Initial commit.

This commit is contained in:
Maxim Poliakovski 2021-03-22 00:21:57 +01:00
commit fff18e5866
3 changed files with 363 additions and 0 deletions

267 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
Power Macintosh ROM disassembler.
Author: Max Poliakovski 2020-2021
python3 --rom_path=[path to a Power Macintosh ROM dump]
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from capstone import *
from capstone.m68k import *
import struct
def bit_not(n, numbits=32):
return (1 << numbits) - 1 - n
def align(n, m):
return (n + m - 1) & bit_not(m - 1)
''' Capstone-based disassembler for 68k code.'''
class M68KDasm:
def __init__(self, cb):
self.rom_cb = cb
self.cse = Cs(CS_ARCH_M68K, CS_MODE_M68K_040)
self.cse.detail = True
self.labels = {}
def dasm_single(self, address, code):
''' Disassble single 68k instruction with the Capstone engine. '''
# detect A-Traps and disassemble them ourselves
if (code[0] & 0xF0) == 0xA0:
from mactraps import TRAP_TABLE
trap_num = (code[0] << 8) | code[1]
if trap_num in TRAP_TABLE:
return ((TRAP_TABLE[trap_num], [], 2))
return (('dc.w', [hex(trap_num)], 2))
# disassemble non-trap instructions with Capstone
instrs = self.cse.disasm(code, address)
return next(instrs)
def dasm_region(self, addr, size, data):
pp_dasm = []
last_addr = addr + size
offset = 0
while addr < last_addr:
# prefetch binary data (2 >= bytes <= 10) for the next instruction
bin_length = min(last_addr - addr, 10)
bin_prefetch = bytearray()
for i in range(bin_length):
instr = self.dasm_single(addr, bin_prefetch)
if not isinstance(instr, CsInsn):
pp_dasm.append({'addr': addr, 'mnem': instr[0], 'ops': instr[1]})
addr += instr[2]
offset += instr[2]
op_list = instr.op_str.split(',')
ops = []
for op in instr.operands:
if op.type == M68K_OP_MEM:
if op.address_mode == M68K_AM_PCI_DISP:
ea = addr + op.mem.disp + 2
flag,sym = self.rom_cb.get_symbol(ea)
if flag:
label = 'l_{:x}'.format(ea)
if ea >= addr and ea < (addr + size):
self.labels[ea] = label
elif op.address_mode == M68K_AM_PCI_INDEX_BASE_DISP:
elif op.type == M68K_OP_BR_DISP:
if op.address_mode == M68K_AM_BRANCH_DISPLACEMENT:
ea = addr + op.br_disp.disp + 2
flag,sym = self.rom_cb.get_symbol(ea)
if flag:
label = 'l_{:x}'.format(ea)
if ea >= addr and ea < (addr + size):
self.labels[ea] = label
pp_dasm.append({'addr': addr, 'mnem': instr.mnemonic, 'ops': ops})
addr += instr.size
offset += instr.size
for instr in pp_dasm:
if instr['addr'] in self.labels:
print('\n' + self.labels[instr['addr']] + ':')
print(hex(instr['addr']).ljust(15), end='')
print(instr['mnem'], '\t', end='')
def dasm_regions(self, start_addr, size, data, regions):
self.labels = {}
for reg in regions:
if reg[2] == 'align':
print(hex(start_addr + reg[0]).ljust(15), end='')
print('align\t' + str(reg[3]))
elif reg[2] == 'code':
reg_size = reg[1] - reg[0] + 1
self.dasm_region(start_addr + reg[0], reg_size,
print("Unknown region type " + reg[2])
class ROMDisassembler:
def __init__(self, rom_data, rom_db):
self.rom_data = rom_data
self.rom_db = rom_db
self.start_addr = rom_db['main_info']['phys_addr']
self.m68k_dasm = M68KDasm(self)
def get_symbol(self, addr):
offset = addr - self.start_addr
if offset in self.rom_db['annot_items']:
return (True, self.rom_db['annot_items'][offset]['label'])
return (False, '')
def fmt_single_entry(self, format, size, offset):
print(hex(self.start_addr + offset).ljust(15), end='')
if format == 'hex':
if size == 1:
print("dc.b\t0x%X" % struct.unpack('>B', self.rom_data[offset:offset+1]))
elif size == 2:
print("dc.w\t0x%X" % struct.unpack('>H', self.rom_data[offset:offset+2]))
elif size == 4:
print("dc.l\t0x%X" % struct.unpack('>I', self.rom_data[offset:offset+4]))
print("INVALID SIZE!")
