
30 lines
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2021-05-22 21:40:15 +00:00
#ifndef SDMMC_H
#define SDMMC_H
/* Status of Disk Functions */
typedef char sdstatus_t;
#define STA_NOINIT 0x01 /* Drive not initialized */
#define STA_NODISK 0x02 /* No medium in the drive */
/* Results of Disk Functions */
typedef enum sdmmc_result_e {
RES_OK = 0, /* 0: Function succeeded */
RES_ERROR, /* 1: Disk error */
RES_NOTRDY, /* 2: Not ready */
RES_PARERR /* 3: Invalid parameter */
} sdresult_t;
/* Prototypes for disk control functions */
sdstatus_t sdmmc_init();
sdresult_t sdmmc_readp(Ptr buf, long sector, uint offset, uint count);
sdresult_t sdmmc_writep(const Ptr buf, long sc);