#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Multicast client # Adapted from: http://chaos.weblogs.us/archives/164 import socket import os from os import path import struct import sys import time import random from snefru_hash import append_snefru UNRELIABILITY_PERCENT = 0 def failchance(): return (random.random() < UNRELIABILITY_PERCENT/100) my_unique_ltoudp_id = b'El' + (os.getpid() & 0xFFFF).to_bytes(2, 'big') image = open('ChainLoader.bin', 'rb').read() image2 = sys.argv[1:] image2dict = {} for img2name in image2: img2 = open(img2name, 'rb').read() img2name = path.basename(img2name) while len(img2) % 512: img2 += b'\0' image2dict[img2name] = bytearray(img2) img2name = img2name.encode('mac_roman') # image += struct.pack('>LB', len(img2)//512, len(img2name)) + img2name while len(image) % 2: image += b'\0' image += bytes(5) while len(image) < 8 * 512: image += b'?' # image += b'Elliot'*10000 # padding, too much! image = append_snefru(image) writable_image = bytearray(open('A608.dsk', 'rb').read()) open('/tmp/imgdebug', 'wb').write(image) # typedef short (*j_code)( short command, # SP+4 (sign-extend to long) # DGlobals *g, # SP+8 # int **var1, # SP+12 # int **var2); # SP+16 # We return our OSErr in d0, and leave the 16 bytes of arguments on the stack for the caller to clean ANY = "" MCAST_ADDR = "" MCAST_PORT = 1954 # Create a UDP socket sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) # IPPROTO_UDP could just be 0 # Allow multiple sockets to use the same PORT number sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_REUSEADDR,1) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET,socket.SO_REUSEPORT,1) # Bind to the port that we know will receive multicast data sock.bind((ANY,MCAST_PORT)) # Tell the kernel that we want to add ourselves to a multicast group # The address for the multicast group is the third param status = sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, socket.inet_aton(MCAST_ADDR) + socket.inet_aton(ANY)) # Wrap up in all sorts of crap... def mk_ddp(dest_node, dest_socket, src_node, src_socket, proto_type, data): # Wrap into DDP datagram data = struct.pack('>HBBB', len(data) + 5, dest_socket, src_socket, proto_type) + data # Wrap into LLAP packet data = struct.pack('>BBB', dest_node, src_node, 1) + data # Wrap the novel LToUDP header data = my_unique_ltoudp_id + data return data def send(ddp): if failchance(): return sock.sendto(ddp, (MCAST_ADDR, MCAST_PORT)) def pstring(x): try: x = x.encode('mac_roman') except AttributeError: pass return bytes([len(x)]) + x buf_sequence = -1 while 1: data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024) # Okay... LToUDP parsing here. Let's start with the LLAP packet. # Man, chaining protocols is hard. This will inevitably require a rewrite. # Be careful to keep this as one cascading thing... if len(data) < 4: continue if data.startswith(my_unique_ltoudp_id): continue data = data[4:] # Trim down to LLAP packet (not "frame") if len(data) < 3: continue llap_dest_node = data[0] llap_src_node = data[1] llap_proto_type = data[2] data = data[3:] # Trim down to LLAP payload # Try to extract a DDP header, which is all we want! if llap_proto_type == 1: # ddp, short if len(data) < 5: continue ddp_len, ddp_dest_socket, ddp_src_socket, ddp_proto_type = struct.unpack_from('>HBBB', data) data = data[5:ddp_len] elif llap_proto_type == 2: # ddp, long (what should we do with this extra information?) if len(data) < 13: continue ddp_len, ddp_cksum, ddp_dest_net, ddp_src_net, ddp_dest_node, ddp_src_node, ddp_dest_socket, ddp_src_socket = struct.unpack_from('>4H5B', data) ddp_hop_count = (ddp_len >> 10) & 0xF ddp_len &= 0x3FF data = data[13:ddp_len] else: # llap control packet -- can probably ignore! continue print(f'datagram {llap_src_node}:{ddp_src_socket}->{llap_dest_node}:{ddp_dest_socket}', end=' ') if ddp_proto_type == 2: # Name Binding Protocol if len(data) < 2: continue nbp_func = data[0] >> 4 nbp_tuple_cnt = data[0] & 0xF nbp_id = data[1] data = data[2:] nbp_tuples = [] while data and len(nbp_tuples) < nbp_tuple_cnt: if len(data) < 5: break this_tuple = list(struct.unpack_from('>HBBB', data)) data = data[5:] for i in range(3): # This should be coded more defensively, perhaps using exceptions this_tuple.append(data[1:1+data[0]].decode('mac_roman')) data = data[1+data[0]:] nbp_tuples.append(tuple(this_tuple)) print('nbp func', nbp_func, 'id', nbp_id) for t in nbp_tuples: print(f' net:node:sock={t[0]}:{t[1]}:{t[2]} enum={t[3]} object:type@zone={t[4]}:{t[5]}@{t[6]}') if nbp_func == 2: # NBP LkUp if len(nbp_tuples) == 1 and nbp_tuples[0][5] == 'BootServer': # Looking for us send(mk_ddp( dest_node=llap_src_node, dest_socket=ddp_src_socket, src_node=99, src_socket=99, proto_type=2, data=bytes([0x31, nbp_id]) + # 3=LkUp-Reply, 1=number-of-tuples struct.pack('>HBBB', # Pack the first tuple 0, # (My) Network number 99, # (My) Node ID 99, # (My) Socket number 0, # (My) Enumerator (i.e. which of many possible names for 99/99 is this?) ) + pstring(nbp_tuples[0][4]) + pstring('BootServer') + pstring('*') )) elif ddp_proto_type == 10: # Mysterious ATBOOT