/************************************************************ Created: Friday, September 27, 1991 10:04:39 AM ImageCodec.r Rez Interface to the Macintosh Libraries Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1991 All rights reserved ************************************************************/ /* type 'thng' { hex longint type; hex longint subType; hex longint manufacturere; hex longint flags; hex longint flagsMask; hex longint thingResType; int thingResID; hex longint thingNameResType; int thingNameResID; hex longint thingInfoResType; int thingInfoResID; hex longint thingIconResType; int thingIconResID; }; */ #define codecInfoDoes1 1 /* codec can work with 1-bit pixels */ #define codecInfoDoes2 2 /* codec can work with 2-bit pixels */ #define codecInfoDoes4 4 /* codec can work with 4-bit pixels */ #define codecInfoDoes8 8 /* codec can work with 8-bit pixels */ #define codecInfoDoes16 0x10 /* codec can work with 16-bit pixels */ #define codecInfoDoes32 0x20 /* codec can work with 32-bit pixels */ #define codecInfoDoesDither 0x40 /* codec can do ditherMode */ #define codecInfoDoesStretch 0x80 /* codec can stretch to arbitrary sizes */ #define codecInfoDoesShrink 0x100 /* codec can shrink to arbitrary sizes */ #define codecInfoDoesMask 0x200 /* codec can mask to clipping regions */ #define codecInfoDoesTemporal 0x400 /* codec can handle temporal redundancy */ #define codecInfoDoesDouble 0x800 /* codec can stretch to double size exactly */ #define codecInfoDoesQuad 0x1000 /* codec can stretch to quadruple size exactly */ #define codecInfoDoesHalf 0x2000 /* codec can shrink to half size */ #define codecInfoDoesQuarter 0x4000 /* codec can shrink to quarter size */ #define codecInfoDoesRotate 0x8000 /* codec can rotate on decompress */ #define codecInfoDoesHorizFlip 0x10000 /* codec can flip horizontally on decompress */ #define codecInfoDoesVertFlip 0x20000 /* codec can flip vertically on decompress */ #define codecInfoDoesSkew 0x40000 /* codec can skew on decompress */ #define codecInfoDoesBlend 0x80000 /* codec can blend on decompress */ #define codecInfoDoesWarp 0x100000 /* codec can warp arbitrarily on decompress */ #define codecInfoDoesRecompress 0x200000 /* codec can recompress image without accumulating errors */ #define codecInfoDoesSpool 0x400000 /* codec can spool image data */ #define codecInfoDoesRateConstrain 0x800000 /* codec can data rate constrain */ #define codecInfoDepth1 1 /* compressed data at 1 bpp depth available */ #define codecInfoDepth2 2 /* compressed data at 2 bpp depth available */ #define codecInfoDepth4 4 /* compressed data at 4 bpp depth available */ #define codecInfoDepth8 8 /* compressed data at 8 bpp depth available */ #define codecInfoDepth16 0x10 /* compressed data at 16 bpp depth available */ #define codecInfoDepth32 0x20 /* compressed data at 32 bpp depth available */ #define codecInfoDepth24 0x40 /* compressed data at 24 bpp depth available */ #define codecInfoDepth33 0x80 /* compressed data at 1 bpp monochrome depth available */ #define codecInfoDepth34 0x100 /* compressed data at 2 bpp grayscale depth available */ #define codecInfoDepth36 0x200 /* compressed data at 4 bpp grayscale depth available */ #define codecInfoDepth40 0x400 /* compressed data at 8 bpp grayscale depth available */ #define codecInfoStoresClut 0x800 /* compressed data can have custom cluts */ #define codecInfoDoesLossless 0x1000 /* compressed data can be stored in lossless format */ #define codecInfoSequenceSensitive 0x2000 /* compressed data is sensitive to out of sequence decoding */ type 'cdci' { pstring[31]; hex integer version; hex integer revlevel; hex longint vendor; hex longint decompressFlags; hex longint compressFlags; hex longint formatFlags; byte compressionAccuracy; byte decompressionAccuracy; integer compressionSpeed; integer decompressionSpeed; byte compressionLevel; byte resvd; integer minimumHeight; integer minimumWidth; integer decompressPipelineLatency; integer compressPipelineLatency; longint privateData; }; #define compressorComponentType 'imco' #define decompressorComponentType 'imdc'