2013-12-20 01:25:00 -05:00

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#include "hidemenubar.h"
static Boolean MenuBarHidden = FALSE; /* Current state of the menu bar. */
static Rect OldeMBarRect; /* Saves rectangle enclosing real menu bar. */
static RgnHandle OldeGrayRgn; /* Saves the region defining the desktop */
static short OldMBarHeight; /* Previous menu bar height */
extern GDHandle gMainGDH;
Hide the menu bar (If visible)
void HideMenuBar(void)
RgnHandle menuRgn;
WindowPeek theWindow;
GDHandle TempHand;
TempHand = GetMainDevice();
if (TempHand!=gMainGDH) { /* Main graphics handle */
if (!MenuBarHidden) { /* Already hidden? */
OldMBarHeight = LMGetMBarHeight(); /* Get the height in pixels */
OldeGrayRgn = NewRgn(); /* Make a new region */
CopyRgn(GetGrayRgn(), OldeGrayRgn); /* Copy the background region */
OldeMBarRect = qd.screenBits.bounds; /* Make a region from the rect or the monitor width */
OldeMBarRect.bottom = OldeMBarRect.top + OldMBarHeight; /* Top to bottom of menu */
menuRgn = NewRgn(); /* Convert to region */
RectRgn(menuRgn, &OldeMBarRect);
UnionRgn(GetGrayRgn(), menuRgn, GetGrayRgn()); /* Add the menu area to background */
theWindow = (WindowPeek)FrontWindow();
PaintOne((WindowPtr)theWindow, menuRgn); /* Redraw the front window */
PaintBehind((WindowPtr)theWindow, menuRgn); /* Redraw all other windows */
CalcVis((WindowPtr)theWindow); /* Resize the visible region */
CalcVisBehind((WindowPtr)theWindow, menuRgn); /* Resize the visible regions for all others */
DisposeRgn(menuRgn); /* Release the menu region */
MenuBarHidden = TRUE; /* It is now hidden */
ZapMHeight(); /* Zap the height */
Show the menu bar (If hidden)
void ShowMenuBar(void)
WindowPeek theWindow;
if (MenuBarHidden) { /* Hidden? */
MenuBarHidden = FALSE; /* The bar is here */
CopyRgn(OldeGrayRgn, GetGrayRgn()); /* Get the region */
RectRgn(OldeGrayRgn, &OldeMBarRect); /* Convert menu rect to region */
theWindow = (WindowPeek)FrontWindow(); /* Get the front window */
CalcVis((WindowPtr)theWindow); /* Reset the visible region */
CalcVisBehind((WindowPtr)theWindow,OldeGrayRgn); /* Remove the menu bar from windows */
DisposeRgn(OldeGrayRgn); /* Bye bye region */
OldeGrayRgn = 0; /* Zap the handle */
HiliteMenu(0); /* Don't hilite any menu options */
DrawMenuBar(); /* Redraw the menu bar */
Restore the menu bar height so that
the OS can handle menu bar events
void FixMHeight(void)
if (MenuBarHidden) { /* Hidden? */
LMSetMBarHeight(OldMBarHeight); /* Reset the height */
Zap the menu bar height so that things
like MenuClock won't draw
void ZapMHeight(void)
if (MenuBarHidden) { /* Hidden? */
LMSetMBarHeight(0); /* Zap the height */