2018-12-07 14:01:27 +08:00

571 lines
22 KiB
Executable File
Raw Permalink Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# coding=macroman
import struct
from sys import argv
import os
from os import path
plainchars = '.........Æ...Â.................. !"#$%&\'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~.€<>ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰ŠŒ<E280B9>Ž<EFBFBD><C5BD>“”•˜™šœ<E280BA>žŸ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîï' + chr(0xf0) + 'ñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ'
print len(plainchars)
if len(argv) == 3:
rezdest = argv[2]
elif len(argv) == 2:
rezdest = None
print 'Usage: %s ROM PREBUILT_DIR' % argv[0]
f = open(argv[1], 'rb')
rom_bin =
rrsrcs = [] # populated by dump_rrsc()
makerules = []
allconds = []
align_offset = lambda offset, align: (offset + align - 1) & ~(align - 1)
pad_offset = lambda offset, align: (offset + align - 1) & ~(align - 1)
0x40: 'AppleTalk1',
0x20: 'AppleTalk2',
0x30: 'AppleTalk2_NetBoot_FPU',
0x08: 'AppleTalk2_NetBoot_NoFPU',
0x10: 'NetBoot',
0x78: 'AllCombos',
def rezname(rsrcname):
rezfile = rsrcname.split(':')[-1]
if rezfile.lower().endswith('.rsrc'): rezfile = rezfile[:-5]
rezfile = rezfile + '.r'
return rezfile
def dump_rrsc(r, rrsc=999, name='', file=(), cond='kUniversal'):
if not r: return ''
if not cond in allconds: allconds.append(cond)
tab = '\t'
ls = []
ls.append('resource \'rrsc\' (%d, "%s") {' % (rrsc, name))
ls.append(tab + cond + ',')
ls.append(tab + r[0].combo_field + ',')
for el in file:
if not el.startswith('{'): el = '"' + el + '"'
ls.append(tab + el + ',')
ls.append(tab + '{')
typelist = []
for res in r:
if not typelist or typelist[-1][0] != res.type:
typelist.append((res.type, []))
for t, reses in typelist:
ls.append(tab + tab + "'" + t + "',")
nums = ", ".join([str( + ('',' /*''*/')[bool(] for res in reses])
ls.append(tab + tab + "{ " + nums + " };")
ls.append(tab + '}')
if rezdest != None:
# now pick a rez file to dump this sucker to
rezfile = rezdest + '/' + rezname(file[-1])
# and I guess I'll need to make it...
if not file in makerules: makerules.append(file)
f = open(rezfile, 'a')
for res in r:
class Rsrc:
def __init__(self, rom_bin, my_offset):
#print 'ref at 0x%08x' % my_offset
rsrc_s_fmt = '> B 7x L L 4s h c 256p' # Struct actually padded to 16b to fit pstring
rsrc_s_len = struct.calcsize(rsrc_s_fmt)
rsrc_s = rom_bin[my_offset : my_offset + rsrc_s_len]
rsrc_s_tuple = struct.unpack(rsrc_s_fmt, rsrc_s)
self.next_offset, data_offset,
attrs, = rsrc_s_tuple
self.combo_field = COMBO_FIELDS[self.combo_field]
rsrc_s_len_actual = pad_offset(rsrc_s_len - 256 + len(, 16)
#print 'res at 0x%08x' % data_offset
mm_header_fmt = '> L L L'
mm_header_len = struct.calcsize(mm_header_fmt)
mm_header = rom_bin[data_offset - mm_header_len : data_offset]
mm_header_tuple = struct.unpack(mm_header_fmt, mm_header)
(mm_attrs, block_len, mm_bogus_ptr_ptr) = mm_header_tuple
#print '0x%08x 0x%08x %s %s %s' % (block_len, mm_bogus_ptr_ptr, self.type, str(,
#print ('0x%08x' % mm_attrs)
#if mm_attrs != 0xc0a00000: print "Wrong Memory Manager attributes" = rom_bin[data_offset : data_offset + block_len - mm_header_len]
def __str__(self):
firstline = 'data \'%s\' (%d, "%s") {' % (self.type,,
firstline = 'data \'%s\' (%d) {' % (self.type,
a = [firstline]
# This is now horribly horribly slow, but it round-trips with Rez/DeRez *perfectly*
for l in range(0, len(, 16):
dat =[l:l+16]
hex = ' '.join([dat[m:m+2].encode('hex') for m in range(0, len(dat), 2)]).upper()
cmt = ''.join([plainchars[ord(x)] for x in dat]).replace('*/','*.')
