Streaming write support seems to work

This commit is contained in:
Elliot Nunn 2021-02-18 08:39:42 +08:00
parent c338a53575
commit a0617e17a1
2 changed files with 143 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ image += bytes(5)
image += b'Elliot'*10000 # padding, too much!
image = append_snefru(image)
writable_image = bytearray(open('A608.dsk', 'rb').read())
open('/tmp/imgdebug', 'wb').write(image)
# typedef short (*j_code)( short command, # SP+4 (sign-extend to long)
@ -93,6 +95,10 @@ def pstring(x):
buf_sequence = -1
while 1:
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
@ -178,6 +184,7 @@ while 1:
if len(data) < 2: continue
boot_type, boot_vers = struct.unpack_from('>BB', data)
whole_data = data
data = data[2:]
# rbNullCommand EQU 0 ; ignore this one
@ -283,7 +290,7 @@ while 1:
boot_blkcnt = min(boot_blkcnt, 32)
boot_imgname = boot_imgname.decode('mac_roman')
for blk in range(boot_blkoffset, boot_blkoffset + boot_blkcnt):
thisblk = image2dict[boot_imgname][blk*512:blk*512+512]
thisblk = writable_image[blk*512:blk*512+512]
dest_node=llap_src_node, dest_socket=ddp_src_socket,
src_node=99, src_socket=99,
@ -292,6 +299,27 @@ while 1:
elif boot_type == 130:
boot_type, blk, seq, hunk_start = struct.unpack_from('>BBHL', whole_data)
if seq != buf_sequence:
buf_sequence = seq
buf = bytearray(32*512)
putdata = whole_data[8:]
buf[(blk % 32) * 512:(blk % 32) * 512 + len(putdata)] = putdata
if blk & 0x80:
del buf[(blk % 32) * 512 + 512:]
writable_image[hunk_start*512:hunk_start*512+len(buf)] = buf
dest_node=llap_src_node, dest_socket=ddp_src_socket,
src_node=99, src_socket=99,
data=struct.pack('>BBH', 131, 0, seq)
print(f'ATBOOT type={boot_type} vers={boot_vers} contents={repr(data)}')

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ getBootBlocks
lsl.l #4,D0
swap D0
move.l D0,$C(A3) ; dQDrvSz/dQDrvSz2
move.l #$80080000,-4(A3) ; secret flags, see
move.l #$00080000,-4(A3) ; secret flags, see
move.w #1,4(A3) ; qType
move.w #0,$A(A3) ; dQFSID should be for a native fs
@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ DrvrPrime
; Called from Prime routine: PB/DCE in A0/A1 must be preserved (but we only require A0)
; Called from Prime routine or socket listener: PB/DCE in A0/A1 must be preserved (but we only require A0)
lea gExpectHdr,A2
clr.w (A2)+
addq.w #1,(A2) ; packet filter sequence word
@ -390,17 +390,100 @@ DrvrDidSendRead
rts ; TODO: set up a timeout/retry task
; yech...
; fall through...
; Called from Prime routine or socket listener: PB/DCE in A0/A1 must be preserved (but we only require A0)
; D1 = block index within chunk
move.l $28(A0),D1
lsr.l #5,D1
lsr.l #4,D1
move.l D1,D0
and.l #32-1,D1
move.l $28(A0),D2
add.l #512,D2
cmp.l $24(A0),D2
bne.s .notLastBlock
bset #7,D1
; D0 = first block of chunk
and.l #-32,D0
add.l $2E(A0),D0
tst.l D1
bne.s .notFirstBlockOfChunk
lea gExpectHdr,A2
clr.w (A2)+
addq.w #1,(A2) ; packet filter sequence word
lea gSaveAddr,A2
lea gAddr,A3
move.b (A2)+,(A3)+ ; copy the address struct, dang it!
