; ; File: ScaleBlt.a ; ; Copyright: © 1989-1990, 1992-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 7/6/93 kc Roll in Ludwig. ; 7/6/93 kc Roll in bug fix from Shannon Holland. ; 01/19/93 HI #1060484:Fixed bug in scIndToInd where it was not ; properly offseting while masking. Fixes bugs where ; >1 bit images are clipped and some garbage is drawn ; as a result. For a detailed information of the bug ; fix, read the header of scIndToInd. (Hoon Im) ; 12/4/92 CSS Revert SM5 as SM4 already fixed this bug. ; 12/2/92 kc Roll in from QuickDrawPatches in Reality. ; 8/13/92 SAH #1039892: Fixed a bug in the ScaleBlt 1->16 non-colorizing loop ; (scIndexedTo16) where the bit offset into the source would be ; trashed in certain cases. ; 8/14/92 CSS Update from Reality: ; <8> 8/13/92 SAH #1039892: Fixed a bug in the 1->16 non-colorizing loop ; (scIndexedTo16) where the bit offset into the source was being ; trashed. ; 7/16/92 CSS Update from Reality: ; <7> 6/8/92 SAH #1031825: Added indexed to 16, 1 to 16 (no colorizing), indexed ; to 32 1 to 32 (no colorizing) and indexed to indexed loops. Also ; pass the real XLateFlag to MakeScaleTbl so that it colorizies. ; 6/11/92 stb stb Synch with QDciPatchROM.a; added comments to ; NXTMASKDither. ; <6> 11/6/90 SMC Fixed alignment problem in scInd1ToInd8. With KON. ; <5> 9/18/90 BG Removed <2>. 040s are behaving more reliably now. ; <4> 9/14/90 SMC Added five scaling blit loops, w/ or w/o region clipping. 1to2, ; 1to4, 1to8, 8to8, and 8to1. The latter three are replacements ; for the QuickerDraw routines in Stretch which give the same or ; worse performance of the new, smaller routines. ; <3> 7/20/90 gbm Change a few identifiers to eliminate warnings ; <2> 6/28/90 BG Added EclipseNOPs to deal with flakey 040s. ; <1.5> 12/9/89 BAL Fixed bug in error propagation in DitherCore8 ; <1.4> 7/15/89 GGD GGD for the vacationing BAL, fixed the scIndexedto32 blit loop, ; also disabled the Mask loop, since BAL says it cannot occur. ; <¥1.3> 7/14/89 BAL For Aurora: Final CQD ; <1.2> 6/30/89 BAL Now uses equate for qdStackXtra ; <¥1.1> 5/29/89 BAL Blasting in 32-Bit QuickDraw version 1.0 Final ; 5/26/89 BAL Fixed bug in call to MakeITable if seed mismatch during direct ; to indexed copy. ; <1.0> 4/12/89 BAL Blasting in 32-Bit QuickDraw 1.0B1 scaleBlt PROC EXPORT IMPORT RSect IMPORT GetSeek,OneBitProc IMPORT TRIMRECT,MAKESCALETBL,SHFTTBL EXPORT scIndTab1,scIndTab2,scIndTab4,scIndTab8,scIndTab16,scIndTab32 EXPORT scDirTab1,scDirTab2,scDirTab4,scDirTab8,scDirTab16,scDirTab32 ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Transfer a rectangle of bits from srcBits to dstBits. ; SrcBits and dstBits are of different depth or color table. ; The transfer is clipped to the intersection of rgnA, rgnB, and rgnC. ; No stretching, shrinking, colorizing, or bitmap masking is performed. ; Only srcCopy and ditherCopy modes are supported. ; ; Custom search procs are not supported if the src is direct. ; ; ; ; COPYRIGHT APPLE COMPUTER INC. 1989 ; CUT AND PASTED BY BRUCE LEAK ; ;---------------------------------------------------- ; ; A6 OFFSETS OF PARAMETERS AFTER LINK: ; PARAMSIZE EQU 44 ;SIZE OF PARAMETERS SRCBITS EQU PARAMSIZE+8-4 ;LONG, ADDR OF BITMAP MASKBITS EQU SRCBITS-4 ;LONG, ADDR OF BITMAP DSTBITS EQU MASKBITS-4 ;LONG, ADDR OF BITMAP SRCRECT EQU DSTBITS-4 ;LONG, ADDR OF RECT MASKRECT EQU SRCRECT-4 ;LONG, ADDR OF RECT DSTRECT EQU MASKRECT-4 ;LONG, ADDR OF RECT MODE EQU DSTRECT-2 ;WORD PAT EQU MODE-4 ;LONG, ADDR OF PATTERN RGNA EQU PAT-4 ;LONG, RGNHANDLE RGNB EQU RGNA-4 ;LONG, RGNHANDLE RGNC EQU RGNB-4 ;LONG, RGNHANDLE multColor EQU RGNC-2 ;byte, set if source contains nonblack/white colors ;---------------------------------------------------- ; ; A6 OFFSETS OF LOCAL VARIABLES AFTER LINK: ; ; STACKFRAME LINKED AND LOCALS INITIALIZED BY STRETCHBITS. ; &CurFile SETC 'STRETCH' INCLUDE 'DrawingVars.a' ;----------------------------------- ; REGISTER USE: ; ; A2: SRCRECT (24 bit addr) ; A3: DSTRECT (24 bit addr) ; A4: SRCPIX ; A5: DSTPIX ; ; D3: SRCSHIFT ; D4: DSTSHIFT ; D7: INVERTFLAG ;----------------------------------- ; ; SAVE STACK FOR NOW, BECAUSE WE'RE STILL ALLOCATING SCANLINE BUFFERS ; MOVE.L SP,SAVESTK2(A6) ;PRESERVE STACK POINTER MOVE.L D0,NUMER(A6) ;NUMER := DST SIZE MOVE.L D1,DENOM(A6) ;DENOM := SRC SIZE ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; DETERMINE AMOUNT OF STACK SPACE WE CAN USE ; _StackAvail ;GET STACK AVAIL IN D0.L LSR.L #2,D0 ;CONVERT BYTES TO LONGS SUB.L #qdStackXtra,D0 ;SUBTRACT SLOP FACTOR <1.2> BAL MOVE.L D0,STACKFREE(A6) ;AND SAVE FREE LONGS ON STACK bpl.s @stkOK _stNoStack ;=>NOT ENOUGH STACK, QUIT @stkOK ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; IF THE SRC AND DST ARE DIFFERENT DEPTHS, THEN MUST DO PIXEL SCALING ; IF THEY ARE THE SAME DEPTH, BUT DIFFERENT COLOR TABLES, DO PIXEL SCALING ; MOVE.W SRCPIX+pixelType(A6),D0 ;IS PIXELTYPE DIRECT? %%% BEQ HasClut ;NO, IT HAS A CLUT %%% cmp #16,d0 ;is it RGBDirect? bne done ;unknown pixeltype -> go home ;@@@@ should also check cmpCount, cmpSize ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; The src is direct data (16 or 32 bits/pixel). ; Compute D5 as index into direct mode table based on ; ; D5 = zero[15-6] dstShift[5:3] src32[2] gray[1] dither[0] ; ; D3=srcShift D4=dstShift ; clr.l ErrBuf(a6) ; init for no dithering move d4,d5 ; init scaleRtn with dstShift lsl.w #3,d5 ; put into position cmp.w #4,d3 ; is src 16 bits/pixel? beq.s @src16 bset #2,d5 ; flag src is 32 bits/pixel @src16 MOVE.L ([theGDevice]),A2 ; get the current device (trash A2) cmp #16,DSTPIX+pixelType(A6) ;IS PIXELTYPE DIRECT? %%% beq DirectSrc ;don't makeItable on direct device MOVE.L ([GDPMap,A2]),A1 ; get pixMap's handle MOVE.L PMTable(A1),A0 ; get the device colorTable's handle MOVE.L ([A0],CTSeed),D1 ; get the device colorTable's ctSeed MOVE.L ([GDITable,A2]),A0 ; get the Itable's master pointer CMP.L ITabSeed(A0),D1 ; has the colortable changed? BEQ.S @1 ; if equal, then the iTable is OK ; if table is not up to date, build a new one MOVE.L PMTable(A1),-(SP) ; push theGDevice's color table handle MOVE.L GDITable(A2),-(SP) ; push theGDevice's current iTabHandle MOVE.W GDResPref(A2),-(SP) ; push the preferred iTableResolution _MakeITable ; make a new table TST.W QDErr ; was this sucessful? BEQ.S @noErr ; nope, so quit ADDQ #4,SP ; flush saved register BRA Done ; @noErr MOVE.L ([theGDevice]),A2 ; redereference in case it moved MOVE.L ([GDITable,A2]),A0 ; get the iTable's master pointer @1 ADD.w #ITTable,A0 ; point directly at data MOVE.L A0,stITabPtr(A6) ; save in stack frame SUB.w #ITTable,A0 ; get the iTable's master pointer MOVE.W ITabRes(A0),stITabRes(A6) ; get the iTable resolution MOVE.L ([GDPMap,A2]),A1 ; get pixMap's handle MOVE.L ([PMTable,A1]),stCLUTPtr(A6) ; get the device colorTable's ptr ; MOVE.L gdSearchProc(A2),D0 ; get the search proc head ; bne.s @search ; go use search routines ; Here we know that the dst is indexed and no search proc is present, ; so determine if the dst clut is all grays and/or we are dithering. ; the iTable's master pointer is in A0 MOVEQ #1,D0 ; prime the register again MOVE ITabRes(A0),D2 ; get the inverse table resolution (and Bit-field width) LSL.L D2,D0 ; calculate 2^^res LSL.L D2,D0 ; square it LSL.L D2,D0 ; cube it LEA ITTable(A0,D0.L),A1 ; point us at the ITabInfo tst.w iTabFlags(a1) ; is this a grayITab? bpl.s @chkDither ; no, go see if dithering add.w #ITabInfo,a1 ; point past header move.l a1,stITabInfo(a6) ; save for later addq #2,d5 ; remember to use gray routines moveq #40,d0 cmp.l ITabSeed(a0),d0 ; is dst the standard 8-bit gray clut? beq.s DirectSrc ; yes, ignore dithering for speeed! @chkDither tst.b useDither(a6) ; should we dither? beq.s DirectSrc ; no, we're set addq #1,d5 ; remember to use dither routines ; ; Compute and allocate scanline buffer for dither error from previous scan ; MOVEQ #0,D0 ;CLEAR HIGH WORD OF D0 MOVE NUMER+H(A6),D0 ;GET WIDTH OF DST lsl.l d4,d0 ;get bit width add.l #128,d0 ;round to double long boundary lsr.l d4,d0 ;get adjusted pixel width btst #1,d5 ;is dst a grayscale clut? bne.s @gray ;only need 2 bytes per pixel for gray error move d0,d1 ;make a copy ADD D0,D0 ;6 bytes (R.w,G.w,B.w) per pixel add d1,d0 ;d0 is byte cnt/2 of ErrBuf @gray LSR #1,D0 ;AND DIV BY 2 FOR LONGS SUB.L D0,STACKFREE(A6) ;IS THERE ENOUGH STACK? bpl.s @stkOK2 _stNoStack ;=>NOT ENOUGH STACK, QUIT @stkOK2 CLR.L -(SP) ;CLEAR ANOTHER LONG OF SLOP @ClearB CLR.L -(SP) ;ALLOCATE AND CLEAR A LONG DBRA D0,@ClearB ;LOOP ENTIRE BUFFER MOVE.L SP,ErrBUF(A6) ;REMEMBER WHERE ErrBuf IS clr.b ErrDir(a6) ;init to carry error to right DirectSrc ; We have the scaleCase routine selector in D5 so compute address ; of routine and stuff it in scaleCase for later ; D5 = zero[15-6] dstShift[5:3] src32[2] gray[1] dither[0] move.w d5,d0 ;copy selector lsr.w #3,d0 ;determine table to use lea (scDirTab1Ptr,ZA0,d0*4),A0 ;POINT TO MODE TABLE move.l (a0),a0 ;get table and.w #7,d5 ;get position in this table add.l 0(A0,D5*4),A0 ;GET CASE JUMP ADDRESS MOVE.L A0,scaleCase(A6) ; put depth scaling routine in stack frame BRA gotScaleCase ;=>ALREADY GOT ROUTINE ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; The src is indexed data (1,2,4,8 bits/pixel). ; If seeds don't match or depths are different then make a scale table. ; ; Compute D5 as index into Indexed mode table based on ; ; D5 = zero[15-5] dstShift[4:2] srcShift[1:0] ; ; D3=srcShift D4=dstShift ; HasClut move.w d4,d5 ;prime mode table index with dstShift lsl.w #2,d5 ;make room for srcShift (0-3) or.w d3,d5 ;compose desired index DOXLATE MOVE SRCPIX+PIXELSIZE(A6),D1 ;GET SRC BITS PER PIXEL MOVEQ #1,D0 ;# ENTRIES = 2^ PIXELSIZE LSL D1,D0 ;CALC # ENTRIES SUB.L D0,STACKFREE(A6) ;IS THERE ENOUGH STACK? bpl.s @stkOK _stNoStack ;=>NOT ENOUGH STACK, QUIT @stkOK ; IF THE DST IS AN OLD GRAFPORT AND IS ONE BIT PER PIXEL, THEN OVERRIDE THE ; SEARCH PROC FOR PROPER MAPPING MOVEQ #0,D7 ;ASSUME NO PROC INSTALLED CMP #1,DSTPIX+PIXELSIZE(A6) ;ONE BIT PER PIXEL? BNE.S @PROCOK ;=>NO, PROC IS OK MOVE.L DSTBITS(A6),A1 ;GET DST BITMAP TST ROWBYTES(A1) ;IS IT OLD? BMI.S @PROCOK ;=>NO, PROC IS OK MOVEQ #1,D7 ;FLAG PROC INSTALLED PEA ONEBITPROC ;POINT TO OUR PROC _ADDSEARCH ;AND INSTALL IT @PROCOK MOVE.L SAVEA5(A6),A5 ;GET A5 FOR MAKESCALETBL MOVE.L A4,-(SP) ;PUSH SRCPIX POINTER move.w XlateFlag(a6),-(sp) ;pass translation flags <5JUNE92 SAH> _MakeScaleTbl ;AND MAKE PIXEL TRANSLATION TABLE ScaleColorBit EQU 3 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; 08Nov87 BAL begins here: ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; MakeScaleTbl is called whenever the src and dst pixmaps have different ; pixel depths or different color table seeds. MakeScaleTbl returns a ; pixel translation table used to map each src pixel to a dst pixel. ; ; Here I check to see if the translation table returned by MakeScaleTbl is in ; actuality an identity mapping--in which case no mapping at all is required! ; In order for an identity mapping to result the src and dst pixMaps must be of the same ; depth. ; ; If an identity mapping is detected, I must decide whether a stretch blit loop is ; really required (ie src rect ­ dst rect or maskBits ­ nil) or whether a much faster ; region blit or bit blit loop would suffice. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ move SRCPIX+PIXELSIZE(A6),d1 ;get src bits/pixel cmp DSTPIX+PIXELSIZE(A6),d1 ;is it the same as dst bits/pixel? bne.s @ScaleOK ;no, have to do pixel scaling ;inspect scale table for equality @chkTbl MOVEQ #1,D0 ;# ENTRIES = 2^ PIXELSIZE LSL D1,D0 ;CALC # ENTRIES in d0 move d0,d1 ;make a copy of long count lsl #2,d1 ;get size of table subq #1,d0 ;make counter zero based for dbra move.l sp,a0 ;point to scale tbl add d1,a0 ;point past end of table @1 cmp.l -(a0),d0 ;compare with dst pixel value dbne d0,@1 bne.s @ScaleOK ;tables are not equal so perform pixel scaling Bclr #ScaleColorBit,XlateFlag+1(a6) ; ¥¥¥ We are not scaling and it's an idendity map, ; ¥¥¥ so set this bit for the callee ;if we installed a proc get rid of it before short circuiting stretch TST D7 ;DID WE INSTALL A PROC BEQ.S @NOPRC ;=>NO, DON'T NEED TO REMOVE PEA ONEBITPROC ;ELSE PUSH OUR PROC _DELSEARCH ;AND DELETE IT @NOPRC LEA DSTPIX(A6),A5 ;RESTORE DSTPIX POINTER ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; CALC NUMER AND DENOM BASED ON DSTRECT AND SRCRECT. ; IF NUMER = DENOM AND SRC DEPTH = DST DEPTH THEN JUST CALL RGNBLT. ; MOVE.L INVERTFLAG(A6),D7 ;restore invert flag <> moveq #0,d0 ;tell stretch we didn't really want it. bra GoBack ;jump back and decide between bitblt and rgnblt ;don't really have to use stretch at all! ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; 08Nov87 BAL ends here. ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @ScaleOK MOVE.L SP,ScaleTbl(A6) ;SAVE POINTER TO TRANSLATION TABLE LEA DSTPIX(A6),A5 ;RESTORE DSTPIX POINTER TST D7 ;DID WE INSTALL A PROC BEQ.S IndexedSrc ;=>NO, DON'T NEED TO REMOVE PEA ONEBITPROC ;ELSE PUSH OUR PROC _DELSEARCH ;AND DELETE IT IndexedSrc ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; We have the scaleCase routine selector in D5 so compute address ; of routine and stuff it in scaleCase for later ; ; D5 = zero[15-5] dstShift[4:2] srcShift[1:0] ; move.w d5,d0 ;copy selector lsr.w #2,d0 ;determine table to use lea (scIndTab1Ptr,ZA0,d0*4),A0 ;POINT TO MODE TABLE move.l (a0),a0 ;get table and.w #3,d5 ;get position in this table add.l 0(A0,D5*4),A0 ;GET CASE JUMP ADDRESS MOVE.L A0,scaleCase(A6) ; put depth scaling routine in stack frame gotScaleCase ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; We've got our ScaleCase. ; ; ; ARE ALL THREE REGIONS RECTANGULAR ? ; ; If the visRgn or the clipRgn is non-rectangular then call TrimRect ; to see if the intersection of the region and MinRect is rectangular, ; empty, or regional. 08Nov87 BAL ; MOVEQ #10,D0 ;GET SIZE OF RECT RGN MOVE.L RGNC(A6),A0 ;GET RGNHANDLE MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;DE-REFERENCE IT CMP RGNSIZE(A0),D0 ;IS RGNC RECTANGULAR ? BEQ @chkVis ;=>yes, ignore it MOVE.L RGNC(A6),-(SP) ;PUSH maskRgn HANDLE PEA MINRECT(A6) ;PUSH ADDR OF MINRECT MOVE.W #-1,-(SP) ;pass Trim = True _TRIMRECT ;CALL TRIMRECT BLT DONE ;=>INTERSECTION EMPTY, QUIT & SHOW CURSOR BGT.S @chkVis ;=>non-rect MOVE.L SAVEA5(A6),A1 ;Get global ptr MOVE.L GRAFGLOBALS(A1),A1 ;point to QD globals MOVE.L WIDEOPEN(A1),RGNC(A6) ;replace maskRgn with wideOpen @chkVis MOVE.L RGNB(A6),A0 ;GET RGNHANDLE MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;DE-REFERENCE IT CMP RGNSIZE(A0),D0 ;IS visRgn RECTANGULAR ? BEQ.S @chkClip ;=>yes, go check clipRgn MOVE.L RGNB(A6),-(SP) ;PUSH visRgn HANDLE PEA MINRECT(A6) ;PUSH ADDR OF MINRECT MOVE.W #-1,-(SP) ;pass Trim = True _TRIMRECT ;CALL TRIMRECT BLT DONE ;=>INTERSECTION EMPTY, QUIT & SHOW CURSOR BGT @chkClip ;=>non-rect MOVE.L SAVEA5(A6),A1 ;Get global ptr MOVE.L GRAFGLOBALS(A1),A1 ;point to QD globals MOVE.L WIDEOPEN(A1),RGNB(A6) ;replace visRgn with wideOpen @chkClip MOVE.L RGNA(A6),A0 ;GET RGNHANDLE MOVE.L (A0),A0 ;DE-REFERENCE IT CMP RGNSIZE(A0),D0 ;IS clipRgn RECTANGULAR ? BEQ.S @skipClip ;=>YES, ignore it MOVE.L RGNA(A6),-(SP) ;PUSH clipRgn HANDLE PEA MINRECT(A6) ;PUSH ADDR OF MINRECT MOVE.W #-1,-(SP) ;pass Trim = True _TRIMRECT ;CALL TRIMRECT BLT DONE ;=>INTERSECTION EMPTY, QUIT & SHOW CURSOR BGT.S @skipClip ;=>non-rect MOVE.L SAVEA5(A6),A1 ;Get global ptr MOVE.L GRAFGLOBALS(A1),A1 ;point to QD globals MOVE.L WIDEOPEN(A1),RGNA(A6) ;replace clipRgn with wideOpen @skipClip ;_________________________________________________________________________________________ ; ; Compute BUFSIZE = (# destination longs)-1 ; Only need 1-Bit deep version since we are using run clipping only ; MOVE MINRECT+LEFT(A6),D1 ;GET MINRECT LEFT SUB BOUNDS+LEFT(A5),D1 ;CONVERT TO GLOBAL COORDS EXT.L D1 ;CLEAR HI WORD LSL.L D4,D1 ;CONVERT DST PIXELS TO BITS AND #$FFE0,D1 ;TRUNC TO MULT OF 32 ASR.L D4,D1 ;CONVERT DST BITS TO PIXELS ADD BOUNDS+LEFT(A5),D1 ;CONVERT BACK TO LOCAL MOVE D1,BUFLEFT(A6) ;SAVE AS BUFLEFT MOVEQ #0,D0 ;CLEAR HIGH WORD OF D0 MOVE MINRECT+RIGHT(A6),D0 ;GET MINRECT RIGHT SUB D1,D0 ;CALC WIDTH IN DOTS move.l d0,d1 ;save for expansion scanline buffer lsl.l d4,d1 ;convert to bits at dest depth subq.l #1,d1 ;force downward round LSR.l #5,D1 ;GET NUMBER OF LONGS IN SCANBUF - 1 MOVE D1,BUFSIZE(A6) ;BUFSIZE = # LONGS -1 in destination LSR.l #5,D0 ;GET NUMBER OF 1-bit mask LONGS ADDQ.l #1,D0 ;MAKE IT ONE BASED SUB.L D0,STACKFREE(A6) ;IS THERE ENOUGH STACK? bpl.s @stkOK _stNoStack ;=>NOT ENOUGH STACK, QUIT @stkOK ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ALLOCATE AND CLEAR A SCANLINE BUFFER FOR THE COMPOSITE MASK. ; CLR.L -(SP) ;TWO FOR SLOP CLR.L -(SP) ;ONE FOR SLOP CLRMASK CLR.L -(SP) ;ALLOCATE AND CLEAR DBRA D0,CLRMASK ;LOOP TILL DONE MOVE.L SP,RGNBUFFER(A6) ;REMEMBER WHERE RGNBUFFER IS ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ALLOCATE BUFFERS AND INIT STATE RECORDS FOR EACH NON-RECT REGION ; GET SEEK ROUTINE INTO SEEKMASK(A6) ; GET EXPAND ROUTINE INTO EXRTN(A6) FOR SEEK ROUTINE ; Clobbers: A0-A3, D0-D4 ; ; lea NoStack,a0 ;set up by stretch ; move.l a0,goShow(a6) ;pass to getSeek moveq #-1,d0 move.l d0,runBuf(a6) ;set non-zero for run clipping <1.5> BAL MOVE.L RGNC(A6),-(SP) ;PUSH USER RGNHANDLE (never TrimRect'ed) MOVE.L RGNB(A6),-(SP) ;PUSH VIS RGNHANDLE MOVE.L RGNA(A6),-(SP) ;PUSH CLIP RGNHANDLE MOVE.L #2,-(SP) ;PUSH HANDLE COUNT - 1 _GETSEEK ;GET EXPAND ROUTINE INTO EXRTN(A6) ;AND SEEK ROUTINE INTO SEEKMASK(A6) tst.l errBuf(a6) ;are we dithering? beq.s @noDither _AllocRunBuf ;allocate a second run mask buffer move.l a0,runBuf2(a6) ;save for dither routines @noDither ;---------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Jump into 32 bit addressing mode for blitting. ; moveq #true32b,d0 ;switch to 32 bit addressing _rSwapMMUMode ;get previous mode in d0.b (can trash a0/a1/a2, d0/d1/d2) move.b d0,MMUsave(a6) ;save previous state for later ;------------------------------------------------ ; ; SET UP SRCROW, SRCSCANS, SRCSHIFT, AND SRCADDR ; MOVE SRCSHIFT(A6),D3 ;GET SRCSHIFT MOVE.L srcRect(A6),A2 ;POINT TO srcRect MOVE.L dstRect(A6),A3 ;POINT TO dstRect MOVE.L SRCROW(A6),D2 ;GET SRC ROWBYTES MOVE MINRECT+LEFT(A6),D1 ;GET MINRECT LEFT SUB LEFT(A3),D1 ;SUBTRACT DSTRECT LEFT ADD LEFT(A2),D1 ;ADD SRCRECT LEFT SUB BOUNDS+LEFT+SrcPix(A6),D1 ;CONVERT TO SRC GLOBAL EXT.L D1 ;MAKE LONG FOR BIG PIXELS LSL.L D3,D1 ;CONVERT SRC PIXELS TO BITS MOVEQ #$1F,D5 ;TREAT MOD 32 FOR SRCSHIFT AND.L D1,D5 ;MAKE A COPY MOVE.L D5,SRCALIGN(A6) ;SAVE ALIGNMENT OF SOURCE MOVE MINRECT+TOP(A6),D0 ;GET MINRECT TOP SUB TOP(A3),D0 ;SUBTRACT DSTRECT TOP ADD TOP(A2),D0 ;ADD SRCRECT TOP SUB BOUNDS+TOP+srcPix(A6),D0 ;CONVERT TO SRC GLOBAL MULS D2,D0 ;MULT BY SRC ROWBYTES ADD.L BASEADDR+srcPix(A6),D0 ;GET START OF SRC BITMAP SUB.L D5,D1 ;ADJUST SRCLEFT FOR SRCSHIFT ASR.L #3,D1 ;CONVERT BITS TO BYTES ADD.L D1,D0 ;ADD BYTES TO SRCADDR MOVE.L D0,SRCADDR(A6) ;SAVE AS SRCADDR ;---------------------------------------------------- ; ; CALC STARTING DSTROW, DSTSHIFT, AND DSTADDR ; MOVE DSTSHIFT(A6),D4 ;GET DST SHIFT MOVE.L DSTROW(A6),D2 ;GET DST ROWBYTES MOVE MINRECT+LEFT(A6),D1 ;GET DSTRECT LEFT SUB BOUNDS+LEFT(A5),D1 ;CONVERT TO GLOBAL COORDS EXT.L D1 ;MAKE LONG FOR BIG PIXELS LSL.L D4,D1 ;CONVERT DST PIXELS TO BITS MOVEQ #$1F,D6 AND.L D1,D6 ;TREAT MOD 32 FOR SHIFTCNT NEG.L D6 ;AND NEGATE IT MOVE.L D6,DSTALIGN(A6) ;SAVE FOR LATER MOVE MINRECT+TOP(A6),D0 ;GET MINRECT TOP MOVE D0,VERT(A6) ;INIT CURRENT VERTICAL SUB BOUNDS+TOP(A5),D0 ;CONVERT TO GLOBAL COORDS MULS D2,D0 ;MULT BY DST ROWBYTES BAL 02Dec88 ADD.L BASEADDR(A5),D0 ;GET START OF DST BITMAP ASR.L #5,D1 ;CONVERT BITS TO LONGS LSL.L #2,D1 ;AND BACK TO BYTES (MOD 4) ADD.L D1,D0 ;ADD BYTES TO DSTADDR MOVE.L D0,DSTADDR(A6) ;SAVE AS DSTADDR ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; MAKE REGION BUFFER CURRENT FOR THIS VERTICAL. ; THEN SET UP AND DRAW CURRENT SCANLINE. ; MOVE.L DSTADDR(A6),A5 ;INIT DSTPTR MOVE.L SRCADDR(A6),A4 ;reload SRCPTR move.w #4,RUNBUMP(a6) ;set transfer direction for seekmask MOVE SRCPIX+PIXELSIZE(A6),D4 ;GET SOURCE PIXEL SIZE MOVE DSTPIX+PIXELSIZE(A6),D5 ;GET DST PIXEL SIZE NXTMASK move MinRect+bottom(a6),d2 ;get bottom vertical position sub vert(a6),d2 ;compute scans remaining, prime d2 ble.s Done move d2,d3 ;save scans remaining JSR ([SEEKMASK,A6]) ;MAKE MASK BUFFER CURRENT move d2,d1 ;get scan count in d1 cmp d3,d1 ;scan count > scans remaining? ble.s @go ;no, call the blit loop move d3,d1 ;yes, pin to scans remaining @go JSR ([RUNRTN,A6]) ;MAKE RUN BUFFER CURRENT move.l scaleBltA3(a6),A3 ;reload A3 for scan loops MOVE.L ScaleCase(A6),A2 ;GET MODE CASE JUMP JMP (A2) ;TAKE MODE JUMP ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ENTIRE STRETCHBITS COMPLETE. RESTORE REGS AND STACK AND GO HOME. ; Done MoveQ #1,d0 ;return success GoBack MOVE.L SAVESTK2(A6),SP ;RESTORE STACK POINTER RTS ;AND RETURN TO STRETCHBITS ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Scaling routines. ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; scale and clip indexed source to 32-bit dst ; ; brought in Sean Callahan's new fast loop for 1 ; to 32 ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; a0 = tmpsrc d0 = vert/scratch ; a1 = tmpmask d1 = scanCount ; a2 = tmpdst d2 = scratch ; a3 = scaleTbl d3 = run cnt ; a4 = srcPtr/patPtr d4 = src pixel size ; a5 = dstPtr d5 = scratch ; a6 = locals d6 = bit offset in src ; a7 = d7 = src shift ;------------------------------------------------------- scNonBWto32 move srcShift(a6),d7 ;set this up once move.l scaleTbl(a6),a3 ;set this up once lea @first,a0 ;go here from now on move.l A3,scaleBltA3(a6) ;save for reload after seekMask move.l a0,ScaleCase(a6) ;remember for later bra.s @first ;go to it @nxtScan add.l dstRow(a6),a5 ;BUMP DST TO NEXT ROW add.l srcRow(a6),a4 ;BUMP src TO NEXT ROW addq.w #1,vert(a6) ;BUMP DOWN A SCAN LINE subq #1,d1 ble.s NXTMASK @first move.l srcAlign(a6),d6 ;start with initial src offset move.l a4,a0 ;init tmp src ptr move.l a5,a2 ;init tmp dst ptr move.l runBuf(a6),a1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer @inst move.l (a1)+,d3 ;pick up next instruction long bmi.s @nxtScan ;if high bit set then done with scan add.w d3,a2 ;bump destptr by skip amount lsr.w #2,d3 ;make byte skip into pixel skip lsl.w d7,d3 ;make into bit skip add.w d3,d6 ;bump src offset move d6,d3 ;make a copy lsr.w #5,d3 ;make into long cnt lea (a0,d3.w*4),a0 ;bump src ptr swap d3 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag @blit MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET FIRST LONG OF SRC @NXPXL BFEXTU D5{D6:D4},D0 ;GET A PIXEL OF SRC move.l 0(A3,D0*4),(a2)+ ;TRANSLATE IT ADD D4,D6 ;ADVANCE TO NEXT SRC PIXEL AND #$1f,D6 ;TIME FOR NEXT SRC LONG? DBEQ D3,@NXPXL ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS LONG DBNE D3,@blit ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS RUN beq.s @inst ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs subq.w #4,a0 ;point back to remaining pixels BRA.s @inst ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs scIndexedto32 MOVE.L scaleTbl(A6),A3 ;set this up once ; btst #1,$17b ; bne.s scNonBWto32 CMP.W #1,D4 ;is src one bit? BNE.S scNonBWto32 TST.L 4(A3) ;is second color black? BNE.S scNonBWto32 MOVE.L #$00FFFFFF,D0 CMP.L (A3),D0 ;is first color white? BNE.S scNonBWto32 MOVE.L D0,D4 ;move white mask to better register LEA @first,A0 ;go here from now on MOVE.L A0,ScaleCase(A6) ;remember for later BRA.S @first ;go to it @next ADD.L dstRow(A6),A5 ;BUMP DST TO NEXT ROW ADD.L srcRow(A6),A4 ;BUMP src TO NEXT ROW ADDQ.W #1,vert(A6) ;BUMP DOWN A SCAN LINE SUBQ #1,D1 BLE.S NXTMASK @first MOVE.L srcAlign(A6),D6 ;start with initial src offset MOVE.L A4,A0 ;init tmp src ptr MOVE.L A5,A2 ;init tmp dst ptr MOVE.L runBuf(A6),A1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer @inst MOVE.L (A1)+,D3 ;pick up next instruction long BMI.S @next ;if high bit set then done with scan ADD.W D3,A2 ;bump destptr by skip amount LSR.W #2,D3 ;byte skip to pixel skip ADD.W D6,D3 ;add current skip to bit skip MOVEQ #$0F,D6 ;get mod 16 mask AND.W D3,D6 ;get shift mod 16 LSR.W #4,D3 ;get short skip ADD.W D3,A0 ;bump src ADD.W D3,A0 SWAP D3 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag @blit MOVEQ #$0F,D2 ADDQ.W #1,D3 AND.W D3,D2 LSR.W #4,D3 SUBQ.W #1,D3 BMI.S @no16 @reblit BFEXTS (A0){D6:16},D0 ADDQ.W #2,A0 BEQ.S @white NOT.L D0 BEQ.S @black MOVEQ #3,D5 @pixel ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.L D7,D7 AND.L D4,D7 MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.L D7,D7 AND.L D4,D7 MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.L D7,D7 AND.L D4,D7 MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.L D7,D7 AND.L D4,D7 MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ DBRA D5,@pixel DBRA D3,@reblit SUBQ.W #1,D2 BMI.S @inst BRA.S @last15 @white MOVE.L D4,D0 @black MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ DBRA D3,@reblit @no16 SUBQ.W #1,D2 BMI.S @inst @last15 BFEXTS (A0){D6:16},D0 NOT.W D0 ADD.W D2,D6 ADDQ.W #1,D6 @sloop ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.L D7,D7 AND.L D4,D7 MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ DBRA D2,@sloop BRA.S @inst ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; scale and clip 32-bit src to 8-bit color dst ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; a0 = tmpsrc d0 = vert/scratch ; a1 = tmpmask d1 = scanCount/pixel cnt ; a2 = tmpdst d2 = scratch ; a3 = ITable d3 = run cnt ; a4 = srcPtr d4 = scratch ; a5 = dstPtr d5 = src pixel ; a6 = locals d6 = itabres ; a7 = d7 = 8-itabres ;------------------------------------------------------- sc32to8 ;One time initializations here MOVE.W stITabRes(A6),d6 ; get the iTable resolution moveq #8,d7 ; get cmpSize sub.w d6,d7 ; get cmpSize-itabres move.l dstAlign(a6),d0 ; -(# of dst bits to skip) asr.l #1,d0 ; compute - (# of src bytes to back up) add.l d0,a4 ; back off src ptr to beginning of dst long MOVE.L stITabPtr(A6),A3 ; get ptr to ITable lea @first,a0 ;go here from now on move.l A3,scaleBltA3(a6) ;save for reload after seekMask move.l a0,ScaleCase(a6) ;remember for later bra.s @first ;go to it @nxtScan move.l dstRow(a6),d2 ;get dst rowbytes add.l d2,a5 ;BUMP DST TO NEXT ROW move.l srcRow(a6),d2 ;get src rowbytes add.l d2,a4 ;BUMP src TO NEXT ROW addq.w #1,vert(a6) ;BUMP DOWN A SCAN LINE swap d1 ;get back scan count subq #1,d1 ble.s NXTMASK @first move.l a4,a0 ;init tmp src ptr move.l a5,a2 ;init tmp dst ptr move.l runBuf(a6),a1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer swap d1 ;save scan count in high byte @inst move.w #3,d1 ;zero based dst pixels per source pixel move.l (a1)+,d3 ;pick up next instruction long bmi.s @nxtScan ;if high bit set then done with scan add.w d3,a2 ;bump destptr by skip amount lea (a0,d3.w*4),a0 ;make dst byte skip into src byte skip swap d3 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag bclr #runMaskBit-16,d3 ;check and clear mask flag beq.s @blit ;no mask, so go fast @mask MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET A LONG OF SRC bra.s @first2 ;fill (cache) first @nxtDs2 move.w #3,d1 ;dst pixels per source pixel (zero based) @nxtSr2 MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET A LONG OF SRC cmp.l d5,d4 ;same as last time (cache) ? beq.s @again2 ;yes, use (cache) @first2 moveq #0,d2 ;0,2,3 ;start fresh move.w d5,d4 ;0,2,3 ;save blue/green for later swap d5 ;1,4,4 ;get red in low byte move.b d5,d2 ;0,2,3 lsl.l d6,d2 ;3,6,6 ;save itabres bits of red in high bytes lsr.l #8,d4 ;1,4,4 ;chuck blue and get green cmp move.b d4,d2 ;0,2,3 ;get green lsl.l d6,d2 ;3,6,6 ;save itabres bits of green in high bytes swap d5 ;1,4,4 ;get blue in low byte move.b d5,d2 ;0,2,3 ;get blue lsr.l d7,d2 ;3,6,6 ;shift back by cmpsize-itabres ;12,40,45 move.l d5,d4 ;save last src (for cache) move.b 0(A3,D2),d2 ;get index in d2.b (for cache) @again2 lsl.l #8,d0 ;shift other pixels up to make room move.b d2,d0 ;add in this pixel dbra d1,@nxtSr2 ;for each pixel in dst long MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 ;GET MASK AND.L D5,D0 ;MASK src DATA NOT.L D5 ;MAKE NOTMASK AND.L (A2),D5 ;GET DST DATA OR.L D5,D0 ;MERGE WITH PAT DATA MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ ;PUT RESULT TO DST DBRA D3,@nxtDs2 ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS RUN BRA.s @inst ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs @blit MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET A LONG OF SRC bra.s @first1 ;fill (cache) first @nxtDst move.w #3,d1 ;dst pixels per source pixel (zero based) @nxtSrc MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET A LONG OF SRC cmp.l d5,d4 ;same as last time (cache) ? beq.s @again ;yes, use (cache) @first1 moveq #0,d2 ;0,2,3 ;start fresh move.w d5,d4 ;0,2,3 ;save blue/green for later swap d5 ;1,4,4 ;get red in low byte move.b d5,d2 ;0,2,3 lsl.l d6,d2 ;3,6,6 ;save itabres bits of red in high bytes lsr.l #8,d4 ;1,4,4 ;chuck blue and get green cmp move.b d4,d2 ;0,2,3 ;get green lsl.l d6,d2 ;3,6,6 ;save itabres bits of green in high bytes swap d5 ;1,4,4 ;get blue in low byte move.b d5,d2 ;0,2,3 ;get blue lsr.l d7,d2 ;3,6,6 ;shift back by cmpsize-itabres ;12,40,45 move.l d5,d4 ;save last src (for cache) move.b 0(A3,D2),d2 ;get index in d2.b (for cache) @again lsl.l #8,d0 ;shift other pixels up to make room move.b d2,d0 ;add in this pixel dbra d1,@nxtSrc ;for each pixel in dst long move.l d0,(a2)+ ;write out 4 pixels DBRA D3,@nxtDst ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS RUN BRA.s @inst ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; scale and clip 32-bit src to 8-bit gray dst ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; a0 = tmpsrc d0 = vert/scratch ; a1 = tmpmask d1 = scanCount/pixel cnt ; a2 = tmpdst d2 = mapping cache ; a3 = luma table d3 = run cnt ; a4 = srcPtr d4 = green cmp (byte) ; a5 = dstPtr d5 = src RGB / luminance ; a6 = locals d6 = blue cmp (byte) ; a7 = d7 = red cmp (byte) ;------------------------------------------------------- sc32to8gray ;One time initializations here moveq #0,d4 ;clear out high end for luminance calculation move.l d4,d6 ;clear out high end for luminance calculation move.l d4,d7 ;clear out high end for luminance calculation move.l dstAlign(a6),d0 ; -(# of dst bits to skip) asr.l #1,d0 ; compute - (# of src bytes to back up) add.l d0,a4 ; back off src ptr to beginning of dst long MOVE.L stITabInfo(A6),A3 ;get pointer to the luminance table (past header) lea @first,a0 ;go here from now on move.l A3,scaleBltA3(a6) ;save for reload after seekMask move.l a0,ScaleCase(a6) ;remember for later bra.s @first ;go to it @nxtScan move.l dstRow(a6),d2 ;get dst rowbytes add.l d2,a5 ;BUMP DST TO NEXT ROW move.l srcRow(a6),d2 ;get src rowbytes add.l d2,a4 ;BUMP src TO NEXT ROW addq.w #1,vert(a6) ;BUMP DOWN A SCAN LINE swap d1 ;get back scan count subq #1,d1 ble.s NXTMASK @first move.l a4,a0 ;init tmp src ptr move.l a5,a2 ;init tmp dst ptr move.l runBuf(a6),a1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer swap d1 ;save scan count in high byte @inst move.w #3,d1 ;zero based dst pixels per source pixel move.l (a1)+,d3 ;pick up next instruction long bmi.s @nxtScan ;if high bit set then done with scan add.w d3,a2 ;bump destptr by skip amount lsl.w #2,d3 ;make dst byte skip src byte skip add.w d3,a0 ;bump src ptr swap d3 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag bclr #runMaskBit-16,d3 ;check and clear mask flag beq.s @blit ;no mask, so go fast @mask MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET A LONG OF SRC bra.s @first2 ;fill (cache) first @nxtDs2 move.w #3,d1 ;dst pixels per source pixel (zero based) @nxtSr2 MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET A LONG OF SRC cmp.l d5,d2 ;same as last time (cache) ? beq.s @again2 ;yes, use (cache) @first2 move.l d5,d2 ; copy last src long for (cache) move.b d5,d6 ; get the blue component lsr.l #8,d5 ; get red,green in low word move.b d5,d4 ; get the green component lsr.w #8,d5 ; get red in low byte move.b d5,d7 ; get the red component ; Compute Luminance = ((((((r+g)/2)+b)/2+r)/2)+g)/2 add.w d4,d5 add.w d6,d5 add.w d6,d5 lsr.w #2,d5 add.w d7,d5 add.w d4,d5 add.w d4,d5 lsr.w #2,d5 move.b (a3,d5),d7 ; pick up index for this luminance (cache) @again2 lsl.l #8,d0 ;shift other pixels up to make room move.b d7,d0 ;add in this pixel dbra d1,@nxtSr2 ;for each pixel in dst long MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 ;GET MASK AND.L D5,D0 ;MASK src DATA NOT.L D5 ;MAKE NOTMASK AND.L (A2),D5 ;GET DST DATA OR.L D5,D0 ;MERGE WITH PAT DATA MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ ;PUT RESULT TO DST DBRA D3,@nxtDs2 ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS RUN BRA.s @inst ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs @blit MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET A LONG OF SRC bra.s @first1 ;fill (cache) first @nxtDst move.w #3,d1 ;dst pixels per source pixel (zero based) @nxtSrc MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET A LONG OF SRC cmp.l d5,d2 ;same as last time (cache) ? beq.s @again ;yes, use (cache) @first1 move.l d5,d2 ; copy last src long for (cache) move.b d5,d6 ; get the blue component lsr.l #8,d5 ; get red,green in low word move.b d5,d4 ; get the green component lsr.w #8,d5 ; get red in low byte move.b d5,d7 ; get the red component ; Compute Luminance = ((((((r+g)/2)+b)/2+r)/2)+g)/2 add.w d4,d5 add.w d6,d5 add.w d6,d5 lsr.w #2,d5 add.w d7,d5 add.w d4,d5 add.w d4,d5 lsr.w #2,d5 move.b (a3,d5),d7 ; pick up index for this luminance (cache) @again lsl.l #8,d0 ;shift other pixels up to make room move.b d7,d0 ;add in this pixel dbra d1,@nxtSrc ;for each pixel in dst long move.l d0,(a2)+ ;write out 4 pixels DBRA D3,@nxtDst ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS RUN BRA.s @inst ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; seek loop for serpentine dithering with run masks ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; from QDciPatchROM.a, although some old code appears to have been left stb ; in the false portion of an ifÉelseÉendif. stb NXTMASKDither move MinRect+bottom(a6),d2 ;get bottom vertical position sub vert(a6),d2 ;compute scans remaining, prime d2 ble Done move d2,d3 ;save scans remaining JSR ([SEEKMASK,A6]) ;MAKE MASK BUFFER CURRENT move d2,d1 ;get scan count in d1 cmp d3,d1 ;scan count > scans remaining? ble.s @go ;no, call the blit loop move d3,d1 ;yes, pin to scans remaining @go move.l runBuf(a6),d3 ;save original move.w #-4,RUNBUMP(a6) ;set transfer direction for seekmask move.l runBuf2(a6),runBuf(a6) ;point at alternate JSR ([RUNRTN,A6]) ;MAKE BAKWRDS RUN BUFFER CURRENT move.l d3,runBuf(a6) ;restore original move.w #4,RUNBUMP(a6) ;set transfer direction for seekmask JSR ([RUNRTN,A6]) ;MAKE FORWRDS RUN BUFFER CURRENT move.l scaleBltA3(a6),A3 ;reload A3 for scan loops MOVE.L ScaleCase(A6),A2 ;GET MODE CASE JUMP JMP (A2) ;TAKE MODE JUMP ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; scale, dither and clip 32-bit src to 8-bit dst ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; a0 = tmpsrc d0 = src RGB pixel ; a1 = tmpmask d1 = pixel cnt/scratch ; a2 = tmpdst d2 = output pixels ; a3 = ITable d3 = run cnt ; a4 = errBuffer d4 = scratch ; a5 = CLUT d5 = red error ; a6 = locals d6 = grn error ; a7^= scancount d7 = blu error (itabres) ;------------------------------------------------------- sc32to8Dither ;One time initializations here subq #4,sp ;space for scancount move.l dstAlign(a6),d0 ; -(# of dst bits to skip) asr.l #1,d0 ; compute - (# of src bytes to back up) add.l d0,a4 ; back off src ptr to beginning of dst long move.l a4,srcAddr(a6) ; save for later MOVE.L stITabPtr(A6),A3 ; get ptr to ITable MOVE.L stCLUTPtr(A6),A5 ; get ptr to CLUT moveq #0,d4 ; clear out high word always lea @first,a0 ;go here from now on move.l A3,scaleBltA3(a6) ;save for reload after seekMask move.l a0,ScaleCase(a6) ;remember for later bra.s NXTMASKDither ;go to it align 16 @nxtScan move.l dstRow(a6),d2 ;get dst rowbytes add.l d2,dstAddr(a6) ;BUMP DST TO NEXT ROW move.l srcRow(a6),d2 ;get src rowbytes add.l d2,srcAddr(a6) ;BUMP src TO NEXT ROW addq.w #1,vert(a6) ;BUMP DOWN A SCAN LINE subq #1,(sp) ;decrement scan count move (sp),d1 ;get back scan count ble.s NXTMASKDither @first move.l srcAddr(a6),a0 ;init tmp src ptr move.l dstAddr(a6),a2 ;init tmp dst ptr move.l runBuf(a6),a1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer move d1,(sp) ;save scan count on stack MOVE.L ErrBuf(a6),A4 ;get ptr to ErrBuf MOVEQ #0,D5 ;init redAccum MOVE.L D5,D6 ;init grnAccum MOVE.L D5,D7 ;init bluAccum MOVE.W stITabRes(A6),d7 ;get the iTable resolution swap d7 ;keep in high word not.b errDir(a6) ;check and toggle diffusion direction bne.s @inst ;all ok if going left to right move.l runBuf2(a6),a1 ;get right to left run buffer @inst move.l (a1)+,d3 ;pick up next instruction long bmi.s @nxtScan ;if high bit set then done with scan add.w d3,a2 ;bump destptr by skip amount add.w d3,d3 ;bump errbuf by 1x add.w d3,a4 ;bump errbuf by 2x add.w d3,d3 ;make dst byte skip src byte skip add.w d3,a0 ;bump src ptr by 4x add.w d3,a4 ;bump errbuf by 6x swap d3 ;get mask/blit lsl.l #32-runMaskBit,d3 ;shift mask flag into high word lsr.w #32-runMaskBit,d3 ;clear flags from low word tst.b errDir(a6) ;check diffusion direction bne.s @forward ;src is OK for forward travel @backward bsr.s ditherCore8 sub.w #48,a4 ;bump back by 4+4 error pixels sub.w #32,a0 ;bump back by 4+4 src pixels btst #16,d3 ;check mask flag beq.s @bblit ;no mask MOVE.L (A1)+,D0 ;GET MASK AND.L D0,D2 ;MASK src DATA NOT.L D0 ;MAKE NOTMASK AND.L (A2),D0 ;GET DST DATA OR.L D0,D2 ;MERGE WITH PAT DATA @bblit MOVE.L D2,(A2) ;PUT RESULT TO DST subq #4,a2 ;bump the dst DBRA D3,@backward ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS RUN BRA.s @inst ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs @forward bsr.s ditherCore8 btst #16,d3 ;check mask flag beq.s @fblit ;no mask MOVE.L (A1)+,D0 ;GET MASK AND.L D0,D2 ;MASK src DATA NOT.L D0 ;MAKE NOTMASK AND.L (A2),D0 ;GET DST DATA OR.L D0,D2 ;MERGE WITH PAT DATA @fblit MOVE.L D2,(A2)+ ;PUT RESULT TO DST DBRA D3,@forward ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS RUN BRA.s @inst ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs if 1 then DitherCore8 moveq #3,d1 ;4 per dst long; clear high 3 bytes @nxtSrc swap d1 ;save pixel cnt in high word move.l (a0)+,d0 ;fetch next src pixel move.b d0,d4 ;get blue as a word add.w 4(a4),D7 ;consume blu error from above add.w d4,d7 ;accumulate blue spl d4 ;get pin value if neg cmp.w d4,d7 ;is it too big sgt d1 ;get pin value if too big and d4,d7 ;mask to zero or a byte or d1,d7 ;conditionally pin to ff lsr.w #8,d0 ;toss blue add.w 2(a4),D6 ;consume grn error from above add.w d0,d6 ;accumulate green spl d4 ;get pin value if neg cmp.w d4,d6 ;is it too big sgt d1 ;get pin value if too big and d4,d6 ;mask to zero or a byte or d1,d6 ;conditionally pin to ff swap d0 ;toss green move.b d0,d4 ;get red as a word add.w (a4),D5 ;consume red error from above add.w d4,d5 ;accumulate red spl d4 ;get pin value if neg cmp.w d4,d5 ;is it too big sgt d1 ;get pin value if too big and d4,d5 ;mask to zero or a byte or d1,d5 ;conditionally pin to ff move.l d7,d0 ;get the iTable resolution in high word swap d0 ;move it to low word move.b d5,d4 ;get desired red value lsl.l d0,d4 ;move it up move.b d6,d4 ;get desired grn value lsl.l d0,d4 ;move it up move.b d7,d4 ;get desired blu value neg d0 addq #8,d0 lsr.l d0,d4 ;throw out the insignificant bits move.b (a3,d4.L),d1 ;get the index in D1.w (hi byte still clear) lsl.l #8,d2 ;shift other pixels up to make room move.b d1,d2 ;save this pixel move.l CTTable+rgb+red(a5,d1.w*8),d0 ;get RRRRGGGG moveq #0,d4 ;clear out high end lsr.l #8,d0 ;get high byte of green move.b d0,d4 ;make it a word sub.w d4,d6 ;compute green error swap d0 ;get high byte of red sub.w d0,d5 ;compute red error move.b CTTable+rgb+blue(a5,d1.w*8),d4 ;get BBBB sub.w d4,d7 ;compute blue error MOVEQ #0,D4 ;GET A HANDY KONSTANT asr.w #1,d5 ;get half red error move.w d5,(a4)+ ;save 1/2 for next scanline