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2001-10-19 19:41:13 +00:00
#include "PlugObject.h"
#include "Errors.h"
extern globals g;
/*** LOAD EDITOR ***/
OSStatus LoadEditor( ResourceObjectPtr resource, ConstStr63Param libName )
// create editor window structure and save resource to be edited into it
OSStatus error = noErr;
PlugObjectPtr plug = (PlugObjectPtr) NewPtrClear( sizeof(PlugObject) ); // bug: this function calls itself, so memory leak may exist here
if( !plug ) return memFullErr; // another bug: should check if plug already has associated PlugObject (ie it is loaded already) - globalRefCon won't work
// load editor's library into memory
CFragConnectionID connID = null;
Ptr mainAddr = null;
Str255 errMessage;
error = GetSharedLibrary( libName, kPowerPCCFragArch, kLoadCFrag, &connID, &mainAddr, errMessage );
DebugError( errMessage );
if( error )
if( EqualString( libName, "\pHex Editor", true, true ) )
DisposePtr( (Ptr) plug ); // only dispose if was created just now
DisplayError( "\pNo editors are available for this resource!", "\pI suggest you reinstall the program." );
return error;
else if( EqualString( libName, "\pTemplate Editor", true, true ) )
error = LoadEditor( resource, "\pHex Editor" );
return error;
error = LoadEditor( resource, "\pTemplate Editor" );
if( error )
error = LoadEditor( resource, "\pHex Editor" );
return error;
plug->SetConnectionID( connID );
// find and call InitInstance symbol
InitPlugProcPtr symAddr;
CFragSymbolClass symClass;
error = FindSymbol( connID, "\pPlug_InitInstance", (Ptr *) &symAddr, &symClass );
if( error )
DisposePtr( (Ptr) plug ); // only dispose if was created just now
if( g.debug ) DebugError( "\pPlug_InitInstance() could not be found." );
else DisplayError( "\pCannot load up requested editor.", "\pPlease obtain an update from the plug-in's author." );
return error;
error = (* symAddr)( plug, resource );
if( error )
DisposePtr( (Ptr) plug ); // only dispose if was created just now
DebugError( "\pPlug_InitInstance() returned an error. This is quite normal for the Template Editor, thus if no XXXX Editor exists, and no template is found, you will see this dialog, then a hex editor appear." );
return error;
OSStatus UnloadEditor( PlugObjectPtr plug )
#pragma unused( plug )
OSStatus error = noErr;
CFragConnectionID connID = plug->GetConnectionID();
// find and call DisposeEditor symbol
/* DisposePlugProcPtr symAddr;
CFragSymbolClass symClass;
error = FindSymbol( connID, "\pPlug_DisposeEditor", (Ptr *) &symAddr, &symClass );
if( error ) return error;
(* symAddr)( plug );
// close connection to editor
error = CloseConnection( &connID );
plug->SetConnectionID( null );
return error;
/*** ACCESSORS ***/
void PlugObject::SetRefCon( UInt32 value ) { refcon = value; }
UInt32 PlugObject::GetRefCon( void ) { return refcon; }
CFragConnectionID PlugObject::GetConnectionID( void ) { return connID; }
void PlugObject::SetConnectionID( CFragConnectionID newID ) { connID = newID; }
WindowObjectPtr PlugObject::GetWindowObject( void ) { return windowObj; }
void PlugObject::SetWindowObject( WindowObjectPtr newWindowObj ) { windowObj = newWindowObj; }
ResourceObjectPtr PlugObject::GetResourceObject( void ) { return resourceObj; }
void PlugObject::SetResourceObject( ResourceObjectPtr newResourceObj ) { resourceObj = newResourceObj; }