System 7 AppleTalk: attempt more robust workaround

This commit is contained in:
Elliot Nunn 2021-02-08 16:03:30 +08:00
parent 81a7fe8536
commit dab771ba79
2 changed files with 190 additions and 25 deletions

BareBonesDebugStr.a Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
move.w #$A89F,D0 ; _Unimplemented
dc.w $A746 ; _GetToolTrapAddress
move.l A0,A1
move.w #$ABFF,D0 ; _DebugStr
dc.w $A746 ; _GetToolTrapAddress
cmp.l A0,A1
bne.s .return
move.l #.DebugStrTrapEnd-.DebugStrTrap,D0
dc.w $A51E ; _NewPtrSys
move.l A0,A1
lea .DebugStrTrap,A0
move.l #.DebugStrTrapEnd-.DebugStrTrap,D0
dc.w $A02E ; _BlockMove
move.l A1,A0
move.w #$ABFF,D0
dc.w $A647 ; _SetToolTrapAddress
.return rts
link.w A6,#-64 ; We use a lot of stack
movem.l A1-A5/D0-D7,-64(A6)
; Do the usual "QuickDraw outside of application" setup
clr.l -(SP)
move.l SP,A5 ; tiny A5 world with QD globals ptr
lea -206(SP),SP ; push the QD globals
pea 202(SP)
dc.w $A86E ; _InitGraf
dc.w $A8FE ; _InitFonts (because we use _StringWidth)
lea -108(SP),SP
pea (SP)
dc.w $A86F ; _OpenPort (don't save, we have our own globs)
move.l .TopLeft,-(SP)
dc.w $A893 ; _MoveTo
move.l 8(A6),-(SP)
dc.w $A884 ; _DrawString
lea .TopLeft,A0
add.w #10,(A0)
movem.l -64(A6),A1-A5/D0-D7
unlk A6
move.l (SP)+,A0
addq #4,SP
jmp (A0)
.TopLeft dc.w 10, 2

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@ -17,6 +17,13 @@ Code
; Now is the time to install our DRVR because we are guaranteed an opportunity to boot if we don't fuck up.
bsr BareBonesDebugStrInstall
move.l #$03212121,-(SP)
pea (SP)
dc.w $ABFF
addq.l #4,SP
link A6,#-$32
movem.l A2-A4/D3-D7,-(SP)
@ -147,8 +154,6 @@ getBootBlocks
bsr HealInjuredBootBlocks
; Sundry hacks to make the boot process kinda-work
bsr DisableDiskCache
bsr TrackMostRecentResource
bsr FakeLapMgr
bsr InstallMPPWrapper
; bsr fixDriveNumBug ; not sure if I even need to do this any more?
@ -913,40 +918,106 @@ MPPStatus
movem.l A0-A4/D0-D7,-(SP) ; ultra-cautious
movem.l A0-A1,-(SP)
; Preload some resources before networking goes away
; okay, this is the money shot. we need to find and track which resources get loaded...
link.w A6,#0
move.l #'ed ',-(SP)
move.l #'clos',-(SP)
move.l #'MPP ',-(SP)
move.l #10,-(SP)
pea 3(SP)
dc.w $ABFF
unlk A6
movem.l (SP)+,A0-A1
rts ; just ignore everything beneath
if 0
move.w #$1A0,D0 ; _GetResource
dc.w $A746 ; _GetToolTrapAddress
lea OldGRTrap,A1
move.l A0,(A1)
lea NewGRTrap,A0
move.w #$1A0,D0 ; _GetResource
dc.w $A647 ; _SetToolTrapAddress
clr.l -(SP)
move.l #'lmgr',-(SP)
move.w #0,-(SP)
clr.b $A5E ; SetLoad = 0
dc.w $A9A0 ; _GetResource
addq.l #4,SP
st $A5E ; SetLoad = 1
move.l (SP)+,D0
beq .err
move.l D0,A0
move.l (A0),D0 ; A0 -> actual LAP Manager
beq .err
move.l D0,A0
move.l 8(A0),D0 ; D0 = version
; Run routines that have a header matching this AT version
lea ATPreloadTable,A0
lea ATPreloadTableEnd,A1
.loop cmp.w A0,A1
bhs.s .exit
cmp.w #'A~',(A0)+ ; magic cookie
bne.s .loop
move.l (A0)+,D1
cmp.l D0,D1 ; check lower version
blo.s .loop
move.l (A0)+,D1
cmp.l D0,D1 ; check upper version
bhi.s .loop
movem.l A0/A1/D0,-(SP)
jsr (A0) ; call the routine because it matches this AppleTalk version
movem.l (SP)+,A0/A1/D0
bra.s .loop
.exit movem.l (SP)+,A0-A1
.err dc.w $A9FF
OldGRTrap dc.l 0
NewGRTrap move.l OldGRTrap,-(SP)
GetResNoPurge ; D0.L=type, D1.W=ID
clr.l -(SP)
move.l #'AINI',-(SP)
move.w #30000,-(SP)
dc.w $A9A0 ; _GetResource
addq.l #4,SP
move.l D0,-(SP) ; type
move.w D1,-(SP) ; id
dc.w $A9A0 ; _GetResource
move.l (SP)+,D0
beq.s .notfound
move.l D0,A0
dc.w $A04A ; _HNoPurge
.notfound rts
clr.l -(SP)
move.l #'STR ',-(SP)
move.w #$BFE3,-(SP)
dc.w $A9A0 ; _GetResource
addq.l #4,SP
clr.l -(SP)
move.l #'STR#',-(SP)
move.w #$BF89,-(SP)
dc.w $A9A0 ; _GetResource
addq.l #4,SP
dc.w 'A~' ; magic cookie
dc.b 57, $00, $00, $00 ; min AppleTalk
dc.b 57, $FF, $FF, $FF ; max AppleTalk
movem.l (SP)+,A0-A4/D0-D7
move.l MPPOrigClose,-(SP)
move.l #'AINI',D0
move.w #30000,D1
bsr GetResNoPurge
move.l #'STR ',D0
move.w #-16413,D1
bsr GetResNoPurge
move.l #'STR#',D0
move.w #-16503,D1
bsr GetResNoPurge
@ -988,4 +1059,39 @@ InstallUnderBufPtr
; hack to debug System 6... I need to find where it loops
move.w #20,d0 ; number of events
dc.w $A06D ; _InitEvents
move.w #$A9C9,D0 ; _SysError
dc.w $A746 ; _GetToolTrapAddress
lea .oldSysError,A1
move.l A0,(A1)
lea .newSysError,A0
move.w #.newSysErrorEnd-.newSysError,D0
bsr InstallInSysHeap
move.w #$A9C9,D0 ; _SysError
dc.w $A647 ; _SetToolTrapAddress
cmp.w #40,D0
bne.s .orig
lea .newSysError+2,A0
move.w #$FF,(A0)
.orig move.l .oldSysError,-(SP)
.nothing rts
dc.l 0
BareBonesDebugStrInstall include "BareBonesDebugStr.a"
BootPicker include "BootPicker.a"