Elliot Nunn 9e43fdeb94 Early attempt at streaming boot
Tends to crash when RAM AppleTalk is loaded
2020-12-01 10:31:04 +08:00

116 lines
4.0 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Multicast client
# Adapted from:
import socket
import os
from os import path
import struct
ANY = ""
# Create a UDP socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP) # IPPROTO_UDP could just be 0
# Allow multiple sockets to use the same PORT number
# Bind to the port that we know will receive multicast data
# Tell the kernel that we want to add ourselves to a multicast group
# The address for the multicast group is the third param
status = sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP,
socket.inet_aton(MCAST_ADDR) + socket.inet_aton(ANY))
while 1:
data, addr = sock.recvfrom(1024)
if len(data) < 4: continue
data = data[4:] # Trim down to LLAP packet (not "frame")
if len(data) < 3: continue
llap_dest_node = data[0]
llap_src_node = data[1]
llap_proto_type = data[2]
data = data[3:] # Trim down to LLAP payload
if llap_proto_type == 1:
# ddp, short
if len(data) < 5: continue
ddp_len, ddp_dest_socket, ddp_src_socket, ddp_proto_type = struct.unpack_from('>HBBB', data)
data = data[5:ddp_len]
elif llap_proto_type == 2:
# ddp, long (what should we do with this extra information?)
if len(data) < 13: continue
ddp_len, ddp_cksum, ddp_dest_net, ddp_src_net, ddp_dest_node, ddp_src_node, ddp_dest_socket, ddp_src_socket, ddp_proto_type = struct.unpack_from('>4H5B', data)
ddp_hop_count = (ddp_len >> 10) & 0xF
ddp_len &= 0x3FF
data = data[13:ddp_len]
print(ddp_src_net, ddp_dest_net)
# llap control packet -- can probably ignore!
print(f'datagram {llap_proto_type} {llap_src_node}:{ddp_src_socket}->{llap_dest_node}:{ddp_dest_socket}')
if ddp_proto_type == 2: # NBP
if len(data) < 2: continue
nbp_func = data[0] >> 4
nbp_tuple_cnt = data[0] & 0xF
nbp_id = data[1]
data = data[2:]
nbp_tuples = []
while data and len(nbp_tuples) < nbp_tuple_cnt:
if len(data) < 5: break
this_tuple = list(struct.unpack_from('>HBBB', data))
data = data[5:]
for i in range(3):
# This should be coded more defensively, perhaps using exceptions
data = data[1+data[0]:]
print(' NBP func', nbp_func, 'id', nbp_id)
for t in nbp_tuples:
print(f' net:node:sock={t[0]}:{t[1]}:{t[2]} enum={t[3]} object:type@zone={t[4]}:{t[5]}@{t[6]}')
elif ddp_proto_type == 10: # ATBOOT
if len(data) < 2:
print('malformed short packet %r' % data.hex())
boot_type, boot_vers = struct.unpack_from('>BB', data)
data = data[2:]
if boot_type == 1:
print(' ATBOOT "syn"', data.hex())
elif boot_type == 2:
print(' ATBOOT "ack"', data.hex())
elif boot_type == 3:
print(' ATBOOT image request', data.hex())
elif boot_type == 4:
print(' ATBOOT image reply', data.hex())
elif boot_type == 128:
a, b, c, d = struct.unpack_from('>HLL32p', data)
d = d.decode('mac_roman')
print(f' ATBOOT Elliot block seq={hex(a)} blkIdx={hex(b)} byteLen={hex(c)} img={repr(d)}')
elif boot_type == 129:
a, b = struct.unpack_from('>HL', data)
print(f' ATBOOT Elliot reply seq={hex(a)} relByteIdx={hex(b)}')
print(' ATBOOT', boot_type, boot_vers, data.hex())
print('Totally unknown DDP type', ddp_proto_type)
print(' ' + data.hex())