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2018-05-23 10:59:15 +01:00
ADDR_TOO_LONG (One of) the address(es) is (are) too long. Remember to use COMMAS (<28>,<2C>) to separate addresses. Mail cannot be sent with such addresses. UNUSED_WAS_ALERT_TIMEOUT Reserved. ALIAS_A_LABEL Nickname: ALIAS_A_WIDTH 130 Width of the Nickname list column in the Address Book. ALIAS_CMD alias DON'T TOUCH. ALIAS_E_LABEL Address(es): Label for the addresses section of the Address Book. ALIAS_FILE Eudora Nicknames Name of nickname file--don't touch ALIAS_ADDR_PC 70 Percent of vertical space to allot to addresses in nicknames. ALIAS_TOO_LONG The nickname you've typed is too long.<2E>Nicknames in Eudora are limited to %d characters. The nickname you typed is too long.<2E><><EFBFBD>OK<4F> ALIA_LOOP Your address book contains a nickname that refers to itself, directly or indirectly. ALLO_ALIAS There is insufficient memory to read the address book. ALLO_EXPAND There is insufficient memory to expand the nicknames. ALLO_MBOX_LIST There is insufficient memory to read mailbox names. ALREADY_READ R Status header (substring) for already-read message. APPL_FONT Geneva Name of application font. ATTACH_FMT :%p:%d:%p: ATTENTION Eudora needs your attention. BAD_ADDRESS An address is too long or otherwise malformed. Mail cannot be sent with such addresses. BAD_COMP_RENAME Couldn<64>t rename the mailbox; the mail has been saved under a new name. BIND_ERR Error involving Domain Name System. BINHEX (This file must be converted with BinHex BinHex intro line, used to recognize BinHex files. DON'T TOUCH. BINHEXEXCESS There were some extra data in the attachment. BINHEX_BADCHAR The attachment has been corrupted; an illegal character was found. BINHEX_CREATE Couldn<64>t create attachment to decode into. BINHEX_RECV_FMT Receiving file <20>%p<>... BINHEX_MEM There is insufficient memory to decode the attachment. BINHEX_OPEN There was an error opening the attachment. BINHEX_OUT (This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0) BinHex intro line, put on outgoing messages. DON'T TOUCH. BINHEX_PROG_FMT Sending file <20>%p<>... BINHEX_PROMPT Save attachment as: BINHEX_READ There was an error sending the attachment. BINHEX_SHORT The attachment is corrupt; it was too short. BINHEX_WRITE There was an error writing the attachment. BOX_TOO_LONG1 The mailbox name: BOX_TOO_LONG2 is too long; mailbox names must be 27 characters or less. BUFFER_SIZE 4096 Disk I/O buffer size. CANT_QUEUE Can't queue this message; all messages must have addresses in the to: or bcc: fields, and a valid From address. CHECK_MAIL Check Mail CLOSE_MBOX There was an error closing the mailbox--data may have been lost. CNXN_OPENING Contacting %p (%i)... COMP_TOP_MARGIN 34 Height of icon bar. COPY_FAILED Copy failed. COULDNT_GET_TOOL Couldn<64>t get connection tool. COULDNT_MBOX Couldn<64>t open Mailbox window. COULDNT_MOD_ALIAS Couldn<64>t apply your changes to the previous address book entry. COULDNT_PREF Couldn<64>t display the settings window. COULDNT_SAVEAS Couldn<64>t save the message. COULDNT_SETUP Couldn<64>t create Page Setup information. COULDNT_SQUEEZE Couldn<64>t compact the mailbox. COULDNT_WIN Couldn<64>t create another window. CRC_ERROR A checksum error was found in decoding this attachment; use it with caution. CREATE_FOLDER Couldn<64>t create mail folder. CREATE_SETTINGS There was an error creating the settings file. CREATING_ALIAS Couldn<64>t create your Address Book file. CREATING_MAILBOX Couldn't create the mailbox. CTB_CLOSING Closing the connection. CTB_NEWLINE \015\012 Newline used during CTB connections. CTB_PROBLEM Communications Toolbox error. CUT_FAILED Cut failed. DATE_HEADER %r %p DON'T TOUCH. DATE_STRING_FMT %r %r %d%d %d%d:%d%d:%d%d %d\n DON'T TOUCH. DELETING_BOX Couldn't remove mailbox. DELIMITERS , \t DON'T TOUCH. DNR_LOOKUP Finding DOUBLE_TOLERANCE 3 Double-click mouse movement tolerance. EXPL_INTERVAL The <20>\0xE9<45> in <20>Check for mail every \0xE9 minute(s)<29> must be a number. EXPL_POP The <20>POP Account<6E> should be an user name, followed by an <20>@<40>, followed by a host name.\nFOR EXAMPLE, <20><64>. EXPL_SMTP The <20>SMTP Server<65> must be a host name.\nFOR EXAMPLE, <20><64>. FATAL Eudora cannot c