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#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "../Plug-Ins/ResKnifeResourceProtocol.h"
@class Resource
@author Nicholas Shanks
@abstract Encapsulates a single resource and all associated meta-data.
@description The Resource class fully complies with key-value coding, with the keys @"name", @"type", @"resID", @"attributes", @"data", @"dirty" and @"representedFork" available.
@interface Resource : NSObject <NSCopying, NSCoding, ResKnifeResourceProtocol>
// flags
BOOL dirty;
NSString *representedFork;
// resource information
NSString *name;
NSString *type;
NSNumber *resID; // signed short
NSNumber *attributes; // unsigned short
// the actual data
NSData *data;
// the document name for display to the user; updating this is the responsibility of the document itself
NSString *_docName;
// accessor methods not part of the protocol
- (void)_setName:(NSString *)newName;
- (void)setDirty:(BOOL)newValue;
- (NSString *)representedFork;
- (void)setRepresentedFork:(NSString *)forkName;
- (void)setDocumentName:(NSString *)docName;
// init methods
- (id)initWithType:(NSString *)typeValue andID:(NSNumber *)resIDValue;
- (id)initWithType:(NSString *)typeValue andID:(NSNumber *)resIDValue withName:(NSString *)nameValue andAttributes:(NSNumber *)attributesValue;
- (id)initWithType:(NSString *)typeValue andID:(NSNumber *)resIDValue withName:(NSString *)nameValue andAttributes:(NSNumber *)attributesValue data:(NSData *)dataValue;
// autoreleased resource methods
+ (id)resourceOfType:(NSString *)typeValue andID:(NSNumber *)resIDValue;
+ (id)resourceOfType:(NSString *)typeValue andID:(NSNumber *)resIDValue withName:(NSString *)nameValue andAttributes:(NSNumber *)attributesValue;
+ (id)resourceOfType:(NSString *)typeValue andID:(NSNumber *)resIDValue withName:(NSString *)nameValue andAttributes:(NSNumber *)attributesValue data:(NSData *)dataValue;
+ (Resource *)getResourceOfType:(NSString *)typeValue andID:(NSNumber *)resIDValue inDocument:(NSDocument *)searchDoc;