ResKnife/Cocoa/Plug-Ins/Template Editor/NGSTemplateWindowController.m

393 lines
13 KiB
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2009-11-09 10:20:26 +00:00
#import "NGSTemplateWindowController.h"
#import "NGSElement.h"
#import <stdarg.h>
@implementation TemplateWindowController
- (id)initWithResource:(id)newResource
return [self initWithResources:newResource, nil];
- (id)initWithResources:(id)newResource, ...
id currentResource;
va_list resourceList;
// one instance of your principal class will be created for every resource set the user wants to edit (similar to Windows apps)
self = [self initWithWindowNibName:@"TemplateWindow"];
if(!self) return self;
resource = [newResource retain];
tmpl = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
res = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
va_start(resourceList, newResource);
[self readTemplate:va_arg(resourceList, id)]; // reads (but doesn't retain) the template for this resource (the TMPL resource with a name equal to the passed resource's type)
while(currentResource = va_arg(resourceList, id))
NSLog(@"too many params passed to -initWithResources: %@", [currentResource description]);
NSString *warning = [self checkTemplate];
if(warning != nil)
// should display error message here
return nil;
// load the window from the nib
[self window];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
[(id)resource release];
[tmpl release];
[res release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)windowDidLoad
[super windowDidLoad];
// set the window's title
[[self window] setTitle:[resource defaultWindowTitle]];
// parse data using pre-scanned template and create the fields as needed
[self readData];
[self createUI];
// insert the resources' data into the text fields
[self refreshData:[resource data]];
// we don't want this notification until we have a window! (Only register for notifications on the resource we're editing)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(resourceDataDidChange:) name:ResourceDataDidChangeNotification object:resource];
// finally, show the window
[self showWindow:self];
- (void)readTemplate:(id <ResKnifeResourceProtocol>)tmplResource
NSString *label, *type;
char *currentByte = (char *) [[tmplResource data] bytes];
unsigned long size = [[tmplResource data] length], position = 0;
while(position < size)
// check where pointer will be AFTER having loaded this element
position += *currentByte +5;
if(position >= size)
NSLog(@"Corrupt TMPL resource: not enough data. Dumping remaining resource as hex.");
[tmpl addObject:[Element elementOfType:@"HEXD" withLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Corrupted Template: Hex Dump",nil)]];
// obtain label and type
label = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:currentByte+1 length:*currentByte encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding];
currentByte += *currentByte +1;
type = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:currentByte length:4 encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding];
currentByte += 4;
// add element to array
[tmpl addObject:[Element elementOfType:type withLabel:label]];
// for some reason we got a nill object as the TMPL, do the best we can
NSLog(@"Corrupt TMPL resource: no template given. Dumping resource as hex.");
[tmpl addObject:[Element elementOfType:@"HEXD" withLabel:NSLocalizedString(@"Corrupted Template: Hex Dump",nil)]];
- (NSString *)checkTemplate
NSSet *recognised = [NSSet setWithObjects:nil];
NSMutableSet *fields = [NSMutableSet set];
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [tmpl objectEnumerator];
while(Element *element = [enumerator nextObject])
[fields addObject:[element type]]; // doesn't take into account Pxxx, Cxxx and Hxxx
NSSet *unrecognised = [fields copy];
[unrecognised minusSet:recognised];
if([unrecognised count] > 0)
return [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"The template contains the following unrecognised field types: '%@'",nil), [[unrecognised allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:@"', '"]];
else return nil;
- (void)readData
// tmpl == array of Elements describing the template for this resource
// res == array of either Elements or Arrays containing the resource data
// this function creates the res instance variable, filling it with data from the resource if there's data available.
