2013-12-20 01:25:00 -05:00

1 line
22 KiB

Burger library for the Macintosh.
Use Think.c or Code Warrior to compile.
Use SMART linking to link in just what you need
#include "WolfDef.h" /* Get the prototypes */
#include <string.h>
#include <sound.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <palettes.h>
#include "SoundMusicSystem.h"
#include "PickAMonitor.h"
Variables used by my global library
Word DoEvent(EventRecord *event);
void DoMacEvents(void);
void BlastScreen(void);
static Word FreeStage(Word Stage,LongWord Size);
extern Boolean MouseHit; /* True if a mouse down event occured */
Word NoSystemMem;
unsigned char *VideoPointer; /* Pointer to video memory */
extern Word QuitFlag; /* Did the application quit? */
Word VideoWidth; /* Width to each video scan line */
Word SystemState=3; /* Sound on/off flags */
Word KilledSong; /* Song that's currently playing */
Word KeyModifiers; /* Keyboard modifier flags */
LongWord LastTick; /* Last system tick (60hz) */
Word FontX; /* X Coord of font */
Word FontY; /* Y Coord of font */
unsigned char *FontPtr; /* Pointer to font image data */
unsigned char *FontWidths; /* Pointer to font width table */
Word FontHeight; /* Point size of current font */
Word FontLast; /* Number of font entries */
Word FontFirst; /* ASCII value of first char */
Word FontLoaded; /* Rez number of loaded font (0 if none) */
Word FontInvisible; /* Allow masking? */
unsigned char FontOrMask[16]; /* Colors for font */
LongWord YTable[480]; /* Offsets to the screen */
SndChannelPtr myPaddleSndChan; /* Sound channel */
Word ScanCode;
CWindowPtr GameWindow;
CGrafPtr GameGWorld;
extern GDHandle gMainGDH;
extern CTabHandle MainColorHandle;
extern Boolean DoQuickDraw;
Wait a single system tick
static Word QuickTicker;
void DoMacEvents(void)
EventRecord MyEvent;
if (!DoQuickDraw) {
if ((ReadTick() - QuickTicker) < 30) {
QuickTicker = ReadTick();
PurgeAllSounds(85000); /* Try to keep some memory free */
if (WaitNextEvent2(updateMask|diskMask|driverMask|networkMask|activMask|app4Mask,&MyEvent,0,0)) {
Wait a single system tick
void WaitTick(void)
do {
DoMacEvents(); /* Allow backgrounding */
} while (ReadTick()==LastTick); /* Tick changed? */
LastTick=ReadTick(); /* Save it */
Wait a specific number of system ticks
from a time mark before you get control
void WaitTicks(Word Count)
LongWord TickMark; /* Temp tick mark */
do {
DoMacEvents(); /* Allow other tasks to execute */
TickMark = ReadTick(); /* Get the mark */
} while ((TickMark-LastTick)<=Count); /* Time up? */
LastTick = TickMark; /* Save the new time mark */
Get the current system tick
LongWord ReadTick(void)
return(TickCount()); /* Just get it from the Mac OS */
Wait for a mouse/keyboard event
Word WaitEvent(void)
Word Temp;
do {
Temp = WaitTicksEvent(6000); /* Wait 10 minutes */
} while (!Temp); /* No event? */
return Temp; /* Return the event code */
Wait for an event or a timeout
Word WaitTicksEvent(Word Time)
LongWord TickMark;
LongWord NewMark;
Word RetVal;
MouseHit = FALSE;
TickMark = ReadTick(); /* Get the initial time mark */
for (;;) {
DoMacEvents(); /* Allow other tasks a shot! */
NewMark = ReadTick(); /* Get the new time mark */
if (Time) {
if ((NewMark-TickMark)>=Time) { /* Time up? */
