Reverse PatchSetApplBase and PatchRsrcZoneInit

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Elliot Nunn 2018-04-03 17:51:59 +08:00
parent bd99e31fe5
commit 2dda05db71

View File

@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ PrepareGibblyResourceMap
move.l d0, mNext(a0)
jsr Unexplored_2568
jsr PatchRsrcZoneInit
@ -1415,7 +1415,7 @@ LoadTimeManagerLib
bsr Unexplored_25B4
bsr PatchSetApplBase
@ -2116,9 +2116,11 @@ MakeGibblyResident Progress
cmp SysMap, d0
beq.s @nope
lea Unexplored_2562, a0
; De-fang
lea NewRsrcZoneInit_InstalledAt, a0
move.l (a0), a0
clr.b $44(a0)
clr.b NewRsrcZoneInit_Flag-NewRsrcZoneInit(a0)
move.l TopMapHndl, -(sp)
move.l SysMapHndl, -(sp)
@ -4834,104 +4836,114 @@ MyKeyMap2
; There is only about 1k of slack in this file, unless you turn some branches into longs.
; Don't rearrange the monolith that follows. Its internal refs are inflexible.
dc.w $48e7 ; 251c
dc.w $8080 ; 251e
dc.w $103a ; 2520
dc.w $003e ; 2522
dc.w $660a ; 2524
dc.w $4cdf ; 2526
dc.w $0101 ; 2528
dc.w $2f3a ; 252a
dc.w $002c ; 252c
dc.w $4e75 ; 252e
dc.w $2f38 ; 2530
dc.w $0a54 ; 2532
dc.w $3f38 ; 2534
dc.w $0a58 ; 2536
dc.w $21fa ; 2538
dc.w $0022 ; 253a
dc.w $0a54 ; 253c
dc.w $31f8 ; 253e
dc.w $0a5a ; 2540
dc.w $0a58 ; 2542
dc.w $207a ; 2544
dc.w $0012 ; 2546
dc.w $4e90 ; 2548
dc.w $31df ; 254a
dc.w $0a58 ; 254c
dc.w $21df ; 254e
dc.w $0a54 ; 2550
dc.w $4cdf ; 2552
dc.w $0101 ; 2554
dc.w $4e75 ; 2556
dc.w $0000 ; 2558
dc.w $0000 ; 255a
dc.w $0000 ; 255c
dc.w $0000 ; 255e
dc.w $0101 ; 2560
dc.w $50ff ; 2562
dc.w $8001 ; 2564
dc.w $0000 ; 2566
dc.w $48e7 ; 2568
dc.w $80c0 ; 256a
dc.w $704a ; 256c
dc.w $a71e ; 256e
dc.w $2248 ; 2570
dc.w $41fa ; 2572
dc.w $ffa8 ; 2574
dc.w $704a ; 2576
dc.w $a02e ; 2578
dc.w $2078 ; 257a
dc.w $0a50 ; 257c
dc.w $2348 ; 257e
dc.w $0040 ; 2580
dc.w $2050 ; 2582
dc.w $0228 ; 2584
dc.w $0001 ; 2586
dc.w $0017 ; 2588
dc.w $303c ; 258a
dc.w $a996 ; 258c
dc.w $a146 ; 258e
dc.w $2348 ; 2590
dc.w $003c ; 2592
dc.w $303c ; 2594
dc.w $a996 ; 2596
dc.w $2049 ; 2598
dc.w $a047 ; 259a
dc.w $41fa ; 259c
dc.w $ffc4 ; 259e
dc.w $2089 ; 25a0
dc.w $4cdf ; 25a2
dc.w $0301 ; 25a4
dc.w $4e75 ; 25a6
dc.w $a02c ; 25a8
dc.w $4eb9 ; 25aa
dc.w $50ff ; 25ac
dc.w $8001 ; 25ae
dc.w $a02c ; 25b0
dc.w $4e75 ; 25b2
dc.w $303c ; 25b4
dc.w $a057 ; 25b6
dc.w $a346 ; 25b8
dc.w $43fa ; 25ba
dc.w $ffee ; 25bc
dc.w $2348 ; 25be
dc.w $0002 ; 25c0
dc.w $700c ; 25c2
dc.w $a71e ; 25c4
dc.w $2248 ; 25c6
dc.w $41fa ; 25c8
dc.w $ffde ; 25ca
dc.w $700c ; 25cc
dc.w $a02e ; 25ce
dc.w $2049 ; 25d0
dc.w $303c ; 25d2
dc.w $a057 ; 25d4
dc.w $a247 ; 25d6
dc.w $4e75 ; 25d8
; A new trap we will install to replace _RsrcZoneInit
movem.l d0/a0,-(sp)
move.b NewRsrcZoneInit_Flag,d0
bne.s @flag_is_set
;flag not set: nop this trap
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0
move.l NewRsrcZoneInit_TailCallAddress,-(sp)
@flag_is_set; set/restore
move.l SysMapHndl,-(sp) ; save
move.w SysMap,-(sp)
move.l NewRsrcZoneInit_TopMapHndl,SysMapHndl ; set
move.w CurMap,SysMap
move.l NewRsrcZoneInit_TailCallAddress,a0 ; call
jsr (a0)
move.w (sp)+,SysMap ; restore
move.l (sp)+,SysMapHndl
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0
NewRsrcZoneInit_TailCallAddress dc.l 0
NewRsrcZoneInit_TopMapHndl dc.l 0
NewRsrcZoneInit_Flag dc.b 1, 1 ; not sure why there are two
NewRsrcZoneInit_InstalledAt dc.l $50FF8001 ; so we can modify the flag after installing
dc.w 0
movem.l d0/a0-a1,-(sp)
moveq #NewRsrcZoneInit_End-NewRsrcZoneInit,d0
move.l a0,a1
lea NewRsrcZoneInit,a0
moveq #NewRsrcZoneInit_End-NewRsrcZoneInit,d0
move.l TopMapHndl,a0
move.l a0,NewRsrcZoneInit_TopMapHndl-NewRsrcZoneInit(a1)
move.l (a0),a0
andi.b #1,mInMemoryAttr(a0)
move.w #$A996,d0
move.l a0,NewRsrcZoneInit_TailCallAddress-NewRsrcZoneInit(a1)
move.w #$A996,d0
move.l a1,a0
lea NewRsrcZoneInit_InstalledAt,a0
move.l a1,(a0)
movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0-a1
; Patch _SetApplBase
jsr $50FF8001 ; will get patched to point to original
move.w #$A057,d0
lea NewSetApplBase_TheJsr,a1
move.l a0,2(a1)
moveq #NewSetApplBase_End-NewSetApplBase,d0
move.l a0,a1
lea NewSetApplBase,a0
moveq #NewSetApplBase_End-NewSetApplBase,d0
move.l a1,a0
move.w #$A057,d0
dc.w $48e7 ; 25da
dc.w $fef8 ; 25dc