mirror of
synced 2024-12-31 00:29:22 +00:00
273 lines
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273 lines
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#include "InspectorWindow.h"
#include "FileWindow.h"
#include "ResourceObject.h"
#include "Utility.h"
extern globals g;
InspectorWindow::InspectorWindow( void )
// if inspector already exists, return
if( g.inspector )
SelectWindow( g.inspector->Window() );
// create window
Str255 windowName;
Rect creationBounds;
SetRect( &creationBounds, 0, 0, kInspectorWindowWidth, kInspectorWindowHeight );
OffsetRect( &creationBounds, 520, 45 );
OSStatus error = CreateNewWindow( kFloatingWindowClass, kWindowStandardFloatingAttributes | kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute, &creationBounds, &window );
if( !error )
GetIndString( windowName, kWindowNameStrings, kStringInspectorWindowName );
SetWindowTitle( window, windowName );
SetWindowKind( window, kInspectorWindowKind );
SetThemeWindowBackground( window, kThemeBrushUtilityWindowBackgroundActive, false );
// install window event handler
EventHandlerRef ref = null;
EventHandlerUPP eventHandler = NewEventHandlerUPP( CloseInspectorWindow );
EventTypeSpec events[] = { { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowClose } };
InstallWindowEventHandler( window, eventHandler, GetEventTypeCount(events), (EventTypeSpec *) &events, this, &ref );
// create root control
Rect bounds;
if( g.systemVersion < kMacOSX )
ControlRef root;
CreateRootControl( window, &root );
// create image well
ControlRef imageWell;
ControlButtonContentInfo content;
content.contentType = kControlNoContent;
SetRect( &bounds, 0, 0, 44, 44 );
OffsetRect( &bounds, 8, 8 );
CreateImageWellControl( window, &bounds, &content, &imageWell );
// create static text controls
Rect windowRect;
ControlRef name, type, id;
ControlFontStyleRec fontStyle;
fontStyle.flags = kControlUseFontMask + kControlUseJustMask;
fontStyle.font = kControlFontSmallSystemFont;
fontStyle.just = teJustLeft;
GetWindowPortBounds( window, &windowRect );
SetRect( &bounds, windowRect.left +60, windowRect.top +8, windowRect.right - windowRect.left -8, windowRect.top +36 );
CreateStaticTextControl( window, &bounds, CFSTR(""), &fontStyle, &name );
fontStyle.font = kControlFontSmallBoldSystemFont;
SetRect( &bounds, windowRect.left +60, windowRect.top +38, windowRect.right - windowRect.left -70, windowRect.top +52 );
CreateStaticTextControl( window, &bounds, CFSTR(""), &fontStyle, &type );
SetRect( &bounds, windowRect.right - windowRect.left -70, windowRect.top +38, windowRect.right - windowRect.left -8, windowRect.top +52 );
CreateStaticTextControl( window, &bounds, CFSTR(""), &fontStyle, &id );
// create group control
ControlRef group;
GetWindowPortBounds( window, &bounds );
InsetRect( &bounds, 8, 8 );
bounds.top += kInspectorHeaderHeight;
CreateGroupBoxControl( window, &bounds, CFSTR("Attributes"), true, &group );
// create checkboxes
ControlRef changedBox, preloadBox, protectedBox,
lockedBox, purgeableBox, sysHeapBox;
InsetRect( &bounds, 4, 4 );
bounds.top = bounds.bottom - kControlCheckBoxHeight;
CreateCheckBoxControl( window, &bounds, CFSTR("System Heap"), kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue, true, &sysHeapBox );
bounds.top -= kControlCheckBoxHeight;
bounds.bottom -= kControlCheckBoxHeight;
CreateCheckBoxControl( window, &bounds, CFSTR("Purgeable"), kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue, true, &purgeableBox );
bounds.top -= kControlCheckBoxHeight;
bounds.bottom -= kControlCheckBoxHeight;
CreateCheckBoxControl( window, &bounds, CFSTR("Locked"), kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue, true, &lockedBox );
bounds.top -= kControlCheckBoxHeight;
bounds.bottom -= kControlCheckBoxHeight;
CreateCheckBoxControl( window, &bounds, CFSTR("Protected"), kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue, true, &protectedBox );
bounds.top -= kControlCheckBoxHeight;
bounds.bottom -= kControlCheckBoxHeight;
CreateCheckBoxControl( window, &bounds, CFSTR("Preload"), kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue, true, &preloadBox );
bounds.top -= kControlCheckBoxHeight;
bounds.bottom -= kControlCheckBoxHeight;
CreateCheckBoxControl( window, &bounds, CFSTR("Changed"), kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue, true, &changedBox );
// embed controls
EmbedControl( changedBox, group );
EmbedControl( preloadBox, group );
EmbedControl( protectedBox, group );
EmbedControl( lockedBox, group );
EmbedControl( purgeableBox, group );
EmbedControl( sysHeapBox, group );
else window = NULL;
if( g.useAppearance && g.systemVersion >= kMacOS8 )
window = GetNewCWindow( kFileWindow8, null, kFirstWindowOfClass );
window = GetNewCWindow( kFileWindow7, null, kFirstWindowOfClass );
if( window )
// update and show window
ShowWindow( window );
g.inspector = this;
else g.inspector = NULL;
/*** DESTRUCTOR ***/
InspectorWindow::~InspectorWindow( void )
g.inspector = null;
pascal OSStatus CloseInspectorWindow( EventHandlerCallRef callRef, EventRef event, void *userData )
#pragma unused( callRef, event, userData )
if( g.inspector ) delete g.inspector;
return eventNotHandledErr;
OSStatus InspectorWindow::Update( RgnHandle region )