and carry 1/2 to right ADDX.W D4,D5 ;KEEP NEGATIVE NUMBERS FROM DRIFTING AWAY FROM ZERO asr.w #1,d6 ;get half grn error move.w d6,(a4)+ ;save 1/2 for next scanline and carry 1/2 to right ADDX.W D4,D6 ;KEEP NEGATIVE NUMBERS FROM DRIFTING AWAY FROM ZERO asr.w #1,d7 ;get half blu error move.w d7,(a4)+ ;save 1/2 for next scanline and carry 1/2 to right ADDX.W D4,D7 ;KEEP NEGATIVE NUMBERS FROM DRIFTING AWAY FROM ZERO swap d1 ;get back pixel cnt dbra d1,@nxtSrc ;do for each src pixel in this dst long rts else DitherCore8 moveq #3,d1 ;4 per dst long; clear high 3 bytes @nxtSrc swap d1 ;save pixel cnt in high word move.l (a0)+,d0 ;fetch next src pixel moveq #0,d4 ;clear out temp move.b d0,d4 ;get blue as a word add.w 4(a4),D7 ;consume blu error from above add.w d4,d7 ;accumulate blue spl d4 ;get pin value if neg cmp.w #$ff,d7 ;is it too big sgt d1 ;get pin value if too big and d4,d7 ;mask to zero or a byte or d1,d7 ;conditionally pin to ff lsr.l #8,d0 ;toss blue move.b d0,d4 ;get green as a word add.w 2(a4),D6 ;consume grn error from above add.w d4,d6 ;accumulate green spl d4 ;get pin value if neg cmp.w #$ff,d6 ;is it too big sgt d1 ;get pin value if too big and d4,d6 ;mask to zero or a byte or d1,d6 ;conditionally pin to ff lsr.l #8,d0 ;toss green move.b d0,d4 ;get red as a word add.w (a4),D5 ;consume red error from above add.w d4,d5 ;accumulate red spl d4 ;get pin value if neg cmp.w #$ff,d5 ;is it too big sgt d1 ;get pin value if too big and d4,d5 ;mask to zero or a byte or d1,d5 ;conditionally pin to ff ; move.w stITabRes(A6),D0 ;get the iTable resolution move.b d5,d4 ;get desired red value lsl.l #4,d4 ;move it up move.b d6,d4 ;get desired grn value lsl.l #4,d4 ;move it up move.b d7,d4 ;get desired blu value ; neg d0 ; addq #8,d0 lsr.l #4,d4 ;throw out the insignificant bits move.b (a3,d4.L),d1 ;get the index in D1.w (hi byte still clear) lsl.l #8,d2 ;shift other pixels up to make room move.b d1,d2 ;save this pixel move.l CTTable+rgb+red(a5,d1.w*8),d0 ;get RRRRGGGG moveq #0,d4 ;clear out high end lsr.l #8,d0 ;get high byte of green move.b d0,d4 ;make it a word sub.w d4,d6 ;compute green error swap d0 ;get high byte of red move.b d0,d4 ;make it a word sub.w d4,d5 ;compute red error move.w CTTable+rgb+blue(a5,d1.w*8),d0 ;get BBBB lsr.w #8,d0 ;get high byte of blue move.b d0,d4 ;make it a word sub.w d4,d7 ;compute blue error asr.w #1,d5 ;get half red error move.w d5,(a4)+ ;save 1/2 for next scanline and carry 1/2 to right asr.w #1,d6 ;get half grn error move.w d6,(a4)+ ;save 1/2 for next scanline and carry 1/2 to right asr.w #1,d7 ;get half blu error move.w d7,(a4)+ ;save 1/2 for next scanline and carry 1/2 to right swap d1 ;get back pixel cnt dbra d1,@nxtSrc ;do for each src pixel in this dst long rts endif ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; <14SEP90 SMC> ; scale and clip 1-bit color src to 2-bit color dst ; ; Some optimizations have been commented out to save a very ; small amount of space. This case will rarely be called ; and isn't worth much code space. ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; a0 = temp srcPtr d0 = scratch ; a1 = temp mskPtr d1 = scanCount/ ; a2 = temp dstPtr d2 = ; a3 = scale table d3 = run count ; a4 = srcPtr d4 = scratch ; a5 = dstPtr d5 = source data ; a6 = locals d6 = shift ; a7 = d7 = #$FFFFFFFF ;------------------------------------------------------- scInd1ToInd2 ;One time initializations here ;if colorizing, go to loop that can handle it <5JUNE92 SAH> btst #ScaleColorBit,XlateFlag+1(a6) ; <5JUNE92 SAH> bne scIndToInd ;go to a colorizing loop <5JUNE92 SAH> MOVE.L dstAlign(A6),D6 ;get dst alignment ASR.L #1,D6 ;convert it to src bits ADD.L srcAlign(A6),D6 ;and add src alignment MOVEQ #0,D4 ;clear out high 3 bytes ; MOVEQ #-1,D7 ;set comparison register to -1 LEA Table2,A3 ;get scaling table MOVE.L A3,scaleBltA3(A6) ;save for reload after seekMask LEA @first,A0 ;go there from now on MOVE.L A0,ScaleCase(A6) ;remember for later JMP (A0) ;go to it ALIGN Alignment @nxtScan ADD.L dstRow(A6),A5 ;bump dstptr to next row ADD.L srcRow(A6),A4 ;bump srcptr to next row ADDQ.W #1,vert(A6) ;bump down a scan line SUBQ #1,D1 ;dec scan count BLE.S NXTMASK ;get next set of runs @first MOVE.L A4,A0 ;init temp srcptr MOVE.L runBuf(A6),A1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer MOVE.L A5,A2 ;init temp dstptr @inst MOVE.L (A1)+,D3 ;pick up next instruction long BMI.S @nxtScan ;if high bit set then done with scan ADD.W D3,A2 ;bump dstptr by skip amount LSR.W #1,D3 ;bump srcptr by half skip amount ADD.W D3,A0 SWAP D3 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag BCLR #runMaskBit-16,d3 ;check and clear mask flag BEQ.S @blit ;no mask, so go fast @mask BFEXTS (A0){D6:16},D5 ;get word of src ADDQ #2,A0 ;bump srcptr to next word BEQ.S @mwhite ;special case source of all zeroes ; CMP D5,D7 ;is source all ones? ; BEQ.S @mblack ; yes, go handle in special case @mmixed MOVE.B D5,D4 ;get low byte of src word LSR #8,D5 ;get high byte of src word MOVE.W 0(A3,D5.W*2),D5 ;expand src high byte SWAP D5 ;put result high word MOVE.W 0(A3,D4.W*2),D5 ;expand src low byte into low word @mwhite MOVE.L (A2),D0 ;get the dest EOR.L D0,D5 AND.L (A1)+,D5 ;splice them together with mask EOR.L D0,D5 MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ ;plot resulting long DBRA D3,@mask ;continue run BRA.S @inst ;get next run ;@mblack MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 ;OR long of mask to dest since ; OR.L D5,(A2)+ ; source is all ones ; DBRA D3,@mask ; BRA.S @inst ;get next run ;@mwhite MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 ;BIC long of mask to dest since ; NOT.L D5 ; source is all zeroes ; AND.L D5,(A2)+ ; DBRA D3,@mask ; BRA.S @inst ;get next run @blit BFEXTS (A0){D6:16},D5 ;get word of src and sign extend ADDQ #2,A0 ;bump srcptr to next word BEQ.S @same ;if all white, write extended long directly ; CMP D5,D7 ;is source all ones? ; BEQ.S @same ; yes, write extended long directly @mixed MOVE.B D5,D4 ;get low byte of src word LSR #8,D5 ;get high byte of src word MOVE.W 0(A3,D5.W*2),D5 ;expand src high byte SWAP D5 ;put result high word MOVE.W 0(A3,D4.W*2),D5 ;expand src low byte into low word @same MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ ;move result to dest DBRA D3,@blit ;continue run BRA.S @inst ;get next run ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; <14SEP90 SMC> ; scale and clip 1-bit color src to 4-bit color dst ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; a0 = temp srcPtr d0 = scratch ; a1 = temp mskPtr d1 = scanCount/scratch ; a2 = temp dstPtr d2 = scratch ; a3 = scale table d3 = run count ; a4 = srcPtr d4 = part count ; a5 = dstPtr d5 = source data ; a6 = locals d6 = shift ; a7 = d7 = #$FFFFFFFF ;------------------------------------------------------- scInd1ToInd4 ;One time initializations here ;if colorizing, go to loop that can handle it <5JUNE92 SAH> btst #ScaleColorBit,XlateFlag+1(a6) ; <5JUNE92 SAH> bne scIndToInd ;go to a colorizing loop <5JUNE92 SAH> MOVE.L dstAlign(A6),D6 ;get dst alignment ASR.L #2,D6 ;convert it to bytes ADD.L srcAlign(A6),D6 ;and add src alignment MOVEQ #-1,D7 ;set comparison register to -1 LEA Table4,A3 ;get scaling table MOVE.L A3,scaleBltA3(A6) ;save for reload after seekMask LEA @first,A0 ;go there from now on MOVE.L A0,ScaleCase(A6) ;remember for later JMP (A0) ;go to it ALIGN Alignment @nxtScan ADD.L dstRow(A6),A5 ;bump dstptr to next row ADD.L srcRow(A6),A4 ;bump srcptr to next row ADDQ.W #1,vert(A6) ;bump down a scan line SWAP D1 ;get scan count in low word SUBQ #1,D1 ;dec scan count BLE.S NXTMASK ;get next set of runs @first MOVE.L A4,A0 ;init tmp src ptr MOVE.L runBuf(A6),A1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer MOVE.L A5,A2 ;init tmp dst ptr SWAP D1 ;put scan count in high word CLR.W D1 ;clear low word @inst MOVE.L (A1)+,D3 ;pick up next instruction long BMI.S @nxtScan ;if high bit set then done with scan ADD.W D3,A2 ;bump dstptr by skip amount LSR.W #2,D3 ;bump srcptr by 1/4 skip amount ADD.W D3,A0 SWAP D3 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag BCLR #runMaskBit-16,d3 ;check and clear mask flag BEQ.S @blit ;no mask, so go fast BRA.S @mask ;start masking run @mnext SUBQ #4,D3 ;4 longs of the run have been done BMI.S @inst ;if run is complete, get another @mask CMP #3,D3 ;can we do at least 4 longs of dst? BLT.S @mnextPartial ; no, go do partial BFEXTU (A0){D6:0},D5 ;get long of src BEQ.S @mwhite ;special case source of all zeroes CMP.L D5,D7 ;is source all ones? BNE.S @mfullPartial ; no, go do normal case @mblack ADDQ #4,A0 ;bump srcptr to next long MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 ;OR 4 longs of the mask since the OR.L D5,(A2)+ ; source is all ones MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 OR.L D5,(A2)+ MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 OR.L D5,(A2)+ MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 OR.L D5,(A2)+ BRA.S @mnext ;go do more @mwhite ADDQ #4,A0 ;bump srcptr to next long MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 ;BIC 4 longs of the mask since the NOT.L D5 ; source is all zeroes AND.L D5,(A2)+ MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 NOT.L D5 AND.L D5,(A2)+ MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 NOT.L D5 AND.L D5,(A2)+ MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 NOT.L D5 AND.L D5,(A2)+ BRA.S @mnext ;go do more @mnextPartial BFEXTU (A0){D6:0},D5 ;get a long of source @mfullPartial MOVEQ #4,D4 ;init byte count @mmorePartial ROL.L #8,D5 ;get byte of source MOVE.B D5,D1 MOVE.L 0(A3,D1.W*4),D0 ;get expanded long MOVE.L (A2),D2 ;get the dest EOR.L D2,D0 AND.L (A1)+,D0 ;splice them together with mask EOR.L D2,D0 MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ ;plot resulting long ADDQ #1,A0 ;bump srcptr by a byte SUBQ #1,D4 ;dec byte count DBEQ D3,@mmorePartial ;loop if more bytes and the run DBNE D3,@mask ;loop if more of the run BRA.S @inst ;get next run @next SUBQ #4,D3 ;4 longs of the run have been done BMI.S @inst ;if run is complete, get