RetVal = 0; /* Return timeout */
RetVal = GetAKey();
if (RetVal) {
if (MouseHit) {
RetVal = 1; /* Hit the mouse */
LastTick = NewMark;
return RetVal;
Get a key from the keyboard
Word GetAKey(void)
EventRecord MyRecord;
if (WaitNextEvent2(everyEvent,&MyRecord,0,0)) {
if (!DoEvent(&MyRecord)) {
KeyModifiers = MyRecord.modifiers;
return 0;
return FixMacKey(&MyRecord);
return 0;
Check if all keys are released
Word WaitKey(void)
Word Key;
do {
Key = GetAKey();
} while (!Key);
return (Key);
Check if all keys are released
Word AllKeysUp(void)
KeyMap KeyArray;
if (KeyArray[0] || KeyArray[1] || KeyArray[2] || KeyArray[3]) {
return 0;
return 1;
Word FixMacKey(EventRecord *Event)
Word NewKey;
NewKey = Event->message & 0xff;
ScanCode = (Event->message>>8) & 0xff;
switch (NewKey) {
case 0x1c :
NewKey = 0x08;
case 0x1d :
NewKey = 0x15;
case 0x1e :
NewKey = 0x0b;
case 0x1f :
NewKey = 0x0a;
KeyModifiers = Event->modifiers;
if (NewKey == 'Q' || NewKey == 'q') {
if (KeyModifiers & cmdKey) {
QuitFlag = 1;
return NewKey;
Flush out the keyboard buffer
void FlushKeys(void)
while (GetAKey()) {}
Convert a long value into a ascii string
static LongWord Tens[] = {
void ultoa(LongWord Val,char *Text)
Word Index; /* Index to Tens table */
Word Hit; /* Printing? */
Word Letter; /* Letter to print */
LongWord LongVal; /* Tens value */
Index = 9; /* Start at the millions */
Hit = 0; /* Didn't print anything yet! */
do {
Letter = '0'; /* Init the char */
LongVal = Tens[Index]; /* Init the value into a local */
while (Val >= LongVal) { /* Is the number in question larger? */
Val -= LongVal; /* Sub the tens value */
++Letter; /* Inc the char */
Hit=1; /* I must draw! */
if (Hit) { /* Remove the leading zeros */
Text[0] = Letter; /* Save char in the string */
++Text; /* Inc dest */
} while (--Index); /* All the tens done? */
Text[0] = Val + '0'; /* Must print FINAL digit */
Text[1] = 0; /* End the string */
Sound sub-system
Shut down the sound
void SoundOff(void)
Play a sound resource
void PlaySound(Word SoundNum)
if (SoundNum && (SystemState&SfxActive)) {
if (SoundNum&0x8000) { /* Mono sound */
} else {
Stop playing a sound resource
void StopSound(Word SoundNum)
static Word LastSong = -1;
void PlaySong(Word Song)
if (Song) {
KilledSong = Song;
if (SystemState&MusicActive) {
if (Song!=LastSong) {
LastSong = Song;
LastSong = -1;
Graphics subsystem
Draw a masked shape
void InitYTable(void)
Word i;
LongWord Offset;
i = 0;
Offset = 0;
do {
YTable[i] = Offset;
} while (++i<480);
Draw a shape
void DrawShape(Word x,Word y,void *ShapePtr)
unsigned char *ScreenPtr;
unsigned char *Screenad;
unsigned char *ShapePtr2;
unsigned short *ShapePtr3;
Word Width;
Word Height;
Word Width2;
ShapePtr3 = ShapePtr;
Width = ShapePtr3[0]; /* 16 bit width */
Height = ShapePtr3[1]; /* 16 bit height */
ShapePtr2 = (unsigned char *) &ShapePtr3[2];
ScreenPtr = (unsigned char *) &VideoPointer[YTable[y]+x];
do {
Width2 = Width;
Screenad = ScreenPtr;
do {
*Screenad++ = *ShapePtr2++;
} while (--Width2);
ScreenPtr +=VideoWidth;
} while (--Height);
Draw a masked shape
void DrawMShape(Word x,Word y,void *ShapePtr)
unsigned char *ScreenPtr;
unsigned char *Screenad;
unsigned char *MaskPtr;
unsigned char *ShapePtr2;
Word Width;
