(function (global, factory) { if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) { define(["exports", "tslib", "apollo-cache", "apollo-utilities", "optimism", "ts-invariant"], factory); } else if (typeof exports !== "undefined") { factory(exports, require("tslib"), require("apollo-cache"), require("apollo-utilities"), require("optimism"), require("ts-invariant")); } else { var mod = { exports: {} }; factory(mod.exports, global.tslib, global.apolloCache, global.apolloUtilities, global.optimism, global.tsInvariant); global.unknown = mod.exports; } })(typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : this, function (_exports, _tslib, _apolloCache, _apolloUtilities, _optimism, _tsInvariant) { _exports.__esModule = true; _exports.assertIdValue = assertIdValue; _exports.defaultDataIdFromObject = defaultDataIdFromObject; _exports.defaultNormalizedCacheFactory = defaultNormalizedCacheFactory$1; _exports.enhanceErrorWithDocument = enhanceErrorWithDocument; _exports.WriteError = _exports.StoreWriter = _exports.StoreReader = _exports.ObjectCache = _exports.IntrospectionFragmentMatcher = _exports.InMemoryCache = _exports.HeuristicFragmentMatcher = void 0; var haveWarned = false; function shouldWarn() { var answer = !haveWarned; if (!(0, _apolloUtilities.isTest)()) { haveWarned = true; } return answer; } var HeuristicFragmentMatcher = function () { function HeuristicFragmentMatcher() {} HeuristicFragmentMatcher.prototype.ensureReady = function () { return Promise.resolve(); }; HeuristicFragmentMatcher.prototype.canBypassInit = function () { return true; }; HeuristicFragmentMatcher.prototype.match = function (idValue, typeCondition, context) { var obj = context.store.get(idValue.id); var isRootQuery = idValue.id === 'ROOT_QUERY'; if (!obj) { return isRootQuery; } var _a = obj.__typename, __typename = _a === void 0 ? isRootQuery && 'Query' : _a; if (!__typename) { if (shouldWarn()) { process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" || _tsInvariant.invariant.warn("You're using fragments in your queries, but either don't have the addTypename:\n true option set in Apollo Client, or you are trying to write a fragment to the store without the __typename.\n Please turn on the addTypename option and include __typename when writing fragments so that Apollo Client\n can accurately match fragments."); process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" || _tsInvariant.invariant.warn('Could not find __typename on Fragment ', typeCondition, obj); process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" || _tsInvariant.invariant.warn("DEPRECATION WARNING: using fragments without __typename is unsupported behavior " + "and will be removed in future versions of Apollo client. You should fix this and set addTypename to true now."); } return 'heuristic'; } if (__typename === typeCondition) { return true; } if (shouldWarn()) { process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" || _tsInvariant.invariant.error('You are using the simple (heuristic) fragment matcher, but your ' + 'queries contain union or interface types. Apollo Client will not be ' + 'able to accurately map fragments. To make this error go away, use ' + 'the `IntrospectionFragmentMatcher` as described in the docs: ' + 'https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/advanced/fragments.html#fragment-matcher'); } return 'heuristic'; }; return HeuristicFragmentMatcher; }(); _exports.HeuristicFragmentMatcher = HeuristicFragmentMatcher; var IntrospectionFragmentMatcher = function () { function IntrospectionFragmentMatcher(options) { if (options && options.introspectionQueryResultData) { this.possibleTypesMap = this.parseIntrospectionResult(options.introspectionQueryResultData); this.isReady = true; } else { this.isReady = false; } this.match = this.match.bind(this); } IntrospectionFragmentMatcher.prototype.match = function (idValue, typeCondition, context) { process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(this.isReady, 1) : (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(this.isReady, 'FragmentMatcher.match() was called before FragmentMatcher.init()'); var obj = context.store.get(idValue.id); var isRootQuery = idValue.id === 'ROOT_QUERY'; if (!obj) { return isRootQuery; } var _a = obj.