#import @class Element; @interface TemplateStream : NSObject { char *data; unsigned int bytesToGo; NSMutableArray *counterStack; NSMutableArray *keyStack; } + (id)streamWithBytes:(char *)d length:(unsigned int)l; + (id)substreamWithStream:(TemplateStream *)s length:(unsigned int)l; - (id)initStreamWithBytes:(char *)d length:(unsigned int)l; - (id)initWithStream:(TemplateStream *)s length:(unsigned int)l; - (char *)data; - (unsigned int)bytesToGo; - (void)setBytesToGo:(unsigned int)b; - (Element *)counter; - (void)pushCounter:(Element *)c; - (void)popCounter; - (Element *)key; - (void)pushKey:(Element *)k; - (void)popKey; - (Element *)readOneElement; // For parsing of 'TMPL' resource as template. - (unsigned int)bytesToNull; - (void)advanceAmount:(unsigned int)l pad:(BOOL)pad; // advance r/w pointer and optionally write padding bytes - (void)peekAmount:(unsigned int)l toBuffer:(void *)buffer; // read bytes without advancing pointer - (void)readAmount:(unsigned int)l toBuffer:(void *)buffer; // stream reading - (void)writeAmount:(unsigned int)l fromBuffer:(const void *)buffer; // stream writing - (NSMutableDictionary *)fieldRegistry; @end