/* syntax.c syntax module for vasm */ /* (c) in 2002-2020 by Volker Barthelmann and Frank Wille */ #include "vasm.h" #include "stabs.h" /* The syntax module parses the input (read_next_line), handles assembly-directives (section, data-storage etc.) and parses mnemonics. Assembly instructions are split up in mnemonic name, qualifiers and operands. new_inst returns a matching instruction, if one exists. Routines for creating sections and adding atoms to sections will be provided by the main module. */ char *syntax_copyright="vasm std syntax module 5.2 (c) 2002-2020 Volker Barthelmann"; hashtable *dirhash; static char textname[]=".text",textattr[]="acrx"; static char dataname[]=".data",dataattr[]="adrw"; static char sdataname[]=".sdata",sdataattr[]="adrw"; static char sdata2name[]=".sdata2",sdata2attr[]="adr"; static char rodataname[]=".rodata",rodataattr[]="adr"; static char bssname[]=".bss",bssattr[]="aurw"; static char sbssname[]=".sbss",sbssattr[]="aurw"; static char tocdname[]=".tocd",tocdattr[]="adrw"; #if defined(VASM_CPU_C16X) || defined(VASM_CPU_M68K) || defined(VASM_CPU_650X) || defined(VASM_CPU_ARM) || defined(VASM_CPU_Z80)|| defined(VASM_CPU_6800) || defined(VASM_CPU_JAGRISC) || defined(VASM_CPU_QNICE) char commentchar=';'; #else char commentchar='#'; #endif char *defsectname = textname; char *defsecttype = "acrwx"; static char macroname[] = ".macro"; static char endmname[] = ".endm"; static char reptname[] = ".rept"; static char irpname[] = ".irp"; static char irpcname[] = ".irpc"; static char endrname[] = ".endr"; static struct namelen dmacro_dirlist[] = { { 6,¯oname[0] }, { 0,0 } }; static struct namelen dendm_dirlist[] = { { 5,&endmname[0] }, { 0,0 } }; static struct namelen drept_dirlist[] = { { 5,&reptname[0] }, { 4,&irpname[0] }, { 5,&irpcname[0] }, { 0,0 } }; static struct namelen dendr_dirlist[] = { { 5,&endrname[0] }, { 0,0 } }; static struct namelen endm_dirlist[] = { { 4,&endmname[1] }, { 0,0 } }; static struct namelen macro_dirlist[] = { { 5,¯oname[1] }, { 0,0 } }; static struct namelen rept_dirlist[] = { { 4,&reptname[1] }, { 3,&irpname[1] }, { 4,&irpcname[1] },{ 0,0 } }; static struct namelen endr_dirlist[] = { { 4,&endrname[1] }, { 0,0 } }; static int parse_end; static int nodotneeded; static int alloccommon; static int align_data; static int noesc; static taddr sdlimit=-1; /* max size of common data in .sbss section */ char *skip(char *s) { while (isspace((unsigned char )*s)) s++; return s; } /* check for end of line, issue error, if not */ void eol(char *s) { s = skip(s); if (!ISEOL(s)) syntax_error(6); } #ifdef VASM_CPU_M68K char *chkidend(char *start,char *end) { if ((end-start)>2 && *(end-2)=='.') { char c = tolower((unsigned char)*(end-1)); if (c=='b' || c=='w' || c=='l') return end - 2; /* .b/.w/.l extension is not part of M68k-identifier */ } return end; } #endif char *skip_operand(char *s) { int par_cnt=0; char c; while(1){ c = *s; if(START_PARENTH(c)) par_cnt++; else if(END_PARENTH(c)){ if(par_cnt>0) par_cnt--; else syntax_error(3); }else if(c=='\''||c=='\"') s=skip_string(s,c,NULL)-1; else if(ISEOL(s)||(c==','&&par_cnt==0)) break; s++; } if(par_cnt!=0) syntax_error(4); return s; } static char *skip_macroparam(char *s) { int par_cnt=0; char c; while(1){ c = *s; if(START_PARENTH(c)) par_cnt++; if(END_PARENTH(c)){ if(par_cnt>0) par_cnt--; else return s; } if(ISEOL(s)||((c==','||isspace((unsigned char)c))&&par_cnt==0)) break; s++; } return s; } static taddr comma_constexpr(char **s) { *s = skip(*s); if (**s == ',') { *s = skip(*s + 1); return parse_constexpr(s); } general_error(6,','); /* comma expected */ return 0; } static void handle_section(char *s) { char *name,*attr,*new,*p; uint32_t mem=0; section *sec; if(!