2002-02-02 11:31:28 +00:00

247 lines
7.6 KiB

#import "ResourceDocument.h"
#import "Resource.h"
@implementation ResourceDocument
- (id)init
self = [super init];
resources = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
otherFork = nil;
return self;
- (void)dealloc
if( otherFork )
DisposePtr( (Ptr) otherFork );
[resources release];
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *)windowNibName
// Override returning the nib file name of the document
// If you need to use a subclass of NSWindowController or if your document supports multiple NSWindowControllers, you should remove this method and override -makeWindowControllers instead.
return @"ResourceDocument";
- (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *)controller
[super windowControllerDidLoadNib:controller];
// Add any code here that need to be executed once the windowController has loaded the document's window.
// [controller setDocumet:self];
[dataSource setResources:resources];
- (BOOL)keepBackupFile
return NO; // return whatever the user preference is for this! (NSDefaults)
- (BOOL)windowShouldClose:(NSWindow *)sender
NSString *file = [[[sender representedFilename] lastPathComponent] stringByDeletingPathExtension];
if( [file isEqualToString:@""] ) file = @"this document";
NSBeginAlertSheet( @"Save Document?", @"Save", @"Cancel", @"DonÕt Save", sender, self, @selector(didEndShouldCloseSheet:returnCode:contextInfo:), NULL, sender, @"Do you wish to save %@?", file );
return NO;
- (void)didEndShouldCloseSheet:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(int)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
if( returnCode == NSAlertDefaultReturn ) // save then close
[self saveDocument:contextInfo];
[(NSWindow *)contextInfo close];
else if( returnCode == NSAlertOtherReturn ) // don't save, just close
[(NSWindow *)contextInfo close];
else if( returnCode == NSAlertErrorReturn )
NSLog( @"didEndShouldCloseSheet received NSAlertErrorReturn return code" );
// else returnCode == NSAlertAlternateReturn, cancel
- (BOOL)readFromFile:(NSString *)fileName ofType:(NSString *)type
BOOL succeeded = NO;
OSStatus error = noErr;
HFSUniStr255 *resourceForkName = (HFSUniStr255 *) NewPtrClear( sizeof(HFSUniStr255) );
FSRef *fileRef = (FSRef *) NewPtrClear( sizeof(FSRef) );
SInt16 fileRefNum = 0;
// open fork with resources in it
error = FSPathMakeRef( [fileName cString], fileRef, nil );
error = FSGetResourceForkName( resourceForkName );
SetResLoad( false ); // don't load "preload" resources
error = FSOpenResourceFile( fileRef, resourceForkName->length, (UniChar *) &resourceForkName->unicode, fsRdPerm, &fileRefNum);
if( error ) // try to open data fork instead
error = FSOpenResourceFile( fileRef, 0, nil, fsRdPerm, &fileRefNum);
else otherFork = resourceForkName;
SetResLoad( true ); // restore resource loading as soon as is possible
// read the resources
if( fileRefNum && !error )
succeeded = [self readResourceMap:fileRefNum];
// tidy up loose ends
if( !otherFork ) DisposePtr( (Ptr) resourceForkName ); // only delete if we're not saving it
if( fileRefNum ) FSClose( fileRefNum );
DisposePtr( (Ptr) fileRef );
return succeeded;
- (BOOL)readResourceMap:(SInt16)fileRefNum
OSStatus error = noErr;
unsigned short i, j, n;
SInt16 oldResFile = CurResFile();
UseResFile( fileRefNum );
for( i = 1; i <= Count1Types(); i++ )
ResType resType;
Get1IndType( &resType, i );
n = Count1Resources( resType );
for( j = 1; j <= n; j++ )
Str255 nameStr;
long sizeLong;
short resIDShort;
short attrsShort;
Handle resourceHandle;
resourceHandle = Get1IndResource( resType, j );
error = ResError();
if( error != noErr )
UseResFile( oldResFile );
return NO;
GetResInfo( resourceHandle, &resIDShort, &resType, nameStr );
