/* Copyright (c) 2017, Computer History Museum All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Computer History Museum nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef TABGEOMETRY_H #define TABGEOMETRY_H #define kTabTypeWildCard '****' #define kNoTabObjectFocus (-1) // Focus constants for tab controls typedef enum { focusTabControlDirect, focusTabControlAdvance, focusTabControlReverse } TabFocusType; // // This is cool stuff. Cooler once I have time to explain how it works. // enum { kUndefinedTabObject = -1, kTabObject = -1, kUseOneLineHeight = -1, kUseTwoLineHeight = -2, kUseThreeLineHeight = -3, kUseFourLineHeight = -4, kUndefinedCoordinate = -1 }; typedef enum { fieldObject = 1, controlObject, controlResourceObject, pictureObject, invalidObect = 0xFFFF // Exists only to force the size to a short } TabObjectType; typedef enum { objectFlagNone = 0x00000000, objectFlagAcceptsFocus = 0x00000001, objectFlagExportable = 0x00000002, objectFlagAll = 0xFFFFFFFF } ObjectFlagsType; typedef enum { left = 1, top, right, bottom, height, width, horizontal, vertical } CoordinateType; // // RelativeToType // // Values between 0 - 100 represent a percentage of width or height typedef enum { relToNothing = 0xFFFF, // We don't really care -- forces sizeof to be a short relToLeft = 1, // Position relative to the left edge of another object relToTop = 2, // Position relative to the right edge of another object relToRight = 3, // Position relative to the top of another object relToBottom = 4, // Position relative to the bottom of another object relToHorzCenter = 5, // Position relative to the horizontal center of another object relToVertCenter = 6, // Position relative to the vertical center of another object relToWidth = 7, // Position relative to the width of another object (Delta contains relative percentage) relToHeight = 8 // Position relative to the height of another object (Delta contains relative percentage) } RelativeToType; typedef enum { rfNone = 0x00000000, rfDefaultMargin = 0x00000001, // Use the default margin as the delta rfNegativeMargin = 0x00000002, // The default margin is in the negative direction rfPETEPart = 0x00000004, // Relative to the PETE part of a label field rfLabelPart = 0x00000008, // Relative to the label part of a label field rAllRelativeFlags = 0xFFFFFFFF // Forces sizeof to a long } RelativeFlagsType; typedef enum { alignNothing = 0xFFFF, // We don't really care -- forces sizeof to be a short alignLeft = 0, alignCenter = 1, alignRight = 2, alignTop = 0, alignBottom = 2 } ObjectAlignType; typedef enum { coNone = 0x00000000, coFit = 0x00000001, coAllFlags = 0xFFFFFFFF } ControlObjectFlagsType; typedef enum { noBehavior = 0x00000000, behaveCheckBox = 0x00000001, // Act like a checkbox, setting the object value behaveSwapper = 0x00000002, // Swap values of some other objects, specified by Tabs or Fields flag behaveThisTab = 0x00000004, // Apply action to similar objects on this tab behaveTwoTabs = 0x00000008, // Apply action to similar objects on all tabs behaveAllTabs = 0x00000010, // Apply action to similar objects across two tabs (specified by tab name) behaveFields = 0x00000020, // Apply action to specified fields (specified by tag name) behaveMutuallyExclusive = 0x00000040, // Flip the state any similarly tagged or names objects (as you'd do a radio button) behaveMatchTitle = 0x00000080, // Use the object's title to gage what is and is not "similar" behaveMatchTag = 0x00000100, // Use the object's tag to gage what is and is not "similar" behaveStringOneIsTrue = 0x00000200, // Use "string one" of the BehaviorRec as the tag value when the control value is true behaveStringTwoIsFalse = 0x00000400, // Use "string two" of the BehaviorRec as the tag value when the control value is false behaveNavigation = 0x00000800, // Display a Nav services dialog behaveColorPicker = 0x00001000, // Display the color picker behaveAll = 0xFFFFFFFF } BehaviorFlagsType; typedef enum { tabTagName, tagFieldName, tagShortName } TagFieldStringType; // // Tab Geometry Unleashed // // // ControlHandle (tab) // : // : // # of tabs (in the maximum field) // refcon ---> Tab 1 Description // : // : // # of objects // objects ---> Object 1 Description // Object Type // ControlHandle // ObjectPositionRec // // Object 2 Description // Object Type // ControlHandle // ObjectPositionRec // // Tab 2 Description // : // : // # of objects // objects ---> // typedef struct { Boolean isRelevant; // Is this actually a relevant component? RelativeFlagsType flags; // Special stuff short delta; // Distance from the other object short object; // ID of the object we're relative to RelativeToType relevantTo; // Relative to what coordinate of the