__typename, __typename = _a === void 0 ? isRootQuery && 'Query' : _a; process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(__typename, 2) : (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(__typename, "Cannot match fragment because __typename property is missing: " + JSON.stringify(obj)); if (__typename === typeCondition) { return true; } var implementingTypes = this.possibleTypesMap[typeCondition]; if (__typename && implementingTypes && implementingTypes.indexOf(__typename) > -1) { return true; } return false; }; IntrospectionFragmentMatcher.prototype.parseIntrospectionResult = function (introspectionResultData) { var typeMap = {}; introspectionResultData.__schema.types.forEach(function (type) { if (type.kind === 'UNION' || type.kind === 'INTERFACE') { typeMap[type.name] = type.possibleTypes.map(function (implementingType) { return implementingType.name; }); } }); return typeMap; }; return IntrospectionFragmentMatcher; }(); _exports.IntrospectionFragmentMatcher = IntrospectionFragmentMatcher; var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var DepTrackingCache = function () { function DepTrackingCache(data) { var _this = this; if (data === void 0) { data = Object.create(null); } this.data = data; this.depend = (0, _optimism.wrap)(function (dataId) { return _this.data[dataId]; }, { disposable: true, makeCacheKey: function (dataId) { return dataId; } }); } DepTrackingCache.prototype.toObject = function () { return this.data; }; DepTrackingCache.prototype.get = function (dataId) { this.depend(dataId); return this.data[dataId]; }; DepTrackingCache.prototype.set = function (dataId, value) { var oldValue = this.data[dataId]; if (value !== oldValue) { this.data[dataId] = value; this.depend.dirty(dataId); } }; DepTrackingCache.prototype.delete = function (dataId) { if (hasOwn.call(this.data, dataId)) { delete this.data[dataId]; this.depend.dirty(dataId); } }; DepTrackingCache.prototype.clear = function () { this.replace(null); }; DepTrackingCache.prototype.replace = function (newData) { var _this = this; if (newData) { Object.keys(newData).forEach(function (dataId) { _this.set(dataId, newData[dataId]); }); Object.keys(this.data).forEach(function (dataId) { if (!hasOwn.call(newData, dataId)) { _this.delete(dataId); } }); } else { Object.keys(this.data).forEach(function (dataId) { _this.delete(dataId); }); } }; return DepTrackingCache; }(); function defaultNormalizedCacheFactory(seed) { return new DepTrackingCache(seed); } var StoreReader = function () { function StoreReader(_a) { var _this = this; var _b = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a, _c = _b.cacheKeyRoot, cacheKeyRoot = _c === void 0 ? new _optimism.KeyTrie(_apolloUtilities.canUseWeakMap) : _c, _d = _b.freezeResults, freezeResults = _d === void 0 ? false : _d; var _e = this, executeStoreQuery = _e.executeStoreQuery, executeSelectionSet = _e.executeSelectionSet, executeSubSelectedArray = _e.executeSubSelectedArray; this.freezeResults = freezeResults; this.executeStoreQuery = (0, _optimism.wrap)(function (options) { return executeStoreQuery.call(_this, options); }, { makeCacheKey: function (_a) { var query = _a.query, rootValue = _a.rootValue, contextValue = _a.contextValue, variableValues = _a.variableValues, fragmentMatcher = _a.fragmentMatcher; if (contextValue.store instanceof DepTrackingCache) { return cacheKeyRoot.lookup(contextValue.store, query, fragmentMatcher, JSON.stringify(variableValues), rootValue.id); } } }); this.executeSelectionSet = (0, _optimism.wrap)(function (options) { return executeSelectionSet.call(_this, options); }, { makeCacheKey: function (_a) { var selectionSet = _a.selectionSet, rootValue = _a.rootValue, execContext = _a.execContext; if (execContext.contextValue.store instanceof DepTrackingCache) { return cacheKeyRoot.lookup(execContext.contextValue.store, selectionSet, execContext.fragmentMatcher, JSON.stringify(execContext.variableValues), rootValue.id); } } }); this.executeSubSelectedArray = (0, _optimism.wrap)(function (options) { return executeSubSelectedArray.call(_this, options); }, { makeCacheKey: function (_a) { var field = _a.field, array = _a.array, execContext = _a.execContext; if (execContext.contextValue.store instanceof DepTrackingCache) { return cacheKeyRoot.lookup(execContext.contextValue.store, field, array, JSON.stringify(execContext.variableValues)); } } }); } StoreReader.prototype.readQueryFromStore = function (options) { return this.diffQueryAgainstStore((0, _tslib.__assign)((0, _tslib.__assign)({}, options), { returnPartialData: false })).result; }; StoreReader.prototype.diffQueryAgainstStore = function (_a) { var store = _a.store, query = _a.query, variables = _a.variables, previousResult = _a.previousResult, _b = _a.returnPartialData, returnPartialData = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = _a.rootId, rootId = _c === void 0 ? 