ln = ('\t$"%s"' % hex).ljust(55)
ln = '%s/* %s */' % (ln, cmt)
return '\r'.join(a)
(map_offset,) = struct.unpack('>L', rom_bin[0x1A : 0x1A + 4])
map_s_fmt = '>Lbbhh'
map_s_len = struct.calcsize(map_s_fmt)
map_s = rom_bin[map_offset:map_offset + map_s_len]
(offsetToFirst, maxValidIndex, comboFieldSize, comboVersion, headerSize) = struct.unpack(map_s_fmt, map_s)
print 'maxValidIndex = %d, comboFieldSize = %d, comboVersion = %d, headerSize = %d' % (maxValidIndex, comboFieldSize, comboVersion, headerSize)
res = []
next_offset = offsetToFirst
while next_offset != 0:
r = Rsrc(rom_bin, next_offset)
fname = '/tmp/%s.%d' % (r.type,
r.tmpname = fname
#print 'Tools/DataForkToRez "%s" "%s" "%s" "%d" "%s";' % (fname, 'RomDump.r', r.type,,
f = open(fname, 'wb')
next_offset = r.next_offset
#for r in res:
# print '%s %s %sb %s' % (r.type, str(, str(len(,
# now try to dump these intelligently
# These will probably need more work before they're good for an OldWorld ROM
# Boot beep resources....
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('beep',0)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=105, name='TNT Boot beep (delete me!)', file=('{MiscDir}','BootBeep.rsrc'), cond='hasGrandCentral')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('beep',1)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=110, name='TNT error beep (delete me!)', file=('{MiscDir}','ErrorBeep.rsrc'), cond='hasGrandCentral')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('beep',2)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=110, name='Spartacus boot beep (delete me!)', file=('{MiscDir}','BootBeep.rsrc'), cond='hasGrandCentral')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('snd ',-32256)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=106, name='STP Boot beep (delete me!)', file=('{MiscDir}','BootBeep.rsrc'), cond='STP')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('snd ',-32255)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=111, name='STP error beep (delete me!)', file=('{MiscDir}','ErrorBeep.rsrc'), cond='STP')
# end of fixed-position resources
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'boot rovm rov#': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=10, name='Gibbly Guts', file=('{RsrcDir}','Gibbly.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'boot rovm': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=12, name='Gibbly Rsrc', file=('{RsrcDir}','Gibbly.rsrc'), cond='hasROMGibbly')
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'CURS FONT FOND snd ': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=20, name='ROMFonts', file=('{RsrcDir}','ROMFonts.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'KCHR vadb KMAP KCAP': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc([r for r in cur if not 6 <= <= 7], rrsc=30, name='kbd', file=('{RsrcDir}','kbd.rsrc'))
dump_rrsc([r for r in cur if 6 <= <= 7], rrsc=35, name='Portable kbd', file=('{RsrcDir}','kbd.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('CDEF',0),('CDEF',1)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=40, name='ControlMgr', file=('{RsrcDir}','ControlMgr.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('MBDF',0),('MDEF',0)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=50, name='MenuMgr', file=('{RsrcDir}','MenuMgr.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'accl pslt(??) icl4 icl8 ICN# ics# ics4 ics8 cicn clut ppat pixs': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=60, name='MiscROMRsrcs', file=('{RsrcDir}','MiscROMRsrcs.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'PICT': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=61, name='MiscROMRsrcs', file=('{RsrcDir}','MiscROMRsrcs.rsrc'), cond='hasSCSIDiskModeFeature')
cur = []
while res and 'EDisk' in res[0].name: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=70, name='EDisk', file=('{RsrcDir}','EDisk.rsrc'), cond="hasEDisk")
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'DRVR nlib Libr CD33 CD34': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=75, name='BlueBox', file=('{RsrcDir}','BlueBox.rsrc'), cond="Classic")
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'clut gama mitq': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=80, name='CQD', file=('{RsrcDir}','CQD.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'WDEF wctb cctb': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=90, name='WindowMgr', file=('{RsrcDir}','WindowMgr.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('PACK',0),('LDEF',0),('LDEF',19)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=100, name='ListMgr', file=('{RsrcDir}','ListMgr.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('PACK',3)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=110, name='StandardFile', file=('{RsrcDir}','StandardFile.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and res[0].type == 'DRVR': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=550, name='BlueBox2', file=('{RsrcDir}','BlueBox.rsrc'), cond="Classic")
