; ; File: ADBMgrPatch.a ; ; Contains: Patches Gary Davidian's new ADB manager into MacII's and MacSE's ; ; Written by: Gary Davidian/Gary Rensberger ; ; Copyright: © 1989-1993 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. ; ; Change History (most recent first): ; ; 11/9/93 KW added some eieioSTP macros. Only active for CygnusX1 ROM ; <13> 2/12/92 JSM Moved this file to ADBMgr folder, keeping all the old revisions. ; <12> 10/4/91 JSM Change PsychoticFarmerOrLater conditionals to TheFuture. ; <11> 9/22/91 DTY Change PsychoticFarmerAndLater to PsychoticFarmerOrLater. ; <10> 8/29/91 JSM Cleanup header. ; <9> 8/27/91 DTY Conditionalized previous change for PsychoticFarmerAndLater. ; <8> 7/16/91 GMR Fixed bug when ADB explicit command is going out just as ; autopoll data is being received (occurs very seldom). ; <7> 6/12/91 LN added #include 'InternalOnlyEqu.a' ; <6> 8/10/90 DTY Addded notAUX conditional to patches. ; <5> 8/7/90 DTY Convert to a linked patch. ; <4> 7/11/90 gbm Change HardwareEqu.a to HardwarePrivateEqu.a ; <3> 4/26/90 GMR Now sets the mouse and keyboard bits in the DevMap by default ; during patch installation since the old ADB manager didn't use ; these and weren't set up. ; <2> 3/6/90 GMR Fixed initing of FDBFlag, to set command queue empty bit. ; <1.2> 11/29/89 GGD NEEDED FOR 6.0.5: Forced the interrupt masking level to 7 to ; work correctly on all machines, instead of using HiIntMask which ; is level 3 by default in HardwareEqu. Deleted the initialization ; of TimeViaDB, since it was always using the MacII value (and was ; wrong for the SE), It is now initialized correctly in Rom78Fix ; and Rom76Fix. Changed the Auto/SRQ polling to only poll devices ; that are in the device table. ; <1.1> 10/14/89 GMR Modified ADBProc to save/restore keyboard and mouse CRA's ; (around _ADBReinit trap). Added KbdInstall to patch, instead of ; using ROM version. Installation code does not re-init the ADB ; bus, preserving original device entry table. ; <1.0> 10/3/89 GMR Adding for first time to EASE ; PRINT OFF PrNonPortable EQU 1 Debugging EQU 0 INCLUDE 'SysEqu.a' INCLUDE 'ToolEqu.a' INCLUDE 'SysErr.a' INCLUDE 'Private.a' INCLUDE 'QuickEqu.a' INCLUDE 'Traps.a' INCLUDE 'HardwarePrivateEqu.a' INCLUDE 'ApplDeskBus.a' INCLUDE 'AppleDeskBusPriv.a' INCLUDE 'LinkedPatchMacros.a' INCLUDE 'InternalOnlyEqu.a' jADBReInit EQU OSTable+($7B*4) ; OS trap table entry for _ADBReInit NoIntMask EQU $0700 ; all ints disabled on all machines <1.2> PRINT ON GEmptyAddr ROMBind (SE,$03574),(II,$06FEE) KbdDrvr ROMBind (SE,$03AC0),(II,$0753A) ROMInitADBDrvr ROMBind (SE,$03C9E),(II,$07724) FindFDBInfo ROMBind (SE,$03D4C),(II,$077D2) ;______________________________________________________________________ ; ; _ADBReInit - ReInitialize the Front Desk Bus ; ;______________________________________________________________________ ADBReinit PatchProc _ADBReInit,(SE,II,notAUX) IMPORT ReInit MOVE.L JADBProc,A0 ; get hook to processing routine moveq.l #0,D0 ; set it as pre-processing routine JSR (A0) ; call the routine MoveM.L D0-D4/A0-A3,-(SP) Move.L ADBBase,A3 ; A3 get local data address BSR ReInit IADB1 jsrROM ROMInitADBDrvr MoveM.L (SP)+,D0-D4/A0-A3 ; restore registers Move.L JADBProc,A0 ; get hook to processing routine MoveQ #1,D0 ; set it as post-processing routine. JSR (A0) ; call the routine RTS ; done ENDPROC ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: _ADBOp ; Inputs: A0.L - pointer to ADBOpBlock paramater block ; D0.B - ADB command/address byte to send ; ; Outputs: D0 - Result Code (noErr, or -1 if queue full) ; ; Destroys: A0, A1, D0 ; Calls: RunADBRequest ; Called by: OsTrap Dispatch Table ; ; Function: Asynchronously issues an ADB bus transaction, using the command ; and buffer specified. When the transaction has completed, ; the completion routine will be called. ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ patchADBOp PatchProc _ADBOp,(SE,II,notAUX) ; a0-a1/d1-d2 saved by OsTrap dispatch IMPORT RunADBRequest with ADBVars,ADBCmdQEntry @regs reg d3/a2/a3 ; additional registers to preserve movem.l @regs,-(sp) ; save registers movea.l ADBBase,a3 ; point to ADB private data structures move.w sr,-(sp) ; save interrupt mask ori.w #NoIntMask,sr ; disable ints while queueing <1.2> movea.l fQEntPtr(a3),a1 ; pointer to next free element btst.b #fDBQEmpty,fDBFlag(a3) ; see if anything in queue bne.s @notFull ; if was empty, plenty of room to add cmpa.l fQHeadPtr(a3),a1 ; see if queue is full beq.s @queueFull ; if full, abort with error ; There is room in the queue, so insert the new request