'ROOT_QUERY' : _c, fragmentMatcherFunction = _a.fragmentMatcherFunction, config = _a.config; var queryDefinition = (0, _apolloUtilities.getQueryDefinition)(query); variables = (0, _apolloUtilities.assign)({}, (0, _apolloUtilities.getDefaultValues)(queryDefinition), variables); var context = { store: store, dataIdFromObject: config && config.dataIdFromObject, cacheRedirects: config && config.cacheRedirects || {} }; var execResult = this.executeStoreQuery({ query: query, rootValue: { type: 'id', id: rootId, generated: true, typename: 'Query' }, contextValue: context, variableValues: variables, fragmentMatcher: fragmentMatcherFunction }); var hasMissingFields = execResult.missing && execResult.missing.length > 0; if (hasMissingFields && !returnPartialData) { execResult.missing.forEach(function (info) { if (info.tolerable) return; throw process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? new _tsInvariant.InvariantError(8) : new _tsInvariant.InvariantError("Can't find field " + info.fieldName + " on object " + JSON.stringify(info.object, null, 2) + "."); }); } if (previousResult) { if ((0, _apolloUtilities.isEqual)(previousResult, execResult.result)) { execResult.result = previousResult; } } return { result: execResult.result, complete: !hasMissingFields }; }; StoreReader.prototype.executeStoreQuery = function (_a) { var query = _a.query, rootValue = _a.rootValue, contextValue = _a.contextValue, variableValues = _a.variableValues, _b = _a.fragmentMatcher, fragmentMatcher = _b === void 0 ? defaultFragmentMatcher : _b; var mainDefinition = (0, _apolloUtilities.getMainDefinition)(query); var fragments = (0, _apolloUtilities.getFragmentDefinitions)(query); var fragmentMap = (0, _apolloUtilities.createFragmentMap)(fragments); var execContext = { query: query, fragmentMap: fragmentMap, contextValue: contextValue, variableValues: variableValues, fragmentMatcher: fragmentMatcher }; return this.executeSelectionSet({ selectionSet: mainDefinition.selectionSet, rootValue: rootValue, execContext: execContext }); }; StoreReader.prototype.executeSelectionSet = function (_a) { var _this = this; var selectionSet = _a.selectionSet, rootValue = _a.rootValue, execContext = _a.execContext; var fragmentMap = execContext.fragmentMap, contextValue = execContext.contextValue, variables = execContext.variableValues; var finalResult = { result: null }; var objectsToMerge = []; var object = contextValue.store.get(rootValue.id); var typename = object && object.__typename || rootValue.id === 'ROOT_QUERY' && 'Query' || void 0; function handleMissing(result) { var _a; if (result.missing) { finalResult.missing = finalResult.missing || []; (_a = finalResult.missing).push.apply(_a, result.missing); } return result.result; } selectionSet.selections.forEach(function (selection) { var _a; if (!(0, _apolloUtilities.shouldInclude)(selection, variables)) { return; } if ((0, _apolloUtilities.isField)(selection)) { var fieldResult = handleMissing(_this.executeField(object, typename, selection, execContext)); if (typeof fieldResult !== 'undefined') { objectsToMerge.push((_a = {}, _a[(0, _apolloUtilities.resultKeyNameFromField)(selection)] = fieldResult, _a)); } } else { var fragment = void 0; if ((0, _apolloUtilities.isInlineFragment)(selection)) { fragment = selection; } else { fragment = fragmentMap[selection.name.value]; if (!fragment) { throw process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? new _tsInvariant.InvariantError(9) : new _tsInvariant.InvariantError("No fragment named " + selection.name.value); } } var typeCondition = fragment.typeCondition && fragment.typeCondition.name.value; var match = !typeCondition || execContext.fragmentMatcher(rootValue, typeCondition, contextValue); if (match) { var fragmentExecResult = _this.executeSelectionSet({ selectionSet: fragment.selectionSet, rootValue: rootValue, execContext: execContext }); if (match === 'heuristic' && fragmentExecResult.missing) { fragmentExecResult = (0, _tslib.__assign)((0, _tslib.__assign)({}, fragmentExecResult), { missing: fragmentExecResult.missing.map(function (info) { return (0, _tslib.__assign)((0, _tslib.