Word Height;
Word Width2;
ShapePtr2 = ShapePtr;
Width = ShapePtr2[1];
Height = ShapePtr2[3];
ShapePtr2 +=4;
MaskPtr = &ShapePtr2[Width*Height];
ScreenPtr = (unsigned char *) &VideoPointer[YTable[y]+x];
do {
Width2 = Width;
Screenad = ScreenPtr;
do {
*Screenad = (*Screenad & *MaskPtr++) | *ShapePtr2++;
} while (--Width2);
ScreenPtr +=VideoWidth;
} while (--Height);
Draw a masked shape with an offset
void DrawXMShape(Word x,Word y,void *ShapePtr)
unsigned short *ShapePtr2;
ShapePtr2 = ShapePtr;
x += ShapePtr2[0];
y += ShapePtr2[1];
Erase a masked shape
void EraseMBShape(Word x,Word y, void *ShapePtr, void *BackPtr)
unsigned char *ScreenPtr;
unsigned char *Screenad;
unsigned char *Backad;
unsigned char *BackPtr2;
unsigned char *MaskPtr;
Word Width;
Word Height;
Word Width2;
MaskPtr = ShapePtr; /* Get the pointer to the mask */
Width = MaskPtr[1]; /* Get the width of the shape */
Height = MaskPtr[3]; /* Get the height of the shape */
MaskPtr = &MaskPtr[(Width*Height)+4]; /* Index to the mask */
/* Point to the screen */
ScreenPtr = (unsigned char *) &VideoPointer[YTable[y]+x];
BackPtr2 = BackPtr;
BackPtr2 = &BackPtr2[(y*SCREENWIDTH)+x]; /* Index to the erase buffer */
do {
Width2 = Width; /* Init width count */
Screenad = ScreenPtr;
Backad = BackPtr2;
do {
if (!*MaskPtr++) {
*Screenad = *Backad;
} while (--Width2);
ScreenPtr +=VideoWidth;
} while (--Height);
Test for a shape collision
Word TestMShape(Word x,Word y,void *ShapePtr)
unsigned char *ScreenPtr;
unsigned char *Screenad;
unsigned char *MaskPtr;
unsigned char *ShapePtr2;
Word Width;
Word Height;
Word Width2;
ShapePtr2 = ShapePtr;
Width = ShapePtr2[0];
Height = ShapePtr2[1];
ShapePtr2 +=2;
MaskPtr = &ShapePtr2[Width*Height];
ScreenPtr = (unsigned char *) &VideoPointer[YTable[y]+x];
do {
Width2 = Width;
Screenad = ScreenPtr;
do {
if (!*MaskPtr++) {
if (*Screenad != *ShapePtr2) {
return 1;
} while (--Width2);
ScreenPtr +=VideoWidth;
} while (--Height);
return 0;
Test for a masked shape collision
Word TestMBShape(Word x,Word y,void *ShapePtr,void *BackPtr)
unsigned char *ScreenPtr;
unsigned char *Screenad;
unsigned char *Backad;
unsigned char *BackPtr2;
unsigned char *MaskPtr;
Word Width;
Word Height;
Word Width2;
MaskPtr = ShapePtr; /* Get the pointer to the mask */
Width = MaskPtr[0]; /* Get the width of the shape */
Height = MaskPtr[1]; /* Get the height of the shape */
MaskPtr = &MaskPtr[(Width*Height)+2]; /* Index to the mask */
/* Point to the screen */
ScreenPtr = (unsigned char *) &VideoPointer[YTable[y]+x];
BackPtr2 = BackPtr;
BackPtr2 = &BackPtr2[(y*SCREENWIDTH)+x]; /* Index to the erase buffer */
do {
Width2 = Width; /* Init width count */
Screenad = ScreenPtr;
Backad = BackPtr2;
do {
if (!*MaskPtr++) {
if (*Screenad != *Backad) {
return 1;
} while (--Width2);
ScreenPtr +=VideoWidth;
} while (--Height);
return 0;
Show a full screen picture
void ShowPic(Word PicNum)
DrawShape(0,0,LoadAResource(PicNum)); /* Load the resource and show it */
ReleaseAResource(PicNum); /* Release it */
Clear the screen to a specific color
void ClearTheScreen(Word Color)
Word x,y;
unsigned char *TempPtr;
TempPtr = VideoPointer;
y = SCREENHEIGHT; /* 200 lines high */
do {
x = 0;
do {
TempPtr[x] = Color; /* Fill color */