// unsigned long position = 0; // position (byte offset) in resource I'm currently reading from
// char *data = (char *) [[resource data] bytes]; // address of initial byte of resource in memory
unsigned long templateCounter = 0; // index into template array of the current template element
Element *currentTemplateElement; // current template element
NSMutableArray *targetStack = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:res]; // stack of arrays (target for addition of new elements)
// NSMutableArray *loopStack = [NSMutableArray array]; // stack for 'LSTB' and 'LSTC' elements
// NSMutableArray *loopCountStack = [NSMutableArray array]; // stack for counting how many times to loop
// when templateCounter >= [tmpl count], loop is only exited if targetStack has more than one target (this handles empty templates)
while(templateCounter < [tmpl count] || [targetStack count] > 1)
currentTemplateElement = [tmpl objectAtIndex:templateCounter];
NSLog(@"template = %@", currentTemplateElement);
/* unsigned long type = [currentTemplateElement typeAsLong];
case 'BCNT':
case 'BZCT':
[resourceElement setNumberWithLong:*(unsigned char *)(data + position)];
lim = *(unsigned char *)(data + position) + (type == 'BZCT'? 1:0);
position += 1;
case 'OCNT':
case 'ZCNT':
[resourceElement setNumberWithLong:*(unsigned short *)(data + position)];
lim = *(unsigned short *)(data + position) + (type == 'ZCNT'? 1:0);
position += 2;
case 'LCNT':
case 'LZCT':
[resourceElement setNumberWithLong:*(unsigned long *)(data + position)];
lim = *(unsigned long *)(data + position) + (type == 'LZCT'? 1:0);
position += 4;
case 'LSTB':
case 'LSTC':
[(NSMutableArray *)[targetStack lastObject] addObject:[NSMutableArray array]];
[loopStack addObject:currentTemplateElement]; // append the template loop start object to the array
// [(NSMutableArray *)[targetStack lastObject] addItem:[self createElementForTemplate:currentTemplateElement
- (void)parseData
unsigned long position = 0;
char *data = (char *) [[resource data] bytes];
// used for nesting of elements, 'target' is current object to append to, targetStack is a FILO stack of mutable array pointers, loopStack is a stack of element indicies to the start of loops, so I can go back to the head of a loop when iterating it
NSMutableArray *target = res;
NSMutableArray *targetStack = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject:res];
// NSMutableArray *loopStack = [NSMutableArray array];
// n = current item in TMPL to read, c = loop counter, when exiting loop, go back 'c' items in the template, lim is how many times to loop, obtained from a loop count
unsigned long n = 0, c = 0, lim = 0;
// creates an array of elements containing the data in whatever format the template dictates
// array can then simply be manipulated one element at a time, or flattened to save
Element *currentTemplateElement, *resourceElement;
// NSEnumerator *enumerator = [tmpl objectEnumerator];
// while(currentTemplateElement = [enumerator nextObject])
while(position < [[resource size] unsignedLongValue])
unsigned long type;
currentTemplateElement = [tmpl objectAtIndex:n];
type = [currentTemplateElement typeAsLong];
resourceElement = [[currentTemplateElement copy] autorelease];
NSLog(@"tmpl element = %@; position = %d", currentTemplateElement, position);
n++, c++;
/* Alignment */
case 'AWRD':
position += position % 2;
case 'ALNG':
position += position % 4;
/* Fillers */
case 'FBYT':
position += 1;
case 'FWRD':
position += 2;
case 'FLNG':
position += 4;
/* Decimal */
case 'DBYT':
[resourceElement setNumberWithLong:*(char *)(data + position)];
position += 1;
case 'DWRD':
[resourceElement setNumberWithLong:*(short *)(data + position)];
position += 2;
case 'DLNG':
[resourceElement setNumberWithLong:*(long *)(data + position)];
position += 4;
/* Hex */
case 'HBYT':
[resourceElement setData:[NSData dataWithBytes:(void *)(data + position) length:1]];
position += 1;
case 'HWRD':
[resourceElement setData:[NSData dataWithBytes:(void *)(data + position) length:2]];
position += 2;
case 'HLNG':
[resourceElement setData:[NSData dataWithBytes:(void *)(data + position) length:4]];
position += 4;
case 'HEXD':
// bug: doesn't check HEXD is the last element
[resourceElement setData:[NSData dataWithBytes:(void *)(data + position) length:([[resource size] intValue] - position)]];