__assign)({}, info), { tolerable: true }); }) }); } objectsToMerge.push(handleMissing(fragmentExecResult)); } } }); finalResult.result = (0, _apolloUtilities.mergeDeepArray)(objectsToMerge); if (this.freezeResults && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Object.freeze(finalResult.result); } return finalResult; }; StoreReader.prototype.executeField = function (object, typename, field, execContext) { var variables = execContext.variableValues, contextValue = execContext.contextValue; var fieldName = field.name.value; var args = (0, _apolloUtilities.argumentsObjectFromField)(field, variables); var info = { resultKey: (0, _apolloUtilities.resultKeyNameFromField)(field), directives: (0, _apolloUtilities.getDirectiveInfoFromField)(field, variables) }; var readStoreResult = readStoreResolver(object, typename, fieldName, args, contextValue, info); if (Array.isArray(readStoreResult.result)) { return this.combineExecResults(readStoreResult, this.executeSubSelectedArray({ field: field, array: readStoreResult.result, execContext: execContext })); } if (!field.selectionSet) { assertSelectionSetForIdValue(field, readStoreResult.result); if (this.freezeResults && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { (0, _apolloUtilities.maybeDeepFreeze)(readStoreResult); } return readStoreResult; } if (readStoreResult.result == null) { return readStoreResult; } return this.combineExecResults(readStoreResult, this.executeSelectionSet({ selectionSet: field.selectionSet, rootValue: readStoreResult.result, execContext: execContext })); }; StoreReader.prototype.combineExecResults = function () { var execResults = []; for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) { execResults[_i] = arguments[_i]; } var missing; execResults.forEach(function (execResult) { if (execResult.missing) { missing = missing || []; missing.push.apply(missing, execResult.missing); } }); return { result: execResults.pop().result, missing: missing }; }; StoreReader.prototype.executeSubSelectedArray = function (_a) { var _this = this; var field = _a.field, array = _a.array, execContext = _a.execContext; var missing; function handleMissing(childResult) { if (childResult.missing) { missing = missing || []; missing.push.apply(missing, childResult.missing); } return childResult.result; } array = array.map(function (item) { if (item === null) { return null; } if (Array.isArray(item)) { return handleMissing(_this.executeSubSelectedArray({ field: field, array: item, execContext: execContext })); } if (field.selectionSet) { return handleMissing(_this.executeSelectionSet({ selectionSet: field.selectionSet, rootValue: item, execContext: execContext })); } assertSelectionSetForIdValue(field, item); return item; }); if (this.freezeResults && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { Object.freeze(array); } return { result: array, missing: missing }; }; return StoreReader; }(); _exports.StoreReader = StoreReader; function assertSelectionSetForIdValue(field, value) { if (!field.selectionSet && (0, _apolloUtilities.isIdValue)(value)) { throw process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? new _tsInvariant.InvariantError(10) : new _tsInvariant.InvariantError("Missing selection set for object of type " + value.typename + " returned for query field " + field.name.value); } } function defaultFragmentMatcher() { return true; } function assertIdValue(idValue) { process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)((0, _apolloUtilities.isIdValue)(idValue), 11) : (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)((0, _apolloUtilities.isIdValue)(idValue), "Encountered a sub-selection on the query, but the store doesn't have an object reference. This should never happen during normal use unless you have custom code that is directly manipulating the store; please file an issue."); } function readStoreResolver(object, typename, fieldName, args, context, _a) { var resultKey = _a.resultKey, directives = _a.directives; var storeKeyName = fieldName; if (args || directives) { storeKeyName = (0, _apolloUtilities.getStoreKeyName)(storeKeyName, args, directives); } var fieldValue = void 0; if (object) { fieldValue = object[storeKeyName]; if (typeof fieldValue === 'undefined' && context.cacheRedirects && typeof typename === 'string') { var type = context.cacheRedirects[typename]; if (type) { var resolver = type[fieldName]; if (resolver) { fieldValue = resolver(object, args, { getCacheKey: function (storeObj) { var id = context.dataIdFromObject(storeObj); return id && (0, _apolloUtilities.toIdValue)({ id: id, typename: storeObj.