3 DIM SCR(6000) 4 CLS:PRINT" THIS IS EXERCISE 36" CALL MOVETO(20,30):INPUT" IS IT THE ONE YOU WANTED? Y/N "; ANS$ IF ANS$ = "Y" THEN 5 IF ANS$= "N" THEN RUN "GRAM 1" BEEP:GOTO 4 5 CLS CALL MOVETO(20,30):INPUT"PLEASE TYPE IN AND ENTER YOUR NAME", NOMEN$ IF NOMEN$="" THEN BEEP:GOTO 5 A=0:SCORE=0:CICI=0 ON ERROR GOTO 22 OPEN NOMEN$ FOR INPUT AS #1 19 IF EOF(1) THEN 20 INPUT #1, N,S IF N=36 THEN A=1 GOTO 19 20 CLOSE #1 IF A>0 THEN 21 OPEN NOMEN$ FOR APPEND AS #1 N=36 S=SCORE PRINT#1,N,S CLOSE#1 GOTO 23 21 PRINT"" PRINT" YOU HAVE ALREADY DONE THIS EXERCISE." INPUT" PLEASE PRESS THE 'RETURN' KEY"; V CLS RUN "GRAM 1" 22 PRINT"":PRINT"" PRINT" NAME NOT FOUND." INPUT" PLEASE PRESS THE 'RETURN' KEY"; V CLS CLEAR GOTO 5 23 CALL MOVETO(20,50):PRINT"THANK YOU." SOUND 524,1,100:FOR D=1 TO 200:NEXT D SOUND 392,4,10 FOR DL=1 TO 3000:NEXT DL 24 CLS PRINT"":SOUND 392,1,20:FOR D=1 TO 200:NEXT D:SOUND 524,3,100 PRINT" IF YOU WILL WANT TO QUIT BEFORE THE EXERCISE ENDS, " PRINT" CLICK ON THE SCORE BOX. REMEMBER THIS." PRINT"" PRINT" IN THIS EXERCISE YOU WILL HAVE A SENTENCE WITH A" PRINT" CHOICE OF WORDS IN PARENTHESES." PRINT" THERE ARE THREE BUTTONS LOCATED IN THE FRAME OF THE SCREEN." PRINT" CLICK ON THE BUTTON THAT TELLS THE BEST CHOICE. " PRINT"" PRINT" THE PROGRAM WILL TELL YOU IF YOU ARE RIGHT OR WRONG." PRINT" THEN IT WILL GO ON TO THE NEXT SENTENCE." PRINT"" PRINT" THERE ARE 25 SENTENCES, AND YOU MAY THEM ONLY ONCE." PRINT"" INPUT" WHEN YOU ARE READY TO GO, PRESS THE 'RETURN' KEY.", V 5 CLS OPEN "RELDR" FOR INPUT AS #1 IMAGE$=INPUT$(LOF(1),1) PICTURE (20,20)-(470,270), IMAGE$ CLOSE GET(20,20)-(470,270),SCR CLS 25 CLS:SCORE =0:ITEM=-1:TRY=0:CORRECT=0:TOT=25 26 TIM$=TIME$ 27 TIM=VAL(RIGHT$(TIM$,1))+1 28 ON TIM GOTO 101,103,106,110,113,117,119,123,125,127 30 CLS:ITEM=ITEM+1:LEFT=TOT-ITEM:IF LEFT=0 THEN 600 PUT(20,20),SCR L=LEN(NOMEN$) L=8*(L/2) CALL MOVETO(246-L,52):PRINT NOMEN$ CALL MOVETO(350,202):PRINT SCORE"%" CALL MOVETO(128,202):PRINT LEFT IF S2$="" THEN 31 CALL MOVETO(100,110):PRINT S1$ CALL MOVETO(100,130):PRINT S2$:GOTO 40 31 CALL MOVETO(100,110):PRINT S1$ 40 B=0 B=MOUSE(0) IF B=-1 THEN 45 ELSE 40 45 X=MOUSE(1) Y=MOUSE(2) IF X>420 AND X<460 AND Y>123 AND Y<162 THEN GT=3:GOTO 50 IF X>30 AND X<68 AND Y>122 AND Y<166 THEN GT=1:GOTO 50 IF X>206 AND X<280 AND Y>222 AND Y<264 THEN GT=2:GOTO 50 IF X>300 AND X<410 AND Y>180 AND Y<220 THEN 600 GOTO 40 50 IF GT=1 THEN LINE(31,125)-(64,163),,BF IF GT=2 THEN LINE(208,225)-(276,260),,BF IF GT=3 THEN LINE(420,124)-(456,161),,BF SOUND 117,2,100:FOR D=1 TO 400:NEXT D IF GT=T THEN 55 ELSE 60 55 CALL MOVETO(165,52):PRINT" C O R R E C T " SOUND 466,2,100:FOR D=1 TO 400:NEXT D SOUND 350,1,100:FOR D=1 TO 200:NEXT D SOUND 350,1,0:FOR D=1 TO 200:NEXT D SOUND 294,2,100:FOR D=1 TO 400:NEXT D SOUND 233,4,100:FOR D=1 TO 2000:NEXT D CORRECT=CORRECT+1:TRY=TRY+1 GOTO 90 60 CALL MOVETO(165,52):PRINT" W R O N G " SOUND 58,5,100 FOR D=1 TO 2600:NEXT D TRY=TRY+1 GOTO 90 90 SCORE=INT(100*(CORRECT/TRY)) S1$="":S2$="":T=0 RETURN 101 S1$="James in the one (who,whom) will be" S2$="the first affirmative speaker.":T=1:GOSUB 30 102 S1$="He will hit (whoever,whomever)takes" S2$="his pencil.":T=1:GOSUB 30 103 S1$="Was it she from (who,whom) you received that" S2$="beautiful pen and pencil