// {42, 4, 336, 506} #define WINDOW_WIDTH 502 #define WINDOW_HEIGHT 294 #define NK_ZERO_COMMAND_MEMORY #define NK_INCLUDE_FIXED_TYPES #define NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_IO // #define NK_INCLUDE_STANDARD_VARARGS #define NK_INCLUDE_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR #define NK_IMPLEMENTATION #define NK_QUICKDRAW_IMPLEMENTATION // #define NK_BUTTON_TRIGGER_ON_RELEASE #define NK_MEMSET memset #define NK_MEMCPY memcpy // #define MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING // based on https://github.com/mr21/strsplit.c/blob/master/strsplit.c static char** _strsplit( const char* s, const char* delim, int* nb ) { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: _strsplit"); #endif void* data; char* _s = ( char* )s; const char** ptrs; int ptrsSize, nbWords = 1, sLen = strlen( s ), delimLen = strlen( delim ); while ( ( _s = strstr( _s, delim ) ) ) { _s += delimLen; ++nbWords; } ptrsSize = ( nbWords + 1 ) * sizeof( char* ); ptrs = data = malloc( ptrsSize + sLen + 1 ); if ( data ) { *ptrs = _s = strcpy( ( ( char* )data ) + ptrsSize, s ); if ( nbWords > 1 ) { while ( ( _s = strstr( _s, delim ) ) ) { *_s = '\0'; _s += delimLen; *++ptrs = _s; } } *++ptrs = NULL; } if ( nb ) { *nb = data ? nbWords : 0; } return data; } char** strsplit( const char* s, const char* delim ) { return _strsplit( s, delim, NULL ); } char** strsplit_count( const char* s, const char* delim, int* nb ) { return _strsplit( s, delim, nb ); } void aFailed(char *file, int line) { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: aFailed"); #endif MoveTo(10, 10); char textoutput[255]; sprintf(textoutput, "%s:%d", file, line); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "assertion failure"); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, textoutput); // hold the program - we want to be able to read the text! assuming anything after the assert would be a crash while (true) {} } #define MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES 17 #define MAX_RECEIVE_SIZE 32767 // this has a corresponding value in coprocessor.c #define MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH 64 Boolean firstOrMouseMove = true; Boolean gotMouseEvent = false; char *activeChat; char *activeChatMessages; char *box_input_buffer; char *chatFriendlyNames; char *ip_input_buffer; char *jsFunctionResponse; char *chatCountFunctionResponse; char *tempChatCountFunctionResponse; char *previousChatCountFunctionResponse; char *new_message_input_buffer; int activeMessageCounter = 0; int chatFriendlyNamesCounter = 0; int coprocessorLoaded = 0; int forceRedrawChats= 2; // this is how many 'iterations' of the chat list UI that we need to see every element for, starting with 2 to draw the UI appropriately int forceRedrawMessages = 2; // same as above but for messages int ipAddressSet = 0; int mouse_x; int mouse_y; int sendNewChat = 0; short box_input_len; short box_len; short new_message_input_buffer_len; static short ip_input_buffer_len; struct nk_rect chats_window_size; struct nk_rect graphql_input_window_size; struct nk_rect message_input_window_size; struct nk_rect messages_window_size; struct nk_context *ctx; #define NK_ASSERT(e) \ if (!(e)) \ aFailed(__FILE__, __LINE__) #include #include "nuklear_quickdraw.h" #include "coprocessorjs.h" void refreshNuklearApp(Boolean blankInput); void getMessagesFromjsFunctionResponse() { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: getMessagesFromjsFunctionResponse"); #endif for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES; i++) { memset(&activeChatMessages[i * 2048], '\0', 2048); } activeMessageCounter = 0; char *token = (char *)strtokm(jsFunctionResponse, "ENDLASTMESSAGE"); // loop through the string to extract all other tokens while (token != NULL) { sprintf(&activeChatMessages[activeMessageCounter * 2048], "%s", token); token = (char *)strtokm(NULL, "ENDLASTMESSAGE"); activeMessageCounter++; } return; } // function to send messages in chat void sendMessage() { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: sendMessage"); #endif char output[2048]; sprintf(output, "%s&&&%.*s", activeChat, box_input_len, box_input_buffer); memset(box_input_buffer, '\0', 2048); box_input_len = 0; // this was an attempt to get the text in the textbox to go away... doesn't really work for a few more redraws // so actually just makes things slower: // refreshNuklearApp(1); callFunctionOnCoprocessor("sendMessage", output, jsFunctionResponse); getMessagesFromjsFunctionResponse(); forceRedrawMessages = 3; return; } // set up function to get available chat (fill buttons on the left hand side) // interval is set by the event loop in mac_main void getChats() { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: getChats"); #endif callFunctionOnCoprocessor("getChats", "", jsFunctionResponse); char *token = (char *)strtokm(jsFunctionResponse, ","); while (token != NULL) { writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, token); sprintf(&chatFriendlyNames[chatFriendlyNamesCounter++ * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH], "%s", token); token = (char *)strtokm(NULL, ","); } return; } void sendIPAddressToCoprocessor() { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: sendIPAddressToCoprocessor"); #endif char output[2048]; sprintf(output, "%.