(name=parse_name(&s))){ syntax_error(20); /* section name */ return; } if(*s==','){ s=skip(s+1); if(*s!='\"') general_error(6,'\"'); /* quote expected */ if(attr=parse_name(&s)){ if(*s==','){ p=s=skip(s+1); if(*s=='@'||*s=='%'){ /* ELF section type "progbits" or "nobits" */ s++; if(new=parse_identifier(&s)){ if(!strcmp(new,"nobits")){ myfree(new); if(strchr(attr,'u')==NULL){ new=mymalloc(strlen(attr)+2); sprintf(new,"u%s",attr); myfree(attr); attr=new; } }else{ if(strcmp(new,"progbits")) syntax_error(14); /* invalid sectiont type ignored */ myfree(new); } } }else{ /* optional memory flags (vasm-specific) */ mem=parse_constexpr(&s); if(s==p) syntax_error(9); /* memory flags */ } } }else{ syntax_error(7); /* section flags */ attr=""; } }else{ attr=""; if(!strcmp(name,textname)) attr=textattr; if(!strcmp(name,dataname)) attr=dataattr; if(!strcmp(name,sdataname)) attr=sdataattr; if(!strcmp(name,sdata2name)) attr=sdata2attr; if(!strcmp(name,rodataname)) attr=rodataattr; if(!strcmp(name,bssname)) attr=bssattr; if(!strcmp(name,sbssname)) attr=sbssattr; if(!strcmp(name,tocdname)) attr=tocdattr; } sec=new_section(name,attr,1); sec->memattr=mem; set_section(sec); eol(s); } static void handle_org(char *s) { if (*s == current_pc_char) { /* "* = * + " reserves bytes */ s = skip(s+1); if (*s == '+') { add_atom(0,new_space_atom(parse_expr_tmplab(&s),1,0)); } else { syntax_error(18); /* syntax error */ return; } } else if (current_section != NULL) { /* .org inside a section is treated as an offset */ expr *offs = parse_expr_tmplab(&s); expr *fill; s = skip(s); if (*s == ',') { /* ...and may be followed by an optional fill-value */ s = skip(s+1); fill = parse_expr_tmplab(&s); } else fill = NULL; add_atom(0,new_roffs_atom(offs,fill)); } else set_section(new_org(parse_constexpr(&s))); eol(s); } static void handle_file(char *s) { char *name; if(*s!='\"'){ general_error(6,'\"'); /* quote expected */ return; } name=++s; while(*s&&*s!='\"') s++; if(*s!='\"') general_error(6,'\"'); /* quote expected */ name=cnvstr(name,s-name); setfilename(name); eol(++s); } static int oplen(char *e,char *s) { while(s!=e&&isspace((unsigned char)e[-1])) e--; return e-s; } static void handle_data(char *s,int size,int noalign) { for (;;){ char *opstart=s; operand *op; dblock *db=NULL; if((OPSZ_BITS(size)==8 || OPSZ_BITS(size)==16) && *s=='\"'){ if(db=parse_string(&opstart,*s,OPSZ_BITS(size))){ add_atom(0,new_data_atom(db,1)); s=opstart; } } if(!db){ op=new_operand(); s=skip_operand(s); if(parse_operand(opstart,s-opstart,op,DATA_OPERAND(size))) { atom *a; a=new_datadef_atom(OPSZ_BITS(size),op); if(!align_data||noalign) a->align=1; add_atom(0,a); }else syntax_error(8); /* invalid data operand */ } s=skip(s); if(*s==',') { s=skip(s+1); }else if(ISEOL(s)){ break; }else{ general_error(6,','); /* comma expected */ return; } } eol(s); } static void do_equ(char *s,int equiv) { char *labname; symbol *label; if(!(labname=parse_identifier(&s))){ syntax_error(10); /* identifier expected */ return; } s=skip(s); if(*s!=',') general_error(6,','); /* comma expected */ else s=skip(s+1); if(equiv) check_symbol(labname); label=new_abs(labname,parse_expr_tmplab(&s)); myfree(labname); eol(s); } static void handle_set(char *s) { do_equ(s,0); } static void handle_equiv(char *s) { do_equ(s,1); } static void do_binding(char *s,int bind) { symbol *sym; char *name; while(1){ if(!(name=parse_identifier(&s))){ syntax_error(10); /* identifier expected */ return; } sym=new_import(name); myfree(name); if(((sym->flags&(EXPORT|WEAK|LOCAL))!