ResKnife/Cocoa/Plug-Ins/Hex Editor/HexTextView.m

68 lines
2.3 KiB

#import "HexTextView.h"
#import "ResKnifeResourceProtocol.h"
@implementation HexTextView
- (void)insertText:(id)insertString
// bug: Every time a character is typed or string pasted, the entire resource is duplicated, operated on and disposed of! Perhaps I could do this in a better way?
NSMutableData *newData = [NSMutableData dataWithData:[[[self window] windowController] data]];
NSRange selection = [self selectedRange];
NSLog( insertString );
// modify resource data
// update resource data - this causes a notification to be sent out, which the plug receives and acts upon to update the text views
[(id <ResKnifeResourceProtocol>)[[[self window] windowController] resource] setData:newData];
- (void)setSelectedRange:(NSRange)charRange affinity:(NSSelectionAffinity)affinity stillSelecting:(BOOL)flag
NSRange newRange = charRange;
// select whole bytes at a time (only if selecting in hex!)
if( self == (id) [[self delegate] hex] )
// NSLog( NSStringFromRange(newRange) );
// move selection offset to beginning of byte
newRange.location -= (charRange.location % 3);
newRange.length += (charRange.location % 3);
// set selection length to whole number of bytes
if( charRange.length != 0 )
newRange.length -= (newRange.length % 3) -2;
else newRange.length = 0;
// move insertion point to next byte if needs be
if( newRange.location == charRange.location -1 && newRange.length == 0 )
newRange.location += 3;
// NSLog( NSStringFromRange(newRange) );
// NSLog( @"===========" );
// select return character if selecting ascii
else if( self == (id) [[self delegate] ascii] )
// if ascii selection goes up to sixteenth byte on last line, select return character too
if( (charRange.length + charRange.location) % 17 == 16)
// if selection is zero bytes long, move insertion point to character after return
if( charRange.length == 0 )
// if moving back from first byte of line to previous line, skip return char
NSRange selected = [self selectedRange];
if( (selected.length + selected.location) % 17 == 0 )
newRange.location -= 1;
else newRange.location += 1;
else newRange.length += 1;
// call the superclass to update the selection
[super setSelectedRange:newRange affinity:affinity stillSelecting:NO];