2001-10-19 19:41:13 +00:00

860 lines
27 KiB
Raw Blame History

#include "Files.h"
#include "Application.h"
#include "FileWindow.h"
#include "ResourceObject.h" // for saving inital resource data
#include "DataBrowser.h" // for kDataBrowserForkItem constant
#include "Utility.h"
#include "Errors.h"
extern globals g;
/* Convert an FSRef to an FSSpec:
FSGetCatalogInfo( &fsref, kFSCatInfoNone, null, null, &spec, null );
Get your application's FSSpec
FSSpec spec;
String name;
ProcessInfoRec info;
ProcessSerialNumber psn;
GetCurrentProcess( &psn );
info.processName = &name;
info.processAppSpec = &spec;
GetProcessInformation( psn, &info );
/*** NAV OPEN FILE ***/
/*OSStatus NavOpenFile( void )
OSStatus error = noErr;
NavReplyRecord reply;
NavDialogOptions dialogOptions;
NavEventUPP eventProc = NewNavEventUPP( NavEventFilter );
NavPreviewUPP previewProc = NewNavPreviewUPP( NavPreviewFilter );
NavObjectFilterUPP filterProc = NewNavObjectFilterUPP( NavFileFilter );
// Initialize dialog options structure and set default values
NavGetDefaultDialogOptions( &dialogOptions );
dialogOptions.dialogOptionFlags = kNavNoTypePopup | kNavDontAutoTranslate | kNavDontAddTranslateItems | kNavAllowMultipleFiles | kNavAllowInvisibleFiles;
BlockMoveData( g.appName, dialogOptions.clientName, sizeof(Str255) );
// call the nav services routine
error = NavGetFile( null, &reply, &dialogOptions, eventProc, previewProc, filterProc, null, null );
DisposeNavEventUPP( eventProc );
DisposeNavPreviewUPP( previewProc );
DisposeNavObjectFilterUPP( filterProc );
if( reply.validRecord && error == noErr )
if( g.useAppleEvents )
error = AppleEventSendSelf( kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, reply.selection );
// open the list of item(s):
AEKeyword keyword;
DescType descType;
FSSpec fileSpec;
Size actualSize;
error = AEGetNthPtr( &(reply.selection), 1, typeFSS, &keyword, &descType, &fileSpec, sizeof(FSSpec), &actualSize );
if( !error ) // if sucessful, open & read the file
new FileWindow( &fileSpec );
*/ /* SInt32 count;
FSSpec fileSpec;
AEDesc resultDesc;
error = AECountItems( &(reply.selection), &count );
if( !error )
for( SInt32 n = 1; n <= count; n++ )
error = AEGetNthDesc( &(reply.selection), n, typeFSS, null, &resultDesc );
if( !error )
HLock( (Handle) resultDesc.dataHandle );
BlockMoveData( (void *) *resultDesc.dataHandle, &fileSpec, sizeof(FSSpec) );
new FileWindow( &fileSpec );
AEDisposeDesc( &resultDesc );
*/ /* }
// Always dispose of reply structure, resources, and descriptors
error = NavDisposeReply( &reply );
return error;
/*** OPEN FILE ***/
OSStatus OpenFile( short vRefNum, long dirID, ConstStr255Param fileName )
FSSpec fileSpec;
FSMakeFSSpec( vRefNum, dirID, fileName, &fileSpec );
new FileWindow( &fileSpec );
return noErr;
OSStatus DisplayStandardFileOpenDialog( void )
StandardFileReply theReply;
SFTypeList typeList = { 0x0L };
StandardGetFile( null, 0, typeList, &theReply );
if( theReply.sfGood ) new FileWindow( &theReply.sfFile );
return theReply.sfGood? noErr:userCanceledErr;
OSStatus DisplayOpenDialog( void )
OSStatus error = noErr;
NavReplyRecord reply;
NavDialogOptions dialogOptions;
NavEventUPP eventProc = NewNavEventUPP( NavEventFilter );
NavPreviewUPP previewProc = NewNavPreviewUPP( NavPreviewFilter );
NavObjectFilterUPP filterProc = NewNavObjectFilterUPP( NavFileFilter );
NavTypeListHandle typeList = null;
NavGetDefaultDialogOptions( &dialogOptions );
dialogOptions.dialogOptionFlags += kNavNoTypePopup;
GetIndString( dialogOptions.clientName, kFileNameStrings, kStringResKnifeName );
error = NavGetFile( null, &reply, &dialogOptions, eventProc, previewProc, filterProc, typeList, null);
if( reply.validRecord || !error )
AEKeyword keyword;
DescType descType;
FSSpec fileSpec;
