\n /**\n * The URI to use when fetching operations.\n *\n * Defaults to '/graphql'.\n */\n uri?: string | UriFunction;\n\n /**\n * Passes the extensions field to your graphql server.\n *\n * Defaults to false.\n */\n includeExtensions?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * A `fetch`-compatible API to use when making requests.\n */\n fetch?: WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope['fetch'];\n\n /**\n * An object representing values to be sent as headers on the request.\n */\n headers?: any;\n\n /**\n * The credentials policy you want to use for the fetch call.\n */\n credentials?: string;\n\n /**\n * Any overrides of the fetch options argument to pass to the fetch call.\n */\n fetchOptions?: any;\n}\n\nconst defaultHttpOptions: HttpQueryOptions = {\n includeQuery: true,\n includeExtensions: false,\n};\n\nconst defaultHeaders = {\n // headers are case insensitive (https://stackoverflow.com/a/5259004)\n accept: '*/*',\n 'content-type': 'application/json',\n};\n\nconst defaultOptions = {\n method: 'POST',\n};\n\nexport const fallbackHttpConfig = {\n http: defaultHttpOptions,\n headers: defaultHeaders,\n options: defaultOptions,\n};\n\nexport const throwServerError = (response, result, message) => {\n const error = new Error(message) as ServerError;\n\n error.name = 'ServerError';\n error.response = response;\n error.statusCode = response.status;\n error.result = result;\n\n throw error;\n};\n\n//TODO: when conditional types come in ts 2.8, operations should be a generic type that extends Operation | Array<Operation>\nexport const parseAndCheckHttpResponse = operations => (response: Response) => {\n return (\n response\n .text()\n .then(bodyText => {\n try {\n return JSON.parse(bodyText);\n } catch (err) {\n const parseError = err as ServerParseError;\n parseError.name = 'ServerParseError';\n parseError.response = response;\n parseError.statusCode = response.status;\n parseError.bodyText = bodyText;\n return Promise.reject(parseError);\n }\n })\n //TODO: when conditional types come out then result should be T extends Array ? Array<FetchResult> : FetchResult\n .then((result: any) => {\n if (response.status >= 300) {\n //Network error\n throwServerError(\n response,\n result,\n `Response not successful: Received status code ${response.status}`,\n );\n }\n //TODO should really error per response in a Batch based on properties\n // - could be done in a validation link\n if (\n