cur = []
while res and res[0].type == 'PACK' and 4 <= res[0].id <= 5 and res[0].combo_field == 'AppleTalk2_NetBoot_FPU': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=120, name='InSane', file=('{RsrcDir}','InSane.rsrc'), cond='has040MMU')
cur = []
while res and res[0].type == 'PACK' and 4 <= res[0].id <= 5: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=130, name='Sane1', file=('{RsrcDir}','InSaneNFPU.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and res[0].type == 'PACK' and res[0].id == 7: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=140, name='Sane2', file=('{RsrcDir}','Sane.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('PACK',8)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=150, name='AppleEventMgr', file=('{RsrcDir}','AppleEventMgr.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('PACK',9),('ppcc',-5856)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=160, name='PPC', file=('{RsrcDir}','PPC.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('PACK',11)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=170, name='EditionMgr', file=('{RsrcDir}','EditionMgr.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('wedg',-5760),('wedg',-5759),('PACK',12)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=180, name='ColorPicker', file=('{RsrcDir}','ColorPicker.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'cmtb proc snd LDEF': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=190, name='CommToolBox', file=('{RsrcDir}','CommToolbox.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('PACK',13),('proc',-5728),('proc',-5727)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=200, name='DataAccessMgr', file=('{RsrcDir}','DataAccessMgr.rsrc'), cond='hasDataAccessPACK')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('dimg',-16385)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=500, name='DictionaryMgr', file=('{RsrcDir}','DictionaryMgr.rsrc'), cond='!NewWorld')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('PACK',14),('WDEF',126)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=210, name='HelpMgr', file=('{RsrcDir}','HelpMgr.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('PACK',15)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=220, name='PictUtilities', file=('{RsrcDir}','PictUtilities.rsrc'), cond='hasSysSevenResources')
cur = []
while res and 'Sony' in res[0].name: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=230, name='Sony', file=('{RsrcDir}','Sony.rsrc'), cond='!NewWorld')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('iopc',0)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=240, name='SCCIOP', file=('{RsrcDir}','SCCIOP.rsrc'), cond='hasIopScc')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('SERD',0)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=250, name='Serial', file=('{RsrcDir}','Serial.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('SERD',60),('SERD',61)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=260, name='SerialIOP', file=('{RsrcDir}','Serial.rsrc'), cond='hasIopScc')
# PDM has SERD, TNT and later have nsrd
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('SERD',1),('nsrd',1)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=270, name='SerialDMA', file=('{RsrcDir}','SerialDMA.rsrc'), cond="hasPSC || hasAMIC")
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('shal',1)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=281, name='SerialHALPSC', file=('{RsrcDir}','SerialDMA.rsrc'), cond="hasPSC")
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('shal',2)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=282, name='SerialHALAMIC', file=('{RsrcDir}','SerialDMA.rsrc'), cond="hasAMIC")
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('iopc',2)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=290, name='SWIMIOP', file=('{RsrcDir}','SWIMIOP.RSRC'), cond="hasIopSwim")
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type in 'lmgr drvr atlk ltlk iopc' or (res[0].type == 'DRVR' and res[0].id in (9, 10, 40, 125, 126, 127))): cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=300, name='AppleTalk', file=('{RsrcDir}','AppleTalk.ROM.RSRC'), cond="hasAppleTalkInROM")
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('DRVR',60)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=320, name='ATBoot', file=('{RsrcDir}','ATBoot.RSRC'), cond="hasNetBoot")
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('DRVR',49)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=330, name='NetBoot', file=('{RsrcDir}','NetBoot.RSRC'), cond="hasNetBoot")
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('dfrg',-20722),('icns',-20722),('STR ',-20722)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=335, name='LANDisk', file=('{RsrcDir}','LANDisk.rsrc'), cond='NewWorld')