__typename }); } }); } } } } if (typeof fieldValue === 'undefined') { return { result: fieldValue, missing: [{ object: object, fieldName: storeKeyName, tolerable: false }] }; } if ((0, _apolloUtilities.isJsonValue)(fieldValue)) { fieldValue = fieldValue.json; } return { result: fieldValue }; } var ObjectCache = function () { function ObjectCache(data) { if (data === void 0) { data = Object.create(null); } this.data = data; } ObjectCache.prototype.toObject = function () { return this.data; }; ObjectCache.prototype.get = function (dataId) { return this.data[dataId]; }; ObjectCache.prototype.set = function (dataId, value) { this.data[dataId] = value; }; ObjectCache.prototype.delete = function (dataId) { this.data[dataId] = void 0; }; ObjectCache.prototype.clear = function () { this.data = Object.create(null); }; ObjectCache.prototype.replace = function (newData) { this.data = newData || Object.create(null); }; return ObjectCache; }(); _exports.ObjectCache = ObjectCache; function defaultNormalizedCacheFactory$1(seed) { return new ObjectCache(seed); } var WriteError = function (_super) { (0, _tslib.__extends)(WriteError, _super); function WriteError() { var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; _this.type = 'WriteError'; return _this; } return WriteError; }(Error); _exports.WriteError = WriteError; function enhanceErrorWithDocument(error, document) { var enhancedError = new WriteError("Error writing result to store for query:\n " + JSON.stringify(document)); enhancedError.message += '\n' + error.message; enhancedError.stack = error.stack; return enhancedError; } var StoreWriter = function () { function StoreWriter() {} StoreWriter.prototype.writeQueryToStore = function (_a) { var query = _a.query, result = _a.result, _b = _a.store, store = _b === void 0 ? defaultNormalizedCacheFactory() : _b, variables = _a.variables, dataIdFromObject = _a.dataIdFromObject, fragmentMatcherFunction = _a.fragmentMatcherFunction; return this.writeResultToStore({ dataId: 'ROOT_QUERY', result: result, document: query, store: store, variables: variables, dataIdFromObject: dataIdFromObject, fragmentMatcherFunction: fragmentMatcherFunction }); }; StoreWriter.prototype.writeResultToStore = function (_a) { var dataId = _a.dataId, result = _a.result, document = _a.document, _b = _a.store, store = _b === void 0 ? defaultNormalizedCacheFactory() : _b, variables = _a.variables, dataIdFromObject = _a.dataIdFromObject, fragmentMatcherFunction = _a.fragmentMatcherFunction; var operationDefinition = (0, _apolloUtilities.getOperationDefinition)(document); try { return this.writeSelectionSetToStore({ result: result, dataId: dataId, selectionSet: operationDefinition.selectionSet, context: { store: store, processedData: {}, variables: (0, _apolloUtilities.assign)({}, (0, _apolloUtilities.getDefaultValues)(operationDefinition), variables), dataIdFromObject: dataIdFromObject, fragmentMap: (0, _apolloUtilities.createFragmentMap)((0, _apolloUtilities.getFragmentDefinitions)(document)), fragmentMatcherFunction: fragmentMatcherFunction } }); } catch (e) { throw enhanceErrorWithDocument(e, document); } }; StoreWriter.prototype.writeSelectionSetToStore = function (_a) { var _this = this; var result = _a.result, dataId = _a.dataId, selectionSet = _a.selectionSet, context = _a.context; var variables = context.variables, store = context.store, fragmentMap = context.fragmentMap; selectionSet.selections.forEach(function (selection) { var _a; if (!(0, _apolloUtilities.shouldInclude)(selection, variables)) { return; } if ((0, _apolloUtilities.isField)(selection)) { var resultFieldKey = (0, _apolloUtilities.resultKeyNameFromField)(selection); var value = result[resultFieldKey]; if (typeof value !== 'undefined') { _this.writeFieldToStore({ dataId: dataId, value: value, field: selection, context: context }); } else { var isDefered = false; var isClient = false; if (selection.directives && selection.directives.length) { isDefered = selection.directives.some(function (directive) { return directive.name && directive.name.value === 'defer'; }); isClient = selection.directives.some(function (directive) { return directive.name && directive.name.value === 'client'; }); } if (!isDefered && !isClient && context.fragmentMatcherFunction) { process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" || _tsInvariant.invariant.warn("Missing field " + resultFieldKey + " in " + JSON.stringify(result, null, 2).substring(0, 100)); } } } else { var fragment = void 0; if ((0, _apolloUtilities.isInlineFragment)(selection)) { fragment = selection; } else { fragment = (fragmentMap || {})[selection.name.value]; process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(fragment, 3) : (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(fragment, "No fragment named " + selection.name.value + "."); } var matches = true; if (context.fragmentMatcherFunction && fragment.typeCondition) { var id = dataId || 'self'; var idValue = (0, _apolloUtilities.toIdValue)({ id: id, typename: undefined }); var fakeContext = { store: new ObjectCache((_a = {}, _a[id] = result, _a)), cacheRedirects: {} }; var match = context.fragmentMatcherFunction(idValue, fragment.typeCondition.name.value, fakeContext); if (!