Size actualSize;
error = AEGetNthPtr( &(reply.selection), 1, typeFSS, &keyword, &descType, &fileSpec, sizeof(FSSpec), &actualSize );
if( !error ) new FileWindow( &fileSpec ); // if sucessful, opens & reads the file
NavDisposeReply( &reply );
else error = userCanceledErr;
DisposeNavEventUPP( eventProc );
DisposeNavPreviewUPP( previewProc );
DisposeNavObjectFilterUPP( filterProc );
return error;
OSStatus DisplayModelessGetFileDialog( void )
OSStatus error;
NavEventUPP eventProc = NewNavEventUPP( ModelessGetFileHandler );
NavPreviewUPP previewProc = null;
NavObjectFilterUPP filterProc = null;
NavTypeListHandle typeList = null;
NavDialogCreationOptions options;
error = NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions( &options );
options.clientName = (CFStringRef) CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey( CFBundleGetMainBundle(), kCFBundleNameKey );
NavDialogRef dialog;
error = NavCreateGetFileDialog( &options, typeList, eventProc, previewProc, filterProc, null, &dialog );
error = NavDialogRun( dialog );
if( error ) NavDialogDispose( dialog );
return error;
OSStatus FileWindow::DisplaySaveDialog( void )
OSStatus error = noErr;
NavDialogOptions options;
NavEventUPP eventProc = NewNavEventUPP( NavEventFilter );
NavAskSaveChangesAction action = g.quitting? kNavSaveChangesQuittingApplication : kNavSaveChangesClosingDocument;
NavAskSaveChangesResult result;
NavGetDefaultDialogOptions( &options );
GetWindowTitle( window, options.savedFileName );
// GetIndString( options.clientName, kFileNameStrings, kStringAppName );
NavAskSaveChanges( &options, action, &result, eventProc, null );
switch( result )
case kNavAskSaveChangesSave:
if( fileExists ) error = SaveFile( null );
else error = DisplaySaveAsDialog();
case kNavAskSaveChangesDontSave:
case kNavAskSaveChangesCancel:
g.cancelQuit = true;
g.quitting = false; // bug: why can't I check for userCanceledErr instead?
error = userCanceledErr;
DisposeNavEventUPP( eventProc );
return error;
OSStatus FileWindow::DisplayModelessAskSaveChangesDialog( void )
OSStatus error;
NavEventUPP eventProc = NewNavEventUPP( ModelessAskSaveChangesHandler );
NavPreviewUPP previewProc = null;
NavObjectFilterUPP filterProc = null;
NavTypeListHandle typeList = null;
NavAskSaveChangesAction action = g.quitting? kNavSaveChangesQuittingApplication : kNavSaveChangesClosingDocument;
NavDialogCreationOptions options;
error = NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions( &options );
options.parentWindow = window;
options.modality = kWindowModalityWindowModal;
options.clientName = (CFStringRef) CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey( CFBundleGetMainBundle(), kCFBundleNameKey ); // bug: are these two strings CFReleased? Should they be?
options.saveFileName = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( null, fileSpec->name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()); // bug: see above
NavDialogRef dialog;
error = NavCreateAskSaveChangesDialog( &options, action, eventProc, this, &dialog );
error = NavDialogRun( dialog );
return error;
/*** SAVE AS DIALOG ***/
OSStatus FileWindow::DisplaySaveAsDialog( void )
OSStatus error = noErr;
NavReplyRecord reply;
NavDialogOptions dialogOptions;
NavEventUPP eventProc = NewNavEventUPP( NavEventFilter );
NavGetDefaultDialogOptions( &dialogOptions );
GetWindowTitle( window, dialogOptions.savedFileName );
GetIndString( dialogOptions.clientName, kFileNameStrings, kStringResKnifeName );
error = NavPutFile( null, &reply, &dialogOptions, eventProc, kResourceFileType, kResKnifeCreator, null );
if( reply.validRecord || !error )
AEKeyword keyword;
DescType descType;
FSSpec savedSpec;
Size actualSize;
// bug: does the next line only get the first selected file?
