blehm/Duane Blehm's Code/Cairo ƒ/

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2016-10-15 14:52:32 +00:00
{... here's how we copied the bitImage and locTable of Cairo font...} TYPE {GLOBAL types used for this procedure} FintPtr = ^FontRec; FontHandle = ^FintPtr;{FintPtr???, because FontPtr is already declared!} var {GLOBAL varibles used in this procedure} myFont: FontHandle;{so we can load resource and access FontRec} FontMap: BitMap;{will point to copy of font bitimage} RowWords: integer; RowBytes: integer; tPtr: Ptr; tLong: Longint; BitPtr: Ptr;{pointer to our Copy of BitImage} Locate: Array[0..130] of integer;{'partial' Cairo location table} LocatePtr: Ptr; procedure CreateCairoStuff; var trect:Rect; Begin {load Cairo font and make copies of Character image and locate table} myFont := FontHandle(GetResource('FONT',1426)); HLock(Handle(myFont));{lock it so it won't move... pointers!} RowWords := myFont^^.rowWords;{number of words in row} RowBytes := RowWords * 2;{number of bytes in row} {make tPtr point to start of fontRec bitimage} tPtr := @myFont^^.rowWords;{field just before the bitimage} tLong := ORD(tPtr);{coerce to longint,i-80} tLong := tLong + 2;{2 bytes to get to beginning of bit image,i-234} tPtr := Pointer(tLong);{coerce back to pointer} {create BitPtr size of the bitimage} BitPtr := NewPtr(RowBytes * myFont^^.fRectHeight); {bytes to move = bytes per row * number of rows....} BlockMove(tPtr,BitPtr,RowBytes * myFont^^.fRectHeight);{make the move!} {make tPtr point to start of fontRec locTable.. just beyond bitimage} tPtr := @myFont^^.rowWords;{find start of LocTable for font} tLong := ORD(tPtr);{coerce to longint,i-80} tLong := tLong + (RowBytes * myFont^^.fRectHeight) + 2;{bitimage + integer} tPtr := Pointer(tLong);{coerce back to pointer} {make LocatePtr point to start of our Locate table} LocatePtr := @Locate[0]; {bytes to move = (last char + 1) * 2.. in our case (130+1)*2 = 262} {or Locate[] contains 131 integers (zero based) = 262 bytes} BlockMove(tPtr,LocatePtr,262);{copy LocTable to our Locate array} {for Cairo: Locate[130] = 1656.. offset to rightside of last character, use ResEdit to look at last char of font... will give this OffSet} SetRect(tRect,0,0,Locate[130],myFont^^.fRectHeight); FontMap.baseAddr := QDPtr(BitPtr);{make FontMap point to BitPtr image} FontMap.rowbytes := RowBytes;{row width in bytes, must be even no.} FontMap.bounds := tRect; HUnlock(Handle(myFont));{unlock it, we're done with Ptr stuff} ReleaseResource(Handle(myFont));{if you're done with it} End; {once you have the FontMap draw the char '33' from the BitImage:} var p,q:integer; SourceRect,DestRect:Rect; Begin SourceRect := FontMap.Bounds;{set top and bottom of Rect} SourceRect.left := Locate[33];{coordinate offset to leftside of char 33} SourceRect.right := Locate[33 + 1];{offset to rightside of char 33} DestRect := SourceRect;{size the destination rect} OffSetRect(DestRect,p,q);{locate the DestRect where you want drawn} {now do the transfer!} CopyBits(FontMap,myWindow^.portBits,SourceRect,DestRect,srcCopy,nil); End;