(0, _apolloUtilities.isProduction)() && match === 'heuristic') { process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" || _tsInvariant.invariant.error('WARNING: heuristic fragment matching going on!'); } matches = !!match; } if (matches) { _this.writeSelectionSetToStore({ result: result, selectionSet: fragment.selectionSet, dataId: dataId, context: context }); } } }); return store; }; StoreWriter.prototype.writeFieldToStore = function (_a) { var _b; var field = _a.field, value = _a.value, dataId = _a.dataId, context = _a.context; var variables = context.variables, dataIdFromObject = context.dataIdFromObject, store = context.store; var storeValue; var storeObject; var storeFieldName = (0, _apolloUtilities.storeKeyNameFromField)(field, variables); if (!field.selectionSet || value === null) { storeValue = value != null && typeof value === 'object' ? { type: 'json', json: value } : value; } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { var generatedId = dataId + "." + storeFieldName; storeValue = this.processArrayValue(value, generatedId, field.selectionSet, context); } else { var valueDataId = dataId + "." + storeFieldName; var generated = true; if (!isGeneratedId(valueDataId)) { valueDataId = '$' + valueDataId; } if (dataIdFromObject) { var semanticId = dataIdFromObject(value); process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(!semanticId || !isGeneratedId(semanticId), 4) : (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(!semanticId || !isGeneratedId(semanticId), 'IDs returned by dataIdFromObject cannot begin with the "$" character.'); if (semanticId || typeof semanticId === 'number' && semanticId === 0) { valueDataId = semanticId; generated = false; } } if (!isDataProcessed(valueDataId, field, context.processedData)) { this.writeSelectionSetToStore({ dataId: valueDataId, result: value, selectionSet: field.selectionSet, context: context }); } var typename = value.__typename; storeValue = (0, _apolloUtilities.toIdValue)({ id: valueDataId, typename: typename }, generated); storeObject = store.get(dataId); var escapedId = storeObject && storeObject[storeFieldName]; if (escapedId !== storeValue && (0, _apolloUtilities.isIdValue)(escapedId)) { var hadTypename = escapedId.typename !== undefined; var hasTypename = typename !== undefined; var typenameChanged = hadTypename && hasTypename && escapedId.typename !== typename; process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(!generated || escapedId.generated || typenameChanged, 5) : (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(!generated || escapedId.generated || typenameChanged, "Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided id but the store already contains an id of " + escapedId.id + " for this object. The selectionSet that was trying to be written is:\n" + JSON.stringify(field)); process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(!hadTypename || hasTypename, 6) : (0, _tsInvariant.invariant)(!hadTypename || hasTypename, "Store error: the application attempted to write an object with no provided typename but the store already contains an object with typename of " + escapedId.typename + " for the object of id " + escapedId.id + ". The selectionSet that was trying to be written is:\n" + JSON.stringify(field)); if (escapedId.generated) { if (typenameChanged) { if (!generated) { store.delete(escapedId.id); } } else { mergeWithGenerated(escapedId.id, storeValue.id, store); } } } } storeObject = store.get(dataId); if (!storeObject || !(0, _apolloUtilities.isEqual)(storeValue, storeObject[storeFieldName])) { store.set(dataId, (0, _tslib.__assign)((0, _tslib.__assign)({}, storeObject), (_b = {}, _b[storeFieldName] = storeValue, _b))); } }; StoreWriter.prototype.processArrayValue = function (value, generatedId, selectionSet, context) { var _this = this; return value.map(function (item, index) { if (item === null) { return null; } var itemDataId = generatedId + "." + index; if (Array.isArray(item)) { return _this.processArrayValue(item, itemDataId, selectionSet, context); } var generated = true; if (context.dataIdFromObject) { var semanticId = context.dataIdFromObject(item); if (semanticId) { itemDataId = semanticId; generated = false; } } if (!isDataProcessed(itemDataId, selectionSet, context.processedData)) { _this.writeSelectionSetToStore({ dataId: itemDataId, result: item, selectionSet: selectionSet, context: context }); } return (0, _apolloUtilities.toIdValue)({ id: itemDataId, typename: item.