#import "HexTextView.h" #import "NSData-HexRepresentation.h" @interface NSTextView (Private) - (NSUInteger)_insertionGlyphIndexForDrag:(id)sender; @end @interface _NSUndoObject : NSObject - (id)popUndoObject; @end @interface NSUndoManager (Private) - (_NSUndoObject *)_undoStack; @end @implementation HexEditorTextView /* NSText overrides */ - (IBAction)cut:(id)sender { [self copy:sender]; [self clear:sender]; } - (IBAction)copy:(id)sender { NSRange selection = [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] rangeForUserTextChange]; NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSGeneralPboard]; [pb declareTypes:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType] owner:self]; [pb setData:[[(HexWindowController *)[[self window] windowController] data] subdataWithRange:selection] forType:NSStringPboardType]; } - (IBAction)copyASCII:(id)sender { } - (IBAction)copyHex:(id)sender { } - (IBAction)paste:(id)sender { NSRange selection = [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] rangeForUserTextChange]; NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSGeneralPboard]; // pastes data as it is on the clipboard if([pb availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType]]) [self editData:[[[self window] windowController] data] replaceBytesInRange:selection withData:[pb dataForType:NSStringPboardType]]; } - (IBAction)pasteAsASCII:(id)sender { NSRange selection = [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] rangeForUserTextChange]; NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSGeneralPboard]; // converts whatever string encoding is on the clipboard to the default C string encoding, then pastes if([pb availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType]]) { NSData *asciiData = [[pb stringForType:NSStringPboardType] dataUsingEncoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding] allowLossyConversion:YES]; [self editData:[[[self window] windowController] data] replaceBytesInRange:selection withData:asciiData]; } } - (IBAction)pasteAsUnicode:(id)sender { NSRange selection = [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] rangeForUserTextChange]; NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSGeneralPboard]; // converts whatever string encoding is on the clipboard to Unicode, strips off the byte order mark, then pastes if([pb availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType]]) { NSMutableData *unicodeData = [[[pb stringForType:NSStringPboardType] dataUsingEncoding:NSUnicodeStringEncoding] mutableCopy]; if(*((unsigned short *)[unicodeData mutableBytes]) == 0xFEFF || *((unsigned short *)[unicodeData mutableBytes]) == 0xFFFE) [unicodeData replaceBytesInRange:NSMakeRange(0,2) withBytes:NULL length:0]; [self editData:[[[self window] windowController] data] replaceBytesInRange:selection withData:unicodeData]; [unicodeData release]; } } - (IBAction)pasteAsHex:(id)sender { NSRange selection = [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] rangeForUserTextChange]; NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSGeneralPboard]; // converts whatever data is on the clipboard to a hex representation of that data, then pastes if([pb availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType]]) { NSData *hexData = [[[pb dataForType:NSStringPboardType] hexRepresentation] dataUsingEncoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding] allowLossyConversion:YES]; [self editData:[[[self window] windowController] data] replaceBytesInRange:selection withData:hexData]; } } - (IBAction)pasteFromHex:(id)sender { NSRange selection = [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] rangeForUserTextChange]; NSPasteboard *pb = [NSPasteboard pasteboardWithName:NSGeneralPboard]; // converts hex data present on the clipboard to the bytes they represent, then pastes if([pb availableTypeFromArray:[NSArray arrayWithObject:NSStringPboardType]]) { NSData *binaryData = [[pb stringForType:NSStringPboardType] dataFromHex]; [self editData:[[[self window] windowController] data] replaceBytesInRange:selection withData:binaryData]; } } - (IBAction)clear:(id)sender { NSRange selection = [self rangeForUserTextChange]; if(selection.length > 0) [self delete:sender]; } - (IBAction)delete:(id)sender { [self deleteBackward:sender]; } /* Dragging routines */ - (NSDragOperation)draggingSourceOperationMaskForLocal:(BOOL)isLocal { return NSDragOperationNone; /* if(isLocal) return NSDragOperationEvery; else return NSDragOperationCopy; return NSDragOperationCopy | NSDragOperationMove | NSDragOperationGeneric; */} static NSRange