=0 && (sym->flags&(EXPORT|WEAK|LOCAL))!=bind) || ((sym->flags&COMMON) && bind==LOCAL)) general_error(62,sym->name,get_bind_name(sym)); /* binding already set */ else sym->flags|=bind; s=skip(s); if(*s!=',') break; s=skip(s+1); } eol(s); } static void handle_global(char *s) { do_binding(s,EXPORT); } static void handle_weak(char *s) { do_binding(s,WEAK); } static void handle_local(char *s) { do_binding(s,LOCAL); } static void do_align(taddr align,size_t width,expr *fill,taddr max) { atom *a = new_space_atom(number_expr(0),width,fill); a->align = align; a->content.sb->maxalignbytes = max; add_atom(0,a); } static void alignment(char *s,int mode,size_t patwidth) { int align,max=0; expr *fill=0; align = parse_constexpr(&s); s = skip(s); if (*s == ',') { s = skip(s+1); if (*s != ',') fill = parse_expr_tmplab(&s); s = skip(s); if (*s == ',') { s = skip(s+1); max = parse_constexpr(&s); } } if (!mode) mode = CPU_DEF_ALIGN; if (mode==2 && align>63) syntax_error(23); /* alignment too big */ do_align(mode==1?align:(1<size=parse_expr_tmplab(&s); eol(s); } static void handle_type(char *s) { char *name; symbol *sym; if(!(name=parse_identifier(&s))){ syntax_error(10); /* identifier expected */ return; } sym=new_import(name); myfree(name); s=skip(s); if(*s==','){ s=skip(s+1); if(!strncmp(s,"@object",7)){ sym->flags|=TYPE_OBJECT; s=skip(s+7); }else if(!strncmp(s,"@function",9)){ sym->flags|=TYPE_FUNCTION; s=skip(s+9); }else{ uint32_t t=parse_constexpr(&s)&TYPE_MASK; if (t<=TYPE_LAST) sym->flags|=t; } }else general_error(6,','); /* comma expected */ eol(s); } static void new_bss(char *s,int global) { char *name; symbol *sym; atom *a; taddr size; section *bss; if(!(name=parse_identifier(&s))){ syntax_error(10); /* identifier expected */ return; } size=comma_constexpr(&s); if(size<=sdlimit){ if(!(bss=find_section(sbssname,sbssattr))) bss=new_section(sbssname,sbssattr,1); } else{ if(!(bss=find_section(bssname,bssattr))) bss=new_section(bssname,bssattr,1); } sym=new_labsym(bss,name); sym->flags|=TYPE_OBJECT; if(global) sym->flags|=EXPORT; sym->size=number_expr(size); myfree(name); s=skip(s); if(*s==','){ s=skip(s+1); sym->align=parse_constexpr(&s); } else sym->align=DATA_ALIGN(size*bitsperbyte); a=new_label_atom(sym); if(sym->align) a->align=sym->align; add_atom(bss,a); a=new_space_atom(number_expr(size),1,0); if(sym->align) a->align=sym->align; add_atom(bss,a); eol(s); } static void handle_comm(char *s) { char *name,*start=s; symbol *sym; if (alloccommon){ new_bss(s,1); return; } if(!(name=parse_identifier(&s))){ syntax_error(10); /* identifier expected */ return; } if ((sym=find_symbol(name))&&(sym->flags&LOCAL)) { myfree(name); new_bss(start,0); /* symbol is local, make it .lcomm instead */ return; } sym=new_import(name); myfree(name); s=skip(s); if(*s==',') s=skip(s+1); else general_error(6,','); /* comma expected */ if (!(sym->size=parse_expr(&s))) return; simplify_expr(sym->size); if(sym->size->type!=NUM){ general_error(30); return; } sym->flags|=COMMON|TYPE_OBJECT; s=skip(s); if(*s==','){ s=skip(s+1); sym->align=parse_constexpr(&s); } else sym->align=DATA_ALIGN((int)sym->size->c.val*bitsperbyte); eol(s); } static void handle_lcomm(char *s) { new_bss(s,0); } static expr *read_stabexp(char **s) { *s = skip(*s); if (**s == ',') { *s = skip(*s+1); return parse_expr(s); } general_error(6,','); /* comma expected */ return NULL; } static void handle_stabs(char *s) { char *name; size_t len; int t,o,d; if (*s == '\"') { skip_string(s,*s,&len); name = mymalloc(len+1); s = read_string(name,s,*s,8); name[len] = '\0'; } else { general_error(6,'\"'); /* quote expected */ return; } t = comma_constexpr(&s); o = comma_constexpr(&s); d = comma_constexpr(&s); add_atom(0,new_nlist_atom(name,t,o,d,read_stabexp(&s))); eol(s); } static void handle_stabn(char *s) { int t,o,d; t = parse_constexpr(&s); o = comma_constexpr(&s); d = comma_constexpr(&s); add_atom(0,new_nlist_atom(NULL,t,o,d,read_stabexp(&s))); eol(s); } static void handle_stabd(char *s) { int t,o,d; t = parse_constexpr(&s); o = comma_constexpr(&s); d = comma_constexpr(&s); add_atom(0,new_nlist_atom(NULL,t,o,d,NULL)); eol(s); } static void handle_incdir(char *s) { char *name; if (name = parse_name(&s)) new_include_path(name); eol(s); } static void handle_include(char *s) { char *name; if (name = parse_name(&s)) { eol(s); include_source(name); } } static void handle_incbin(char *s) { char *name; if (name = parse_name(&s)) { eol(s); include_binary_file(name,0,0); } } static void handle_rept(char *s) { utaddr cnt = parse_constexpr(&s); eol(s); new_repeat(cnt,NULL,NULL, nodotneeded?rept_dirlist:drept_dirlist, nodotneeded?endr_dirlist:dendr_dirlist); } static void do_irp(int type,char *s) { char *name; if(!(name=parse_identifier(&s))){ syntax_error(10); /* identifier expected */ return; } s=skip(s); if (*s==',') s=skip(s+1); new_repeat(type,name,mystrdup(s), nodotneeded?rept_dirlist:drept_dirlist, nodotneeded?endr_dirlist:dendr_dirlist); } static void handle_irp(char *s) { do_irp(REPT_IRP,s); } static void handle_irpc(char *s) { do_irp(REPT_IRPC,s); } static void handle_endr(char *s) { syntax_error(12,endrname,reptname); /* unexpected endr without rept */ } static void handle_macro(char *s) { char *name; if(name = parse_identifier(&s)){ s=skip(s); if(ISEOL(s)) s=NULL; new_macro(name,nodotneeded?macro_dirlist:dmacro_dirlist, nodotneeded?endm_dirlist:dendm_dirlist,s); myfree(name); }else syntax_error(10); /* identifier expected */ } static void handle_endm(char *s) { syntax_error(12,endmname,".macro"); /* unexpected endm without macro */ } static void ifdef(char *s,int b) { char *name; symbol *sym; int result; if (!(name = parse_symbol(&s))) { syntax_error(10); /* identifier expected */ return; } if (sym = find_symbol(name)) result = sym->type != IMPORT; else result = 0; myfree(name); cond_if(result == b); eol(s); } static void handle_ifd(char *s) { ifdef(s,1); } static void handle_ifnd(char *s) { ifdef(s,0); } static void handle_ifb(char *s) { s = skip(s); cond_if(ISEOL(s)); } static void handle_ifnb(char *s) { s = skip(s); cond_if(!ISEOL(s)); } static void ifexp(char *s,int c) { expr *condexp = parse_expr_tmplab(&s); taddr val; int b; if (eval_expr(condexp,&val,NULL,0)) { switch (c) { case 0: b = val == 0; break; case 1: b = val != 0; break; case 2: b = val > 0; break; case 3: b = val >= 0; break; case 4: b = val < 0; break; case 5: b = val <= 0; break; default: ierror(0); break; } } else { general_error(30); /* expression must be constant */ b = 0; } cond_if(b); free_expr(condexp); eol(s); } static void handle_ifeq(char *s) { ifexp(s,0); } static void handle_ifne(char *s) { ifexp(s,1); } static void handle_ifgt(char *s) { ifexp(s,2); } static void handle_ifge(char *s) { ifexp(s,3); } static void handle_iflt(char *s) { ifexp(s,4); } static void handle_ifle(char *s) { ifexp(s,5); } static void handle_else(char *s) { eol(s); cond_skipelse(); } static void handle_endif(char *s) { eol(s); cond_endif(); } static void handle_bsss(char *s) { s=skip(s); if(!ISEOL(s)){ new_bss(s,0); }else{ handle_section(bssname); eol(s); } } static void handle_8bit(char *s){ handle_data(s,8,0); } static void