__typename }, generated); }); }; return StoreWriter; }(); _exports.StoreWriter = StoreWriter; function isGeneratedId(id) { return id[0] === '$'; } function mergeWithGenerated(generatedKey, realKey, cache) { if (generatedKey === realKey) { return false; } var generated = cache.get(generatedKey); var real = cache.get(realKey); var madeChanges = false; Object.keys(generated).forEach(function (key) { var value = generated[key]; var realValue = real[key]; if ((0, _apolloUtilities.isIdValue)(value) && isGeneratedId(value.id) && (0, _apolloUtilities.isIdValue)(realValue) && !(0, _apolloUtilities.isEqual)(value, realValue) && mergeWithGenerated(value.id, realValue.id, cache)) { madeChanges = true; } }); cache.delete(generatedKey); var newRealValue = (0, _tslib.__assign)((0, _tslib.__assign)({}, generated), real); if ((0, _apolloUtilities.isEqual)(newRealValue, real)) { return madeChanges; } cache.set(realKey, newRealValue); return true; } function isDataProcessed(dataId, field, processedData) { if (!processedData) { return false; } if (processedData[dataId]) { if (processedData[dataId].indexOf(field) >= 0) { return true; } else { processedData[dataId].push(field); } } else { processedData[dataId] = [field]; } return false; } var defaultConfig = { fragmentMatcher: new HeuristicFragmentMatcher(), dataIdFromObject: defaultDataIdFromObject, addTypename: true, resultCaching: true, freezeResults: false }; function defaultDataIdFromObject(result) { if (result.__typename) { if (result.id !== undefined) { return result.__typename + ":" + result.id; } if (result._id !== undefined) { return result.__typename + ":" + result._id; } } return null; } var hasOwn$1 = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var OptimisticCacheLayer = function (_super) { (0, _tslib.__extends)(OptimisticCacheLayer, _super); function OptimisticCacheLayer(optimisticId, parent, transaction) { var _this = _super.call(this, Object.create(null)) || this; _this.optimisticId = optimisticId; _this.parent = parent; _this.transaction = transaction; return _this; } OptimisticCacheLayer.prototype.toObject = function () { return (0, _tslib.__assign)((0, _tslib.__assign)({}, this.parent.toObject()), this.data); }; OptimisticCacheLayer.prototype.get = function (dataId) { return hasOwn$1.call(this.data, dataId) ? this.data[dataId] : this.parent.get(dataId); }; return OptimisticCacheLayer; }(ObjectCache); var InMemoryCache = function (_super) { (0, _tslib.__extends)(InMemoryCache, _super); function InMemoryCache(config) { if (config === void 0) { config = {}; } var _this = _super.call(this) || this; _this.watches = new Set(); _this.typenameDocumentCache = new Map(); _this.cacheKeyRoot = new _optimism.KeyTrie(_apolloUtilities.canUseWeakMap); _this.silenceBroadcast = false; _this.config = (0, _tslib.__assign)((0, _tslib.__assign)({}, defaultConfig), config); if (_this.config.customResolvers) { process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" || _tsInvariant.invariant.warn('customResolvers have been renamed to cacheRedirects. Please update your config as we will be deprecating customResolvers in the next major version.'); _this.config.cacheRedirects = _this.config.customResolvers; } if (_this.config.cacheResolvers) { process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" || _tsInvariant.invariant.warn('cacheResolvers have been renamed to cacheRedirects. Please update your config as we will be deprecating cacheResolvers in the next major version.'); _this.config.cacheRedirects = _this.config.cacheResolvers; } _this.addTypename = !!