The list works!

This commit is contained in:
Elliot Nunn 2021-03-27 14:23:55 +08:00
parent 6a9e602d84
commit a6f2c1186f

View File

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ feQType equ 4 ; word
feRefNum equ 6 ; word
feConnCnt equ 8 ; byte
fePermssn equ 9 ; byte
feFileName equ 10 ; variable length pascal string
feListRow equ 10 ; word rowNum within List
feFileName equ 12 ; variable length pascal string
; Initial window size
kWinW equ 300
@ -240,6 +241,24 @@ CtlEvtMouse
bsr UseFakeGrowBox
beq .noControlClicked ; actually, we resized the window
subq #2,SP ; List Manager to handle it?
move.l D4,-(SP)
move.w #1,2(SP) ; fake the X pos for _PtInRect to as "always yes"
move.l (A5),A0
move.l (A0),A0 ; the window record
move.l $98(A0),A2 ; the list handle
move.l (A2),-(SP) ; pointer to the first list field, namely the rect
dc.w $A8AD ; _PtInRect
tst.b (SP)+
beq.s .notListClick
move.l D4,-(SP) ; pt
clr.w -(SP) ; modifiers
move.l A2,-(SP) ; lHandle
move.w #24,-(SP)
dc.w $A9E7 ; _LClick
bra.s .noControlClicked
; _FindControl to hit-test
subq #4,SP ; room for the control handle
subq #2,SP ; return value (control ID)
@ -413,7 +432,7 @@ OpenBtn
link A6,#0
bsr GetFile
tst.b (SP)
beq.s .cancelOpen
beq .cancelOpen
sub #50,SP ; push IOPB for Open
lea 50+10(SP),A0 ; SFReply.fName...
@ -423,7 +442,7 @@ OpenBtn
move.l SP,A0
dc.w $A000 ; _Open
tst.w 16(SP)
bne.s .cancelOpen ; maybe we should complain louder?
bne .cancelOpen ; maybe we should complain louder?
; Create and fill a new queue entry
clr.l D0
@ -440,11 +459,36 @@ OpenBtn
lea 50+10(SP),A0
dc.w $A22E ; _BlockMoveData the name
lea -feFileName(A1),A0 ; hack to get our register back
move.l A0,A2
; And append it to the interrupt-time-accessible queue
move.l gBackendQHdr,A1
dc.w $A96F ; _Enqueue
; Append the entry to the list
subq #2,SP
move.w #1,-(SP) ; one row
move.w #$7FFF,-(SP) ; beyond current bounds
move.l (A5),A0
move.l (A0),A0 ; window/grafport
move.l $98(A0),-(SP) ; lHandle = window refCon
move.w #8,-(SP)
dc.w $A9E7 ; _LAddRow
move.w (SP)+,feListRow(A2)
; And make that the string of the entry
pea feFileName+1(A2) ; dataPtr
moveq.l #0,D0
move.b feFileName(A2),D0
move.w D0,-(SP) ; dataLen
move.w #0,-(SP) ; cell column
move.w feListRow(A2),-(SP) ; cell row
move.l (A5),A0
move.l (A0),A0 ; window/grafport handle
move.l $98(A0),-(SP) ; lHandle = window refCon
move.w #88,-(SP)
dc.w $A9E7 ; _LSetCell
unlk A6
@ -459,7 +503,7 @@ theWindow DC.W 50,5,50+kWinH,5+kWinW ; window top,left,bottom,right
windowLimit DC.W 32,32,32767,32767 ; minH,minW,maxH,maxW
theList DC.W 0,0,kWinH-23,kWinW-15 ; list top,left,bottom,right
listBounds DC.W 0,0,1,0
listBounds DC.W 0,0,0,1
dc.w 1 ; family