error = AEGetNthPtr( &(reply.selection), 1, typeFSS, &keyword, &descType, &savedSpec, sizeof(FSSpec), &actualSize );
if( !error )
if( reply.replacing ) error = FSpDelete( &savedSpec );
if( !error )
error = SaveFile( &savedSpec );
if ( !error )
error = NavCompleteSave( &reply, kNavTranslateInPlace );
else if( error == fBsyErr )
DisplayError( kStringUnknownError, kExplanationUnknownError ); // read error
NavDisposeReply( &reply );
else if( !error ) error = userCanceledErr;
DisposeNavEventUPP( eventProc );
return error;
OSStatus FileWindow::DisplayModelessPutFileDialog( void )
OSStatus error;
NavEventUPP eventProc = NewNavEventUPP( ModelessPutFileHandler );
NavDialogCreationOptions options;
error = NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions( &options );
options.parentWindow = window;
options.modality = kWindowModalityWindowModal;
options.clientName = (CFStringRef) CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey( CFBundleGetMainBundle(), kCFBundleNameKey );
options.saveFileName = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( null, fileSpec->name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
NavDialogRef dialog;
error = NavCreatePutFileDialog( &options, kResourceFileType, kResKnifeCreator, eventProc, this, &dialog );
error = NavDialogRun( dialog );
return error;
OSStatus FileWindow::DisplayRevertFileDialog( void )
OSStatus error = noErr;
NavDialogOptions dialogOptions;
NavEventUPP eventProc = NewNavEventUPP( NavEventFilter );
NavAskDiscardChangesResult result;
NavGetDefaultDialogOptions( &dialogOptions );
GetWindowTitle( window, dialogOptions.savedFileName );
NavAskDiscardChanges( &dialogOptions, &result, eventProc, null );
switch( result )
case kNavAskDiscardChanges:
/* error = CloseFile();
if( error ) break;
error = OpenFile();
if( error ) break;
error = ReadFile();
*/ break;
case kNavAskDiscardChangesCancel:
DisposeNavEventUPP( eventProc );
return error;
OSStatus FileWindow::DisplayModelessAskDiscardChangesDialog( void )
OSStatus error;
NavEventUPP eventProc = NewNavEventUPP( ModelessAskDiscardChangesHandler );
NavDialogCreationOptions options;
error = NavGetDefaultDialogCreationOptions( &options );
options.parentWindow = window;
options.modality = kWindowModalityWindowModal;
options.clientName = (CFStringRef) CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey( CFBundleGetMainBundle(), kCFBundleNameKey );
options.saveFileName = CFStringCreateWithPascalString( null, fileSpec->name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
NavDialogRef dialog;
error = NavCreateAskDiscardChangesDialog( &options, eventProc, this, &dialog );
error = NavDialogRun( dialog );
return error;
#pragma mark -
pascal void NavEventFilter( NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr cbRecord, NavCallBackUserData callBackUD )
#pragma unused( callBackUD )
switch( callBackSelector )
case kNavCBEvent:
switch( cbRecord->eventData.eventDataParms.event->what )
pascal Boolean NavPreviewFilter( NavCBRecPtr callBackParms, void *callBackUD )
#pragma unused( callBackParms, callBackUD )
return false;
pascal Boolean NavFileFilter( AEDescPtr theItem, void *info, void *callBackUD, NavFilterModes filterMode )
#pragma unused( theItem, info, callBackUD, filterMode )
/* do something useful here:
count rsources & types
give DF-based or RF-based info
maybe something else?