# Possibly this should go a bit lower?
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('attx',1)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=340, name='AppleIIFonts', file=('{RsrcDir}','ROMApple2Fonts.RSRC'), cond="hasApple2Fonts")
cur = []
while res and res[0].id == -16515: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=435, name='Native BCScreen', file=('{RsrcDir}','BCScreen.rsrc'), cond='NewWorld')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('DRVR',4)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=350, name='NewAge', file=('{RsrcDir}','NewAge.RSRC'), cond='hasNewAge')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('rtmr',0)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=360, name='RealTimeMgr', file=('{RsrcDir}','RTMgr.rsrc'), cond='hasDSP')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('DRVR',51),('3210',0),('3210',1),('3210',2),('3210',3),('3210',4)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=361, name='RTDrvr', file=('{RsrcDir}','RTDrvr.rsrc'), cond='hasDSP')
# be suspicious of these...
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('dspf',128)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=370, name='StdSndInput', file=('{RsrcDir}','StdSndInput.rsrc'), cond='hasDSP')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('dspf',128)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=380, name='StdSndMidput', file=('{RsrcDir}','StdSndMidput.rsrc'), cond='hasDSP')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('dspf',128)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=390, name='StdSndOutput', file=('{RsrcDir}','StdSndOutput.rsrc'), cond='hasDSP')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('dspf',128)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=401, name='StdSndPlayer', file=('{RsrcDir}','StdSndPlayer.rsrc'), cond='hasDSP')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('rtmr',1)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=410, name='RTSnd', file=('{RsrcDir}','RTSnd.rsrc'), cond='hasDSP')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('dspf',128)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=420, name='ZoundBlueInputAdaptor', file=('{RsrcDir}','ZoundBlueInputAdaptor.rsrc'), cond='hasDSP')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('DRVR',-16565)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=430, name='RTSndIn', file=('{RsrcDir}','RTSndIn.rsrc'), cond='hasDSP')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('thng',-16727)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=440, name='VDigT', file=('{RsrcDir}','VDigT.rsrc'), cond='hasVideoIn')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('code',-16729)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=445, name='VDigC', file=('{RsrcDir}','VDigC.rsrc'), cond='hasVideoIn')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('thng',-16728)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=450, name='I2CT', file=('{RsrcDir}','I2CT.rsrc'), cond='hasVideoIn')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('code',-16730)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=455, name='I2CC', file=('{RsrcDir}','I2CC.rsrc'), cond='hasVideoIn')
cur = []
xx = [('DRVR',127)]
xx += [('enet',id) for id in [8, 46, 78, 79]]
xx += [('ecfg',id) for id in [19, 20, 22, 26, 27, 30, 35, 36, 41, 42, 52, 86, 89, 90, 93, 94, 95,104,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123]]
xx += [('ecf2',id) for id in [-4,-3,-2,-1]]
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in xx: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=460, name='Ethernet', file=('{RsrcDir}','Ethernet.RSRC'), cond='!NewWorld')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type == 'ecfg' and res[0].id in (43, 60, 78, 79)): cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=461, name='Ethernet2', file=('{RsrcDir}','MACEecfg.rsrc'), cond='hasMace')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('ptch',42)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=470, name='VM', file=('{RsrcDir}','VM.RSRC'), cond='hasVMinROM')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('DRVR',-16511),('ndrv',-16511)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=480, name='Backlight', file=('{RsrcDir}','Backlight.RSRC'), cond='hasLCDScreen')
