{ Created: Saturday, July 27, 1991 at 8:49 PM Events.p Pascal Interface to the Macintosh Libraries Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1985-1992 All rights reserved Change History (most recent first): <10> 5/6/92 DCL NIIM: Moved KeyTrans back from TextUtils to Events and added synonym KeyTranslate. <9> 3/26/92 JSM Rolled this file into SuperMario project. <8> 2/27/92 DCL Moved OSEvents into Events.p for NIIM (New Improved Inside Mac). <7> 7/30/91 JL Updated Copyright. Restored comments. <6> 1/28/91 LN Checked in Database Generated File from DSG. Took out an Inside Mac comment. Matched parameter names to .h file. <5> 11/12/90 DFH Add highLevelEventMask, remove childDiedMessage. Isolate obsolete equates. <4> 10/19/90 gbm Fix DaveÕs mistake. Actually, his REAL mistake was checking in a file that he hadnÕt compiled... if he had, then he would have noticed the missing semi-colon! <3> 10/19/90 DFH Added convertClipboardFlag. <2> 10/19/90 DFH Added resumeFlag. } {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 0} {$ENDC} {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} UNIT Events; INTERFACE {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingEvents} {$SETC UsingEvents := 1} {$I+} {$SETC EventsIncludes := UsingIncludes} {$SETC UsingIncludes := 1} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingTypes} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Types.p} {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingQuickdraw} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)Quickdraw.p} {$ENDC} {$IFC UNDEFINED UsingOSUtils} {$I $$Shell(PInterfaces)OSUtils.p} {$ENDC} {$SETC UsingIncludes := EventsIncludes} CONST nullEvent = 0; mouseDown = 1; mouseUp = 2; keyDown = 3; keyUp = 4; autoKey = 5; updateEvt = 6; diskEvt = 7; activateEvt = 8; osEvt = 15; { event mask equates } mDownMask = 2; mUpMask = 4; keyDownMask = 8; keyUpMask = 16; autoKeyMask = 32; updateMask = 64; diskMask = 128; activMask = 256; highLevelEventMask = 1024; osMask = -32768; everyEvent = -1; { event message equates } charCodeMask = $000000FF; keyCodeMask = $0000FF00; adbAddrMask = $00FF0000; osEvtMessageMask = $FF000000; { OS event messages. Event (sub)code is in the high byte of the message field. } mouseMovedMessage = $FA; suspendResumeMessage = $01; resumeFlag = 1; { Bit 0 of message indicates resume vs suspend } convertClipboardFlag = 2; { Bit 1 in resume message indicates clipboard change } { modifiers } activeFlag = 1; { Bit 0 of modifiers for activateEvt and mouseDown events } btnState = 128; { Bit 7 of low byte is mouse button state } cmdKey = 256; { Bit 0 } shiftKey = 512; { Bit 1 } alphaLock = 1024; { Bit 2 } optionKey = 2048; { Bit 3 of high byte } controlKey = 4096; { obsolete equates } networkEvt = 10; driverEvt = 11; app1Evt = 12; app2Evt = 13; app3Evt = 14; app4Evt = 15; networkMask = 1024; driverMask = 2048; app1Mask = 4096; app2Mask = 8192; app3Mask = 16384; app4Mask = -32768; TYPE EventRecord = RECORD what: INTEGER; message: LONGINT; when: LONGINT; where: Point; modifiers: INTEGER; END; KeyMap = PACKED ARRAY [0..127] OF BOOLEAN; FUNCTION GetNextEvent(eventMask: INTEGER;VAR theEvent: EventRecord): BOOLEAN; INLINE $A970; FUNCTION WaitNextEvent(eventMask: INTEGER;VAR theEvent: EventRecord;sleep: LONGINT; mouseRgn: RgnHandle): BOOLEAN; INLINE $A860; FUNCTION EventAvail(eventMask: INTEGER;VAR theEvent: EventRecord): BOOLEAN; INLINE $A971; PROCEDURE GetMouse(VAR mouseLoc: Point); INLINE $A972; FUNCTION Button: BOOLEAN; INLINE $A974; FUNCTION StillDown: BOOLEAN; INLINE $A973; FUNCTION WaitMouseUp: BOOLEAN; INLINE $A977; PROCEDURE GetKeys(VAR theKeys: KeyMap); INLINE $A976; FUNCTION KeyTranslate(transData: Ptr;keycode: INTEGER;VAR state: LONGINT): LONGINT; INLINE $A9C3; FUNCTION KeyTrans(transData: Ptr;keycode: INTEGER;VAR state: LONGINT): LONGINT; INLINE $A9C3; FUNCTION TickCount: LONGINT; INLINE $A975; FUNCTION GetDblTime: LONGINT; INLINE $2EB8,$02F0; FUNCTION GetCaretTime: LONGINT; INLINE $2EB8,$02F4; FUNCTION PostEvent(eventNum: INTEGER;eventMsg: LONGINT): OSErr; FUNCTION PPostEvent(eventCode: INTEGER;eventMsg: LONGINT;VAR qEl: EvQElPtr): OSErr; FUNCTION OSEventAvail(mask: INTEGER;VAR theEvent: EventRecord): BOOLEAN; FUNCTION GetOSEvent(mask: INTEGER;VAR theEvent: EventRecord): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE FlushEvents(whichMask: INTEGER;stopMask: INTEGER); INLINE $201F,$A032; PROCEDURE SetEventMask(theMask: INTEGER); INLINE $31DF,$0144; FUNCTION GetEvQHdr: QHdrPtr; INLINE $2EBC,$0000,$014A; {$ENDC} { UsingEvents } {$IFC NOT UsingIncludes} END. {$ENDC}