*/ return true;
#pragma mark -
pascal void ModelessGetFileHandler( const NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr cbRecord, NavCallBackUserData callBackUD )
#pragma unused( callBackUD )
OSStatus error = noErr;
switch( callBackSelector )
case kNavCBAccept:
// case kNavCBUserAction:
{ // open first selected file
NavReplyRecord reply;
error = NavDialogGetReply( cbRecord->context, &reply );
if( reply.validRecord )
AEKeyword keyword;
DescType descType;
FSSpec fileSpec;
Size actualSize;
error = AEGetNthPtr( &(reply.selection), 1, typeFSS, &keyword, &descType, &fileSpec, sizeof(FSSpec), &actualSize );
if( !error ) new FileWindow( &fileSpec ); // if sucessful, opens & reads the file
else SysBeep(0);
NavDisposeReply( &reply );
} break;
case kNavCBTerminate:
{ // dispose of the dialog
NavDialogDispose( cbRecord->context );
} break;
pascal void ModelessAskSaveChangesHandler( const NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr cbRecord, NavCallBackUserData callBackUD )
OSStatus error = noErr;
FileWindowPtr file = (FileWindowPtr) callBackUD;
switch( callBackSelector )
case kNavCBUserAction:
{ // open first selected file
NavReplyRecord reply;
error = NavDialogGetReply( cbRecord->context, &reply );
if( reply.validRecord )
error = file->SaveFile( null );
else SysBeep(0);
NavDisposeReply( &reply );
} break;
case kNavCBTerminate:
{ // dispose of the dialog
NavDialogDispose( cbRecord->context );
} break;
pascal void ModelessPutFileHandler( const NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr cbRecord, NavCallBackUserData callBackUD )
OSStatus error = noErr;
FileWindowPtr file = (FileWindowPtr) callBackUD;
switch( callBackSelector )
case kNavCBUserAction:
{ // open first selected file
NavReplyRecord reply;
error = NavDialogGetReply( cbRecord->context, &reply );
if( reply.validRecord )
else SysBeep(0);
NavDisposeReply( &reply );
} break;
case kNavCBTerminate:
{ // dispose of the dialog
NavDialogDispose( cbRecord->context );
} break;
pascal void ModelessAskDiscardChangesHandler( const NavEventCallbackMessage callBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr cbRecord, NavCallBackUserData callBackUD )
OSStatus error = noErr;
FileWindowPtr file = (FileWindowPtr) callBackUD;
switch( callBackSelector )
case kNavCBUserAction:
{ // open first selected file
NavReplyRecord reply;
error = NavDialogGetReply( cbRecord->context, &reply );
if( reply.validRecord )
else SysBeep(0);
NavDisposeReply( &reply );
} break;
case kNavCBTerminate:
{ // dispose of the dialog
NavDialogDispose( cbRecord->context );
} break;
#pragma mark -
OSStatus FileWindow::ReadResourceFork( void )
// open file for reading
OSStatus error = noErr;
SInt16 oldResFile = CurResFile();
SetResLoad( false ); // don't load "preload" resources
SInt16 refNum = FSpOpenResFile( fileSpec, fsRdPerm );
SetResLoad( true );
if( !refNum ) return resFNotFound;
UseResFile( refNum );
error = ResError();
if( error ) // no resource map in resource fork, try in data fork before alerting user
DebugError( "\pResource map not present in resource fork", error );
// fork-independant resource reading routine
else error = ReadResourceMap();
rfBased = error? false:true;
// tidy up loose ends
UseResFile( oldResFile );
FSClose( refNum );
return error;
/*** READ DATA FORK ***/
OSStatus FileWindow::ReadDataFork( OSStatus rfError )
OSStatus error = rfError;
if( error ) // error occoured reading resource map from resource fork, try reading map from data fork instead
FSRef fileRef;
SInt16 refNum;
SInt16 oldResFile = CurResFile();
error = FSpMakeFSRef( fileSpec, &fileRef );
if( error )
DebugError( "\pFSpMakeFSRef error", error );
return error;
if( FSOpenResourceFile == (void *) kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress )
DisplayError( "\pCarbonLib version too old", "\pThe version of CarbonLib you have installed won't let you view files whose resources are stored in the data fork. Please update to version 1.3 GM of CarbonLib, available from" );
error = paramErr;
return error;
SetResLoad( false ); // don't load "preload" resources
error = FSOpenResourceFile( &fileRef, 0, null, fsRdPerm, &refNum );
SetResLoad( true );
if( error || !refNum )
DisplayError( "\pThis file is corrupt", "\pSorry, but you will not be able to open it. You should replace it with a back<63>up. FSOpenResourceFile()" );
return error? error:resFNotFound;
UseResFile( refNum );
// fork-independant resource reading routine
error = ReadResourceMap();
// tidy up loose ends
UseResFile( oldResFile );
FSClose( refNum );
return error;
else // no error occoured reading resource map from resource fork, read data fork as byte stream
