#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import macresources import sys import struct import string parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('src', help='rdump file') parser.add_argument('dest', help='binary dest (may also create .txt file)') parser.add_argument('-rt', action='store', metavar='type=ID', default='CODE=0', help='jump table resource (usually CODE=0)') args = parser.parse_args() args.rtype = args.rt.partition('=')[0].encode('mac_roman') args.rid = int(args.rt.partition('=')[2]) with open(args.src, 'rb') as f: d = f.read() if f.name.endswith('.rdump'): resources = list(macresources.parse_rez_code(d, original_file=f.name)) else: resources = list(macresources.parse_file(d)) resources = [r for r in resources if r.type == args.rtype and r.id >= args.rid] resources.sort(key=lambda r: r.id) if not resources or resources[0].id != args.rid: sys.exit('Resource %s not found in %s' % (args.rt, args.src)) jt_resource, *other_resources = resources bigboy = bytearray() for i, r in enumerate(resources): while len(bigboy) < i * 0x10000: bigboy.append(0) bigboy.extend(r) with open(args.dest, 'wb') as f: f.write(bigboy) with open(args.dest + '.py', 'w') as idascript: # Find MacsBug symbols namedict = {} for b in range(0, len(bigboy), 2): if bigboy[b:b+2] == b'NV': # link a6, starting a compiled function for c in range(b+2, len(bigboy), 2): if bigboy[c:c+2] == b'NV': break if 0x81 <= bigboy[c] < 0xb0: strlen = bigboy[c] & 0x0F if strlen < 2: break namestr = bigboy[c+1:c+1+strlen] if len(namestr) < strlen: break namestr = namestr.decode('latin-1') if not all(c in (string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_') for c in namestr): break if strlen % 2 == 0 and bigboy[c+1+strlen:c+1+strlen+1] not in b'\0': break namedict[b] = namestr break # Make some neat names for the segments... segnames = {} for r in other_resources: if r.name: segnames[r.id - args.rid] = ''.join(c for c in r.name if c in (string.ascii_letters + string.digits)) else: segnames[r.id - args.rid] = f'seg_{r.id-args.rid:X}' jt_size, a5_offset_of_jt = struct.unpack_from('>LL', jt_resource, 8) for jt_ofs in range(16, 16 + jt_size, 8): ofs, be_3f3c, segnum, be_a9f0 = struct.unpack_from('>HHHH', jt_resource, jt_ofs) if be_3f3c != 0x3f3c or be_a9f0 != 0xa9f0: break ofs += 4 # not sure what the leading stuff is? bigboy_ofs = ((segnum - args.rid) * 0x10000) + ofs a5_ofs = jt_ofs - 16 + a5_offset_of_jt + 2 cool_name = f'{segnames[segnum - args.rid]}_' if bigboy_ofs in namedict: cool_name += namedict[bigboy_ofs] del namedict[bigboy_ofs] else: cool_name += f'{bigboy_ofs:X}' print(f'MakeFunction(0x{bigboy_ofs:X}); MakeName(0x{bigboy_ofs:X}, "{cool_name}")', file=idascript) call_to_me = struct.pack('>H', a5_ofs) bb_i = -1 while 1: bb_i = bigboy.find(call_to_me, bb_i+1) if bb_i == -1: break if bb_i % 2: continue if bigboy[bb_i-2:bb_i] not in (b'\x4e\xad', b'\x48\x6d'): continue # jsr/pea # Okay, found one print(f'MakeCode(0x{bb_i-2:X}); op_man(0x{bb_i-2:X}, 0, "{cool_name}")', file=idascript) for bigboy_ofs, name in sorted(namedict.items()): cool_name = f'{segnames[bigboy_ofs >> 16]}_{name}' print(f'MakeFunction(0x{bigboy_ofs:X}); MakeName(0x{bigboy_ofs:X}, "{cool_name}")', file=idascript)