another @blit CMP #3,D3 ;can we do at least 4 longs of dst? BLT.S @nextPartial ; no, go do partial @nextFull BFEXTU (A0){D6:0},D5 ;get long of src ADDQ #4,A0 ;bump srcptr to next long BEQ.S @same ;special case source of all zeroes CMP.L D5,D7 ;is source all ones? BEQ.S @same ; yes, go handle in special case @mixed SWAP D5 ;switch bytes ABCD in D5 to CDAB MOVE.L D5,D0 ;D0 = CDAB LSR.L #8,D5 ;D5 = 0CDA MOVE.B D5,D1 ;get byte A alone MOVE.L 0(A3,D1.W*4),(A2)+ ;expand it to the destination MOVE.B D0,D1 ;get byte B alone MOVE.L 0(A3,D1.W*4),(A2)+ ;expand it to the destination SWAP D5 ;D5 = DA0C MOVE.L 0(A3,D5.W*4),(A2)+ ;expand byte C to the destination SWAP D0 ;D0 = ABCD MOVE.B D0,D1 ;get byte D alone MOVE.L 0(A3,D1.W*4),(A2)+ ;expand it to the destination BRA.S @next ;go do more @same MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ ;put down four longs of black or white MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ ;FUN FACT: Doing a MOVE.L Dn,(An) is faster MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ ; than doing a CLR.L (An) MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ BRA.S @next ;go do more @nextPartial BFEXTU (A0){D6:0},D5 ;get a long of source MOVEQ #4,D4 ;init byte count @morePartial ROL.L #8,D5 ;move high byte of source to low byte MOVE.B D5,D1 ;get low byte alone MOVE.L 0(A3,D1.W*4),(A2)+ ;plot expanded long ADDQ #1,A0 ;bump srcptr by a byte SUBQ #1,D4 ;dec byte count DBEQ D3,@morePartial ;loop if more bytes and the run DBNE D3,@blit ;loop if more of the run BRA.S @inst ;get next run ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; <14SEP90 SMC> ; scale and clip 1-bit color src to 8-bit color dst ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; a0 = temp srcPtr d0 = scratch ; a1 = temp mskPtr d1 = scanCount/nibble mask ; a2 = temp dstPtr d2 = scratch ; a3 = scale table d3 = run count ; a4 = srcPtr d4 = part count ; a5 = dstPtr d5 = source data ; a6 = locals d6 = temp shift ; a7 = d7 = shift ;------------------------------------------------------- scInd1ToInd8 ;One time initializations here ;if colorizing, go to loop that can handle it <5JUNE92 SAH> btst #ScaleColorBit,XlateFlag+1(a6) ; <5JUNE92 SAH> bne scIndToInd ;go to a colorizing loop <5JUNE92 SAH> MOVE.L dstAlign(A6),D7 ;get dst alignment ASR.L #3,D7 ;convert it to bytes ADD.L srcAlign(A6),D7 ;and add src alignment LEA Table8,A3 ;get scaling table MOVE.L A3,scaleBltA3(A6) ;save for reload after seekMask LEA @first,A0 ;go there from now on MOVE.L A0,ScaleCase(A6) ;remember for later JMP (A0) ;go to it ALIGN Alignment @nxtScan ADD.L dstRow(A6),A5 ;bump dstptr to next row ADD.L srcRow(A6),A4 ;bump srcptr to next row ADDQ.W #1,vert(A6) ;bump down a scan line SWAP D1 ;get scan count in low word SUBQ #1,D1 ;dec scan count BLE.S NXTMASK ;get next set of runs @first MOVE.L A4,A0 ;init tmp src ptr MOVE.L runBuf(A6),A1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer MOVE.L A5,A2 ;init tmp dst ptr MOVE.L D7,D6 SWAP D1 ;put scan count in high word MOVE.W #$0F,D1 ;get low nibble mask @inst MOVE.L (A1)+,D3 ;pick up next instruction long BMI.S @nxtScan ;if high bit set then done with scan ADD.W D3,A2 ;bump destptr by skip amount MOVE.W D3,D0 ;make copy of bump <6> EXT.L D0 ;extend it to a long <6> ADD.L D0,D6 ;bump source shift by skip amount <6> SWAP D3 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag MOVEQ #-1,D0 ;fill register with ones for comparisons BCLR #runMaskBit-16,d3 ;check and clear mask flag BEQ.S @blit ;no mask, so go fast BRA.S @mask ;start masking run @mnext SUBQ #4,D3 ;4 longs of the run have been done BMI.S @inst ;if run is complete, get another @mask CMP #3,D3 ;can we do at least 4 longs of dst? BLT.S @mnextPartial ; no, go do partial MOVEQ #-1,D0 ;fill register with ones for comparisons BFEXTU (A0){D6:16},D5 ;get word of src BEQ.S @mwhite ;special case source of all zeroes CMP D5,D0 ;is source all ones? BNE.S @mfullPartial ; no, go do normal case @mblack ADDQ #2,A0 ;bump srcptr to next word MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 ;OR 4 longs of the mask since the OR.L D5,(A2)+ ; source is all ones MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 OR.L D5,(A2)+ MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 OR.L D5,(A2)+ MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 OR.L D5,(A2)+ BRA.S @mnext ;go do more @mwhite ADDQ #2,A0 ;bump srcptr to next word MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 ;BIC 4 longs of the mask since the NOT.L D5 ; source is all zeroes AND.L D5,(A2)+ MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 NOT.L D5 AND.L D5,(A2)+ MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 NOT.L D5 AND.L D5,(A2)+ MOVE.L (A1)+,D5 NOT.L D5 AND.L D5,(A2)+ BRA.S @mnext ;go do more @mnextPartial BFEXTU (A0){D6:16},D5 ;get a word of source @mfullPartial SWAP D5 ;move it to high word MOVEQ #4,D4 ;init nibble count @mmorePartial ROL.L #4,D5 ;get nibble of source AND.W D1,D5 ;get low 4 bits MOVE.L 0(A3,D5.W*4),D0 ;get expanded long MOVE.L (A2),D2 ;get the dest EOR.L D2,D0 AND.L (A1)+,D0 ;splice them together with mask EOR.L D2,D0 MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ ;plot resulting long ADDQ.L #4,D6 ;bump source shift by a nibble SUBQ #1,D4 ;dec nibble count DBEQ D3,@mmorePartial ;loop if more nibbles and the run DBNE D3,@mask ;loop if more of the run BRA.S @inst ;get next run @next SUBQ #4,D3 ;4 longs of the run have been done BMI.S @inst ;if run is complete, get another @blit CMP #3,D3 ;can we do at least 4 longs of dst? BLT.S @nextPartial ; no, go do partial @nextFull BFEXTS (A0){D6:16},D5 ;get word of src and extend to long ADDQ #2,A0 ;bump srcptr to next word BEQ.S @same ;special case source of all zeroes CMP D5,D0 ;is source all ones? BEQ.S @same ; yes, go handle in special case @allMixed ;expand 1 word of src into 4 longs of dst SWAP D5 ;move source to high word ROL.L #4,D5 ;get first nibble of source AND.W D1,D5 ;get low 4 bits MOVE.L 0(A3,D5.W*4),(A2)+ ;plot the expanded long ROL.L #4,D5 ;do it again AND.W D1,D5 MOVE.L 0(A3,D5.W*4),(A2)+ ROL.L #4,D5 ;and again AND.W D1,D5 MOVE.L 0(A3,D5.W*4),(A2)+ ROL.L #4,D5 ;and again AND.W D1,D5 MOVE.L 0(A3,D5.W*4),(A2)+ BRA.S @next ;go do more @same MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ ;put down four longs of black or white MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ ;FUN FACT: Doing a MOVE.L Dn,(An) is faster MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ ; than doing a CLR.L (An) MOVE.L D5,(A2)+ BRA.S @next ;go do more @nextPartial BFEXTU (A0){D6:16},D5 ;get a word of source SWAP D5 ;move it to high word MOVEQ #4,D4 ;init nibble count @morePartial ROL.L #4,D5 ;get nibble of source AND.W D1,D5 ;get low 4 bits MOVE.L 0(A3,D5.W*4),(A2)+ ;plot expanded long ADDQ.L #4,D6 ;bump source shift by a nibble SUBQ #1,D4 ;dec nibble count DBEQ D3,@morePartial ;loop if more nibbles and the run DBNE D3,@blit ;loop if more of the run BRA.S @inst ;get next run ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; <14SEP90 SMC> ; scale and clip 8-bit color src to 8-bit color dst ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; a0 = temp srcPtr d0 = vert/scratch ; a1 = temp mskPtr d1 = scanCount/pixel cnt ; a2 = temp dstPtr d2 = scratch ; a3 = scale table d3 = run count ; a4 = srcPtr d4 = source cache ; a5 = dstPtr d5 = scratch ; a6 = locals d6 = ; a7 = d7 = dest cache ;------------------------------------------------------- scInd8ToInd8 ;One time initializations here MOVE.L dstAlign(a6),D0 ;get dest alignment ASR.L #3,D0 ;and convert to pixels MOVE.L srcAlign(A6),D2 ;get src alignment ASR.L #3,D2 ;and convert to pixels ADD.L D2,D0 ;add them together ADD.L D0,A4 ;back off src ptr to beginning of dst long MOVE.L SCALETBL(A6),A3 ;get mapping table LEA @first,A0 ;come here from now on MOVE.L A3,scaleBltA3(A6) ;save for reload after seekMask MOVE.L A0,ScaleCase(A6) ;remember for later MOVEQ #0,D4 ;use zero for initial input cache MOVE.L (A3),D0 ;compute output cache value MOVE.B D0,D7 ;map 1st byte LSL.L #8,D7 MOVE.B D0,D7 ;map 2nd byte MOVE.W D7,D0 ;get 2 mapped bytes SWAP D7 MOVE.W D0,D7 ;map 3rd and 4th bytes JMP (A0) ;go to it @nxtScan ADD.L dstRow(A6),A5 ;bump dstptr to next row ADD.L srcRow(A6),A4 ;bump srcptr to next row ADDQ.W #1,vert(A6) ;bump down a scan line SUBQ #1,D1 ;dec scan count BLE.S NXTMASK ;get next set of runs @first MOVE.L A4,A0 ;init tmp src ptr MOVE.L runBuf(A6),A1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer MOVE.L A5,A2 ;init tmp dst ptr MOVEQ #0,D5 ;clear out high bytes @inst MOVE.L (A1)+,d3 ;pick up next instruction long BMI.S @nxtScan ;if high bit set then done with scan ADD.W D3,A0 ;bump srcptr by skip amount ADD.W D3,A2 ;bump destptr by skip amount SWAP D3 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag BCLR #runMaskBit-16,D3 ;check and clear mask flag BEQ.S @blit ;no mask, so go fast @mask MOVE.L (A0)+,D0 ;get a long of src CMP.L D0,D4 ;same as last time (cache) ? BEQ.S @msame ;yes, use cache MOVE.L D0,D4 ;save last src for cache MOVE.B D0,D5 ;color map four bytes of source MOVE.B 3(A3,D5.W*4),D0 ROL.L #8,D0 MOVE.B D0,D5 MOVE.B 3(A3,D5.W*4),D0 ROL.L #8,D0 MOVE.B D0,D5 MOVE.B 3(A3,D5.W*4),D0 ROL.L #8,D0 MOVE.B D0,D5 MOVE.B 3(A3,D5.W*4),D0 ROL.L #8,D0 MOVE.L D0,D7 ;remember result of mapping @msame MOVE.L (A2),D0 ;get a long of dst MOVE.L D7,D2 ;get a copy of mapping result EOR.L D0,D2 AND.L (A1)+,D2 ;splice them together with the mask EOR.L D0,D2 MOVE.L D2,(A2)+ ;move the result out to dst DBRA D3,@mask ;continue this run BRA.s @inst ;get another run @blit MOVE.L (A0)+,D0 ;get a long of source cmp.l d0,d4 ;same as last time (cache) ? beq.s @same ;yes, use cache move.l d0,d4 ;save last src for cache MOVE.B D0,D5 ;color map four bytes of source MOVE.B 3(A3,D5.W*4),D0 ROL.L #8,D0 MOVE.B D0,D5 MOVE.B 3(A3,D5.W*4),D0 ROL.L #8,D0 MOVE.B D0,D5 MOVE.B 3(A3,D5.W*4),D0 ROL.L #8,D0 MOVE.B D0,D5 MOVE.B 3(A3,D5.W*4),D0 ROL.L #8,D0 MOVE.L D0,D7 ;remember result of mapping @same MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ ;move