// open file for reading
SInt16 refNum;
error = FSpOpenDF( fileSpec, fsRdPerm, &refNum );
if( error )
DisplayError( "\pData fork could not be read", "\pThis file appears to be corrupted. Although the resources could be read in correctly, the data fork could not be found. Please run Disk First Aid to correct the problem." );
return error;
ResourceObjectPtr current = (ResourceObjectPtr) NewPtrClear( sizeof(ResourceObject) );
if( !current )
DisplayError( "\pNot enough memory to read data fork", "\pPlease quit other applications and try again." );
FSClose( refNum );
return error;
current->number = kDataBrowserDataForkItem; // ID of fork in dataBrowser
*current->name = 0x00;
current->type = 0x00000000;
current->resID = 0;
GetEOF( refNum, &current->size );
current->attribs = 0;
current->nameIconRgn = NewRgn();
current->file = this;
current->dataFork = true;
// get new handle
current->retainCount = 1;
current->data = NewHandleClear( current->size );
if( !current->data || MemError() )
DisplayError( "\pNot enough memory to read data fork", "\pPlease quit other applications and try again." );
FSClose( refNum );
return memFullErr;
// read data fork
HLock( current->data );
error = FSRead( refNum, &current->size, *current->data );
HUnlock( current->data );
if( error )
DisplayError( "\pFailed to read data fork.", "\pA mysterious error occured reading the data fork. The record saying how long the file is has probably been corrupted. You should run Disk First Aid to repair the dis." );
FSClose( refNum );
return error;
current->next = resourceMap;
resourceMap = current;
FSClose( refNum );
return error;
OSStatus FileWindow::ReadResourceMap( void )
OSStatus error = noErr;
// set up variables & first resource record
numResources = 0;
numTypes = Count1Types();
resourceMap = (ResourceObjectPtr) NewPtrClear( sizeof(ResourceObject) );
// resourceMap = new ResourceObject( this );
ResourceObjectPtr current = resourceMap;
for( unsigned short i = 1; i <= numTypes; i++ )
// read in each data type
ResType type;
Get1IndType( &type, i );
UInt16 n = Count1Resources( type );
for( UInt16 j = 1; j <= n; j++ )
// get resource info
// SetResLoad( false );
current->data = Get1IndResource( type, j );
error = ResError();
// SetResLoad( true );
if( MemError() )
DisplayError( "\pNot enough memory to read all resources", "\pPlease quit other applications and try again." );
DisposePtr( (Ptr) current );
return memFullErr;
if( !current->Data() || error != noErr )
DisplayError( "\pResources are damaged, proceed with extreme caution!" );
// bug: dialog should have "continue", "stop" and "quit" buttons, stop being default
DisposePtr( (Ptr) current );
// delete current;
return error; // bug: what should I be doing here?
current->number = numResources + j; // ID of resource in dataBrowser
GetResInfo( current->Data(), &current->resID, &current->type, current->name );
current->size = GetResourceSizeOnDisk( current->Data() );
current->attribs = GetResAttrs( current->Data() );
current->file = this;
current->dataFork = false;
DetachResource( current->Data() ); // bug: this needs to be here so calling AddResource() when saving will work, but if ResLoad() was off above, it will kill the only link between the Handle and the resource.
if( i != numTypes || j != n ) // if this isn't the last resource<63>
// <20>move on to the next one
current->next = (ResourceObjectPtr) NewPtrClear( sizeof(ResourceObject) );
// current->next = new ResourceObject( this );
current = current->next;
numResources += n;
return error;
/*** SAVE FILE ***/
OSStatus FileWindow::SaveFile( FSSpecPtr saveSpec )
OSStatus error;
if( saveSpec == null ) // we're straight saving the file, use a temp file, then switch
// set up file name
Str255 countStr; // bug: this is not initalised before being used
Str255 tempFileName = "\pResKnife Temporary File ";
NumToString( ++g.tempCount, (StringPtr) countStr );
AppendPString( tempFileName, countStr );
// create temporary file spec
SInt32 dirID;
SInt16 vRefNum; // Always create the temporary file on the same volume as the file we're saving, otherwise FSpExchangeFiles() won't work
OSStatus error = FindFolder( fileSpec->vRefNum, /*kTemporaryFolderType*/ kDesktopFolderType, kCreateFolder, &vRefNum, &dirID );
if( error ) DebugError( "\pFindFolder returned error.", error );
error = FSMakeFSSpec( vRefNum, dirID, tempFileName, tempSpec );
if( error == noErr )
DisplayError( "\pFile already exists", "\pThe temporary file used by ResKnife to protect your data already exists, try saving again. If the problem persists, flush your temporary items folder with a utility such as Eradicator." );