_this.config.addTypename; _this.data = _this.config.resultCaching ? new DepTrackingCache() : new ObjectCache(); _this.optimisticData = _this.data; _this.storeWriter = new StoreWriter(); _this.storeReader = new StoreReader({ cacheKeyRoot: _this.cacheKeyRoot, freezeResults: config.freezeResults }); var cache = _this; var maybeBroadcastWatch = cache.maybeBroadcastWatch; _this.maybeBroadcastWatch = (0, _optimism.wrap)(function (c) { return maybeBroadcastWatch.call(_this, c); }, { makeCacheKey: function (c) { if (c.optimistic) { return; } if (c.previousResult) { return; } if (cache.data instanceof DepTrackingCache) { return cache.cacheKeyRoot.lookup(c.query, JSON.stringify(c.variables)); } } }); return _this; } InMemoryCache.prototype.restore = function (data) { if (data) this.data.replace(data); return this; }; InMemoryCache.prototype.extract = function (optimistic) { if (optimistic === void 0) { optimistic = false; } return (optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data).toObject(); }; InMemoryCache.prototype.read = function (options) { if (typeof options.rootId === 'string' && typeof this.data.get(options.rootId) === 'undefined') { return null; } var fragmentMatcher = this.config.fragmentMatcher; var fragmentMatcherFunction = fragmentMatcher && fragmentMatcher.match; return this.storeReader.readQueryFromStore({ store: options.optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data, query: this.transformDocument(options.query), variables: options.variables, rootId: options.rootId, fragmentMatcherFunction: fragmentMatcherFunction, previousResult: options.previousResult, config: this.config }) || null; }; InMemoryCache.prototype.write = function (write) { var fragmentMatcher = this.config.fragmentMatcher; var fragmentMatcherFunction = fragmentMatcher && fragmentMatcher.match; this.storeWriter.writeResultToStore({ dataId: write.dataId, result: write.result, variables: write.variables, document: this.transformDocument(write.query), store: this.data, dataIdFromObject: this.config.dataIdFromObject, fragmentMatcherFunction: fragmentMatcherFunction }); this.broadcastWatches(); }; InMemoryCache.prototype.diff = function (query) { var fragmentMatcher = this.config.fragmentMatcher; var fragmentMatcherFunction = fragmentMatcher && fragmentMatcher.match; return this.storeReader.diffQueryAgainstStore({ store: query.optimistic ? this.optimisticData : this.data, query: this.transformDocument(query.query), variables: query.variables, returnPartialData: query.returnPartialData, previousResult: query.previousResult, fragmentMatcherFunction: fragmentMatcherFunction, config: this.config }); }; InMemoryCache.prototype.watch = function (watch) { var _this = this; this.watches.add(watch); return function () { _this.watches.delete(watch); }; }; InMemoryCache.prototype.evict = function (query) { throw process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? new _tsInvariant.InvariantError(7) : new _tsInvariant.InvariantError("eviction is not implemented on InMemory Cache"); }; InMemoryCache.prototype.reset = function () { this.data.clear(); this.broadcastWatches(); return Promise.resolve(); }; InMemoryCache.prototype.removeOptimistic = function (idToRemove) { var toReapply = []; var removedCount = 0; var layer = this.optimisticData; while (layer instanceof OptimisticCacheLayer) { if (layer.optimisticId === idToRemove) { ++removedCount; } else { toReapply.push(layer); } layer = layer.parent; } if (removedCount > 0) { this.optimisticData = layer; while (toReapply.length > 0) { var layer_1 = toReapply.pop(); this.performTransaction(layer_1.transaction, layer_1.optimisticId); } this.broadcastWatches(); } }; InMemoryCache.prototype.performTransaction = function (transaction, optimisticId) { var _a = this, data = _a.data, silenceBroadcast = _a.silenceBroadcast; this.silenceBroadcast = true; if (typeof optimisticId === 'string') { this.data = this.optimisticData = new OptimisticCacheLayer(optimisticId, this.optimisticData, transaction); } try { transaction(this); } finally { this.silenceBroadcast = silenceBroadcast; this.data = data; } this.broadcastWatches(); }; InMemoryCache.prototype.recordOptimisticTransaction = function (transaction, id) { return this.performTransaction(transaction, id); }; InMemoryCache.prototype.transformDocument = function (document) { if (this.addTypename) { var result = this.typenameDocumentCache.get(document); if (!result) { result = (0, _apolloUtilities.addTypenameToDocument)(document); this.typenameDocumentCache.set(document, result); this.typenameDocumentCache.set(result, result); } return result; } return document; }; InMemoryCache.prototype.broadcastWatches = function () { var _this = this; if (!this.silenceBroadcast) { this.watches.forEach(function (c) { return _this.maybeBroadcastWatch(c); }); } }; InMemoryCache.prototype.maybeBroadcastWatch = function (c) { c.callback(this.diff({ query: c.query, variables: c.variables, previousResult: c.previousResult && c.previousResult(), optimistic: c.optimistic })); }; return InMemoryCache; }(_apolloCache.ApolloCache); _exports.InMemoryCache = InMemoryCache; });