sizeLong = GetResourceSizeOnDisk( resourceHandle );
attrsShort = GetResAttrs( resourceHandle );
HLockHi( resourceHandle );
// create the resource & add it to the array
NSString *name = [NSString stringWithCString:&nameStr[1] length:nameStr[0]];
NSString *type = [NSString stringWithCString:(char *) &resType length:4];
NSNumber *size = [NSNumber numberWithLong:sizeLong];
NSNumber *resID = [NSNumber numberWithShort:resIDShort];
NSNumber *attributes = [NSNumber numberWithShort:attrsShort];
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:*resourceHandle length:sizeLong];
Resource *resource = [Resource resourceOfType:type andID:resID withName:name andAttributes:attributes data:data ofLength:size];
[resources addObject:resource]; // array retains resource
HUnlock( resourceHandle );
ReleaseResource( resourceHandle );
// save resource map and clean up
UseResFile( oldResFile );
return YES;
- (BOOL)writeToFile:(NSString *)fileName ofType:(NSString *)type
BOOL succeeded = NO;
OSStatus error = noErr;
FSRef *parentRef = (FSRef *) NewPtrClear( sizeof(FSRef) );
FSRef *fileRef = (FSRef *) NewPtrClear( sizeof(FSRef) );
FSSpec *fileSpec = (FSSpec *) NewPtrClear( sizeof(FSSpec) );
SInt16 fileRefNum = 0;
// create and open file for writing
error = FSPathMakeRef( [[fileName stringByDeletingLastPathComponent] cString], parentRef, nil );
if( otherFork )
unichar *uniname = (unichar *) NewPtrClear( sizeof(unichar) *256 );
[[fileName lastPathComponent] getCharacters:uniname];
error = FSCreateResourceFile( parentRef, [[fileName lastPathComponent] length], (UniChar *) uniname, kFSCatInfoNone, nil, otherFork->length, (UniChar *) &otherFork->unicode, fileRef, fileSpec );
if( !error )
error = FSOpenResourceFile( fileRef, otherFork->length, (UniChar *) &otherFork->unicode, fsWrPerm, &fileRefNum);
unichar *uniname = (unichar *) NewPtrClear( sizeof(unichar) *256 );
[[fileName lastPathComponent] getCharacters:uniname];
error = FSCreateResourceFile( parentRef, [[fileName lastPathComponent] length], (UniChar *) uniname, kFSCatInfoNone, nil, 0, nil, fileRef, fileSpec );
if( !error )
error = FSOpenResourceFile( fileRef, 0, nil, fsWrPerm, &fileRefNum);
// write resource array to file
if( fileRefNum && !error )
succeeded = [self writeResourceMap:fileRefNum];
// tidy up loose ends
if( fileRefNum ) FSClose( fileRefNum );
DisposePtr( (Ptr) fileRef );
return succeeded;
- (BOOL)writeResourceMap:(SInt16)fileRefNum
OSStatus error = noErr;
unsigned long i;
SInt16 oldResFile = CurResFile();
UseResFile( fileRefNum );
for( i = 0; i < [resources count]; i++ )
Resource *resource = [resources objectAtIndex:i];
Str255 nameStr;
ResType resType;
short resIDShort = [[resource resID] shortValue];
long sizeLong = [[resource size] longValue];
short attrsShort = [[resource attributes] shortValue];
Handle resourceHandle = NewHandleClear( sizeLong );
nameStr[0] = [[resource name] cStringLength];
BlockMoveData( [[resource name] cString], &nameStr[1], nameStr[0] );
[[resource type] getCString:(char *) &resType maxLength:4];
HLockHi( resourceHandle );
[[resource data] getBytes:*resourceHandle];
HUnlock( resourceHandle );
AddResource( resourceHandle, resType, resIDShort, nameStr );
if( ResError() == addResFailed )
NSLog( @"*Saving failed*; could not add resource \"%@\" of type %@ to file.", [resource name], [resource type] );
error = addResFailed;
NSLog( @"Added resource %@, \"%@\", of type %@ to file.", [resource resID], [resource name], [resource type] );
SetResAttrs( resourceHandle, attrsShort );
ChangedResource( resourceHandle );
UpdateResFile( fileRefNum );
// save resource map and clean up
UseResFile( oldResFile );
return error? NO:YES;
- (NSOutlineView *)outlineView
return outlineView;
- (ResourceDataSource *)dataSource
return dataSource;