at the end of the queue @notFull ; a1 points to the ADBCmdQEntry move.b d0,(a1)+ ; fill in fQCmd addq.w #1,a1 ; skip over fQUnused move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; copy dataBuffPtr to fQBuff move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; copy opServiceRtPtr to fQComp move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ; copy opDataAreaPtr to fQData cmpa.l fQEndPtr(a3),a1 ; see if queue pointer needs to wrap around blo.s @noWrap ; if didn't reach end, no wrap yet movea.l fQBegPtr(a3),a1 ; if end reached, wrap back to begining @noWrap move.l a1,fQEntPtr(a3) ; update the queue entry pointer ; The new entry is queued. If queue was previously empty run the new request. bclr.b #fDBQEmpty,fDBFlag(a3) ; indicate queue no longer empty beq.s @success ; if not at head of queue, just return success bsr RunADBRequest ; run the newly queued request @success moveq.l #noErr,d0 ; indicate success @done move.w (sp)+,sr ; restore int mask movem.l (sp)+,@regs ; restore registers rts ; all done @queueFull moveq.l #qErr,d0 ; IM vol 5 says return -1 for queue full bra.s @done ; restore regs and return endwith ENDPROC ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; InitADB - Initialize state variables ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ InitADB InstallProc (SE,II,notAUX) IMPORT ADBProc, FDBTask, FDBShiftInt IMPORT StartReqVIA, MouseDrvr IMPORT RunADBRequest, DefaultDev with ADBVars,ADBDeviceEntry,ADBCmdQEntry movea.l VIA,a1 ; point to the VIA1 registers @wait eieioSTP move.b vBufB(a1),d0 eieioSTP andi.b #(1< eieioSTP move.b vSR(a1),d0 ; empty shift reg eieioSTP MOVE.L ADBBase,A3 ; point to ADB private data structures leaResident ADBProc,A0 ; Get the ADBProc move.l A0,JADBProc ; install it into JAdbProc vector leaResident FDBTask, A0 ; setup the FDB VBL task move.l A0,JKybdTask ; lomem vector leaResident FDBShiftInt,A0 ; get addr of front desk bus handler <4.6> move.l A0,Lvl1DT+8 ; install as SR interrupt receiver leaResident StartReqVIA,a0 ; get HW dependent proc to start ADB request move.l a0,StartReqProc(a3) ; setup proc pointer moveq #0,d1 ; reset device table index @check cmpi.b #MouseAddr,FDBOAddr(a3,d1.w) ; is this a mouse device? bne.s @next ; no, try next one leaResident MouseDrvr,a0 ; get address of new mouse driver move.l a0,FDBCRA(a3,d1.w) ; save as completion routine address @next addi.b #FRecSize,d1 ; advance offset cmpi.b #numFDBAdr*FRecSize,d1 ; are we at the end of table? bne.s @check ; no, continue checking moveq #(FQSize*8/4)-1,d1 ; # of long words in command queue lea startCQ(a3),a0 ; pt to start of command queue @clear clr.l (a0)+ ; clear out command queue dbra d1,@clear move.b #(1< FDBFlag(A3) ; initialize the flags clr.b FDBAuFlag(A3) Lea StartCQ(A3),A0 Move.L A0,FQBegPtr(A3) ; initialize command queue pointer Move.L A0,FQHeadPtr(A3) ; initialize command queue pointer Move.L A0,FQEntPtr(A3) ; initialize command queue pointer Lea EndCQ(A3),A0 Move.L A0,FQEndPtr(A3) ; initialize command queue end pointer ori.b #(1< andi #$F8FF,SR ; clear Interrupt mask bsr RunADBRequest ; start auto poll for the mouse bsr DefaultDev ; setup mouse & keyboard as default rts ENDPROC ;______________________________________________________________________ ; Stack frame equates for InitADBDrvr and ADBProc ourLocals RECORD {endLocals},increment iDeviceTy ds.b 1 iOrigAddr ds.b 1 iCRAddr ds.l 1 iDataAddr ds.l 1 endLocals ENDR ;______________________________________________________________________ ; ; ADBProc - this routine lives in the JADBProc vector and is called ; by ADBReInit before and after initialization ; ; D0 is 0 if pre-processing, non-0 if post-processing. ; In addition to the standard pascal calling conventions. ;______________________________________________________________________ ADBProc PROC EXPORT ; <1.1> EXPORT ReInit EXPORT FDBTask EXPORT FDBShiftInt EXPORT StartReqVIA EXPORT MouseDrvr EXPORT RunADBRequest EXPORT DefaultDev with ourLocals,ADBVars,ADBDeviceEntry,ADBCmdQEntry tst.l d0 ; 0 = pre-processing bne.s PostInit ; Skip if not ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; PreInit is called after the bus is initialized. It saves ; keyboard/mouse driver ptrs, then disposes of keyboards storage. ;_______________________________________________________________________ _CountADBs ; Get the number of ADB devices move.w d0, d2 ; Save it in D2 beq.s @exit ; Skip if none link a6,#iDeviceTy ; Make a stack frame @RemoveLoop lea iDeviceTy(a6), a0 ; A0 is parameter block move.w d2, d0 _GetIndADB ; Get a device entry bmi.s @NextRec ; Skip if not valid cmp.b #kbdAddr,iOrigAddr(A6) ; Keyboard? bne.s @Mouse ; no, see if mouse lea KbdDriver,a0 move.l iCRAddr(a6),(a0) ; save ptr to keyboard driver bra.s @setIt @Mouse cmp.b #MouseAddr,iOrigAddr(A6) ; Mouse? bne.s @NextRec ; no, check next entry lea MseDriver,a0 move.l iCRAddr(a6),(a0) ; save ptr to mouse driver bra.s @NextRec ; next entry @setIt MOVE.L iDataAddr(a6), A1 ; Save the data address pointer CLR.L iDataAddr(a6) ; Clear it out, so the keyboard won't trash memory lea iCRAddr(a6), A0 _SetADBInfo ; D0 already contains the ADB Address move.l a1, a0 ; Get the data address pointer _DisposPtr ; Throw away the block @NextRec subq.w #1, D2 bgt.s @RemoveLoop unlk A6 @exit rts KbdDriver DS.L 1 ; saves ptr to keyboard driver MseDriver DS.L 1 ; saves ptr to keyboard driver ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; PostInit is called after the bus is initialized. It restores ; keyboard/mouse driver ptr in device entries. ;_______________________________________________________________________ PostInit _CountADBs ; Get the number of ADB devices move.w D0, D2 ; Save it in D2 beq.s @exit ; Skip if none link A6, #iDeviceTy ; Make a stack frame @InstallLoop lea iDeviceTy(A6), A0 ; A0 is parameter block move.w D2, D0 _GetIndADB ; Get a device entry bmi.s @NextRec ; Skip if not valid cmp.b #kbdAddr,iOrigAddr(A6) ; Keyboard? bne.s @Mouse ; no, see if mouse move.l KbdDriver,iCRAddr(A6) ; Restore ptr to keyboard driver bra.s @setIt @Mouse cmp.b #MouseAddr,iOrigAddr(A6); Mouse? bne.s @NextRec ; Skip if not move.l MseDriver,iCRAddr(A6) ; Restore ptr to mouse driver @setIt lea iCRAddr(A6), A0 _SetADBInfo ; D0 already contains the ADB Address @NextRec subq.w #1, D2 bgt.s @InstallLoop unlk A6 @exit rts ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; ReInit - Initialize state variables, re-scan for devices ;_______________________________________________________________________ ReInit ori.w #NoIntMask,sr ; mask out interrupts <1.2> move.w #((endCQ/4)-1),D0 ; n entries move.l A3,A0 ; clear out device table and command queue @ClrLoop clr.l (A0)+ dbra D0,@ClrLoop ; clear next entry move.b #(1< MoveQ #kbdAddr,D0 ; first check keyboard FFI2 jsrROM FindFDBInfo ; look for keyboard (FindFDBInfo) TST.B D0 ; is it there? BEQ.S ChkMouse ; branch, keyboard is there Move.B #1,FDBDevTy(A1) ; assume handleID 1 Move.B #kbdAddr,FDBOAddr(A1) ; set original address as 2 Move.B #kbdAddr,FDBAddr(A1) ; set FDB address as 2 KD1 leaROM KbdDrvr,A0 move.l a0,FDBCRA(A1) ; stuff completion routine address bset.b #kbdAddr,DevMap+1(a3) ; remember to poll it <1.9> ChkMouse MoveQ #mouseAddr,D0 ; now check mouse FFI3 jsrROM FindFDBInfo ; look for mouse (FindFDBInfo) BEQ.S DefExit ; branch, mouse is there Move.B #1,FDBDevTy(A1) ; assume handleID 1 Move.B #mouseAddr,FDBOAddr(A1) ; set original address as 3 Move.B #mouseAddr,FDBAddr(A1) ; set FDB address as 3 Lea MouseDrvr,A0 ; get mouse address Move.L A0,FDBCRA(A1) ; set completion routine address bset.b #mouseAddr,DevMap+1(a3) ; remember to poll it <1.9> DefExit RTS ; done endwith Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - RunADBRequest' ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RunADBRequest ; Inputs: A3 - pointer to ADBBase ; ; Outputs: D2 - length of transmit buffer data ; D3 - command byte / implicit flag (bit 31) ; A2 - pointer to buffer containing transmit data ; A3 - pointer to ADBBase ; ; Destroys: ; Calls: exits through StartReqProc (hardware dependent) ; ; Function: Determines what command should be sent to ADB next, and calls ; the hardware dependent routine to process the next request. ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ RunADBRequest with ADBVars,ADBCmdQEntry btst.b #fDBQEmpty,fDBFlag(a3) ; see if any explicit commands to run beq.s @runFromQueue ; run an explicit command from the queue moveq.l #0,d2 ; zero the send byte count moveq.l #-1,d3 ; negative command to indicate resume polling btst.b #FDBInit,fDBFlag(a3); are we still initializing the bus beq.s @resumePolling ; if not, resume auto command polling rts ; still initializing, just return @runFromQueue movea.l fQHeadPtr(a3),a0 ; get pointer to element at head moveq.l #0,d3 ; zero extend command byte, indicate explicit cmd move.b fQCmd(a0),d3 ; D3 := command byte movea.l fQBuff(a0),a2 ; get the buffer address (pascal string) moveq.l #maskADBCmd,d2 ; mask talk/listen command bits and.b d3,d2 ; isolate bits from copy of command subq.b #ListenCmd,d2 ; see if it is a listen command seq.b d2 ; $00FF if listen, $0000 if not (only listen sends