return error;
else if( error != fnfErr && error != dirNFErr )
DebugError( "\pError calling FSMakeFSSpec from FileWindow::SaveFile.", error );
return error;
else // we're doing a 'save as', no need for temp file
{ // if we created one, then FSpExchange wouldn't work
tempSpec = saveSpec;
// save plain DF if present
ResourceObjectPtr current = resourceMap;
if( rfBased && current->RepresentsDataFork() ) // requires data fork to be first item in list
// create data fork
FSpCreate( tempSpec, kResKnifeCreator, kResourceFileType, smSystemScript );
// open file for writing
SInt16 refNum;
error = FSpOpenDF( tempSpec, fsWrPerm, &refNum );
if( error )
DisplayError( "\pData fork could not be read", "\pThis file appears to be corrupted. Although the resources could be read in correctly, the data fork could not be found. Please run Disk First Aid to correct the problem." );
return error;
// save byte stream
SInt8 state = HGetState( resourceMap->Data() );
HLock( current->Data() );
SInt32 size = current->Size();
SetEOF( refNum, size );
error = FSWrite( refNum, &size, (Ptr) *current->Data() );
HSetState( current->Data(), state );
FSClose( refNum );
else if( !rfBased && current->RepresentsDataFork() )
DisplayError( "\pData fork present with DF-based resource file." );
else if( rfBased )
DisplayError( "\pTried to save resource fork based file, but no data fork could be found" );
// save resource map in specified fork
if( rfBased )
SInt16 oldResFile = CurResFile();
FSpCreateResFile( tempSpec, kResKnifeCreator, kResourceFileType, smSystemScript );
SInt16 tempRef = FSpOpenResFile( tempSpec, fsWrPerm );
UseResFile( tempRef );
error = SaveResourceMap();
UseResFile( oldResFile );
CloseResFile( tempRef );
error = ResError();
if( error )
DebugError( "\pError calling CloseResFile.", error );
return error;
FSRef fileRef;
SInt16 refNum;
SInt16 oldResFile = CurResFile();
error = FSpMakeFSRef( tempSpec, &fileRef );
if( error )
DebugError( "\pFSpMakeFSRef error", error );
return error;
if( FSOpenResourceFile == (void *) kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress )
DisplayError( "\pCarbonLib version too old", "\pThe version of CarbonLib you have installed won't let you save resources into the data fork. Please update to version 1.3.1 of CarbonLib, available from" );
error = paramErr;
return error;
/* error = FSCreateResourceFile( &fileRef, );
const FSRef * parentRef,
UniCharCount nameLength,
const UniChar * name,
FSCatalogInfoBitmap whichInfo,
const FSCatalogInfo * catalogInfo, // can be NULL
UniCharCount forkNameLength,
const UniChar * forkName, // can be NULL
FSRef * newRef, // can be NULL
FSSpec * newSpec); // can be NULL
if( error )
DisplayError( "\pFile could not be created", "\pThe file to save your resources into could not be created. FSCreateResourceFile()" );
return error? error:resFNotFound;
*/ error = FSOpenResourceFile( &fileRef, 0, null, fsRdPerm, &refNum );
if( error || !refNum )
DisplayError( "\pFile could not be created", "\pThe file to save your resources into could not be created. FSOpenResourceFile()" );
return error? error:resFNotFound;
UseResFile( refNum );
error = SaveResourceMap();
UseResFile( oldResFile );
CloseResFile( refNum );
error = ResError();
if( error )
DebugError( "\pError calling CloseResFile.", error );
return error;
// switch file for temp if we did a regular save
if( saveSpec == null )
// swap the temporary file for the real one
error = FSpExchangeFiles( tempSpec, fileSpec ); // bug: this will fail on non HFS/HFS+ file systems - therefore file will not save
if( error )
DebugError( "\pError calling FSpExchangeFiles.", error );
return error;
error = FSpDelete( tempSpec );
if( error )
DebugError( "\pError calling FSpDelete.", error );
// file is no longer dirty
fileDirty = false;
SetWindowModified( window, fileDirty );
return error;
OSStatus FileWindow::SaveResourceMap( void )
OSStatus error = noErr;
// save resources from memory to the temp file
ResourceObjectPtr current = resourceMap;
if( current->RepresentsDataFork() == true )
current = current->Next(); // skip data fork
while( current )
// save resource
AddResource( current->Data(), current->Type(), current->ID(), current->Name() );
if( ResError() == addResFailed )
DisplayError( "\pSaving Failed", "\pCould not add resources to file." );
current = null;
error = addResFailed;
SetResAttrs( current->Data(), current->Attributes() );
ChangedResource( current->Data() );
// clean up & move on
DetachResource( current->Data() );
current = current->Next();
return error;