} while (++x<SCREENWIDTH);
TempPtr += VideoWidth; /* Next line down */
} while (--y);
Draw a text string
void DrawAString(char *TextPtr)
while (TextPtr[0]) { /* At the end of the string? */
DrawAChar(TextPtr[0]); /* Draw the char */
++TextPtr; /* Continue */
Set the X/Y to the font system
void SetFontXY (Word x,Word y)
FontX = x;
FontY = y;
Make color zero invisible
void FontUseMask(void)
FontInvisible = 0;
Make color zero a valid color
void FontUseZero(void)
FontInvisible = -1;
Set the color entry for the font
void FontSetColor(Word Num,Word Color)
FontOrMask[Num] = Color;
Install a font into memory
typedef struct FontStruct {
unsigned short FHeight;
unsigned short FLast;
unsigned short FFirst;
unsigned char FData;
} FontStruct;
void InstallAFont(Word FontNum)
FontStruct *FPtr;
if (FontLoaded) {
if (FontLoaded == FontNum) {
FontLoaded = FontNum;
FPtr = LoadAResource(FontNum);
FontHeight = SwapUShort(FPtr->FHeight);
FontLast = SwapUShort(FPtr->FLast);
FontFirst = SwapUShort(FPtr->FFirst);
FontWidths = &FPtr->FData;
FontPtr = &FontWidths[FontLast];
Draw a char to the screen
void DrawAChar(Word Letter)
Word XWidth;
Word Offset;
Word Width;
Word Height;
int Width2;
unsigned char *Font;
unsigned char *ScreenPtr;
unsigned char *Screenad;
unsigned char *FontOr;
Word Temp;
Word Temp2;
Letter -= FontFirst; /* Offset from the first entry */
if (Letter>=FontLast) { /* In the font? */
return; /* Exit then! */
XWidth = FontWidths[Letter]; /* Get the pixel width of the entry */
Width = (XWidth-1)/2;
Font = &FontPtr[Letter*2];
Offset = (Font[1]*256) + Font[0];
Font = &FontPtr[Offset];
ScreenPtr = (unsigned char *) &VideoPointer[YTable[FontY]+FontX];
Height = FontHeight;
FontOr = &FontOrMask[0];
do {
Screenad = ScreenPtr;
Width2 = Width;
do {
Temp = *Font++;
Temp2 = Temp>>4;
if (Temp2 != FontInvisible) {
Screenad[0] = FontOr[Temp2];
Temp &= 0x0f;
if (Temp != FontInvisible) {
Screenad[1] = FontOr[Temp];
Screenad+=2; /* Next address */
} while(--Width2>=0);
ScreenPtr += VideoWidth;
} while (--Height);
Palette Manager
Load and set a palette resource
void SetAPalette(Word PalNum)
SetAPalettePtr(LoadAResource(PalNum)); /* Set the current palette */
ReleaseAResource(PalNum); /* Release the resource */
Load and set a palette from a pointer
Byte CurrentPal[768];
void SetAPalettePtr(unsigned char *PalPtr)
CTabHandle ColorHandle; /* Handle to the main palette */
Handle PalHand; /* Handle to palette */
Word i; /* Temp */
CSpecArray *Colors; /* Pointer to color array */
GDHandle OldDevice;
ColorHandle = MainColorHandle;
HLock((Handle) ColorHandle);
Colors = &(*ColorHandle)->ctTable;
++Colors; /* Go to color #0 */
i = 1; /* Skip color #0 */
do { /* Fill in all the color entries */
Colors[0]->rgb.red = (Word) (PalPtr[0]<<8) | PalPtr[0];
Colors[0]->rgb.green = (Word) (PalPtr[1]<<8) | PalPtr[1];
Colors[0]->rgb.blue = (Word) (PalPtr[2]<<8) | PalPtr[2];
if (!Colors[0]->rgb.blue) {
Colors[0]->rgb.blue = 0x0101;
} while (++i<255); /* All done? */
OldDevice = GetGDevice();
SetEntries(0,255-1,(*ColorHandle)->ctTable); /* Set the color entries */
PalHand = (Handle) (**(*GameGWorld).portPixMap).pmTable;
PalHand = (Handle) (**(*GameWindow).portPixMap).pmTable;
HUnlock((Handle)ColorHandle); /* Release the main handle */
