5 DIM SCR(6000):DIM BUT(1000) DIM COR(1000):DIM WRG(1000) 10 CLS:PRINT" THIS IS EXERCISE 24" CALL MOVETO(20,30):INPUT" IS IT THE ONE YOU WANTED? Y/N "; ANS$ IF ANS$ = "Y" THEN 17 IF ANS$= "N" THEN RUN "GRAM 1" BEEP:GOTO 10 17 CLS 18 CALL MOVETO(20,30):INPUT"PLEASE TYPE IN AND ENTER YOUR NAME", NOMEN$ IF NOMEN$="" THEN BEEP:GOTO 18 A=0:SCORE=0:CICI=0 ON ERROR GOTO 22 OPEN NOMEN$ FOR INPUT AS #1 19 IF EOF(1) THEN 20 INPUT #1, N,S IF N=24 THEN A=1 GOTO 19 20 CLOSE #1 IF A>0 THEN 21 OPEN NOMEN$ FOR APPEND AS #1 N=24 S=SCORE PRINT#1,N,S CLOSE#1 GOTO 23 21 PRINT"" PRINT" YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE THIS EXERCISE." INPUT" PLEASE PRESS THE 'RETURN' KEY"; V CLS RUN "GRAM 1" 22 PRINT"":PRINT"" PRINT" NAME NOT FOUND." INPUT" PLEASE PRESS THE 'RETURN' KEY"; V CLS CLEAR GOTO 17 23 CALL MOVETO(20,50):PRINT"THANK YOU." SOUND 523,2,100:FOR D=1 TO 500:NEXT D:SOUND 350,4,50:FOR D=1 TO 2000:NEXT D PRINT"":SOUND 392,1,20:FOR D=1 TO 200:NEXT D:SOUND 524,3,100 CLS PRINT" IF YOU WILL WANT TO QUIT BEFORE THE EXERCISE ENDS, " PRINT" CLICK ON THE SCORE NUMBER. REMEMBER THIS." PRINT"" PRINT" IN THIS EXERCISE YOU WILL BE GIVEN A SENTENCE WITH" PRINT" A BLANK IN IT." PRINT" TWO CHOICES OF PRONOUN(S) TO GO IN THE BLANK WILL BE" PRINT" DISPLAYED IN BUTTONS." PRINT" YOU WILL CLICK ON THE BUTTON TO INDICATE YOUR CHOICE OF" PRINT" PRONOUN TO GO INTO THE BLANK." PRINT"" PRINT" EXERCSIE HAS 15 SENTENCES; YOU MAY HAVE TWO TRIES AT IT." 24 PRINT"" INPUT" WHEN YOU ARE READY TO GO, INPUT 'GO'.", V$ IF V$="GO" THEN 25 CLS:BEEP:BEEP GOTO 24 25 CLS OPEN "CUP" FOR INPUT AS #1 IMAGE$=INPUT$(LOF(1),1) PICTURE (36,21)-(450,260), IMAGE$ CLOSE GET(314,120)-(414,163),WRG PUT(314,120)-(414,163),WRG GET(60,120)-(180,163),COR PUT(60,120)-(180,163),COR GET(183,120)-(300,160),BUT PUT(183,120)-(300,160),BUT GET(36,21)-(450,260),SCR CLS 27 CLS:SCORE =0:ITEM=-1:TRY=0:CORRECT=0:TOT=15 TIM$=TIME$ TIM=VAL(RIGHT$(TIM$,1))+1 ON TIM GOTO 100,103,106,110,113,117,119,123,125,127 30 CLS:ITEM=ITEM+1:LEFT=TOT-ITEM:IF LEFT=0 THEN 600 PUT(36,21),SCR CALL MOVETO(50,242):PRINT "NAME: "NOMEN$" LEFT: "LEFT" SCORE: "SCORE"%" IF S2$="" THEN 33 CALL MOVETO(60,130):PRINT S1$ CALL MOVETO(60,144):PRINT S2$ GOTO 35 33 CALL MOVETO(60,140):PRINT S1$ 35 CALL MOVETO(66,46):PRINT W1$ CALL MOVETO(363,46):PRINT W2$ 40 B=0 B=MOUSE(0) IF B=-1 THEN 41 ELSE 40 41 X=MOUSE(1) Y=MOUSE(2) IF X>39 AND X<180 AND Y>25 AND Y<65 THEN CH=1:GOTO 50 IF X>326 AND X<466 AND Y>25 AND Y<65 THEN CH=2:GOTO 50 IF X>200 AND X<450 AND Y>220 AND Y<260 THEN 600 GOTO 40 50 IF CH=1 THEN PUT(39,25),BUT:SOUND 1760,1,200:FOR D=1 TO 200:NEXT D:GOTO 55 PUT(326,25),BUT:SOUND 1046,1,100:FOR D=1 TO 200:NEXT D:GOTO 55 55 IF CH=T THEN PUT(184,26),COR ELSE