elif format == 'offset':
dest_offset = struct.unpack('>I', self.rom_data[offset:offset+4])[0]
if dest_offset in self.rom_db['annot_items']:
symbol = self.rom_db['annot_items'][dest_offset]['label']
print("dc.l\t" + symbol + '-BaseOfRom')
print("dc.l\t0x%X" % dest_offset)
def parse_subregs(self, start, size, subregs):
#print("This entry has subregions", subregs)
regs = []
reg_start = start
for reg in subregs:
if reg['type'] != 'align':
print("Unknown subregion type " + reg['type'])
return regs
offset = reg['offset']
if offset < reg_start or offset >= (start + size):
print("Invalid subregion offset: 0x%X" % offset)
return regs
regs.append((reg_start, offset - 1, 'code', reg_start - start))
boundary = reg['boundary']
reg_end = align(offset, boundary)
regs.append((offset, reg_end - 1, 'align', boundary))
reg_start = reg_end
if reg_start < (start + size):
regs.append((reg_start, (start + size) - 1, 'code', reg_start - start))
return regs
def fmt_entry(self, entry, offset):
print((entry['label'] + ':').ljust(15))
if entry['type'] == 'array':
count = entry['size'] // entry['elsize']
for i in range(count):
self.fmt_single_entry(entry['format'], entry['elsize'], offset)
offset += entry['elsize']
elif entry['type'] == 'int':
self.fmt_single_entry(entry['format'], entry['size'], offset)
elif entry['type'] == 'code':
size = entry['size']
if entry['arch'] == '68k':
if 'subregs' in entry:
regs = self.parse_subregs(offset, size, entry['subregs'])
regs = [(offset, offset + size - 1, 'code', 0)]
self.m68k_dasm.dasm_regions(self.start_addr, size,
self.rom_data[offset:offset+size], regs)
elif entry['arch'] == 'ppc':
print("PPC disassembler not implemented yet")
print("Unknown code region architecture " + entry['arch'])
def dasm_region(self, start, end):
offset = start
while offset < end:
if offset in self.rom_db['annot_items']:
entry = self.rom_db['annot_items'][offset]
self.fmt_entry(entry, offset)
offset += entry['size']
print(hex(self.start_addr + offset).ljust(15), end='')
print("dc.b\t0x%X" % struct.unpack('>B', self.rom_data[offset:offset+1]))
offset += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--rom_path', type=str,
help='path to a PowerMacintosh ROM file to process',
metavar='ROM_PATH', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--start', type=lambda x: int(x,0),
dest='start_offs', default=0,
help='offset to the start of the region to disassemble',
parser.add_argument('--end', type=lambda x: int(x,0),
dest='end_offs', default=0x500,
help='offset to the end of the region to disassemble',
opts = parser.parse_args()
with open(opts.rom_path, 'rb') as rom_file:, 2)
rom_size = rom_file.tell()
if rom_size != (4 * 1024 * 1024):
print("Invalid ROM file size %d (expected 4 MB)" % rom_size)
# just load the whole ROM image into memory, 0)
rom_data =
check_sum = struct.unpack('>I', rom_data[0:4])[0]
print("ROM Checksum: %X" % check_sum)
db_name = 'ROMDB_' + '{:x}'.format(int(check_sum)).upper() + '.yaml'
with open('database/' + db_name, 'rb') as db_file:
yaml = YAML()
annot_db = yaml.load(db_file)
rdasm = ROMDisassembler(rom_data, annot_db)
rdasm.dasm_region(opts.start_offs, opts.end_offs)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