set?":T=3:GOSUB 30 104 S1$="(Whoever,Whosever) eraser this is" S2$="better come and get it.":T=2:GOSUB 30 105 S1$="Are those the relatives (who,whom) are" S2$="visiting you this week?":T=1:GOSUB 30 106 S1$="It was Alexander Graham Bell (who,whom)" S2$="invented the telephone.":T=1:GOSUB 30 107 S1$="And Alexander Graham Kowalski (who,whom)" S2$="they made the first telephone pole.":T=3:GOSUB 30 108 S1$="(Whoever, Whomever) sticks by you in time" S2$="of need is the true friend.":T=1:GOSUB 30 109 S1$="Return the book to me (who,whom) am" S2$="the librarian.":T=1:GOSUB 30 110 S1$="He is the man (who,whom) I gave the box." S2$="":T=3:GOSUB 30 111 S1$="That is the boy (who,whose) house this is." S2$="":T=2:GOSUB 30 112 S1$="Maria is a student in (who,whom) I have" S2$="great confidence.":T=3:GOSUB 30 113 S1$="Any boy (who,whom) reads this book" S2$="will enjoy it.":T=1:GOSUB 30 114 S1$="He was a messenger (who,whom) all" S2$="could trust.":T=3:GOSUB 30 115 S1$="(Whoever, Whomever) wants some candy" S2$="should just come and ask for some.":T=1:GOSUB 30 116 S1$="Give the candy to (whoever,whomever)" S2$="asks for some.":T=1:GOSUB 30 117 S1$="There goes the woman with (who,whom)" S2$="I had that interesting conversation.":T=3:GOSUB 30 118 S1$="He is the type (who,whose) every move" S2$="is well thought out.":T=2:GOSUB 30 119 S1$="Mr. Cantwell encourages " S2$="(whoever, whomever) really tries hard.":T=1:GOSUB 30 120 S1$="The Lord is the One in (Who,Whom)" S2$="I place my trust.":T=3:GOSUB 30 121 S1$="Regina is the person (who,whom) you" S2$="gave the best grade in penmanship":T=3:GOSUB 30 122 S1$="Open to (whoever,whomever) knocks." S2$="":T=1:GOSUB 30 123 S1$="Everyone voted for the girl (who,whom)" S2$="they wished to see elected.":T=3:GOSUB 30 124 S1$="Are you the one for (who,whom) the" S2$="police are searching?":T=3:GOSUB 30 125 S1$="Patricia is the girl (who,whose) brother" S2$="you helped.":T=2:GOSUB 30 126 S1$="I am always the one (who,whom)" S2$="everybody appreciates.":T=3:GOSUB 30 127 S1$="It is he upon (whom,whose) words we" S2$="pondered for hours.":T=2:GOSUB 30 128 S1$="Are you the man (who,whom) owns" S2$="this dog?":T=1:GOSUB 30 129 S1$="TJ is one boy about (who,whom) I" S2$="have no worries.":T=3:GOSUB 30 130 S1$="My brother is the type who speaks easily" S2$="to (whoever,whomever) he meets.":T=3:GOSUB 30 131 S1$="Give (whoever,whomever) arrives first" S2$="this message.":T=1:GOSUB 30 132 S1$="(Whover,Whosever) mess this is better" S2$="admit making it.":T=2:GOSUB 30 133 S1$="We studied about Fr. Hylebos (who,whom)" S2$="was an early priest in this area.":T=1:GOSUB 30 134 S1$="Was it Cardinal Gibbons about (who,whom)" S2$="you wrote?":T=3:GOSUB 30 135 S1$="It is he about (who,whose) hair we" S2$="were recently talking.":T=2:GOSUB 30 190 GOTO 101 600 CLS 601 CALL TEXTSIZE(24) 602 CALL MOVETO(20,30):PRINT NOMEN$ 603 CALL MOVETO(20,60):PRINT"DID "ITEM" ITEMS OF "TOT 605 CALL MOVETO(20,90):PRINT"EX. #36 FOR A" 607 CALL MOVETO(20,120):PRINT"SCORE = "SCORE"%" 610 CALL TEXTSIZE(12) OPEN NOMEN$ FOR APPEND AS #1 N=36:S=SCORE PRINT #1, N,S CLOSE #1 630 CALL MOVETO(20,180):PRINT"THAT IS ALL YOU GET TO DO." CALL MOVETO(20,210):INPUT"GET YOUR SCORE RECORDED AND THEN PRESS 'RETURN' KEY."; V RUN "GRAM 1"