data) and.b (a2)+,d2 ; D2 := byte count, A2 := ptr to actual data @resumePolling movea.l StartReqProc(a3),a0 ; get HW dependent proc to start ADB request jmp (a0) ; start the ADB request endwith Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - ExplicitRequestDone' ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: ExplicitRequestDone ; Inputs: D2 - length of receive buffer data ; D3 - command byte / SRQ flag (bit 31) ; A2 - pointer to buffer containing receive data ; A3 - pointer to ADBBase ; ; Outputs: D2 - length of receive buffer data ; D3 - command byte / SRQ flag (bit 31) ; A0 - pointer to buffer to pass to completion routine ; A2 - pointer to buffer containing receive data ; A3 - pointer to ADBBase ; 0(SP) - completion routine address ; 4(SP) - optional data to pass in A2 to completion routine ; 8(SP) - stack cutback address, after completion routine runs ; ; Destroys: D0, D1, A0, A1 ; Calls: exits through RequestDone ; ; Function: Dequeues the paramaters to pass to the service routine. ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ ExplicitRequestDone with ADBVars,ADBCmdQEntry move.l sp,-(sp) ; allocate an empty buffer on the stack move.w sr,d1 ; save interrupt mask ori.w #NoIntMask,sr ; disable ints while dequeueing <1.2> movea.l fQHeadPtr(a3),a0 ; get pointer to element to dequeue if Debugging then btst.b #fDBQEmpty,fDBFlag(a3) ; see if anything in queue beq.s @hasEntries ; if something to dequeue, we're ok _Debugger ; if not, we're dead @hasEntries cmp.b (a0),d3 ; check command sent against command received beq.s @cmdOK ; if match, we're ok _Debugger ; if not, we're dead @cmdOK endif adda.w #fQSize,a0 ; point past end of element movea.l a0,a1 ; save pointer to end of queue element cmpa.l fQEndPtr(a3),a0 ; see if queue pointer needs to wrap around blo.s @noWrap ; if didn't reach end, no wrap yet movea.l fQBegPtr(a3),a0 ; if end reached, wrap back to begining @noWrap move.l a0,fQHeadPtr(a3) ; update the queue head pointer cmpa.l fQEntPtr(a3),a0 ; see if queue is now empty bne.s @notEmpty ; if not, don't need to change empty flag bset.b #fDBQEmpty,fDBFlag(a3) ; queue is now empty, set flag to remember it @notEmpty move.l -(a1),-(sp) ; copy fQData to A2 save area on stack move.l -(a1),-(sp) ; copy fQComp to A1 save area on stack movea.l -(a1),a0 ; copy fQBuff to A0 move.w d1,sr ; restore interrupt mask bra.s RequestDone ; copy buffer data, resume ADB, call handler endwith Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - ImplicitRequestDone' ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: ImplicitRequestDone ; Inputs: D2 - length of receive buffer data ; D3 - command byte / SRQ flag (bit 31) ; A2 - pointer to buffer containing receive data ; A3 - pointer to ADBBase ; ; Outputs: D2 - length of receive buffer data ; D3 - command byte / SRQ flag (bit 31) ; A0 - pointer to buffer to pass to completion routine ; A2 - pointer to buffer containing receive data ; A3 - pointer to ADBBase ; 0(SP) - completion routine address ; 4(SP) - optional data to pass in A2 to completion routine ; 8(SP) - stack cutback address, after completion routine runs ; ; Destroys: D0, D1, A0, A1 ; Calls: exits through RequestDone ; ; Function: Locates the paramaters to pass to the service routine. ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ with ADBDeviceEntry ImplicitRequestDone tst.b d2 ; see if any data returned beq.s RunADBRequest ; if no data, ack the data, resume ADB operations move.b d3,d0 ; get command that completed lsr.b #4,d0 ; get the address from the command FFI1 jsrROM FindFDBInfo ; get the info for this device (FindFDBInfo) bne RunADBRequest ; if unknown, ack the data, resume ADB operations suba.w #12,sp ; allocate a buffer (len byte, 8 data bytes, 3 slop) movea.l sp,a0 ; save pointer to buffer pea 12(sp) ; save stack restore address move.l fDBOpData(a1),-(sp) ; copy fDBOpData to A2 save area on stack move.l fDBCRA(a1),-(sp) ; copy fDBCRA to A1 save area on stack *Fall Into* bra.s RequestDone ; copy buffer data, resume ADB, call handler endwith Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - RequestDone' ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: RequestDone ; Inputs: D2 - length of receive buffer data ; D3 - command byte / SRQ flag (bit 31) ; A0 - pointer to buffer to pass to completion routine ; A2 - pointer to buffer containing receive data ; A3 - pointer to ADBBase ; 0(SP) - completion routine address ; 4(SP) - optional data to pass in A2 to completion routine ; 8(SP) - stack cutback address, after completion routine runs ; ; Outputs: none ; ; Destroys: A0-A3/D0-D3 ; Calls: device handler completion routine ; ; Function: Copies the receive data into the proper buffer, resumes ADB ; operations, and calls the device handler completion routine. ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ RequestDone move.l a0,-(sp) ; copy buffer address to A0 save area on stack beq.s @copyDone ; if no buffer, don't copy <1.8> move.b d2,(a0)+ ; copy length byte to form pascal string beq.s @copyDone ; if no data, don't copy subq.w #1,d2 ; adjust count for dbra loop @copyLoop move.b (a2)+,(a0)+ ; copy a byte at a time dbra d2,@copyLoop ; loop for all bytes @copyDone move.l d3,-(sp) ; copy command byte to D0 save area on stack bsr.w RunADBRequest ; acknowledge the data, resume ADB operations movem.l (sp)+,d0/a0/a1/a2 ; setup cmd, buffer, handler, data move.l a1,d1 ; test to see if handler address is valid beq.s @noHandler ; if not, don't call it jsr (a1) ; call the handler @noHandler movea.l (sp),sp ; deallocate the buffer (if implicit cmd) rts ; return from the interrupt Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - StartReqVIA' ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Routine: StartReqVIA ; Inputs: D2 - length of transmit buffer data ; D3 - command byte / implicit flag (bit 31) ; A2 - pointer to buffer containing transmit data ; A3 - pointer to ADBBase ; ; Outputs: A1 - pointer to VIA1 ; A3 - pointer to ADBBase ; ; Destroys: ; Calls: RunADBRequest, @sendCmd, @waitForInput, @getNextByte ; @sendFirstByte, @sendNextByte ; ; Function: Initiates an asynchronous ADB request, using the VIA interface ; to the ADB transceiver processor. ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ StartReqVIA with ADBVars movea.l VIA,a1 ; get pointer to VIA bset.b #fDBBusy,FDBAuFlag(a3) ; remember that we are busy beq.s @notBusy ; if not busy, proceed rts ; if busy, do nothing and return @notBusy tst.l d3 ; see if implicit bpl.s @explicit ; implicit is special case ; send an implicit command (auto / SRQ polling), no data needs to be sent @implicit move.b PollAddr(a3),d3 ; get the auto/srq polling address lsl.b #4,d3 ; position the address ori.b #talkCmd+0,d3 ; make it a Talk R0 command bsr.w @sendCmd ; send out the command byte beq.s @autoReply ; see if prior auto poll data returned instead move.b fDBCmd(a3),pollCmd(a3) ; remember the command byte bsr.s @StartAutoPoll ; start auto polling btst.b #fDBQEmpty,FDBFlag(a3) ; see if anything queued bne.s @idle ; if not, just wait for auto poll data ; we have just changed from state 0 to state 3, if a command is in the queue, we will ; want to change back to state 0, and send a new command. We have to give the xcvr ; processor time to recognize the state change into state 3, before we change back to ; state 0. Otherwise it will be out of sync. pea RunADBRequest ; somthing in queue, run after a short delay move.w TimeViaDB,d0 ; get 1ms VIA loop time constant IF forSTP601 THENB ;¥¥¥¥ STP ¥¥¥ eric -- let's double it?? lsr.w #2,d0 ; 1ms/8 = 125µs ELSE lsr.w #4,d0 ; 1ms/16 = 62.5µs ENDIF @delay eieioSTP btst.b #0,vBufB(a1) ; timing base on BTST loop, we don't care eieioSTP dbra d0,@delay ; wait at least 50µs for state change to occur @idle bclr.b #fDBBusy,FDBAuFlag(a3) ; allow explicit cmds to interrupt auto polling rts ; if not, just let auto polling continue @StartAutoPoll moveq.l #(1< ; ; This change (8) will take effect for TheFuture. DonÕt use it for anything ; earlier. ; if TheFuture then ; <9> eieioSTP move.b vBufB(a1),d1 ; get current state <8> eieioSTP andi.b #(1< cmpi.b #(1< bne.s @sendCont ; no, procede as usual <8> eieioSTP btst.b #vFDBInt,vBufB(a1) ; yes, test the FDBInt~ status <8> eieioSTP beq.s @sendExit ; asserted, xcvr already clocking autopoll data,<8> ; exit (wait for autopoll to complete) <8> endif ; <9> @sendCont eieioSTP ori.b #$1C,vACR(a1) ; set SR to shift-out with ext clk eieioSTP move.b d3,vSR(a1) ; load shift reg with cmd, start shifting eieioSTP move.b d3,fDBCmd(a3) ; save the command eieioSTP andi.b #-1-(1<= 2, use it moveq.l #0,d2 ; otherwise use 0, which will become 2 @minOK subq.b #8-2,d2 ; check for max length of 8 bls.s @maxOK ; if <= 8, use it moveq.l #0,d2 ; otherwise use 0, which will become 8 @maxOK addq.b #8,d2 ; restore count move.b d2,fDBCnt(a3) ; update buffer length move.l a2,ListenBuffPtr(a3); save buffer starting address bsr.s @sendCmd ; send out the command byte beq.w @autoReply ; see if auto poll data returned instead bsr.s @sendFirstByte ; send the first byte bne.s @noListenTimeout ; see if timeout occured bset.b #fDBNoReply,FDBAuFlag(a3) ; indicate