#pragma unused( region )
// get target file
FileWindowPtr file = null;
WindowRef fileWindow = GetFrontWindowOfClass( kDocumentWindowClass, true );
if( !fileWindow ) return noErr; // no window is open - BUG: items in window are not cleared
OSStatus error = noErr;
Boolean validWindow = false;
while( !validWindow || error )
WindowKind kind = (WindowKind) GetWindowKind( fileWindow );
if( kind != kFileWindowKind )
fileWindow = GetNextWindowOfClass( fileWindow, kDocumentWindowClass, true );
if( !window ) error = paramErr;
file = (FileWindowPtr) GetWindowRefCon( fileWindow );
if( file ) validWindow = true;
else error = paramErr;
if( error ) return error;
// get selection
UInt32 itemCount;
ControlRef browser = null;
GetWindowProperty( fileWindow, kResKnifeCreator, kDataBrowserSignature, sizeof(ControlRef), null, &browser );
GetDataBrowserItemCount( browser, kDataBrowserNoItem, true, kDataBrowserItemIsSelected, &itemCount );
// get controls
ControlRef root, well, name, type, id, group;
ControlRef changedBox, preloadBox, protectedBox, lockedBox, purgeableBox, sysHeapBox;
ControlButtonContentInfo content;
GetRootControl( window, &root );
GetIndexedSubControl( root, 1, &well );
GetIndexedSubControl( root, 2, &name );
GetIndexedSubControl( root, 3, &type );
GetIndexedSubControl( root, 4, &id );
GetIndexedSubControl( root, 5, &group );
GetIndexedSubControl( group, 1, &changedBox );
GetIndexedSubControl( group, 2, &preloadBox );
GetIndexedSubControl( group, 3, &protectedBox );
GetIndexedSubControl( group, 4, &lockedBox );
GetIndexedSubControl( group, 5, &purgeableBox );
GetIndexedSubControl( group, 6, &sysHeapBox );
if( itemCount != 1 )
// set icon
content.contentType = kControlNoContent;
SetImageWellContentInfo( well, &content );
DrawOneControl( well ); // bug: work around for bug in ControlManager
// DisableControl( well );
// set name
StringPtr blank = (StringPtr) NewPtrClear( sizeof(Str255) );
CopyPascalStringToC( "\p", (char *) blank );
SetControlData( name, kControlLabelPart, kControlStaticTextTextTag, 1, blank );
SetControlTitle( name, "\p" );
// set type
SetControlData( type, kControlLabelPart, kControlStaticTextTextTag, 1, blank );
SetControlTitle( type, "\p" );
// set ID
SetControlData( id, kControlLabelPart, kControlStaticTextTextTag, 1, blank );
SetControlTitle( id, "\p" );
// set control values
SetControlValue( changedBox, kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
SetControlValue( preloadBox, kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
SetControlValue( protectedBox, kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
SetControlValue( lockedBox, kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
SetControlValue( purgeableBox, kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
SetControlValue( sysHeapBox, kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
// DisableControl( group );
// get selected resource
DataBrowserItemID first, last;
GetDataBrowserSelectionAnchor( browser, &first, &last ); // first must == last
ResourceObjectPtr resource = file->GetResource(first);
// set icon
content.contentType = kControlContentIconSuiteRes;
content.u.resID = kDefaultResourceIcon;
SetImageWellContentInfo( well, &content );
DrawOneControl( well ); // bug: work around for bug in ControlManager
// EnableControl( well );
// set name
StringPtr label = (StringPtr) NewPtrClear( sizeof(Str255) );
if( PStringLength( resource->Name()) == 0 ) GetIndString( label, kResourceNameStrings, kStringUntitledResource );
else CopyPascalStringToC( resource->Name(), (char *) label );
SetControlData( name, kControlLabelPart, kControlStaticTextTextTag, PStringLength(resource->Name()), label );
SetControlTitle( name, resource->Name() );
// set type
Str255 string;
TypeToPString( resource->Type(), string );
CopyPascalStringToC( string, (char *) label );
SetControlData( type, kControlLabelPart, kControlStaticTextTextTag, string[0], label );
SetControlTitle( type, string );
// set ID
NumToString( resource->ID(), string );
CopyPascalStringToC( string, (char *) label );
SetControlData( id, kControlLabelPart, kControlStaticTextTextTag, string[0], label );
SetControlTitle( id, string );
// set control values
SetControlValue( changedBox, (resource->Attributes() & resChanged)? kControlCheckBoxCheckedValue : kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
SetControlValue( preloadBox, (resource->Attributes() & resPreload)? kControlCheckBoxCheckedValue : kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
SetControlValue( protectedBox, (resource->Attributes() & resProtected)? kControlCheckBoxCheckedValue : kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
SetControlValue( lockedBox, (resource->Attributes() & resLocked)? kControlCheckBoxCheckedValue : kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
SetControlValue( purgeableBox, (resource->Attributes() & resPurgeable)? kControlCheckBoxCheckedValue : kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
SetControlValue( sysHeapBox, (resource->Attributes() & resSysHeap)? kControlCheckBoxCheckedValue : kControlCheckBoxUncheckedValue );
DeactivateControl( changedBox );
// EnableControl( group );
return error;
return noErr;
} |