_BoundaryLabelAtStartOfDebugStr_ move.w #$A89F,D0 ; _Unimplemented dc.w $A746 ; _GetToolTrapAddress move.l A0,A1 move.w #$ABFF,D0 ; _DebugStr dc.w $A746 ; _GetToolTrapAddress cmp.l A0,A1 bne.s .return move.l #.DebugStrTrapEnd-.DebugStrTrap,D0 dc.w $A51E ; _NewPtrSys move.l A0,A1 lea .DebugStrTrap,A0 move.l #.DebugStrTrapEnd-.DebugStrTrap,D0 dc.w $A02E ; _BlockMove move.l A1,A0 move.w #$ABFF,D0 dc.w $A647 ; _SetToolTrapAddress .return rts .DebugStrTrap link.w A6,#-64 ; We use a lot of stack movem.l A1-A5/D0-D7,-64(A6) ; Do the usual "QuickDraw outside of application" setup clr.l -(SP) move.l SP,A5 ; tiny A5 world with QD globals ptr lea -206(SP),SP ; push the QD globals pea 202(SP) dc.w $A86E ; _InitGraf dc.w $A8FE ; _InitFonts (because we use _StringWidth) lea -108(SP),SP pea (SP) dc.w $A86F ; _OpenPort (don't save, we have our own globs) move.l .TopLeft,-(SP) dc.w $A893 ; _MoveTo move.l 8(A6),-(SP) dc.w $A884 ; _DrawString lea .TopLeft,A0 add.w #10,(A0) movem.l -64(A6),A1-A5/D0-D7 unlk A6 move.l (SP)+,A0 addq #4,SP jmp (A0) .TopLeft dc.w 10, 2 .DebugStrTrapEnd _BoundaryLabelAtEndOfDebugStr_