short_cksum: 0x9FEB69B3
name: "Power Macintosh 6100, 7100 and 8100 ROM file"
phys_addr: 0x40800000 # starting address of this ROM
0: {type: int, format: hex, size: 4, label: BaseOfRom, comment: ROM checksum}
4: {type: int, format: offset, size: 4, label: StartPC}
8: {type: int, format: hex, size: 1, label: MachineType}
9: {type: int, format: hex, size: 1, label: ROMVersion}
0xA: {type: code, arch: 68k, size: 4, label: JStartBoot}
0xE: {type: code, arch: 68k, size: 4, label: BadDisk}
0x12: {type: int, format: hex, size: 2, label: ROMRelease}
0x14: {type: int, format: hex, size: 2, label: PatchFlags}
0x16: {type: int, format: offset, size: 4, label: ForeignOSVecT}
0x1A: {type: int, format: offset, size: 4, label: RomRsrc}
0x1E: {type: code, arch: 68k, size: 4, label: Eject}
0x22: {type: int, format: offset, size: 4, label: DispOff}
0x26: {type: code, arch: 68k, size: 4, label: Critical}
0x2A: {type: code, arch: 68k, size: 4, label: ResetEntry}
0x2E: {type: int, format: hex, size: 1, label: RomLoc}
0x30: {type: array, format: hex, size: 16, elsize: 4, label: ROMCksum128}
0x40: {type: int, format: hex, size: 4, label: ROMSize68k}
0x44: {type: int, format: offset, size: 4, label: EraseMyIconOffs}
0x48: {type: int, format: offset, size: 4, label: InitSys7ToolboxOffs}
0x4E: {type: array, format: offset, size: 28, elsize: 4, label: ForeignOS}
0x4C: {type: int, format: hex, size: 2, label: ROMSubRelease}
0x6A: {type: code, arch: 68k, size: 6, label: GoofyDoEject}
0x70: {type: int, format: hex, size: 4, label: TCOff}
0x74: {type: code, arch: 68k, size: 0x70, label: StartBoot}
type: code
arch: 68k
size: 0x202
label: StartInit1
- type: align
offset: 0x1f2
boundary: 16
- type: align
offset: 0x236
boundary: 16
0x2E6: {type: code, arch: 68k, size: 0x1C2, label: BootRetry}
0x4A8: {type: code, arch: 68k, size: 0x4E, label: WhichCPU}
0x4F6: {type: code, arch: 68k, size: 0xC, label: WhichBoard}
0x502: {type: code, arch: 68k, size: 0x100, label: SetUpTimeK}
0x3A24A: {type: code, arch: 68k, size 4, label: DoEject}

49 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
Provides a mapping from 68k traps to Macintosh traps names.
Author: Max Poliakovski 2020-2021
# trapN trap name
0xA01B : "_SetZone",
0xA01F : "_DisposePtr",
0xA029 : "_HLock",
0xA02D : "_SetApplLimit",
0xA02E : "_BlockMove",
0xA047 : "_SetTrapAddress",
0xA04A : "_HNoPurge",
0xA055 : "_StripAddress",
0xA057 : "_SetAppBase",
0xA064 : "_MoveHHi",
0xA069 : "_HGetState",
0xA06A : "_HSetState",
0xA06C : "_InitFS",
0xA0AD : "_GestaltDispatch",
0xA0BD : "_CacheFlush",
0xA11A : "_GetZone",
0xA11E : "_NewPtr",
0xA122 : "_NewHandle",
0xA128 : "_RecoverHandle",
0xA146 : "_GetTrapAddress",
0xA162 : "_PurgeSpace",
0xA1AD : "_Gestalt",
0xA025 : "_GetHandleSize",
0xA31E : "_NewPtrClear",
0xA322 : "_NewHandleClear",
0xA346 : "_GetOSTrapAddress",
0xA51E : "_NewPtrSys",
0xA522 : "_NewHandleSys",
0xA71E : "_NewPtrSysClear",
0xA722 : "_NewHandleSysClear",
0xA746 : "_GetToolTrapAddress",
0xA81F : "_Get1Resource",
0xA820 : "_Get1NamedResource",
0xA895 : "_ShutDown",
0xA96E : "_Dequeue",
0xA994 : "_CurResFile",
0xA99B : "_SetResLoad",
0xA9A0 : "_GetResource",
0xA9A2 : "_LoadResource",
0xA9AF : "_ResError",
0xA9C9 : "_SysError",