*s", ip_input_buffer_len, ip_input_buffer); callFunctionOnCoprocessor("setIPAddress", output, jsFunctionResponse); // now that the IP is set, we can get all of our chats getChats(); return; } // set up function to get messages in current chat // limit to recent messages // figure out pagination?? button on the top that says "get previous chats"?, TODO void getMessages(char *thread, int page) { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: getMessages"); #endif char output[68]; sprintf(output, "%s&&&%d", thread, page); callFunctionOnCoprocessor("getMessages", output, jsFunctionResponse); getMessagesFromjsFunctionResponse(); forceRedrawMessages = 3; return; } // from https://stackoverflow.com/a/4770992 Boolean prefix(const char *pre, const char *str) { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: prefix"); #endif return strncmp(pre, str, strlen(pre)) == 0; } void getChatCounts() { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: getChatCounts"); #endif writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "getChatCounts!"); callFunctionOnCoprocessor("getChatCounts", "", chatCountFunctionResponse); #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "getChatCounts"); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, chatCountFunctionResponse); #endif // bail out if the responses ARE equal if (!strcmp(chatCountFunctionResponse, previousChatCountFunctionResponse)) { writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "no need to update current chat count"); return; } #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING // TODO: if you hear a random sysbeep, it's probably caused by a mismatch here // potentially due to a bad serial port read or allocation. needs more investigation writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "update current chat count"); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, chatCountFunctionResponse); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, previousChatCountFunctionResponse); #endif strcpy(previousChatCountFunctionResponse, chatCountFunctionResponse); SysBeep(1); strcpy(tempChatCountFunctionResponse, chatCountFunctionResponse); int chatCount = 0; char **chats = strsplit_count(tempChatCountFunctionResponse, ",", &chatCount); for (int chatLoopCounter = 0; chatLoopCounter < chatCount; chatLoopCounter++) { #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DUMMY DELETE: update current chat count loop"); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, chats[chatLoopCounter]); #endif } // loop through the string to extract all other tokens for (int chatLoopCounter = 0; chatLoopCounter < chatCount; chatLoopCounter++) { #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "update current chat count loop"); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, chats[chatLoopCounter]); #endif // chats[chatLoopCounter] should be in format NAME:::COUNT strcpy(tempChatCountFunctionResponse, chatCountFunctionResponse); int results = 0; char **chatUpdate = strsplit_count((char *)chats[chatLoopCounter], ":::", &results); if (results != 2) { #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING char x[255]; sprintf(x, "ERROR: chat update mismatch splitting on ':::', expected 2 results, got: %d: %s -- bailing out", results, chats[chatLoopCounter]); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, x); for (int errorResultCounter = 0; errorResultCounter < results; errorResultCounter++) { writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, chatUpdate[errorResultCounter]); char y[255]; sprintf(y, "%d/%d: '%s'", errorResultCounter, results, chatUpdate[errorResultCounter]); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, y); } #endif continue; } short count = atoi((char *)chatUpdate[1]); #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING char x[255]; sprintf(x, "name: %s, countString: %s, count: %d", chatUpdate[0], chatUpdate[1], count); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, x); #endif for (int i = 0; i < chatFriendlyNamesCounter; i++) { if (strstr(&chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH], " new) ") != NULL) { char chatName[64]; sprintf(chatName, "%.63s", &chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH]); int updateResults = 0; char **updatePieces = strsplit_count(chatName, " new) ", &updateResults); if (updateResults != 2) { #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING char x[255]; sprintf(x, "ERROR: individual chat update mismatch splitting on ' new) ', expected 2 results, got: %d: %s -- bailing out", updateResults, chatName); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, x); for (int errorResultCounter = 0; errorResultCounter < updateResults; errorResultCounter++) { char y[255]; sprintf(y, "%d/%d: '%s'", errorResultCounter, updateResults, updatePieces[errorResultCounter]); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, y); } #endif continue; } if (prefix((char *)updatePieces[1], (char *)chatUpdate[0])) { #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "match1"); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, chatUpdate[0]); #endif