import struct class PEF: MAGIC = b'Joy!' CONT_HEAD_FMT = '>4s4s4s5I2HI' CONT_HEAD_LEN = struct.calcsize(CONT_HEAD_FMT) SEC_HEAD_FMT = '>i5I4B' SEC_HED_LEN = struct.calcsize(SEC_HEAD_FMT) @classmethod def read_from(cls, path): with open(path, 'rb') as f: return cls( def __init__(self, data): (magic, fourcc, arch, ver, timestamp, old_def_ver, old_imp_ver, cur_ver, sec_count, inst_sec_count, reserv) = struct.unpack_from(self.CONT_HEAD_FMT, data) sec_earliest = len(data) sec_latest = 0 self.sections = [] self.sectypes = [] self.headeroffsets = [] self.code = None for i in range(sec_count): sh_offset = self.CONT_HEAD_LEN + self.SEC_HED_LEN*i (sectionName, sectionAddress, execSize, initSize, rawSize, containerOffset, regionKind, shareKind, alignment, reserved) = struct.unpack_from(self.SEC_HEAD_FMT, data, sh_offset) the_sec = data[containerOffset : containerOffset + rawSize] if regionKind == 0 and execSize == initSize == rawSize: the_sec = bytearray(the_sec) self.code = the_sec self.sections.append(the_sec) self.sectypes.append(regionKind) self.headeroffsets.append(sh_offset) sec_earliest = min(sec_earliest, containerOffset) sec_latest = max(sec_latest, containerOffset + rawSize) if any(data[sec_latest:]): print('nonzero trailing data from', hex(sec_latest), 'to', hex(len(data)), ' ... will cause incorrect output') self.padmult = 1 while len(data) % (self.padmult * 2) == 0: self.padmult *= 2 self.header = data[:sec_earliest] def __bytes__(self): accum = bytearray(self.header) for i in range(len(self.sections)): the_sec = self.sections[i] hoff = self.headeroffsets[i] while len(accum) % 16: accum.append(0) new_off = len(accum) new_len = len(the_sec) accum.extend(the_sec) struct.pack_into('>I', accum, hoff + 20, new_off) if the_sec is self.code: for i in range(8, 20, 4): struct.pack_into('>I', accum, hoff + i, new_len) while len(accum) % self.padmult != 0: accum.extend(b'\x00') return bytes(accum) def write_to(self, path): with open(path, 'wb') as f: f.write(bytes(self))