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'CDEF DRVR proc sift nift nsnd adio thng ICON slib nlib STR ': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=490, name='Sound', file=('{RsrcDir}','SoundMgr.rsrc'), cond='!NewWorld')
cur = []
while res and res[0].type == 'GARY': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=501, name='EmulatorAccelerations', file=('{MiscDir}','EmulatorAccelerations.rsrc'), cond='hasMixedMode')
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('ncod',2),('nlib',3)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=599, name='Multiprocessing', file=('{RsrcDir}','Multiprocessing.rsrc'), cond='hasMixedMode && NewWorld')
cur = []
while res and res[0].type in 'ncod nlib ntrb cfrf': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=502, name='GoNative', file=('{MiscDir}','GoNativeResources'), cond='hasMixedMode')
cur = []
while res and 'BCScreen' in res[0].name: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=435, name='BCScreen', file=('{RsrcDir}','BCScreen.rsrc'), cond='TNTPlus')
# scod resources are CODEs that don't confuse the Process manager
cur = []
while res and res[0].type == 'scod': cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=600, name='Mystery scods', file=('{RsrcDir}','MysteryCode.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('DRVR',53),('DRVR',-20175)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=605, name='ATA DRVRs', file=('{RsrcDir}','ATA.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type == 'ndrv' and 99 <= res[0].id < 110): cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=606, name='Display and sound drivers', file=('{RsrcDir}','MachineSpecificVideoSound.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('ncod',50)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=607, name='NativeNub -- for MacsBug?', file=('{RsrcDir}','MysteryCode.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type.startswith('lib') or res[0].type.startswith('sl0')): cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=608, name='Weird OpenTxpt stuff', file=('{RsrcDir}','OpenTxptRom.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('nitt',43),('gcko',43)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=610, name='Native -- unsure?', file=('{RsrcDir}','MysteryCode.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and res[0].id == -16600: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=615, name='Audio???', file=('{RsrcDir}','MysteryAudio.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('ndrv',-20166),('ndrv',-20181)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=620, name='PCCard/CardBus', file=('{RsrcDir}','PCCard.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('ndrv',-20164),('code',-20164)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=630, name='MediaBay', file=('{RsrcDir}','MediaBay.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and sum([c in res[0].name.lower() for c in ('ata','ide')]): cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=640, name='Real ATA Drivers', file=('{RsrcDir}','ATA.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].type, res[0].id) in [('ndrv',-20190),('ndrv',-20196)]: cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=645, name='Legacy', file=('{RsrcDir}','LegacyDrivers.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and ('usb' in res[0].type or res[0].id == -20776 or 'USB' in res[0].name): cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=650, name='USB', file=('{RsrcDir}','USB.rsrc'))
cur = []
while res and (res[0].id in [-21143,-21142,-21141,-21140,1207,-20994]): cur.append(res.pop(0))
dump_rrsc(cur, rrsc=660, name='FireWire', file=('{RsrcDir}','FireWire.rsrc'))
dump_rrsc(res, rrsc=999, name='EverythingElse', file=('{RsrcDir}','EverythingElse'))
# Our attempt at a RomResources.r
print '### Try to merge this into RomResources.r ###'
print '\n\n'.join(rrsrcs)
print '\n\n\n'
print '### Here is a list of all the link-time conditionals used above. ###'
print '\n'.join(['\t\t\t\t\t' + ltc.ljust(40) + u'' for ltc in allconds]).encode('macroman')
print '\n\n\n'
print '### Here is a list of all the rsrc files used above. ###'
print '\n'.join(['\t\t\t\t\t' + ('"' + ''.join(mr) + '"').ljust(40) + u'' for mr in makerules]).encode('macroman')