# apollo-boost The fastest, easiest way to get started with Apollo Client! Apollo Boost is a zero-config way to start using Apollo Client. It includes some sensible defaults, such as our recommended `InMemoryCache` and `HttpLink`, which come configured for you with our recommended settings. ## Quick start First, install `apollo-boost`. If you don't have `graphql` & `react-apollo` already in your project, please install those too. ```shell npm i apollo-boost graphql react-apollo -S ``` Next, create your client. Once you create your client, hook it up to your app by passing it to the `ApolloProvider` exported from `react-apollo`. ```js import React from 'react'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; import ApolloClient from 'apollo-boost'; import { ApolloProvider } from 'react-apollo'; // Pass your GraphQL endpoint to uri const client = new ApolloClient({ uri: 'https://nx9zvp49q7.lp.gql.zone/graphql' }); const ApolloApp = AppComponent => ( ); render(ApolloApp(App), document.getElementById('root')); ``` Awesome! Your ApolloClient is now connected to your app. Let's create our `` component and make our first query: ```js import React from 'react'; import { gql } from 'apollo-boost'; import { Query } from 'react-apollo'; const GET_MOVIES = gql` query { movie(id: 1) { id title } } ` const App = () => ( {({ loading, error, data }) => { if (loading) return
; if (error) return
Error :(
; return ( ) }}
) ``` Time to celebrate! 🎉 You just made your first Query component. The Query component binds your GraphQL query to your UI so Apollo Client can take care of fetching your data, tracking loading & error states, and updating your UI via the `data` prop. ## What's in Apollo Boost Apollo Boost includes some packages that we think are essential to developing with Apollo Client. Here's what's in the box: - `apollo-client`: Where all the magic happens - `apollo-cache-inmemory`: Our recommended cache - `apollo-link-http`: An Apollo Link for remote data fetching - `apollo-link-error`: An Apollo Link for error handling - `graphql-tag`: Exports the `gql` function for your queries & mutations The awesome thing about Apollo Boost is that you don't have to set any of this up yourself! Just specify a few options if you'd like to use these features and we'll take care of the rest. For a full list of available options, please refer to the Apollo Boost [configuration options](https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/essentials/get-started.html#configuration-options) documentation.