if (count == 0 || !strcmp(activeChat, (char *)chatUpdate[0])) { sprintf(&chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH], "%.63s", (char *)chatUpdate[0]); } else { sprintf(&chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH], "(%d new) %.63s", count, (char *)chatUpdate[0]); } break; } } else if (prefix(&chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH], (char *)chatUpdate[0])) { #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "match2"); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, chatUpdate[0]); #endif if (count == 0 || !strcmp(activeChat, (char *)chatUpdate[0])) { sprintf(&chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH], "%.63s", (char *)chatUpdate[0]); } else { sprintf(&chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH], "(%d new) %.63s", count, (char *)chatUpdate[0]); } break; } } } forceRedrawChats = 3; return; } void getHasNewMessagesInChat(char *thread) { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: getHasNewMessagesInChat"); #endif char output[68]; sprintf(output, "%s", thread); callFunctionOnCoprocessor("hasNewMessagesInChat", output, jsFunctionResponse); if (!strcmp(jsFunctionResponse, "true")) { writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "update current chat"); SysBeep(1); getMessages(thread, 0); } else { writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "do not update current chat"); } return; } Boolean chatWindowCollision; Boolean messageWindowCollision; Boolean checkCollision(struct nk_rect window) { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: checkCollision"); #endif // if truthy return, mouse is over window! return (window.x < mouse_x && window.x + window.w > mouse_x && window.y < mouse_y && window.y + window.h > mouse_y); } // UI setup and event handling goes here static void nuklearApp(struct nk_context *ctx) { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: nuklearApp"); #endif // prompt the user for the graphql instance if (!coprocessorLoaded) { if (nk_begin_titled(ctx, "Loading coprocessor services", "Loading coprocessor services", graphql_input_window_size, NK_WINDOW_TITLE|NK_WINDOW_BORDER)) { nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_STATIC, 20, 1); { nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 200); nk_label_wrap(ctx, "Please wait"); } nk_layout_row_end(ctx); nk_end(ctx); } return; } // prompt the user for the graphql instance if (!ipAddressSet) { if (nk_begin_titled(ctx, "Enter iMessage GraphQL Server", "Enter iMessage GraphQL Server", graphql_input_window_size, NK_WINDOW_TITLE|NK_WINDOW_BORDER)) { nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_STATIC, 20, 1); { nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 200); nk_label_wrap(ctx, "ex:"); } nk_layout_row_end(ctx); nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_STATIC, 30, 2); { nk_layout_row_push(ctx, WINDOW_WIDTH / 2 - 100); short ip_edit_return_value = nk_edit_string(ctx, NK_EDIT_ALWAYS_INSERT_MODE|NK_EDIT_GOTO_END_ON_ACTIVATE, ip_input_buffer, &ip_input_buffer_len, 255, nk_filter_default); nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 55); if (nk_button_label(ctx, "save") || ip_edit_return_value == 17) { ipAddressSet = 1; forceRedrawChats = 2; forceRedrawMessages = 2; sendIPAddressToCoprocessor(); } } nk_layout_row_end(ctx); nk_end(ctx); } // eliminate the initially-set force-redraw if (forceRedrawChats) { forceRedrawChats--; } if (forceRedrawMessages) { forceRedrawMessages--; } return; } // prompt the user for new chat if (sendNewChat) { if (nk_begin_titled(ctx, "Enter New Message Recipient", "Enter New Message Recipient", nk_rect(50, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 4, WINDOW_WIDTH - 100, 140), NK_WINDOW_TITLE|NK_WINDOW_BORDER)) { nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_STATIC, 30, 1); { nk_layout_row_push(ctx, WINDOW_WIDTH - 120); nk_label(ctx, "enter contact name as it would appear", NK_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); nk_layout_row_push(ctx, WINDOW_WIDTH - 120); nk_label(ctx, "on your iPhone, iPad, modern Mac, etc", NK_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); } nk_layout_row_end(ctx); nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_STATIC, 30, 2); { nk_layout_row_push(ctx, WINDOW_WIDTH / 2); nk_edit_string(ctx, NK_EDIT_SIMPLE, new_message_input_buffer, &new_message_input_buffer_len, 2048, nk_filter_default); nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 100); if (nk_button_label(ctx, "open chat")) { sendNewChat = 0; forceRedrawChats = 2; forceRedrawMessages = 2; sprintf(activeChat, "%.