handle_16bit(char *s){ handle_data(s,16,0); } static void handle_32bit(char *s){ handle_data(s,32,0); } static void handle_64bit(char *s){ handle_data(s,64,0); } static void handle_16bit_noalign(char *s){ handle_data(s,16,1); } static void handle_32bit_noalign(char *s){ handle_data(s,32,1); } static void handle_64bit_noalign(char *s){ handle_data(s,64,1); } static void handle_single(char *s){ handle_data(s,OPSZ_FLOAT|32,0); } static void handle_double(char *s){ handle_data(s,OPSZ_FLOAT|64,0); } #if VASM_CPU_OIL static void handle_string(char *s){ handle_data(s,8,0); } #else static void handle_string(char *s) { handle_data(s,8,0); add_atom(0,new_space_atom(number_expr(1),1,0)); /* terminating zero */ } #endif static void handle_texts(char *s){ handle_section(textname);eol(s);} static void handle_datas(char *s){ handle_section(dataname);eol(s);} static void handle_sdatas(char *s){ handle_section(sdataname);eol(s);} static void handle_sdata2s(char *s){ handle_section(sdata2name);eol(s);} static void handle_rodatas(char *s){ handle_section(rodataname);eol(s);} static void handle_sbsss(char *s){ handle_section(sbssname);eol(s);} static void handle_tocds(char *s){ handle_section(tocdname);eol(s);} static void handle_abort(char *s) { syntax_error(11); parse_end = 1; } static void handle_err(char *s) { add_atom(0,new_assert_atom(NULL,NULL,mystrdup(s))); } static void handle_fail(char *s) { expr *condexp = parse_expr_tmplab(&s); taddr val; if (eval_expr(condexp,&val,NULL,0)) { if (val >= 500) syntax_error(21,(long long)val); else syntax_error(22,(long long)val); } else general_error(30); /* expression must be constant */ eol(s); } static void handle_vdebug(char *s) { add_atom(0,new_atom(VASMDEBUG,0)); } static void handle_title(char *s) { char *t; s=skip(s); if(*s!='\"') general_error(6,'\"'); /* quote expected */ else s++; t=s; while(*s&&*s!='\"') s++; set_list_title(t,s-t); if(*s!='\"') general_error(6,'\"'); /* quote expected */ else s++; eol(s); } static void handle_ident(char *s) { char *name; if(name=parse_name(&s)) setfilename(name); eol(s); } static void handle_list(char *s) { set_listing(1); } static void handle_nolist(char *s) { set_listing(0); } static void handle_swbeg(char *s) { /* gas emits no code here? Ignore...? */ } struct { char *name; void (*func)(char *); } directives[]={ "org",handle_org, "section",handle_section, "string",handle_string, "byte",handle_8bit, "ascii",handle_8bit, "asciz",handle_string, "short",handle_16bit, "half",handle_16bit, "word",handle_16bit, "int",handle_32bit, "long",handle_32bit, "quad",handle_64bit, "2byte",handle_16bit_noalign, "uahalf",handle_16bit_noalign, "4byte",handle_32bit_noalign, "uaword",handle_16bit_noalign, "ualong",handle_32bit_noalign, "8byte",handle_64bit_noalign, "uaquad",handle_64bit_noalign, "float",handle_single, "single",handle_single, "double",handle_double, "text",handle_texts, "data",handle_datas, "bss",handle_bsss, "rodata",handle_rodatas, "sdata",handle_sdatas, "sdata2",handle_sdata2s, "sbss",handle_sbsss, "tocd",handle_tocds, "equ",handle_set, "set",handle_set, "equiv",handle_equiv, "global",handle_global, "globl",handle_global, "extern",handle_global, "weak",handle_weak, "local",handle_local, "even",handle_even, "align",handle_align, "balign",handle_balign, "balignw",handle_balignw, "balignl",handle_balignl, "p2align",handle_p2align, "p2alignw",handle_p2alignw, "p2alignl",handle_p2alignl, "space",handle_space, "skip",handle_space, "zero",handle_space, "comm",handle_comm, "lcomm",handle_lcomm, "size",handle_size, "type",handle_type, "file",handle_file, "stabs",handle_stabs, "stabn",handle_stabn, "stabd",handle_stabd, "incdir",handle_incdir, "include",handle_include, "incbin",handle_incbin, "rept",handle_rept, "irp",handle_irp, "irpc",handle_irpc, "endr",handle_endr, "macro",handle_macro, "endm",handle_endm, "ifdef",handle_ifd, "ifndef",handle_ifnd, "ifb",handle_ifb, "ifnb",handle_ifnb, "if",handle_ifne, "ifeq",handle_ifeq, "ifne",handle_ifne, "ifgt",handle_ifgt, "ifge",handle_ifge, "iflt",handle_iflt, "ifle",handle_ifle, "else",handle_else, "endif",handle_endif, "abort",handle_abort, "err",handle_err, "fail",handle_fail, "title",handle_title, "ident",handle_ident, "list",handle_list, "nolist",handle_nolist, "swbeg",handle_swbeg, "vdebug",handle_vdebug, }; int dir_cnt=sizeof(directives)/sizeof(directives[0]); /* checks for a valid directive, and return index when found, -1 otherwise */ static int check_directive(char **line) { char *s,*name; hashdata data; s = skip(*line); if (!ISIDSTART(*s)) return -1; name = s++; while (ISIDCHAR(*s)) s++; if (*name == '.') name++; else if (!nodotneeded) return -1; if (!find_namelen_nc(dirhash,name,s-name,&data)) return -1; *line = s; return data.idx; } /* Handles assembly directives; returns non-zero if the line was a directive. */ static int handle_directive(char *line) { int idx = check_directive(&line); if (idx >= 0) { directives[idx].func(skip(line)); return 1; } return 0; } void parse(void) { char *s,*line,*ext[MAX_QUALIFIERS?MAX_QUALIFIERS:1],*op[MAX_OPERANDS]; char *labname,*start; int inst_len,ext_len[MAX_QUALIFIERS?MAX_QUALIFIERS:1],op_len[MAX_OPERANDS]; int ext_cnt,op_cnt; instruction *ip; while (line=read_next_line()){ if (parse_end) continue; /* # is always allowed as a comment at the beginning of a line */ s = skip(line); if (*s == '#') continue; if (!cond_state()) { /* skip source until ELSE or ENDIF */ int idx; s = line; if (labname = parse_labeldef(&s,1)) /* skip label field */ myfree(labname); idx = check_directive(&s); if (idx >= 0) { if (!strncmp(directives[idx].name,"if",2)) cond_skipif(); else if (directives[idx].func == handle_else) cond_else(); else if (directives[idx].func == handle_endif) cond_endif(); } continue; } s=skip(line); if(handle_directive(s)) continue; /* skip spaces */ s=skip(s); if(ISEOL(s)) continue; if(labname=parse_labeldef(&s,1)){ /* we have found a valid global or local label */ add_atom(0,new_label_atom(new_labsym(0,labname))); s=skip(s); myfree(labname); } if(ISEOL(s)) continue; s=skip(parse_cpu_special(s)); if(ISEOL(s)) continue; if(handle_directive(s)) continue; /* read mnemonic name */ start=s; ext_cnt=0; if(!ISIDSTART(*s)){ syntax_error(10); continue; } #if MAX_QUALIFIERS==0 while(*s&&!isspace((unsigned char)*s)) s++; inst_len=s-start; #else s=parse_instruction(s,&inst_len,ext,ext_len,&ext_cnt); #endif s=skip(s); if(execute_macro(start,inst_len,ext,ext_len,ext_cnt,s)) continue; /* read operands, terminated by comma (unless in parentheses) */ op_cnt=0; while(!ISEOL(s)&&op_cnt0 if(ip){ int i; for(i=0;iqualifiers[i]=cnvstr(ext[i],ext_len[i]); for(;iqualifiers[i]=0; } #endif if(ip){ add_atom(0,new_inst_atom(ip)); }else ; } cond_check(); } /* get defaults and qualifiers for a macro argument name specifier */ char *macro_arg_opts(macro *m,int argno,char *name,char *s) { int req = 0; char *end; char *new = NULL; if (*s==':' && (end=skip_identifier(s+1))!