MakeITable(0,0,0); /* Create the proper color table */
Fade the screen to black
void FadeToBlack(void)
unsigned char MyPal[768];
memset(MyPal,0,sizeof(MyPal)); /* Fill with black */
MyPal[0] = MyPal[1] = MyPal[2] = 255;
Fade the screen to a palette
void FadeTo(Word RezNum)
Fade the palette
void FadeToPtr(unsigned char *PalPtr)
int DestPalette[768]; /* Dest offsets */
Byte WorkPalette[768]; /* Palette to draw */
Byte SrcPal[768];
Word Count;
Word i;
if (!memcmp(PalPtr,&CurrentPal,768)) { /* Same palette? */
i = 0;
do { /* Convert the source palette to ints */
DestPalette[i] = PalPtr[i];
} while (++i<768);
i = 0;
do {
DestPalette[i] -= SrcPal[i]; /* Convert to delta's */
} while (++i<768);
Count = 1;
do {
i = 0;
do {
WorkPalette[i] = ((DestPalette[i] * (int)(Count)) / 16) + SrcPal[i];
} while (++i<768);
} while (++Count<17);
Resource manager subsystem
Load a personal resource
void *LoadAResource(Word RezNum)
Load a global resource
Handle RezHandle;
void *LoadAResource2(Word RezNum,LongWord Type)
Handle MyHand;
Word Stage;
Stage = 0;
do {
Stage = FreeStage(Stage,128000);
MyHand = GetResource(Type,RezNum);
if (MyHand) {
RezHandle = MyHand;
return *MyHand;
} while (Stage);
return 0;
Allow a resource to be purged
void ReleaseAResource(Word RezNum)
Release a global resource
void ReleaseAResource2(Word RezNum,LongWord Type)
Handle MyHand;
MyHand = GetResource(Type,RezNum); /* Get the resource if available */
HPurge(MyHand); /* Mark handle as purgeable */
Force a resource to be destroyed
void KillAResource(Word RezNum)
Kill a global resource
void KillAResource2(Word RezNum,LongWord Type)
Handle MyHand;
MyHand = GetResource(Type,RezNum); /* Get the resource if available */
void SaveJunk(void *AckPtr,Word Length)
static Word Count=1;
FILE *fp;
char SaveName[40];
fp = fopen(SaveName,"wb");
Kill a global resource
unsigned short SwapUShort(unsigned short Val)
return ((Val<<8) | (Val>>8));
Decompress using LZSS
#if 1
void DLZSS(Byte *Dest,Byte *Src,LongWord Length)
Word BitBucket;
Word RunCount;
Word Fun;
Byte *BackPtr;
if (!Length) {
BitBucket = (Word) Src[0] | 0x100;
do {
if (BitBucket&1) {
Dest[0] = Src[0];
} else {
RunCount = (Word) Src[0] | ((Word) Src[1]<<8);
Fun = 0x1000-(RunCount&0xfff);
BackPtr = Dest-Fun;
RunCount = ((RunCount>>12) & 0x0f) + 3;
if (Length >= RunCount) {
Length -= RunCount;
} else {
Length = 0;
do {
*Dest++ = *BackPtr++;
} while (--RunCount);
if (BitBucket==1) {
BitBucket = (Word)Src[0] | 0x100;
} while (Length);
Allocate some memory
void *AllocSomeMem(LongWord Size)
void *MemPtr;
Word Stage;
Stage = 0;
do {
Stage = FreeStage(Stage,Size);
MemPtr = NewPtr(Size); /* Get some memory */
if (MemPtr) {
return MemPtr; /* Return it */
} while (Stage);
if (!NoSystemMem) {
MemPtr = NewPtrSys(Size);
return MemPtr;
Allocate some memory
static Word FreeStage(Word Stage,LongWord Size)
switch (Stage) {
case 1:
PurgeAllSounds(Size); /* Kill off sounds until I can get memory */
case 2:
PlaySound(0); /* Shut down all sounds... */
PurgeAllSounds(Size); /* Purge them */
case 3:
PlaySong(0); /* Kill music */
FreeSong(); /* Purge it */
PurgeAllSounds(Size); /* Make SURE it's gone! */
case 4:
return 0;
return Stage+1;
Release some memory
void FreeSomeMem(void *MemPtr)