position = [[resource size] intValue];
/* Strings */
case 'CHAR':
[resourceElement setString:[[NSString alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:(void *)(data + position) length:1] encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]];
position += 1;
case 'TNAM':
[resourceElement setString:[[NSString alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:(void *)(data + position) length:4] encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]];
position += 4;
case 'PSTR':
[resourceElement setString:[[NSString alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:(void *)(data + position + 1) length:*(unsigned char *)(data + position)] encoding:NSMacOSRomanStringEncoding]];
position += *(unsigned char *)(data + position) + 1;
/* List Counts */
case 'BCNT':
case 'BZCT':
[resourceElement setNumberWithLong:*(unsigned char *)(data + position)];
lim = *(unsigned char *)(data + position) + (type == 'BZCT'? 1:0);
position += 1;
case 'OCNT':
case 'ZCNT':
case 'WCNT':
case 'WZCT':
[resourceElement setNumberWithLong:*(unsigned short *)(data + position)];
lim = *(unsigned short *)(data + position) + (type == 'ZCNT'? 1:0);
position += 2;
case 'LCNT':
case 'LZCT':
[resourceElement setNumberWithLong:*(unsigned long *)(data + position)];
lim = *(unsigned long *)(data + position) + (type == 'LZCT'? 1:0);
position += 4;
/* List beginning and end */
case 'LSTB':
case 'LSTC':
[target addObject:resourceElement]; // add list item to current target array
// target = [resourceElement subelements]; // change current array to list's sub-elements
[targetStack addObject:target]; // append sub-element array to target stack so it can be popped off afterwards
resourceElement = nil; // don't add item to it's own sub-elements later!
case 'LSTE':
// bug: if there is a LSTE without a preceeding LSTB or LSTC this will crash
[targetStack removeLastObject]; // pop off current target from stack
target = [targetStack lastObject]; // set current target to whatever was second from top on the stack
resourceElement = nil; // list end items are not needed in a resource array
if(n < lim) n -= c;
c = 0;
/* Cxxx, Hxxx or P0xx */
// bug: should look for Cxxx, Hxxx or P0xx and complain if it's something else (an unknown type)!!
{/* long lengthStr = (type & 0x00FFFFFF) << 8;
unsigned long length = strtoul((char *) &lengthStr, nil, 10);
char *lengthStr = (type & 0x00FFFFFF) & (3 << 24);
unsigned long length;
StringToNum(lengthStr, &length);
NSLog(@"error, '%@' is unsupported, skipping %d bytes", [resourceElement type], length);
resourceElement = nil; // relies on element being previously autoreleased to avoid a leak
position += length;*/
} break;
} // end template element type switch
NSLog(@"adding %@", resourceElement);
[target addObject:resourceElement];
} // end while position < size
NSLog([target description]);
- (void)createUI
// iterate through res (the resource element array) creating fields
[self enumerateElements:res];
- (void)enumerateElements:(NSMutableArray *)elements
// iterate through the array of resource elements, creating fields
Element *currentResourceElement;
NSEnumerator *enumerator = [elements objectEnumerator];
NSLog(@"elements in resource array = %d", [elements count]);
while(currentResourceElement = [enumerator nextObject])
// if element is a container (subelements != nil), iterate inside it first
/* if([currentResourceElement subelements])
// bug: need to indent view right
[self enumerateElements:[currentResourceElement subelements]];
// bug: need to remove indentation
else // element is normal
*/ {
/* NSFormCell *newField = [[NSFormCell alloc] initTextCell:[currentResourceElement label]];
[fieldsMatrix addRowWithCells:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[newField autorelease]]]; */
NSLog([currentResourceElement description]);
- (void)resourceDataDidChange:(NSNotification *)notification
// ensure it's our resource which got changed (should always be true, we don't register for notifications on other resource objects)
if([notification object] == (id)resource)
[self refreshData:[resource data]];
- (void)refreshData:(NSData *)data;
// put data from resource into correct fields
- (id)resource
return resource;
- (NSData *)data
return [resource data];