draggedRange; - (void)draggedImage:(NSImage *)image beganAt:(NSPoint)point { draggedRange = [self rangeForUserTextChange]; } - (void)draggedImage:(NSImage *)image endedAt:(NSPoint)point operation:(NSDragOperation)operation { if(operation == NSDragOperationMove) { NSRange selection = [self rangeForUserTextChange]; [self editData:[[[self window] windowController] data] replaceBytesInRange:draggedRange withData:[NSData data]]; // set the new selection/insertion point selection.location -= draggedRange.length; selection.length = draggedRange.length; if(selection.location > draggedRange.location) selection.location -= draggedRange.length; [self setSelectedRange:selection]; } } - (NSDragOperation)draggingUpdated:(id )sender { [super draggingUpdated:sender]; // ignore return value if([sender draggingSource] == [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] hex] || [sender draggingSource] == [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] ascii]) return NSDragOperationMove; else return NSDragOperationCopy; } - (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id )sender { // get the insertion point location NSPasteboard *pb = [sender draggingPasteboard]; NSData *pastedData = [pb dataForType:NSStringPboardType]; unsigned int charIndex = (unsigned int) [self _insertionGlyphIndexForDrag:sender]; NSRange selection; // convert hex string to data if([sender draggingSource] == [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] hex]) pastedData = [[[[NSString alloc] initWithData:pastedData encoding:[NSString defaultCStringEncoding]] autorelease] dataFromHex]; if([sender draggingSource] == [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] hex] || [sender draggingSource] == [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] ascii]) // if(operation == NSDragOperationMove) { NSRange deleteRange = draggedRange; if(self == (id) [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] hex]) { deleteRange.location /= 3; deleteRange.length += 1; deleteRange.length /= 3; } // if moving the data, remove the selection from the data [self editData:[[[self window] windowController] data] replaceBytesInRange:deleteRange withData:[NSData data]]; // compensate for already removing the dragged data if(charIndex > draggedRange.location) charIndex -= draggedRange.length; } // insert data at insertion point if(self == (id) [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] hex]) charIndex /= 3; [self editData:[[[self window] windowController] data] replaceBytesInRange:NSMakeRange(charIndex,0) withData:pastedData]; // set the new selection/insertion point selection = [self rangeForUserTextChange]; selection.location -= draggedRange.length; selection.length = draggedRange.length; [self setSelectedRange:selection]; return YES; } - (void)concludeDragOperation:(id )sender { // override and do nothing } /* NSResponder overrides */ - (void)insertText:(NSString *)string { NSRange selection = [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] rangeForUserTextChange]; NSMutableData *data = [[[[[self window] windowController] data] mutableCopy] autorelease]; NSData *replaceData = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; if(self == (id) [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] hex]) { // bug: iteration through each character in string is broken, paste not yet mapped to this function for(NSUInteger i = 0; i < [string lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; i++) { char typedChar = [string characterAtIndex:i]; if(typedChar >= 0x30 && typedChar <= 0x39) typedChar -= 0x30; // 0 to 9 else if(typedChar >= 0x41 && typedChar <= 0x46) typedChar -= 0x37; // A to F else if(typedChar >= 0x61 && typedChar <= 0x66) typedChar -= 0x57; // a to f else return; if(![(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] editedLow]) // editing low bits { // put typed char into low bits typedChar &= 0x0F; replaceData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&typedChar length:1]; [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] setEditedLow:YES]; } else // edited low bits already { // select & retrieve old byte so it gets replaced char prevByte; selection = NSMakeRange(selection.location -1, 1); [data getBytes:&prevByte range:selection]; // shift typed char into high bits and add new low char prevByte <<= 4; // store high bit prevByte += typedChar & 0x0F; // add low bit replaceData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&prevByte length:1]; [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] setEditedLow:NO]; } } } // replace bytes (updates views implicitly, records