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2018-05-23 09:59:15 +00:00
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # this thing generates all sorts of component crap # # usage: makecomponent prefix outputfile.h outputfile.c inputfiles... # eg: makecomponent PETE :include:petecomp.h petecomp.c :{ext}:editor:pete.h # # Will also generate seconds header file for CFM macros named # ouputfilecfm.h. # # I left in my comments that begin with #**. They can be deleted since I was # using them to walk through the code and figure it out. # #** get arguments, shift removed first item so you can get the next in line #** $prefix = $ARGV[0]; shift; $prefix = 'PETE'; #** $hfile = $ARGV[0]; shift; $hfile = ':Editor:Source:Application Headers:petecomponent.h'; $cfile = ':Editor:Source:Editor Source:petecomponent.c'; $mfile = ':Editor:Source:Application Headers:petecfm.h'; #** open output files open(HFILE,">$hfile")||die; open(MFILE,">$mfile")||die; open(CFILE,">$cfile")||die; #put top of outputfilecfm.h here print MFILE <<BOILER; /* gComponentDispatchUPP is a global initialized to GetToolTrapAddress(_ComponentDispatch) */ extern UniversalProcPtr gComponentDispatchUPP; BOILER # put top of outputfile.h stuff here print HFILE <<BOILER; #ifndef PETECOMPONENT_H #define PETECOMPONENT_H #ifndef PETE_H #include "pete.h" #endif #define TWOBYTESIZE(x) (sizeof(x) == 1 ? 2 : sizeof(x)) BOILER #** $_ default variable still has the last parameter ':{ext}:editor:pete.h' #** read each line from file while (<>) { if (/^pascal/) #** if "pascal" is at the beginning of the input line #** only care about pascal type declarations in this file { chop; #** chop CR # # make sure we can use whitespace for tokens s/\(/ \(/g; #** search for "(" replace with " (", all occurances in line # # trim the pascal part s/pascal\s*//; #** delete "pascal" and space (replace with nothing) # # nab the return type #** "[ \t]+" is one or more spaces or tabs #** "2" limits the result into two peices #** $returns = the return type #** $rest = the rest of the string ($returns,$rest) = split("[ \t]+",$_,2); # # nab the function name #** do it again ($func,$rest) = split("[ \t]+",$rest,2); # # and the parameters $rest =~ s/.*\(//; #** delete all chars before and including the "(" $rest =~ s/\).*//; #** delete all chars after and including the ")" $params = $rest; #** $params is comman delim param list @params = split(',',$rest); #** @params is array of the parameters, cool! # # record the function name $funcList[$#funcList+1] = $func; #** add the func name to an array each loop #** got the info, now do something with it # # Declare the param structure #** plug in function name and concat the strings together, write out to file print MFILE "#define $func("; for ($i=0;$i<=$#params;$i++) { if ($i) {print MFILE ",";} print MFILE "p" . ($i+1); } print MFILE ") \\\n"; print MFILE "\tCallUniversalProc(gComponentDispatchUPP, \\\n"; print MFILE "\t\tkD0DispatchedPascalStackBased \\\n"; if ($returns ne "void") { print MFILE "\t\t | RESULT_SIZE(SIZE_CODE(sizeof($returns))) \\\n"; } print MFILE "\t\t | DISPATCHED_STACK_ROUTINE_SELECTOR_SIZE(kFourByteCode)"; for ($i=0;$i<=$#params;$i++) { ($type,$littleParam) = split("[ \t]+",$params[$i]); $littleParam =~ s/[ \t]+.*//; #** deletes everything after the space if ($littleParam =~ /^\*/) #** if this is a pointer parameter { $type .= '*'; #** add * to type } print MFILE " \\\n\t\t | DISPATCHED_STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(" . ($i+1) . ", SIZE_CODE(sizeof($type)))"; } print MFILE " \\\n\t\t | DISPATCHED_STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(" . ($#params + 2) . ", kTwoByteCode)"; print MFILE " \\\n\t\t | DISPATCHED_STACK_ROUTINE_PARAMETER(" . ($#params + 3) . ", kTwoByteCode)"; print MFILE ", \\\n\t\t0L, \\\n\t\t"; for ($i=0;$i<=$#params;$i++) { if ($i) {print MFILE ",";} print MFILE "(p" . ($i+1) . ")"; } print MFILE ", \\\n\t\tk" . ($func) . "Rtn"; print MFILE ", \\\n\t\tk" . ($func) . "ParamSize)\n\n"; # # UPP enum and ParamSize $sizeof = "TW