
87 lines
2.1 KiB

#if defined(__APPLE_CC__) // compiling with gcc
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#else // compiling with CodeWarrior, __MWERKS__
#include <Carbon.h>
#ifndef _ResKnife_Utility_
#define _ResKnife_Utility_
@header Utility Routines
@discussion Supplies the application with generic oft-used functions such as string conversion and menu enabling.
@function SetColour
void SetColour(RGBColor *colour, UInt16 red, UInt16 green, UInt16 blue);
@function MakeLocal
void MakeLocal( WindowRef window, Point globalPoint, Point *localPoint );
@function MakeGlobal
void MakeGlobal( WindowRef window, Point localPoint, Point *globalPoint );
@function CStringLength
unsigned long CStringLength(char *string);
@function PStringLength
unsigned char PStringLength(unsigned char *string);
@function TypeToCString
void TypeToCString(const OSType type, char *string);
@function TypeToPString
void TypeToPString(const OSType type, Str255 string);
@function TypeToCFString
void TypeToCFString(const OSType type, CFStringRef *string);
@function CopyCString
void CopyCString(const UInt8 *source, UInt8 *dest);
@function CopyPString
void CopyPString(const UInt8 *source, UInt8 *dest);
@function EqualCStrings
Boolean EqualCStrings(UInt8 *source, UInt8 *dest);
@function EqualPStrings
Boolean EqualPStrings(UInt8 *source, UInt8 *dest);
@function AppendPString
void AppendPString(Str255 original, ConstStr255Param added);
@function MenuItemEnable
void MenuItemEnable(MenuRef menu, MenuItemIndex item, Boolean enable);
@function EnableCommand
void EnableCommand(MenuRef menu, MenuCommand command, Boolean enable);
@function MakeRelativeAliasFile
OSErr MakeRelativeAliasFile(FSSpec *targetFile, FSSpec *aliasDest);
@function LaunchURL
@param url A C string containing the address to which you want the user to go. You must include 'http://' if necessary, and all addresses to a directory should have a trailing slash.
OSStatus LaunchURL(char *url);