that no reply data was returned @noListenTimeout bsr.s @sendNextByte ; send the second byte bne.s @sendLoop ; if no SRQ, send the data bset.b #fDBSRQ,FDBAuFlag(a3) ; remember that a service request was returned @sendLoop tst.b fDBCnt(a3) ; see if end of buffer reached beq.s ReqDoneVIA ; leave when count is zero, no reply data bsr.s @sendNextByte ; send another byte bra.s @sendLoop ; loop until count exhausted @sendFirstByte moveq.l #(1< lsr.b #4,d1 ; isolate the device address tst.l d3 ; was there an SRQ? bpl.s @noSRQ ; if not, don't advance poll address bset.l d1,d2 ; if no other bits set, come back to this one @SRQloop addq.b #1,d1 ; try the next address andi.b #$0F,d1 ; wrapping around if needed <1.2> btst.l d1,d2 ; see if there is a device with that address beq.s @SRQloop ; if not, try the next address @updateAddr move.b d1,PollAddr(a3) ; remember where to auto/SRQ poll next <1.2> @skipUpdate lea fDBCnt(a3),a0 ; point to the length byte of the buffer <1.2> moveq #0,d2 ; zero extend the length move.b (a0)+,d2 ; get length of receive data movea.l a0,a2 ; point to the data buffer clr.b FDBAuFlag(a3) ; clear the flags, especially fDBBusy btst.l #fDBAPoll,d0 ; see what kind of request completed bne.w ImplicitRequestDone ; auto poll data returned, call handler bra.w ExplicitRequestDone ; if explicit, call the completion routine @noSRQ btst.l d1,d2 ; see if there is a device with this address <1.2> beq.s @skipUpdate ; if not, don't make it the active device <1.2> bra.s @updateAddr ; if so, update the poll address <1.2> Title 'KbdADB - ADB Manager - Initialization' ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; BusReset - issue a Reset command ; ; On entry, (SP) has completion routine address <1.6> ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ BusReset moveq.l #0,d0 ; address zero moveq.l #resetCmd,d1 ; reset command moveq.l #0,d2 ; no data to send bra.s MakeAsyncRequest ; start the command asynchronously ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Talk R3 - issue a Talk R3 command ; ; On entry, D0 has device address ; (SP) has completion routine address <1.6> ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ TalkR3 moveq.l #talkCmd+3,d1 ; talk command, register 3 moveq.l #0,d2 ; no data to send bra.s MakeAsyncRequest ; start the command asynchronously ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; ListenR3 - issue a listen R3 command ; ; On entry, D0 has device address to send the command ; D1 has new device address to change to ; (SP) has completion routine address <1.6> ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ ListenR3 move.b d1,FDBByte0(a3) ; set up new address for R3 move.b #$FE,FDBByte1(a3) ; setup handle ID moveq.l #listenCmd+3,d1 ; listen command, register 3 moveq.l #2,d2 ; 2 bytes of data to send MakeAsyncRequest lsl.b #4,d0 ; shift address by 4 bits to correct position or.b d1,d0 ; insert the command and register number move.b d2,FDBCnt(a3) ; setup the send byte count pea FDBCnt(a3) ; push the buffer address movea.l sp,a0 ; setup param block pointer movea.l jADBop,a1 ; get address of _ADBop jsr (a1) ; start the request addq.w #8,sp ; pop buffer addr and return address rts ; return to callers caller ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; FDBTask - FDB VBL Task ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ FDBTask RTS ; just return for now ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; InitDevT - Initialize the Device Table ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ InitDevT with ADBVars,ADBDeviceEntry bsr.s BusReset ; reset all devices on the bus clr.b DevTOffset(a3) ; initialize the table offset clr.w HasDev(a3) ; initialize the device map moveq.l #0,d0 ; start with address zero PollNext move.b d0,InitAddr(a3) ; save device address bsr.s TalkR3 ; issue a Talk R3 command (asynchronously) move.b InitAddr(a3),d0 ; restore poll address tst.b (a0)+ ; test reply length, see if device returned data beq.s NoDevice ; no, nothing to install ; there is a response from the device in the address, so update the ; device table according to the device moveq.l #0,d1 ; zero extend for indexing move.b DevTOffset(a3),d1 ; get offset to devicetable move.b 1(a0),FDBDevTy(a3,d1.w) ; copy device handler ID into table move.b d0,FDBOAddr(a3,d1.w); save device address move.b d0,FDBAddr(a3,d1.w) ; save device address addi.b #FRecSize,d1 ; advance offset move.b d1,DevTOffset(a3) ; save device table offset move.w HasDev(a3),d2 ; get value in HasDev bset.l d0,d2 ; remember which address has device move.w