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#import "OutlineViewDelegate.h"
#import "Resource.h"
#import "ResourceDataSource.h"
#import "ResourceNameCell.h"
#import "ApplicationDelegate.h"
@implementation OutlineViewDelegate
- (void)tableView:(NSTableView*)tableView didClickTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn
NSArray *newResources;
NSArray *oldResources = [(ResourceDataSource *)[tableView dataSource] resources];
// sort the array
NSImage *indicator = [tableView indicatorImageInTableColumn:tableColumn];
NSImage *upArrow = [NSTableView _defaultTableHeaderSortImage];
if( indicator == upArrow )
newResources = [oldResources sortedArrayUsingFunction:compareResourcesAscending context:(void*)[tableColumn identifier]];
newResources = [oldResources sortedArrayUsingFunction:compareResourcesDescending context:(void*)[tableColumn identifier]];
// swap new array for old one
[(ResourceDataSource *)[tableView dataSource] setResources:[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:newResources]];
[tableView reloadData];
int compareResourcesAscending( Resource *r1, Resource *r2, void *context )
NSString *key = (NSString *)context;
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(key);
if( [key isEqualToString:@"name"] || [key isEqualToString:@"type"] )
// compare two NSStrings (case-insensitive)
return [(NSString *)[r1 performSelector:sel] caseInsensitiveCompare: (NSString *)[r2 performSelector:sel]];
// compare two NSNumbers (or any other class)
return [(NSNumber *)[r1 performSelector:sel] compare: (NSNumber *)[r2 performSelector:sel]];
int compareResourcesDescending( Resource *r1, Resource *r2, void *context )
NSString *key = (NSString *)context;
SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(key);
if( [key isEqualToString:@"name"] || [key isEqualToString:@"type"] )
// compare two NSStrings (case-insensitive)
return -1 * [(NSString *)[r1 performSelector:sel] caseInsensitiveCompare: (NSString *)[r2 performSelector:sel]];
// compare two NSNumbers (or any other class)
return -1 * [(NSNumber *)[r1 performSelector:sel] compare: (NSNumber *)[r2 performSelector:sel]];
- (BOOL)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView shouldEditTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item
return YES;
- (void)outlineView:(NSOutlineView *)outlineView willDisplayCell:(id)cell forTableColumn:(NSTableColumn *)tableColumn item:(id)item
int row = [outlineView rowForItem:item];
NSString *identifier = [tableColumn identifier];
if( [identifier isEqualToString:@"name"] ) [cell setFormatter:nameFormatter];
else if( [identifier isEqualToString:@"size"] ) [cell setFormatter:sizeFormatter];
else if( [identifier isEqualToString:@"attributes"] ) [cell setFormatter:attributesFormatter];
// set resource icon
if( [identifier isEqualToString:@"name"] )
// [(ResourceNameCell *)cell setImage:[NSImage imageNamed:@"Resource file"]];
// [(ResourceNameCell *)cell setImage:[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFileType:[(Resource *)item type]]];
[(ResourceNameCell *)cell setImage:[[(ApplicationDelegate *)[NSApp delegate] icons] valueForKey:[(Resource *)item type]]];
if( row % 2 )
[cell setDrawsBackground:NO];
[cell setBackgroundColor:[NSColor whiteColor]];
[cell setDrawsBackground:YES];
[cell setBackgroundColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:0.93 green:0.95 blue:1.0 alpha:1.0]];
@implementation NSOutlineView (OutlineSortView)
- (void)swapForOutlineSortView
isa = [OutlineSortView class];
@implementation OutlineSortView
- (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)event
if( [self selectedRow] != -1 && [[event characters] isEqualToString:[NSString stringWithCString:"\r"]] )
[self editColumn:0 row:[self selectedRow] withEvent:nil select:YES];
else [super keyDown:event];
- (BOOL)textView:(NSTextView *)textView doCommandBySelector:(SEL)selector
// pressed return, end editing
if( selector == @selector(insertNewline:) )
[[self window] makeFirstResponder:self];
[self abortEditing];
return YES;
// pressed tab, move to next editable field
else if( selector == @selector(insertTab:) )
int newColumn = ([self editedColumn] +1) % [self numberOfColumns];
NSString *newColIdentifier = [[[self tableColumns] objectAtIndex:newColumn] identifier];
if( [newColIdentifier isEqualToString:@"size"] || [newColIdentifier isEqualToString:@"attributes"] )
newColumn = (newColumn +1) % [self numberOfColumns];
newColIdentifier = [[[self tableColumns] objectAtIndex:newColumn] identifier];
if( [newColIdentifier isEqualToString:@"size"] || [newColIdentifier isEqualToString:@"attributes"] )
newColumn = (newColumn +1) % [self numberOfColumns];
[self editColumn:newColumn row:[self selectedRow] withEvent:nil select:YES];
return YES;
// pressed shift-tab, move to previous editable field
else if( selector == @selector(insertBacktab:) )
int newColumn = ([self editedColumn] + [self numberOfColumns] -1) % [self numberOfColumns];
NSString *newColIdentifier = [[[self tableColumns] objectAtIndex:newColumn] identifier];
if( [newColIdentifier isEqualToString:@"size"] || [newColIdentifier isEqualToString:@"attributes"] )
newColumn = (newColumn + [self numberOfColumns] -1) % [self numberOfColumns];
newColIdentifier = [[[self tableColumns] objectAtIndex:newColumn] identifier];
if( [newColIdentifier isEqualToString:@"size"] || [newColIdentifier isEqualToString:@"attributes"] )
newColumn = (newColumn + [self numberOfColumns] -1) % [self numberOfColumns];
[self editColumn:newColumn row:[self selectedRow] withEvent:nil select:YES];
return YES;
return NO;
//- (void)_sendDelegateDidMouseDownInHeader:(int)columnIndex
- (void)_sendDelegateDidClickColumn:(int)columnIndex
NSTableColumn *tableColumn = [[self tableColumns] objectAtIndex:columnIndex];
NSImage *indicator = [self indicatorImageInTableColumn:tableColumn];
NSImage *upArrow = [NSTableView _defaultTableHeaderSortImage];
NSImage *downArrow = [NSTableView _defaultTableHeaderReverseSortImage];
if( indicator )
// column already selected
if( indicator == upArrow )
[self setIndicatorImage:downArrow inTableColumn:tableColumn];
else [self setIndicatorImage:upArrow inTableColumn:tableColumn];
// new column selected
if( [self highlightedTableColumn] != nil )
// if there is an existing selection, clear it's image
[self setIndicatorImage:nil inTableColumn:[self highlightedTableColumn]];
if( [[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"name"] || [[tableColumn identifier] isEqualToString:@"type"] )
// sort name and type columns ascending by default
[self setIndicatorImage:upArrow inTableColumn:tableColumn];
// sort all other columns descending by default
[self setIndicatorImage:downArrow inTableColumn:tableColumn];
[self setHighlightedTableColumn:tableColumn];
[[self delegate] tableView:self didClickTableColumn:tableColumn];
@end |