# File: sha256.make # Target: sha256 # Created: Monday, August 27, 1956 09:30:59 PM MAKEFILE = sha256.make ¥MondoBuild¥ = {MAKEFILE} # Make blank to avoid rebuilds when makefile is modified ObjDir = : Includes = Sym-PPC = -sym off Sym-68K = -sym off PPCCOptions = {Includes} {Sym-PPC} -opt speed COptions = {Includes} {Sym-68K} -model near -opt speed ### Source Files ### SrcFiles = ¶ main.c ¶ sha256.c ### Object Files ### ObjFiles-PPC = ¶ "{ObjDir}main.c.x" ¶ "{ObjDir}sha256.c.x" ObjFiles-68K = ¶ "{ObjDir}main.c.o" ¶ "{ObjDir}sha256.c.o" ### Libraries ### LibFiles-PPC = ¶ "{PPCLibraries}PPCSIOW.o" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}InterfaceLib" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}StdCLib" ¶ "{SharedLibraries}MathLib" ¶ "{PPCLibraries}StdCRuntime.o" ¶ "{PPCLibraries}PPCCRuntime.o" ¶ "{PPCLibraries}PPCToolLibs.o" LibFiles-68K = ¶ "{Libraries}MathLib.o" ¶ "{CLibraries}StdCLib.o" ¶ "{Libraries}SIOW.o" ¶ "{Libraries}MacRuntime.o" ¶ "{Libraries}IntEnv.o" ¶ "{Libraries}ToolLibs.o" ¶ "{Libraries}Interface.o" ### Default Rules ### .c.x Ä .c {¥MondoBuild¥} {PPCC} {depDir}{default}.c -o {targDir}{default}.c.x {PPCCOptions} .c.o Ä .c {¥MondoBuild¥} {C} {depDir}{default}.c -o {targDir}{default}.c.o {COptions} ### Build Rules ### sha256 ÄÄ {ObjFiles-PPC} {LibFiles-PPC} {¥MondoBuild¥} PPCLink ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {ObjFiles-PPC} ¶ {LibFiles-PPC} ¶ {Sym-PPC} ¶ -mf -d ¶ -t 'APPL' ¶ -c 'siow' sha256 ÄÄ {ObjFiles-68K} {LibFiles-68K} {¥MondoBuild¥} ILink ¶ -o {Targ} ¶ {ObjFiles-68K} ¶ {LibFiles-68K} ¶ {Sym-68K} ¶ -mf -d ¶ -t 'APPL' ¶ -c 'siow' ¶ -model near ¶ -state rewrite ¶ -compact -pad 0 If "{Sym-68K}" =~ /-sym Å[nNuU]Å/ ILinkToSYM {Targ}.NJ -mf -sym 3.2 -c 'sade' End sha256 ÄÄ "{RIncludes}"SIOW.r {¥MondoBuild¥} Rez "{RIncludes}"SIOW.r -o {Targ} -append ### Required Dependencies ### "{ObjDir}main.c.x" "{ObjDir}main.c.o" Ä main.c "{ObjDir}sha256.c.x" "{ObjDir}sha256.c.o" Ä sha256.c ### Optional Dependencies ### ### Build this target to generate "include file" dependencies. ### Dependencies Ä $OutOfDate MakeDepend ¶ -append {MAKEFILE} ¶ -ignore "{CIncludes}" ¶ -objdir "{ObjDir}" ¶ -objext .x ¶ -objext .o ¶ {Includes} ¶ {SrcFiles}