=NULL) { if (end-s==4 && !strnicmp(s+1,"req",3)) { /* required argument: argname:req */ req = 1; new = s = skip(s+4); } else if (end-s==7 && !strnicmp(s+1,"vararg",6)) { /* define vararg position: argname:vararg */ m->vararg = argno; new = s = skip(s+7); } } if (*s == '=') { /* define a default value for this argument */ s = skip(s+1); if (end = skip_operand(s)) { if (req) syntax_error(13,name); /* pointless default value for req. parameter */ addmacarg(&m->defaults,s,end); return end; } } if (new) { if (req) addmacarg(&m->defaults,NULL,NULL); /* mark as required - no default! */ else addmacarg(&m->defaults,new,new); /* empty string as default */ } return new; /* NULL means: set an empty string as default value */ } /* parse next macro argument */ char *parse_macro_arg(struct macro *m,char *s, struct namelen *param,struct namelen *arg) { char *idend = skip_identifier(s); arg->len = 0; if (idend!=NULL && idend-s>0) { char *end = skip(idend); if (*end++ == '=') { /* argument selected by keyword */ arg->name = s; arg->len = idend - s; s = skip(end); } } if (*s == '\'') { /* evaluate character constant */ unsigned long cc = parse_constexpr(&s); char buf[64],*ccstr; int len; if ((len = snprintf(buf,64,"%lu",cc)) < 0) ierror(0); ccstr = mystrdup(buf); param->name = ccstr; param->len = len; } else if (*s == '\"') { /* pass everything enclosed in quotes, but without the quotes */ param->name = ++s; while (*s!='\0' && *s!='\"') s++; param->len = s - param->name; if (*s == '\"') s++; else general_error(6,'\"'); /* " expected */ } else { param->name = s; s = skip_macroparam(s); param->len = s - param->name; } return s; } /* expands arguments and special escape codes into macro context */ int expand_macro(source *src,char **line,char *d,int dlen) { int n,nc=0; char *end,*s=*line; if (*s++ == '\\') { /* possible macro expansion detected */ if (*s == '@') { /* \@: insert a unique id */ s++; nc = sprintf(d,"%lu",src->id); if (nc >= dlen) nc = -1; } else if (*s=='(' && *(s+1)==')') { /* \() is just skipped, useful to terminate named macro parameters */ nc = 0; s += 2; } else if ((end = skip_identifier(s)) != NULL) { if ((n = find_macarg_name(src,s,end-s)) >= 0) { /* \argname: insert named macro parameter n */ nc = copy_macro_param(src,n,d,dlen); s = end; } } if (nc >= 0) *line = s; /* update line pointer when expansion took place */ } return nc; /* number of chars written to line buffer, -1: out of space */ } void my_exec_macro(source *src) { #if 0 /* make it possible to use default values, when params are missing */ if (src->macro->num_argnames>=0 && src->num_paramsmacro->num_argnames) general_error(24); /* missing macro parameters (named) */ #endif } char *const_prefix(char *s,int *base) { if(!isdigit((unsigned char)*s)){ *base=0; return s; } if(*s=='0'){ if(s[1]=='x'||s[1]=='X'){ *base=16; return s+2; } if(s[1]=='b'||s[1]=='B'){ *base=2; return s+2; } if(isdigit((unsigned char)s[1])){ *base=8; return s; } if(s[1]=='d'||s[1]=='D'||s[1]=='f'||s[1]=='F'||s[1]=='r'||s[1]=='R') s+=2; /* floating point is handled automatically, so skip prefix */ } *base=10; return s; } char *const_suffix(char *start,char *end) { return end; } char *get_local_label(char **start) /* local labels start with a '.' or end with '$': "1234$", ".1" */ { char *s = *start; char *name = NULL; if (*s == '.') { s++; while (isdigit((unsigned char)*s) || *s=='_') /* '_' needed for ".\@" */ s++; if (s > (*start+1)) { name = make_local_label(NULL,0,*start,s-*start); *start = skip(s); } } else if (isdigit((unsigned char)*s) || *s=='_') { /* '_' needed for "\@$" */ s++; while (isdigit((unsigned char)*s)) s++; if (*s=='$' && isdigit((unsigned char)*(s-1))) { s++; name = make_local_label(NULL,0,*start,s-*start); *start = skip(s); } } return name; } int init_syntax() { size_t i; hashdata data; dirhash=new_hashtable(0x200); /*FIXME: */ for(i=0;i