*s", new_message_input_buffer_len, new_message_input_buffer); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES; i++) { memset(&activeChatMessages[i * 2048], '\0', 2048); } getMessages(activeChat, 0); } } nk_layout_row_end(ctx); nk_end(ctx); } return; } chatWindowCollision = checkCollision(chats_window_size); if ((chatWindowCollision || forceRedrawChats) && nk_begin(ctx, "Chats", chats_window_size, NK_WINDOW_BORDER|NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) { // we force a redraw for several following iterations in case the mouse has moved away, // we want to ensure that the button highlighting disappears if (chatWindowCollision && firstOrMouseMove) { forceRedrawChats = 3; } nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_STATIC, 25, 1); { for (int i = 0; i < chatFriendlyNamesCounter; i++) { // only display the first 8 chats, create new chat if you need someone not in your list if (i > 9) { continue; } nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 169); if (nk_button_label(ctx, &chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH])) { if (strstr(&chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH], " new) ") != NULL) { char chatName[96]; sprintf(chatName, "%.63s", &chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH]); #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "clicked1 chatName"); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, chatName); #endif // we are throwing out the first token char *name = (char *)strtokm(chatName, " new) "); #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "clicked1 portion1 of string, will toss"); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, name); #endif name = (char *)strtokm(NULL, " new) "); #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "clicked1 have name to assign to activeChat"); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, name); #endif sprintf(activeChat, "%.63s", name); sprintf(&chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH], "%.63s", name); } else { #ifdef MESSAGES_FOR_MACINTOSH_DEBUGGING writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "clicked2 chatName"); writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH]); #endif sprintf(activeChat, "%.63s", &chatFriendlyNames[i * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH]); } forceRedrawChats = 6; // redraw the chat list for several iterations in an attempt to get rid of the hovered button getMessages(activeChat, 0); } } } nk_layout_row_end(ctx); nk_end(ctx); } if (nk_begin(ctx, "Message Input", message_input_window_size, NK_WINDOW_BORDER|NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) { // bottom text input nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_STATIC, 28, 1); { nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 312); nk_edit_focus(ctx, NK_EDIT_ALWAYS_INSERT_MODE); short edit_return_value = nk_edit_string(ctx, NK_EDIT_FIELD|NK_EDIT_SIG_ENTER, box_input_buffer, &box_input_len, 2048, nk_filter_default); // this is the enter key, obviously if (edit_return_value == 17 && box_input_len > 0) { sendMessage(); } } nk_layout_row_end(ctx); nk_end(ctx); } if ((forceRedrawMessages) && nk_begin_titled(ctx, "Message", activeChat, messages_window_size, NK_WINDOW_BORDER|NK_WINDOW_TITLE|NK_WINDOW_NO_SCROLLBAR)) { nk_layout_row_begin(ctx, NK_STATIC, 11, 1); { for (int i = 0; i < activeMessageCounter; i++) { nk_layout_row_push(ctx, 305); // writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "activeChatMessages[i]"); // writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, activeChatMessages[i]); nk_label(ctx, &activeChatMessages[i * 2048], NK_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); } } nk_layout_row_end(ctx); nk_end(ctx); } if (forceRedrawChats) { forceRedrawChats--; } if (forceRedrawMessages) { forceRedrawMessages--; } } void refreshNuklearApp(Boolean blankInput) { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: refreshNuklearApp"); #endif nk_input_begin(ctx); if (blankInput) { nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_DEL, 1); nk_input_key(ctx, NK_KEY_DEL, 0); } nk_input_end(ctx); nuklearApp(ctx); nk_quickdraw_render(FrontWindow(), ctx); nk_clear(ctx); } struct nk_context* initializeNuklearApp() { #ifdef DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS writeSerialPortDebug(boutRefNum, "DEBUG_FUNCTION_CALLS: initializeNuklearApp"); #endif activeChat = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH); activeChatMessages = malloc(sizeof(char) * (MAX_CHAT_MESSAGES * 2048)); // this should match to MAX_ROWS in index.js box_input_buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * 2048); chatFriendlyNames = malloc(sizeof(char) * (16 * MAX_FRIENDLY_NAME_LENGTH)); ip_input_buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * 255); jsFunctionResponse = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_RECEIVE_SIZE); chatCountFunctionResponse = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_RECEIVE_SIZE); tempChatCountFunctionResponse = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_RECEIVE_SIZE); previousChatCountFunctionResponse = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_RECEIVE_SIZE); new_message_input_buffer = malloc(sizeof(char) * 255); sprintf(activeChat, "no active chat"); graphql_input_window_size = nk_rect(WINDOW_WIDTH / 2 - 118, 80, 234, 100); chats_window_size = nk_rect(0, 0, 180, WINDOW_HEIGHT); messages_window_size = nk_rect(180, 0, 330, WINDOW_HEIGHT - 36); message_input_window_size = nk_rect(180, WINDOW_HEIGHT - 36, 330, 36); ctx = nk_quickdraw_init(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); refreshNuklearApp(false); sprintf(ip_input_buffer, "http://"); ip_input_buffer_len = 7; return ctx; }