PUT(193,25),WRG IF CH=T THEN SOUND 784,1,100:FOR D=1 TO 250:NEXT D:SOUND 660,1,100:FOR D=1 TO 250:NEXT D:SOUND 524,1,100:CORRECT=CORRECT+1:GOTO 60 SOUND 55,4,80:FOR D=1 TO 800:NEXT D:GOTO 60 60 FOR D=1 TO 2000:NEXT D TRY=TRY+1 SCORE=INT(100*(CORRECT/TRY)) IF CH=1 THEN PUT(39,25),BUT:GOTO 65 PUT(326,25),BUT 65 RETURN 101 S1$="John and ____ will help with the dishes." S2$="":W1$="I":W2$="me":T=1:GOSUB 30 102 S1$="All the children and ___ went to the" S2$="circus together last week." W1$="him":W2$="he":T=2:GOSUB 30 103 S1$="May ____ help you wash the car?" S2$="":W1$="he and I":W2$="me and him":T=1:GOSUB 30 104 S1$="___ was sure to win a prize for her poem." S2$="":W1$="Her":W2$="She":T=2:GOSUB 30 105 S1$="Now at last ___ were sure that the" S2$="killer was indeed the butler." W1$="we":W2$="us":T=1:GOSUB 30 106 S1$="Both _____ wanted to go to the beach." S2$="":W1$="they and we":W2$="us and them":T=1:GOSUB 30 107 S1$="Neither ___ may have a piece of the cake" S2$="mother baked for her Ladies' Club." W1$="you nor I":W2$="me or you":T=1:GOSUB 30 108 S1$="George and ___ were on the same side" S2$="in the debate." W1$="me":W2$="I":T=2:GOSUB 30 109 S1$="Regina and ___ write so beautifully." S2$="":W1$="she":W2$="her":T=1:GOSUB 30 110 S1$="___ rode in the backseat all the way." S2$="":W1$="She and I":W2$="Her and me":T=1:GOSUB 30 111 S1$="My brother and ___ carried the canoe around" S2$="the rapids." W1$="me":W2$="I":T=2:GOSUB 30 112 S1$="May ___ come with us?" S2$="":W1$="he":W2$="him":T=1:GOSUB 30 113 S1$="Somewhere along the way, ___ became" S2$="separated from the rest of us." W1$="them":W2$="they":T=2:GOSUB 30 114 S1$="Either ___ will find the lost child, of that" S2$="I am sure." W1$="he or she":W2$="him or her":T=1:GOSUB 30 115 S1$="Now where would ___ put a thing like a" S2$="genuine Degas painting?" W1$="him":W2$="he":T=2:GOSUB 30 116 S1$="Neither James nor ___ got the part of" S2$="Sheridan Whiteside in the play." W1$="he":W2$="him":T=1:GOSUB 30 117 S1$="No one but ___ could have done such a" S2$="truly ingenious thing." W1$="he":W2$="him":T=1:GOSUB 30 118 S1$="There but for the grace of God go ___." S2$="":W1$="me":W2$="I":T=2:GOSUB 30 119 S1$="____ surely dance well together." S2$="":W1$="He and she":W2$="Him and her":T=1:GOSUB 30 120 S1$="Patricia and ___ received scholarships for" S2$="our good grades." W1$="I":W2$="me":T=1:GOSUB 30 121 S1$="____ will have to do something about the" S2$="problem before it gets worse." W1$="They or we":W2$="Us or them":T=1:GOSUB 30 122 S1$="Not only ____ had exhibits at the state" S2$="Science Fair at Bremerton." W1$="he but also I":W2$="him but also me":T=1:GOSUB 30 123 S1$="___ and Maria are taking ballet lessons."