move.l (A2)+,(A3)+
move.l (A2)+,(A3)+
move.l (A2)+,(A3)+
move.w (A2)+,(A3)+
move.b (A2)+,(A3)+
lea gQuery,A2
move.b #$82,(A2)+ ; Means a polite request
move.b D1,(A2)+ ; nth block of this chunk follows
move.w gExpectHdr+2,(A2)+
move.l D0,(A2)+ ; first block of this chunk
lea gWDS,A2
clr.w (A2)+ ; WDS+0: reserved field
pea gAddr
move.l (SP)+,(A2)+ ; WDS+2: pointer to address struct
move.w #8,(A2)+ ; WDS: push length/ptr of header
pea gQuery
move.l (SP)+,(A2)+
move.w #512,(A2)+ ; WDS: push length/ptr of body
move.l $20(A0),D0 ; ptr = ioBuffer
add.l $28(A0),D0 ; + ioActCount
move.l D0,(A2)+
clr.w (A2)+ ; WDS: end with zero
move.l A0,-(SP)
lea gMyPB,A0
bsr DrvrClearBlock
pea DrvrDidSendWrite
move.l (SP)+,$C(A0) ; ioCompletion
move.w #-10,$18(A0) ; ioRefNum = .MPP
move.w #246,$1A(A0) ; csCode = writeDDP
move.b #10,$1C(A0) ; socket = 10 (hardcoded)
move.b #1,$1D(A0) ; set checksumFlag
pea gWDS
move.l (SP)+,$1E(A0) ; wdsPointer to our WriteDataStructure
dc.w $A404 ; _Control ,async
move.l (SP)+,A0
DrvrDidSendWrite ; completion routine for the above control call..
; need to test whether to send another, or switch to wait mode...
move.l gMyDCE,A0
move.l 6+2(A0),A0 ; A3 = dCtlQHdr.qHead = ParamBlk
movem.l $24(A0),D0/D1 ; D0=ioReqCount, D1=ioActCount
add.l #512,D1
move.l D1,$28(A0)
cmp.l D0,D1
beq.s .sentAllOfChunk
and.l #32-1,D0
beq.s .sentAllOfChunk
bra DrvrSendWrite
rts ; TODO: set up a timeout/retry task
@ -520,7 +603,7 @@ DrvrDidReceiveRead
add.l #512,D0
move.l D0,$28(A0)
cmp.l $24(A0),D0
beq.s .ioDone
beq.s DrvrIODone
addq.l #1,D1 ; If bitmap=$FFFFFFFF then get the next chunk of 32
beq DrvrSendRead ; A0 must be the PB
@ -528,7 +611,26 @@ DrvrDidReceiveRead
rts ; Just return to await more packets.
.ioDone lea gExpectHdr,A1 ; Disable this socket listener
moveq.l #0,D3
jsr 2(A4) ; ReadRest (D3=0 i.e. discard)
move.l gMyDCE,A0
move.l 6+2(A0),A0 ; A3 = dCtlQHdr.qHead = ParamBlk
movem.l $24(A0),D0/D1 ; D0=ioReqCount, D1=ioActCount
cmp.l D0,D1
blo DrvrSendWrite
bra.s DrvrIODone
lea gExpectHdr,A1 ; Disable this socket listener
clr.w (A1)
move.l gMyDCE,A1
@ -538,10 +640,6 @@ DrvrDidReceiveRead
move.w #$5555,D0
dc.w $A9C9
moveq.l #0,D3
jmp 2(A4) ; ReadRest nothing
@ -581,7 +679,7 @@ status_fmtLstCode ; tell them about our size
status_drvStsCode ; tell them about some of our flags
move.w #0,$1C(A0) ; csParam[0..1] = track no (0)
move.l #$80080000,$1C+2(A0) ; csParam[2..5] = same flags as dqe
move.l #$00080000,$1C+2(A0) ; csParam[2..5] = same flags as dqe
move.w #0,$10(A0) ; ioResult = noErr
bra DrvrFinish