an undo) [self editData:data replaceBytesInRange:selection withData:replaceData]; // set the new selection (insertion point) selection.location++; selection.length = 0; if(self == (id) [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] hex]) selection = [HexWindowController hexRangeFromByteRange:selection]; if(self == (id) [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] ascii]) selection = [HexWindowController asciiRangeFromByteRange:selection]; [self setSelectedRange:selection]; } - (IBAction)deleteBackward:(id)sender { NSRange selection = [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] rangeForUserTextChange]; NSMutableData *data = [[[[self window] windowController] data] mutableCopy]; // adjust selection if is insertion point if(selection.length == 0 && selection.location > 0) { selection.location -= 1; selection.length = 1; } // replace bytes (updates views implicitly) [self editData:data replaceBytesInRange:selection withData:[NSData data]]; [data release]; // set the new selection (insertion point) if(selection.length == 0 && selection.location > 0) selection.location -= 1; else selection.length = 0; if(self == (id) [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] hex]) selection = [HexWindowController hexRangeFromByteRange:selection]; if(self == (id) [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] ascii]) selection = [HexWindowController asciiRangeFromByteRange:selection]; [self setSelectedRange:selection]; } - (IBAction)deleteForward:(id)sender { NSRange selection = [(HexEditorDelegate *)[self delegate] rangeForUserTextChange]; NSMutableData *data = [[[[self window] windowController] data] mutableCopy]; // adjust selection if is insertion point if(selection.length == 0 && [self rangeForUserTextChange].location < [[self string] length] -1) selection.length = 1; // replace bytes (updates views implicitly) [self editData:data replaceBytesInRange:selection withData:[NSData data]]; [data release]; // set the new selection/insertion point selection = [self rangeForUserTextChange]; selection.length = 0; [self setSelectedRange:selection]; } - (IBAction)transpose:(id)sender { ; } - (IBAction)deleteWordBackward:(id)sender { [self deleteBackward:sender]; } - (IBAction)deleteWordForward:(id)sender { [self deleteForward:sender]; } - (IBAction)transposeWords:(id)sender { [self transpose:sender]; } - (void)setSelectedRange:(NSRange)charRange affinity:(NSSelectionAffinity)affinity stillSelecting:(BOOL)stillSelectingFlag { [super setSelectedRange:charRange affinity:affinity stillSelecting:NO]; } - (void)editData:(NSData *)data replaceBytesInRange:(NSRange)range withData:(NSData *)newBytes { // save data we're about to replace so we can restore it in an undo NSRange newRange = NSMakeRange(range.location, [newBytes length]); NSMutableData *newData = [NSMutableData dataWithData:data]; NSData *oldBytes = [[data subdataWithRange:range] retain]; // bug: memory leak, need to release somewhere (call -[NSInvocation retainArguments] instead?) // manipulate undo stack to concatenate multiple undos BOOL closeUndoGroup = NO; id undoStack = nil; // object of class _NSUndoStack if(![[[self window] undoManager] isUndoing]) undoStack = (id) [[[self window] undoManager] _undoStack]; if(undoStack && (int)[undoStack count] > 0 && [[[self window] undoManager] groupingLevel] == 0) { [undoStack popUndoObject]; // pop endUndoGrouping item closeUndoGroup = YES; } // replace bytes, save new data, updates views & selection and mark doc as edited [newData replaceBytesInRange:range withBytes:[newBytes bytes] length:[newBytes length]]; [[(HexWindowController *)[[self window] windowController] resource] setData:newData]; [self setSelectedRange:NSMakeRange(range.location + [newBytes length], 0)]; // record undo with new data object [[[[self window] undoManager] prepareWithInvocationTarget:self] editData:newData replaceBytesInRange:newRange withData:oldBytes]; [oldBytes release]; [[[self window] undoManager] setActionName:NSLocalizedString(@"Typing", nil)]; if(closeUndoGroup) [[[self window] undoManager] endUndoGrouping]; } @end @implementation HexTextView /*! @method selectionRangeForProposedRange:granularity: @abstract Adjusts the selection for insertion point and byte-selection @author Nicholas Shanks @created 2003-11-10 */ - (NSRange)selectionRangeForProposedRange:(NSRange)proposedCharRange granularity:(NSSelectionGranularity)granularity { NSRange newRange = proposedCharRange; if(newRange.length == 0) { // set insertion point location if(newRange.location % 3 == 1) newRange.location--; if(newRange.location % 3 == 2) newRange.location++; } else { // select whole bytes at a time - bug: this doesn't quite work when selecting forwards one byte with the mouse granularity = NSSelectByWord; newRange.location -= (proposedCharRange.location % 3); newRange.length += (proposedCharRange.location % 3); // set selection length to whole number of bytes if(newRange.length > 0) { if(newRange.length % 3 == 0) newRange.length--; if(newRange.length % 3 == 1) newRange.length++; } } return [super selectionRangeForProposedRange:newRange granularity:granularity]; } // also, lots of subclasser pasteboard support better to use than overriding copy: and paste:? see NSTextView.h - (void)setSelectedRange:(NSRange)newRange affinity:(NSSelectionAffinity)affinity stillSelecting:(BOOL)stillSelectingFlag { if(newRange.length == 0 && stillSelectingFlag == NO) { // moving insertion point if(newRange.location % 3 == 1) newRange.location += 2; if(newRange.location % 3 == 2) newRange.location -= 2; } else if(stillSelectingFlag == NO && [[self window] firstResponder] == self) { NSRange oldRange = [self rangeForUserTextChange]; // selecting forwards if(oldRange.location == newRange.location && oldRange.length != newRange.length) // if(affinity == NSSelectionAffinityDownstream) { // selecting first byte if(newRange.location % 3 == 0 && newRange.length == 1 && oldRange.length < newRange.length) newRange.length += 1; // deselecting first byte if(newRange.location % 3 == 0 && newRange.length == 1 && oldRange.length > newRange.length) newRange.length = 0; // extending selection else if(newRange.location % 3 == 0 && newRange.length % 3 == 0) newRange.length += 2; // reducing selection else if(newRange.location % 3 == 0 && newRange.length % 3 == 1) newRange.length -= 2; } // reducing forwards selection spanning multiple rows past start point else if(newRange.location + newRange.length == oldRange.location && newRange.length % 3 == 1 && oldRange.length > 0) { // example: 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF => 00 00 00|FF FF FF 00 00 // FF FF FF|00 00 00 00 00 => 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 newRange.location += 1; newRange.length -= 2; } // inverse of above else if(oldRange.location + oldRange.length == newRange.location && newRange.length % 3 == 0 && oldRange.length > 0) { // example: 00 00 00|FF FF FF 00 00 => 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF // 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 => FF FF FF|00 00 00 00 00 newRange.location += 1; newRange.length -= 1; } // reducing backwards selection spanning multiple rows past start point else if(oldRange.location + oldRange.length == newRange.location && newRange.length % 3 == 1 && oldRange.length > 0) { // example: 00 00 00 00 00 00|FF FF => 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 // FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 => 00 00 00 FF FF FF|00 00 newRange.location += 1; newRange.length -= 2; } // inverse of above else if(newRange.location + newRange.length == oldRange.location && newRange.length % 3 == 0 && oldRange.length > 0) { // example: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 => 00 00 00 00 00 00|FF FF // 00 00 00 FF FF FF|00 00 => FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 newRange.location += 1; newRange.length -= 2; } // selecting backwards else if(oldRange.location != newRange.location && oldRange.length != newRange.length) // else if(affinity == NSSelectionAffinityDownstream) { // selecting first byte if(newRange.location % 3 == 2 && newRange.length == 1) { newRange.location -= 2; newRange.length += 1; } // deselecting first byte else if(newRange.location % 3 == 1 && newRange.length == 1) { newRange.location += 2; newRange.length = 0; } // extending selection else if(newRange.location % 3 == 2 && newRange.length % 3 == 0) { newRange.location -= 2; newRange.length += 2; } // reducing selection else if(newRange.location % 3 == 1 && newRange.length % 3 == 1) { newRange.location += 2; newRange.length -= 2; } } } [super setSelectedRange:newRange affinity:affinity stillSelecting:stillSelectingFlag]; } /*! @method selectionRangeForProposedRange:granularity: @abstract Puts insertion pointer between bytes during drag operation @author Nicholas Shanks @updated 2003-11-10 NGS: Changed algorithm. */ - (unsigned int)_insertionGlyphIndexForDrag:(id )sender { unsigned int glyphIndex = (unsigned int) [super _insertionGlyphIndexForDrag:sender]; if(glyphIndex % 3 == 1) glyphIndex--; if(glyphIndex % 3 == 2) glyphIndex++; return glyphIndex; } @end @implementation AsciiTextView @end