the result to dst DBRA D3,@blit ;continue this run BRA.s @inst ;get another run ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; <14SEP90 SMC> ; scale and clip 8-bit color src to 1-bit color dst ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; a0 = TMPSRCPTR d0 = vert/scratch ; a1 = TMPMSKPTR d1 = scanCount/pixel cnt ; a2 = TMPDSTPTR d2 = SCRATCH ; a3 = SCALETBL d3 = RUN COUNT ; a4 = srcPtr d4 = SOURCE CACHE ; a5 = dstPtr d5 = ; a6 = locals d6 = ; a7 = d7 = DEST CACHE ;------------------------------------------------------- scInd8ToInd1 ;One time initializations here MOVE.L dstAlign(a6),D0 ;get dst alignment MOVE.L srcAlign(A6),D2 ;get src alignment ASR.L #3,D2 ; and convert it to dest pixels ADD.L D2,D0 ;add them together ADD.L D0,A4 ;back off src ptr to beginning of dst long MOVE.L SCALETBL(A6),A3 ;get mapping table LEA @first,A0 ;come here from now on MOVE.L A3,scaleBltA3(A6) ;save for reload after seekMask MOVE.L A0,ScaleCase(A6) ;remember for later JMP (A0) ;go to it ALIGN Alignment @nxtScan ADD.L dstRow(A6),A5 ;bump dstptr to next row ADD.L srcRow(A6),A4 ;bump srcptr to next row ADDQ.W #1,vert(A6) ;bump down a scan line SUBQ #1,D1 ;dec scan count BLE.S NXTMASK ;get next set of runs @first MOVE.L A4,A0 ;init tmp src ptr MOVE.L runBuf(A6),A1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer MOVE.L A5,A2 ;init tmp dst ptr MOVEQ #0,D5 ;clear out high bytes @inst MOVE.L (a1)+,d3 ;pick up next instruction long BMI.S @nxtScan ;if high bit set then done with scan ADD.W D3,A2 ;bump dstptr by skip amount LEA (A0,D3.W*8),A0 ;bump srcptr by skip amount * 8 SWAP D3 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag BCLR #runMaskBit-16,D3 ;check and clear mask flag BEQ.S @blit ;no mask, so go fast @mask BSR.S Map8To1 ;get a long of converted source MOVE.L (A2),D7 ;get a long of dest MOVE.L D0,D2 ;make copy of mapping result EOR.L D7,D2 AND.L (A1)+,D2 ;splice them together using mask EOR.L D7,D2 MOVE.L D2,(A2)+ ;move long result to dest DBRA D3,@mask ;continue this run BRA.s @inst ;get next run @blit BSR.S Map8To1 ;get a long of converted source MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ ;move it to dest DBRA D3,@blit ;continue the run BRA.s @inst ;get next run Map8To1 MOVE.L (A3),D0 ;set up for "caching" BEQ.S @0 ;leave white if 0 index is white MOVEQ #$0F,D0 ;else, put black in cache @0: MOVEQ #7,D7 ;init nibble count MOVEQ #0,D4 ;clear out cache @1: MOVE.L (A0)+,D6 ;get a long of src CMP.L D6,D4 ;same as last time? BEQ.S @same ; yes, dupe previous result MOVE.L D6,D4 ;remember for next time SWAP D6 ;get next pixel MOVE.B D6,D5 ;get current pixel LSR.W #8,D6 MOVE.B 3(A3,D6.W*4),D6 ;get mapped bit LSR.W #1,D6 ;get bit into carry ADDX.L D0,D0 ;shift it in MOVE.B 3(A3,D5.W*4),D5 ;get mapped bit LSR.W #1,D5 ;get bit into carry ADDX.L D0,D0 ;shift it in SWAP D6 ;get next pixel MOVE.B D6,D5 ;get current pixel LSR.W #8,D6 MOVE.B 3(A3,D6.W*4),D6 ;get mapped bit LSR.W #1,D6 ;get bit into carry ADDX.L D0,D0 ;shift it in MOVE.B 3(A3,D5.W*4),D5 ;get mapped bit LSR.W #1,D5 ;get bit into carry ADDX.L D0,D0 ;shift it in DBRA D7,@1 ;go do next of 8 nibbles RTS @same MOVEQ #$0F,D5 ;get nibble mask AND.B D0,D5 ;get just result of last mapping LSL.L #4,D0 ;duplicate it OR.B D5,D0 ;and combine for current mapping DBRA D7,@1 ;go do next of 8 nibbles RTS ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; scale and clip indexed source to 16-bit dst ; ; put in special case for 1->16 using Sean Callahan's ; code from 1->32 ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; a0 = tmpsrc d0 = vert/scratch ; a1 = tmpmask d1 = scanCount ; a2 = tmpdst d2 = scratch ; a3 = scaleTbl d3 = run cnt ; a4 = srcPtr/patPtr d4 = src pixel size ; a5 = dstPtr d5 = scratch ; a6 = locals d6 = bit offset in src ; a7 = d7 = src shift ;------------------------------------------------------- scNonBWto16 move srcShift(a6),d7 ;set this up once move.l scaleTbl(a6),a3 ;set this up once lea first16,a0 ;go here from now on move.l A3,scaleBltA3(a6) ;save for reload after seekMask move.l a0,ScaleCase(a6) ;remember for later bra.s first16 ;go to it nxtScan16 add.l dstRow(a6),a5 ;BUMP DST TO NEXT ROW add.l srcRow(a6),a4 ;BUMP src TO NEXT ROW addq.w #1,vert(a6) ;BUMP DOWN A SCAN LINE subq #1,d1 ble NXTMASK first16 move.l dstAlign(a6),d2 ;get initial dst offset asr.l #4,d2 ;convert it to pixels asl.l d7,d2 ;and convert it to src bits move.l srcAlign(a6),d6 ;start with initial src offset move.l a4,a0 ;init tmp src ptr ;now make sure the source is long aligned move.w a0,d5 and.w #3,d5 ;get the non-long address beq.s @srcAligned ;branch if aligned sub.w d5,a0 ;align the source lsl.w #3,d5 ;turn it into a bit offset add.w d5,d6 ;add it to the src index @srcAligned add.w d2,d6 ;back up the number of dst pixels bge.s @srcOK ;make sure we didn't go negative add.w #$20,d6 ;figure out where to start in the new src long subq.l #4,a0 ;back up the src @srcOK cmp.w #$1f,d6 ;make sure we didn't overshoot this long ble.s @srcAligned2 addq.l #4,a0 ;bump src ptr to next long and.w #$1f,d6 ;and find where we are inside it @srcAligned2 move.l a5,a2 ;init tmp dst ptr move.l runBuf(a6),a1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer inst16 move.l (a1)+,d3 ;pick up next instruction long bmi.s nxtScan16 ;if high bit set then done with scan add.w d3,a2 ;bump destptr by skip amount lsr.w #1,d3 ;make byte skip into pixel skip lsl.w d7,d3 ;make into bit skip add.w d3,d6 ;bump src offset move d6,d3 ;make a copy lsr.w #5,d3 ;make into long cnt lea (a0,d3.w*4),a0 ;bump src ptr swap d3 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag BCLR #runMaskBit-16,D3 ;check and clear mask flag BNE MASKRUN16 @blit MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET FIRST LONG OF SRC @NXPXL BFEXTU D5{D6:D4},D0 ;GET A PIXEL OF SRC ADD D4,D6 ;ADVANCE TO NEXT SRC PIXEL MOVE.L 0(A3,D0*4),D2 ;TRANSLATE IT and.w #$1f,D6 ;TIME FOR NEXT SRC LONG? bne.s @srcOK MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET NEXT LONG OF SRC @srcOK SWAP D2 ;MOVE LAST PIXEL INTO HIGH WORD BFEXTU D5{D6:D4},D0 ;GET A PIXEL OF SRC MOVE.W 2(A3,D0*4),D2 ;TRANSLATE IT ADD D4,D6 ;ADVANCE TO NEXT SRC PIXEL ext.l d6 ;bfext uses all of it MOVE.L D2,(A2)+ ;WRITE OUT LONG TO DST AND #$1f,D6 ;TIME FOR NEXT SRC LONG? DBEQ D3,@NXPXL ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS LONG DBNE D3,@blit ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS RUN beq.s inst16 ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs subq.w #4,a0 ;point back to remaining pixels BRA.s inst16 ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs MASKRUN16 @BLIT MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET FIRST LONG OF SRC @NXPXL2 BFEXTU D5{D6:D4},D0 ;GET A PIXEL OF SRC ADD D4,D6 ;ADVANCE TO NEXT SRC PIXEL MOVE.l 0(A3,D0*4),D2 ;TRANSLATE IT AND #$1f,D6 ;TIME FOR NEXT SRC LONG? BNE.S @srcOK MOVE.L (A0)+,D5 ;GET NEXT LONG OF SRC @srcOK SWAP D2 ;MOVE LAST PIXEL INTO HIGH WORD BFEXTU D5{D6:D4},D0 ;GET A PIXEL OF SRC ADD D4,D6 ;ADVANCE TO NEXT SRC PIXEL MOVE.W 2(A3,D0*4),D2 ;TRANSLATE IT MOVE.L (A2),D0 ;GET LONG OF DST EOR.L D0,D2 AND.L (A1)+,D2 EOR.L D0,D2 MOVE.L D2,(A2)+ AND #$1f,D6 ;TIME FOR NEXT SRC LONG? DBEQ D3,@NXPXL2 ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS LONG DBNE D3,@blit ;LOOP ALL PIXELS THIS RUN beq.s inst16 ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs subq.w #4,a0 ;point back to remaining pixels BRA.s inst16 ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs scIndexedto16 MOVE.L scaleTbl(A6),A3 ;set this up once CMP.W #1,D4 ;is src one bit? BNE.S scNonBWto16 TST.L 4(A3) ;is second color black? BNE.S scNonBWto16 MOVE.L #$7FFF,D0 CMP.L (A3),D0 ;is first color white? BNE.S scNonBWto16 MOVE.W D0,D4 ;move white mask to better register SWAP D4 MOVE.W D0,D4 LEA @first,A0 ;go here from now on MOVE.L A0,ScaleCase(A6) ;remember for later BRA.S @first ;go to it @next ADD.L dstRow(A6),A5 ;BUMP DST TO NEXT ROW ADD.L srcRow(A6),A4 ;BUMP src TO NEXT ROW ADDQ.W #1,vert(A6) ;BUMP DOWN A SCAN LINE SUBQ #1,D1 BLE.S NXTMASK @first MOVE.L dstAlign(a6),D6 ;get dest alignment ASR.L #4,D6 ;and convert to dst pixels ADD.L srcAlign(A6),D6 ;add src alignment MOVE.L A4,A0 ;init tmp src ptr MOVE.L A5,A2 ;init tmp dst ptr MOVE.L runBuf(A6),A1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer @inst MOVE.L (A1)+,D3 ;pick up next instruction long BMI.S @next ;if high bit set then done with scan ADD.W D3,A2 ;bump destptr by skip amount LSR.W #1,D3 ;byte skip to pixel skip MOVEQ #0,D2 ;clear out d2 MOVE.W D3,D2 ;get a LONG bit skip ADD.L D2,D6 ;add to current skip SWAP D3 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag BCLR #runMaskBit-16,D3 ;check and clear mask flag BNE @doMaskedRun @blit MOVEQ #$07,D2 ADDQ.W #1,D3 AND.W D3,D2 LSR.W #3,D3 SUBQ.W #1,D3 BMI.S @no16 @reblit BFEXTS (A0){D6:16},D0 ADDQ.W #2,A0 BEQ.S @white NOT.L D0 BEQ.S @black MOVEQ #1,D5 @pixel ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.L D7,D7 ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.W D7,D7 AND.L D4,D7 MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.L D7,D7 ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.W D7,D7 AND.L D4,D7 MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.L D7,D7 ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.W D7,D7 AND.L D4,D7 MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.L D7,D7 ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.W D7,D7 AND.L D4,D7 MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ DBRA D5,@pixel DBRA D3,@reblit BRA.S @no16 @white MOVE.L D4,D0 @black MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ MOVE.L D0,(A2)+ DBRA D3,@reblit @no16 SUBQ.W #1,D2 BMI.S @inst @last15 BFEXTS (A0){D6:16},D0 NOT.L D0 EXT.L D2 ADD.L D2,D6 ADD.L D2,D6 ;2 pixels per long ADDQ.L #2,D6 ;the 1 we subtracted above @sloop ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.L D7,D7 ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.W D7,D7 AND.L D4,D7 MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ DBRA D2,@sloop BRA.S @inst @doMaskedRun