d2,HasDev(A3) ; save it NoDevice addq.b #1,d0 ; advance device address cmpi.b #NumFDBAdr,d0 ; has it polled all addresses yet? bne.s PollNext ; no, go to poll next device ; ChgAddr - check the device address to identify multiple devices on ; the same address move.b #MoveTime+1,FDBMvCnt(A3); initialize move retry count move.w HasDev(a3),DevMap(a3) ; initialize device map Bne.S movLoop ; branch, if there is no device ChgExit ; now setup auto poll for the mouse BClr #FDBInit,FDBFlag(A3); done with initialization JSR RunADBRequest ; start auto poll for the mouse RTS movLoop ST InitAddr(A3) ; clear poll address subq.b #1,FDBMvCnt(A3) ; has it loop 50 times yet? Beq.S ChgExit ; yes, exit ; ChgNext is another entry point for this routine ChgNext AddQ.B #1,InitAddr(A3) ; advance poll address BSR GNextAddr ; get next address to change Bmi.S MovLoop ; exit when end of address range GE1 jsrROM GEmptyAddr ; get empty address space, D0 gets address (GEmptyAddr) BMI.S ChgExit ; no more empty address space, exit ; D0 has an address that can be moved to Move.B D0,NewAddr(A3) ; save address in NewAddr Move.B D0,D1 ; D1 get new address to change to Move.B InitAddr(A3),D0 ; D0 get address to issue command BSR ListenR3 ; issue a Listen R3 command ; MovAddr - a Listen R3 command has just been issued, the device is moved to ; a new address. Now issue a Talk R3 to the old address. A timeout would ; indicate no more device in the old address, we will move the device back ; to the old address by issuing a Listen R3. Move.B InitAddr(A3),D0 ; get address BSR TalkR3 ; issue a Talk R3 command <1.6> ; MovBack - A Talk R3 has just been issued, a timeout in S1 indicates no ; more device in original address, we want to move the device back to ; original address. eieioSTP tst.b (a0) ; did the device return data eieioSTP beq.S @1 ; no, branch ; no timeout indication, bsr.s CopyEntry ; copy entry into device table Move.B FDBByte1(A3),FDBDevTy(A3,D1.W) ; get new handle ID into table BRA.S ChgNext ; go to change next devi] ; there is timeout indication @1 Move.B InitAddr(A3),D1 ; get address to change back to Move.B NewAddr(A3),D0 ; get address to talk to bsr ListenR3 ; send a listen R3 command <1.6> ; CKNewAdr - check the new address by issuing a Talk R3, to see if ; there is still any device left. If yes, add entry into device ; table, but if not, just go to change next device address Move.B NewAddr(A3),D0 ; get address BSR TalkR3 ; issue a talk R3 <1.6> ; AddEntry - a Talk R3 command has just been issed to the new address, ; if there is no timeout in S1, one or more device is still in that ; address, so, add device to device table. If there is timeout, no ; device is in that address, so, just go to change next device address tst.b (a0) ; did the device return data Beq.S ExitEntry ; no, branch ; no timeout indication, thus, add entry of the new address into the ; device table. bsr.s CopyEntry ; copy entry into device table Move.B FDBByte1(A3),FDBDevTy-FRecSize(A3,D2.W) ; get new handle ID into table ExitEntry bra.s ChgNext ; go to change next device ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; CopyEntry - copy the device entry from the original address to the ; new address, a Talk R3 had just been issued ; ; Called by: MoveBack and AddEntry ; on exit: D1 - has record address of old device ; D2 - points to new table entry ;_______________________________________________________________________ CopyEntry MoveQ #0,D0 MoveQ #0,D1 Move.B NewAddr(A3),D0 ; get new address Move.W DevMap(A3),D1 ; get device map BSet D0,D1 ; set device address Move.W D1,DevMap(A3) ; update device map MoveQ #0,D1 ; set D1 as offset to table Move.B InitAddr(A3),D0 ; D0 get address @1 CMP.B FDBADDR(A3,D1.W),D0 ; same address? BEQ.S @2 ; yes, branch Add #FRecSize,D1 ; advance BRA.S @1 @2 MoveQ #0,D2 Move.B DevToffset(A3),D2 ; set D2 to new entry offset Move.L FDBDevTy(A3,D1.W),\ ; get first 4 byte FDBDevTy(A3,D2.W) ; save it Move.L FDBCRA(A3,D1.W),\ ; get completion routine address FDBCRA(A3,D2.W) ; save it Move.B NewAddr(A3),\ ; get new address FDBAddr(A3,D2.W) ; update address Add #FRecSize,D2 ; advance device table offset Move.B D2,DevToffset(A3) ; save it RTS ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; GNextAddr - get next address to change ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ GNextAddr MoveQ #0,D0 MoveQ #0,D1 Move.B InitAddr(A3),D0 ; get address Move.W DevMap(A3),D1 ; get device map @1 BTst D0,D1 ; is there a device there? BNE.S @2 ; branch, if there is device AddQ #1,D0 ; advance to next address CMP #numFDBAdr,D0 ; end of address yet? BLT.S @1 ; no, branch MoveQ #-1,D0 ; return -1 if no more address RTS @2 Move.B D0,InitAddr(A3) ; remember the address RTS ;_______________________________________________________________________ ; ; Mouse Driver -- generate mouse button events when appropriate and updates ; mouse temporary position vars. ; ; Inputs: A0 - pointer to buffer containing receive data (Pascal string) ; A2 - Optional data (not used) ; D0 - command byte (not used) ; ;_______________________________________________________________________ MouseDrvr lea 1(a0),a1 ; skip over length byte, free up A0 eieioSTP move.b (a1)+,d2 ; get first data byte (button, Æ Vert) eieioSTP ; Update the mouse button state move.b MBState,d1 ; get copy of last state eor.b d2,d1 ; did it change? bpl.s @ButtonDone ; if it didn't, no event ; If the mouse button bounces, we don't want it to look like a double click, so if we see ; a mouse down less than 2 VBLs after a mouse up, we will ignore it, and consider the mouse ; to still be up. We will never ignore a mouse up event, which could lead to menus hanging ; and continuous scrolling. move.l Ticks,d1 ; get current system ticks sub.l MBTicks,d1 ; compute time since last change movea.w #mButUpEvt,a0 ; A0 holds the event (2 = mouse button up) moveq.l #-1<<7,d0 ; mask for mouse button bit and.b d2,d0 ; just store high bit bmi.s @postButton ; if up, post it subq.l #2,d1 ; see if less than 2 VBLs since last mouse up blt.s @ButtonDone ; if too short, must be a down bounce, ignore it addq.l #2,d1 ; restore change time subq.w #mButUpEvt-mButDwnEvt,a0 ; if down, update event number and post it @postButton move.b d0,MBState ; also update the state add.l d1,MBTicks ; remember that it just changed add.l d1,RndSeed ; randomize our seed moveq.l #0,d0 ; no message for PostEvent _PostEvent ; post the mouse button event @ButtonDone ; Update the mouse vertical position add.b d2,d2 ; shift high bit of Æ into sign beq.s @virtDone ; if no change, nothing to update asr.b #1,d2 ; shift Æ back, sign extended ext.w d2 ; extend it to a word add.w d2,mTemp+v ; update the virtical position move.b CrsrCouple,CrsrNew ; note the change @virtDone ; Update the mouse horizontal position eieioSTP move.b (a1),d2 ; get the Æ Horiz (low 7 bits) eieioSTP add.b d2,d2 ; shift high bit of Æ into sign beq.s @horizDone ; if no change, nothing to update asr.b #1,d2 ; shift Æ back, sign extended ext.w d2 ; extend it to a word add.w d2,mTemp+h ; update the horizontal position move.b CrsrCouple,CrsrNew ; note the change @horizDone rts ; mouse driver done ;______________________________________________________________________ ; ; KbdInstall - allocate memory for keyboard information and put in ADB record, ; loading resources as necessary. ; ;______________________________________________________________________ ; Keyboard driver data KBufCount EQU 2 KBufLen EQU 10 ; 8 bytes + length + inuse KMAPPtr EQU $00 KeyBits EQU KMAPPtr+4 KCHRPtr EQU KeyBits+(128/8) DeadKey EQU KCHRPtr+4 KNoADBOp EQU DeadKey+4 KNumBufs EQU KNoADBOp+1 KFirstBuf EQU KNumBufs+1 KbdDSize EQU KFirstBuf+(KBufCount*KBufLen) ; KMAP offsets KMid EQU $00 KMtype EQU $01 KMvers EQU KMid+2 KMstart EQU KMvers+2 KMnumEx EQU KMstart+128 KMstEx EQU KMnumEx+2 KbdInstall with ADBDeviceEntry MOVEQ #numFDBAdr, D1 ; Number of table entries MOVE.L ADBBase, A1 ; Put Base in A1 BRA.S FirstInstall ; Skip past record increment InstallLoop ADD #FRecSize, A1 ; Get to next record FirstInstall MOVEQ #kbdAddr, D0 ; We're looking for keyboards CMP.B FDBOAddr(A1), D0 ; Is this one? BNE.S NotKbd ; Nope, skip around MOVEQ #KbdDSize, D0 ; Amount of space needed for keyboard data _NewPtr ,SYS,CLEAR ; get a pointer MOVE.L A0, A2 ; Save it in A2 MOVE.B #KBufCount, KNumBufs(A2) SUBQ.L #4, SP ; Make room for result MOVE.L #'KCHR', -(SP) ; ResType = KCHR CLR.W -(SP) ; theID = 0 MOVE.W #mapTrue, RomMapInsert ; Load it from ROM _GetResource MOVE.L (SP)+, D0 ; Get the handle BEQ.S NotKbd ; Skip if NIL MOVE.L D0, A0 MOVE.L (A0), KCHRPtr(A2) ; Dereference and put away SUBQ.L #4, SP ; Make room for result MOVE.L #'KMAP', -(SP) ; ResType = KCHR CLR.W -(SP) ; theID = 0 MOVE.W #mapTrue, RomMapInsert ; Load it from ROM _GetResource MOVE.L (SP)+, D0 ; Get the handle BEQ.S NotKbd ; Skip if NIL MOVE.L D0, A0 MOVE.L (A0), KMAPPtr(A2) ; Dereference and put away MOVE.L A2, FDBOpData(A1) ; Save pointer in ADB record MOVE.B FDBDevTy(A1), KbdType ; Save the keyboard type MOVE.B FDBAddr(A1), KbdLast ; Save the ADB address NotKbd DBRA D1, InstallLoop ; Loop until no more RTS endwith ENDPROC END