protocol if len(data) < 2: continue boot_type, boot_vers = struct.unpack_from('>BB', data) whole_data = data data = data[2:] # rbNullCommand EQU 0 ; ignore this one # rbMapUser EQU 1 ; user record request # rbUserReply EQU 2 ; user record reply # rbImageRequest EQU 3 ; image request & bitmap # rbImageData EQU 4 ; image data # rbImageDone EQU 5 ; server done with current image # rbUserRecordUpdate EQU 6 ; new user info to server # rbUserRecordAck EQU 7 ; info received from server if boot_type == 1: # It might be neater to trim off the "type" and "version" fields a bit earlier boot_machine_id, boot_timestamp, boot_username = struct.unpack_from('>HL 34p', data) print(f'atboot type={boot_type}, vers={boot_vers}, machineID={boot_machine_id}, userName={boot_username}') # // This defines a user record. # // Some of these fields can be determined on the fly by the boot server, # // while others are stored on disk by the boot server # typedef struct # { # char serverName[serverNameLength]; // server name to boot off of # char serverZone[zoneNameLength]; // and the zone it lives in # char serverVol[volNameLength]; // the volume name # short serverAuthMeth; // authentication method to use (none, clear txt, rand) # unsigned long sharedSysDirID; // dir id of shared system folder # unsigned long userDirID; // dir id of the user's private system folder # unsigned long finderInfo[8]; // blessed folder dir id, startup folder dir id etc... # unsigned char bootBlocks[138]; // see Inside Mac V-135 # unsigned short bootFlag; // server based flags # unsigned char pad[306-18]; // pad to ddpMaxData # }userRecord; # // This defines the user record reply sent to workstations. # typedef struct # { # unsigned char Command; /* record or image request command word */ # unsigned char pversion; /* version of boot protocol spoken by requestor */ # unsigned short osID; /* type and version of os */ # unsigned int userData; /* time stamp goes here */ # unsigned short blockSize; /* size of blocks we will send */ # unsigned short imageID; /* image ID */ # short result; /* error codes */ # unsigned int imageSize; /* size of image in blocks */ # userRecord userRec; /* tell user where to go */ # }BootPktRply; # Ignore the silly user record. Just make the fucker work! send(mk_ddp( dest_node=llap_src_node, dest_socket=ddp_src_socket, src_node=99, src_socket=99, proto_type=10, data=struct.pack('>BBHLHHhL', 2, 1, boot_machine_id, boot_timestamp, 512, 0, 0, len(image) // 512).ljust(586, b'\0') )) elif boot_type == 3: # It seems to want part of the boot image! # print('it wants data', data) # typedef struct # { # unsigned short imageID; /* */ # unsigned char section; /* "section" of the image the bitmap refers to */ # unsigned char flags; /* ??? */ # unsigned short replyDelay; # unsigned char bitmap[512]; /* bitmap of the section of the image requested */ # }bir; // Boot Image Req print('Boot Image Req') if len(data) < 6: continue boot_image_id, boot_section, boot_flags, boot_reply_delay = struct.unpack_from('>HBBH', data) data = data[6:] # Okay, pretty much just send the bits that were requested! print('Sending blocks') for blocknum in range(len(image) // 512): if len(data) > blocknum // 8 and (data[blocknum // 8] >> (blocknum % 8)) & 1: # typedef struct { # unsigned char packetType; /* The command number */ # unsigned char packetVersion; /* Protocol version number */ # unsigned short packetImage; /* The image this block belongs to */ # unsigned short packetBlockNo; /* The block of the image (starts with 1) */ # unsigned char packetData[512];/* the data portion of the packet */ # } BootBlock,*BootBlockPtr; # print(f' {blocknum}', end='', flush=True) send(mk_ddp( dest_node=llap_src_node, dest_socket=ddp_src_socket, src_node=99, src_socket=99, proto_type=10, data=struct.pack('>BBHH', 4, 1, boot_image_id, blocknum) + image[blocknum*512:blocknum*512+512] )) # time.sleep(0.5) # break # wait for another request, you mofo! elif boot_type == 128: boot_seq, boot_imgnum, boot_blkoffset, boot_blkcnt = struct.unpack_from('>HLLL', data); boot_imgname = b'A608.dsk' boot_blkcnt = min(boot_blkcnt, 32) boot_imgname = boot_imgname.decode('mac_roman') for blk in range(boot_blkoffset, boot_blkoffset + boot_blkcnt): thisblk = writable_image[blk*512:blk*512+512] send(mk_ddp( dest_node=llap_src_node, dest_socket=ddp_src_socket, src_node=99, src_socket=99, proto_type=10, data=struct.pack('>BBH', 129, blk-boot_blkoffset, boot_seq) + thisblk )) elif boot_type == 130: boot_type, blk, seq, boot_imgnum, hunk_start = struct.unpack_from('>BBHLL', whole_data) if seq != buf_sequence: buf_sequence = seq buf = bytearray(32*512) putdata = whole_data[8:] buf[(blk % 32) * 512:(blk % 32) * 512 + len(putdata)] = putdata if blk & 0x80: del buf[(blk % 32) * 512 + 512:] writable_image[hunk_start*512:hunk_start*512+len(buf)] = buf send(mk_ddp( dest_node=llap_src_node, dest_socket=ddp_src_socket, src_node=99, src_socket=99, proto_type=10, data=struct.pack('>BBH', 131, 0, seq) )) else: print(f'ATBOOT type={boot_type} vers={boot_vers} contents={repr(data)}') else: print('unknown ddp payload', ddp_proto_type)