MOVE.W D3,D2 AND.W #$7,D2 SUB.W D2,D3 BFEXTS (A0){D6:16},D0 NOT.L D0 EXT.L D2 ADD.L D2,D6 ADD.L D2,D6 ;2 pixels per long ADDQ.L #2,D6 ;we're about to do 2 pixels @maskPixels ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.L D7,D7 ADD.W D0,D0 SUBX.W D7,D7 AND.L D4,D7 MOVE.L (A2),D5 ;get a long of dest EOR.L D5,D7 AND.L (A1)+,D7 ;splice them together using mask EOR.L D5,D7 MOVE.L D7,(A2)+ DBRA D2,@maskPixels DBRA D3,@doMaskedRun BRA.S @inst ;------------------------------------------------------- ; ; <28MAY92 SAH> ; scale and clip indexed source to indexed dst ; ; ; If mask data contains an offset, then set the destination alignment ; to 0 and recalculate the source alignment value. Use the high word ; of D4 to store srcShift-dstShift value; this value is used to ; convert a destination alignment value to a source alignment value. ; If srcShift-dstShift >= 0 (higher bit depth to lower bit depth), then ; shift the dstAlign value to the left; if srcShift-dstShift < 0 ; (lower bit depth to higher bit depth), then shift the dstAlign value to ; the right. Subtract the resulting value from the source offset value; ; this causes the source buffer pointer to be offset by the appropriate ; value and a new srcAlign value to be calculated. ; ;------------------------------------------------------- ; a0 = tmpsrc d0 = vert/scratch ; a1 = tmpmask d1 = scanCount/scratch ; a2 = tmpdst d2 = scratch / dst pixel ; a3 = scaleTbl d3 = run cnt / scanCount ; a4 = srcPtr/patPtr d4 = srcShift-dstShift / dst pixel size ; a5 = dstPtr d5 = scratch ; a6 = locals d6 = bit offset in src / offset in dst ; a7 = d7 = src shift / dst shift ;------------------------------------------------------- scIndtoInd ;One time initializations here ;compute the dst pix to src pix shift moveq.l #3,d7 sub.w dstShift(a6),d7 ;get dst shift add.w srcShift(a6),d7 ;set this up once swap d7 ;and save in high word move.w dstpix+pixelsize(a6),d7 ;get dst pix size move.l scaleTbl(a6),a3 ;set this up once swap d4 ;use high word move.w srcShift(a6),d4 ;calculate the difference of sub.w dstShift(a6),d4 ;source and destination bit shifts swap d4 ;use low word lea @first,a0 ;go here from now on move.l A3,scaleBltA3(a6) ;save for reload after seekMask move.l a0,ScaleCase(a6) ;remember for later bra.s @first ;go to it @nxtScan move.l dstRow(a6),d2 ;get dst rowbytes add.l d2,a5 ;BUMP DST TO NEXT ROW move.l srcRow(a6),d2 ;get src rowbytes add.l d2,a4 ;BUMP src TO NEXT ROW addq.w #1,vert(a6) ;BUMP DOWN A SCAN LINE swap d3 move.w d3,d1 subq.w #1,d1 ble.s NXTMASK @first move.w d1,d3 ;save d1 in case run is 0 below swap d3 ;put in right place move.l dstAlign(a6),d6 ;get the dst offset neg.l d6 ;convert offset to positive and.w #$1f,d6 ;make it mod 32 move.w d6,d0 ;and keep it for the first pixel swap d6 ;make room for src offset move.w srcAlign+2(a6),d6 ;start with initial src offset move.l a4,a0 ;init tmp src ptr ;now make sure the source is long aligned move.w a0,d5 and.w #3,d5 ;get the non-long address beq.s @srcAligned ;branch if aligned sub.w d5,a0 ;align the source lsl.w #3,d5 ;turn it into a bit offset add.w d5,d6 ;add it to the src index cmp.w #$1f,d6 ;make sure we didn't overshoot this long ble.s @srcAligned addq.l #4,a0 ;bump src ptr to next long and.w #$1f,d6 ;and find where we are inside it @srcAligned move.l a5,a2 ;init tmp dst ptr move.l runBuf(a6),a1 ;point to run encoded mask buffer @inst move.l (a1)+,d2 ;pick up next instruction long bmi.s @nxtScan ;if high bit set then done with scan move.w d2,d5 ;get copy of skip beq.s @noOffset add.w d5,a2 ;bump destptr by skip amount swap d7 ;get shift lsl.w d7,d5 ;make into bit skip swap d7 ;put shift back swap d4 ;get bit shift difference tst.w d4 ;shift left or right? bmi.s @shiftRight ;shift right lsl.w d4,d0 ;convert dst alignment to src alignment bra.s @afterShift ; @shiftRight ; neg.w d4 ;get absolute value lsr.w d4,d0 ;convert dst alignment to src alignment neg.w d4 ;revert shift difference value @afterShift ; swap d4 ;get dst pixel size sub.w d0,d5 ;subtract move.w #0,d0 ;no dst alignment add.w d5,d6 ;bump src offset move.w d6,d5 ;make a copy and.w #$1f,d6 ;make offset mod 32 lsr.w #5,d5 ;make a long count lea (a0,d5.w*4),a0 ;bump src ptr @noOffset swap d2 ;get mask/blit cnt and check done flag move.w d2,d3 BCLR #runMaskBit-16,D3 ;check and clear mask flag BEQ.S @blit ;no mask, so go fast @mask BSR.S @MapIndToInd ;get a long of converted source MOVE.L (A2),D5 ;get a long of dest EOR.L D5,D2 AND.L (A1)+,D2 ;splice them together using mask EOR.L D5,D2 MOVE.L D2,(A2)+ ;move long result to dest DBRA D3,@mask ;continue this run BRA.s @inst ;get next run @blit BSR.S @MapIndToInd ;get a long of converted source MOVE.L D2,(A2)+ ;move it to dest DBRA D3,@blit ;continue the run BRA.s @inst ;get next run @MapIndToInd move.w d0,d1 ;init dst offset @getsrcLong MOVE.L (a0)+,d5 ;GET FIRST LONG OF SRC @NXPXL bfextu d5{d6:d4},d0 ;GET A PIXEL OF SRC move.l (a3,d0*4),d0 ;TRANSLATE IT bfins d0,d2{d1:d7} ;and put it to dst add.w d7,d1 ;advance to next dst pixel and.w #$1f,d1 ;check if done all dst long beq.s @doneDstLong add d4,d6 ;ADVANCE TO NEXT SRC PIXEL and.w #$1f,d6 ;TIME FOR NEXT SRC LONG? bne.s @NXPXL ;no, so do next pixel bra.s @getsrcLong ;go grab next src long @doneDstLong add.w d4,d6 ;move to next src pixel and.w #$1f,d6 ;mod 32 beq.s @doneRun ;LOOP BACK FOR more runs subq.w #4,a0 ;point back to remaining pixels @doneRun moveq.l #0,d0 ;dst offset is now zero rts ;return for more runs ;------------------------------------------------------- scCopy16toIndexed scDither16 scGray16 scDitherGray16 scCopy32toIndexed scDither32 scGray32 scDitherGray32 scCopy32to16 scCopy16to32 Bogus ;_debugger bra Done ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- Align 4 ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ScaleCase tables. ; ;Source is direct data ;1-Bit Blits scDirTab1 DC.L scCopy16toIndexed-scDirTab1 ;0 16 to 1 DC.L scDither16-scDirTab1 ;1 16 to 1 dither DC.L scGray16-scDirTab1 ;2 16 to 1 gray DC.L scDitherGray16-scDirTab1 ;3 16 to 1 gray+dither DC.L scCopy32toIndexed-scDirTab1 ;4 32 to 1 DC.L scDither32-scDirTab1 ;5 32 to 1 dither DC.L scGray32-scDirTab1 ;6 32 to 1 gray DC.L scDitherGray32-scDirTab1 ;7 32 to 1 gray+dither ;2-Bit Blits scDirTab2 DC.L scCopy16toIndexed-scDirTab2 ;0 16 to 2 DC.L scDither16-scDirTab2 ;1 16 to 2 dither DC.L scGray16-scDirTab2 ;2 16 to 2 gray DC.L scDitherGray16-scDirTab2 ;3 16 to 2 gray+dither DC.L scCopy32toIndexed-scDirTab2 ;4 32 to 2 DC.L scDither32-scDirTab2 ;5 32 to 2 dither DC.L scGray32-scDirTab2 ;6 32 to 2 gray DC.L scDitherGray32-scDirTab2 ;7 32 to 2 gray+dither ;4-Bit Blits scDirTab4 DC.L scCopy16toIndexed-scDirTab4 ;0 16 to 4 DC.L scDither16-scDirTab4 ;1 16 to 4 dither DC.L scGray16-scDirTab4 ;2 16 to 4 gray DC.L scDitherGray16-scDirTab4 ;3 16 to 4 gray+dither DC.L scCopy32toIndexed-scDirTab4 ;4 32 to 4 DC.L scDither32-scDirTab4 ;5 32 to 4 dither DC.L scGray32-scDirTab4 ;6 32 to 4 gray DC.L scDitherGray32-scDirTab4 ;7 32 to 4 gray+dither ;8-Bit Blits scDirTab8 DC.L scCopy16toIndexed-scDirTab8 ;0 16 to 8 DC.L scDither16-scDirTab8 ;1 16 to 8 dither DC.L scGray16-scDirTab8 ;2 16 to 8 gray DC.L scDitherGray16-scDirTab8 ;3 16 to 8 gray+dither DC.L sc32to8-scDirTab8 ;4 32 to 8 DC.L sc32to8Dither-scDirTab8 ;5 32 to 8 dither DC.L sc32to8gray-scDirTab8 ;6 32 to 8 gray DC.L sc32to8gray-scDirTab8 ;7 32 to 8 gray+dither ;*** should probably do a 32to8gray dither as well *** ;16-Bit Blits scDirTab16 DC.L Bogus-scDirTab16 ;0 16 to 16 DC.L Bogus-scDirTab16 ;1 16 to 16 dither DC.L Bogus-scDirTab16 ;2 16 to 16 gray DC.L Bogus-scDirTab16 ;3 16 to 16 gray+dither DC.L scCopy32to16-scDirTab16 ;4 32 to 16 DC.L scCopy32to16-scDirTab16 ;5 32 to 16 dither DC.L scCopy32to16-scDirTab16 ;6 32 to 16 gray DC.L scCopy32to16-scDirTab16 ;7 32 to 16 gray+dither ;32-Bit Blits scDirTab32 DC.L scCopy16to32-scDirTab32 ;0 16 to 32 DC.L scCopy16to32-scDirTab32 ;1 16 to 32 dither DC.L scCopy16to32-scDirTab32 ;2 16 to 32 gray DC.L scCopy16to32-scDirTab32 ;3 16 to 32 gray+dither DC.L Bogus-scDirTab32 ;4 32 to 32 DC.L Bogus-scDirTab32 ;5 32 to 32 dither DC.L Bogus-scDirTab32 ;6 32 to 32 gray DC.L Bogus-scDirTab32 ;7 32 to 32 gray+dither ; ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ;Source is Indexed data ;1-Bit Blits scIndTab1 DC.L scIndToInd-scIndTab1 ;0 1 to 1 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scIndToInd-scIndTab1 ;1 2 to 1 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scIndToInd-scIndTab1 ;2 4 to 1 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scInd8ToInd1-scIndTab1 ;3 8 to 1 <14SEP90 SMC> ;2-Bit Blits scIndTab2 DC.L scInd1ToInd2-scIndTab2 ;0 1 to 2 <14SEP90 SMC> DC.L scIndToInd-scIndTab2 ;1 2 to 2 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scIndToInd-scIndTab2 ;2 4 to 2 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scIndToInd-scIndTab2 ;3 8 to 2 <5JUNE92 SAH> ;4-Bit Blits scIndTab4 DC.L scInd1ToInd4-scIndTab4 ;0 1 to 4 <14SEP90 SMC> DC.L scIndToInd-scIndTab4 ;1 2 to 4 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scIndToInd-scIndTab4 ;2 4 to 4 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scIndToInd-scIndTab4 ;3 8 to 4 <5JUNE92 SAH> ;8-Bit Blits scIndTab8 DC.L scInd1ToInd8-scIndTab8 ;0 1 to 8 <14SEP90 SMC> DC.L scIndToInd-scIndTab8 ;1 2 to 8 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scIndToInd-scIndTab8 ;2 4 to 8 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scInd8ToInd8-scIndTab8 ;3 8 to 8 <14SEP90 SMC> ;16-Bit Blits scIndTab16 DC.L scIndexedto16-scIndTab16 ;0 1 to 16 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scIndexedto16-scIndTab16 ;1 2 to 16 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scIndexedto16-scIndTab16 ;2 4 to 16 <5JUNE92 SAH> DC.L scIndexedto16-scIndTab16 ;3 8 to 16 <5JUNE92 SAH> ;32-Bit Blits scIndTab32 DC.L scIndexedto32-scIndTab32 ;0 1 to 32 DC.L scIndexedto32-scIndTab32 ;1 2 to 32 DC.L scIndexedto32-scIndTab32 ;2 4 to 32 DC.L scIndexedto32-scIndTab32 ;3 8 to 32 ; ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------