Nicholas Shanks fee2452785 Allow the rebase of foreign repositories onto master.
Restores the NuTemplateEditor directory deleted from Git but not from SVN. Foreign repos were forked from SVN tree
2014-02-20 00:53:03 +00:00

25 lines
664 B

#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "Element.h"
@class ElementOCNT;
@class ElementLSTB;
@interface ElementLSTE : Element
ElementLSTB *groupElementTemplate; // The item of which we're to create a copy.
ElementOCNT *countElement; // The "counter" element if we're the end of an LSTC list.
BOOL writesZeroByte; // Write a terminating zero-byte when writing out this item (used by LSTZ).
- (IBAction)createListEntry:(id)sender;
- (void)setWritesZeroByte:(BOOL)n;
- (BOOL)writesZeroByte;
- (void)setGroupElementTemplate:(ElementLSTB *)e;
- (ElementLSTB *)groupElementTemplate;
- (void)setCountElement:(ElementOCNT *)e;
- (ElementOCNT *)countElement;