other object } RelativeToRec, *RelativeToPtr, **RelativeToHandle; typedef struct { Boolean isRelevant; // Is this actually a relevant component? ObjectAlignType align; // Align this object with another RelativeFlagsType flags; // Special stuff short object; // ID of the object we're relative to } AlignToRec, *AlignToptr, **AlignToHandle; typedef struct { RelativeToRec left; RelativeToRec top; RelativeToRec right; RelativeToRec bottom; short height; short width; AlignToRec horizontal; AlignToRec vertical; } ObjectPositionRec, *ObjectPositionPtr, **ObjectPositionHandle; typedef struct { BehaviorFlagsType flags; Str255 stringOne; Str255 stringTwo; } BehaviorRec, *BehaviorPtr, **BehaviorHandle; typedef struct { TabObjectType type; // Object type ObjectFlagsType flags; // Object flags Str31 tag; // Tag for the object Str31 shortName; // Short name of the object, used for printing and exporting data ControlHandle control; // The object's ControlHandle (if, in fact, it _is_ a control...) BehaviorHandle behavior; // How this object behaves (if at all...) Rect bounds; // The bounding rectangle of this object ObjectPositionRec position; // How the object should be positioned within the tab FlavorType dragFlavor; // Drag flavor for this object Boolean hasFocus; // I have the focus! Handle lockedObjects; // Don't touch! When dereferencing an object stored as a block of TabObjectRec's, // we store the locked TabObjectHandle here so that it can be easily unlocked later. Handle lockedTabs; // Don't touch! When dereferencing an object stored in a block of TabRec's, // we store the locked TabHandle here so that it can be easily unlocked later. SignedByte objectsHState; // Don't touch! When dereferencing an object stored as a block of TabObjectRec's, // we store the state of the TabObjectHandle prior to locking so that it can be restored later. SignedByte tabsHState; // Don't touch! When dereferencing an object stored as a block of TabRec's, // we store the state of the TabHandle prior to locking so that it can be restored later. } TabObjectRec, *TabObjectPtr, **TabObjectHandle; typedef struct { OSType tabSignature; // Tab signature short defaultHorzMargin; // value to be used when 'kUseHorzMargin' is set as a position delta short defaultVertMargin; // value to be used when 'kUseVertMargin' is set as a position delta short numObjects; // Number of objects appearing on this tab short focusObject; // Index of the object that has focus (0-based... -1 means no focus) Boolean dirty; // Has anything on this pane been changed? TabObjectHandle objects; // Link to the tab objects } TabRec, *TabPtr, **TabHandle; typedef struct { short version; OSType applOwner; OSType tabOwner; OSType tabSignature; Str255 title; short iconSuiteID; short defaultHorzMargin; short defaultVertMargin; short numObjects; } TabResHeaderRec, *TabResHeaderPtr, **TabResHeaderHandle; typedef struct { TabFieldHandle fields; TagFieldStringType type; } GetTabFieldsRec, *GetTabFieldsPtr, **GetTabFieldsHandle; typedef struct { PStr what; long offset; Boolean focusFound; Boolean hasFocus; } TabFindStringProcParamRec, *TabFindStringProcParamPtr, **TabFindStringProcParamHandle; typedef Boolean (*TabPaneIterateProc) (ControlHandle tabControl, ControlHandle tabPane, short tabIndex, void *private); typedef Boolean (*ObjectIterateProc) (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, void *private); // macros #define CountTabs(aTabHandle) (GetHandleSize (aTabHandle) / sizeof (TabRec)) #define GetTabHandle(aControlHandle) (TabHandle) GetControlReference (aControlHandle) #define GetTabObjectHandle(aTabPtr) ((aTabPtr)->objects) #define GetTabPtr(aControlHandle,aShort) (*(GetTabHandle (aControlHandle)) + (aShort)) #define GetTabObjectPtr(aTabPtr,aShort) (*(GetTabObjectHandle(aTabPtr)) + (aShort)) #define GetRequestedHeight(aShortHeight,aShortLineheight) ((aShortHeight) <= kUseOneLineHeight ? -(aShortHeight) * (aShortLineheight) : (aShortHeight)) #define GetActiveTabIndex(aControlHandle) GetControlValue (aControlHandle) #define GetTabPaneCount(aControlHandle) GetControlMaximum (aControlHandle) #define GetTabPaneIndex(aControlHandle) GetControlReference (aControlHandle) // prototypes ControlHandle CreateTabControl (MyWindowPtr win, Rect *boundsRect, OSType applOwner, OSType tabOwner, Boolean currentResFileOnly); void DisposeTabControl (ControlHandle tabControl, Boolean disposeControls); void DisposePictureObject (TabObjectPtr objectPtr); OSErr AddTab (ControlHandle tabControl, TabHandle tabs, Handle newTab, OSType applOwner, OSType tabOwner); Boolean InterestingTab (TabHandle tabs, TabResHeaderPtr tabResHeader, OSType applOwner, OSType tabOwner); void TabActivate (ControlHandle tabControl, Boolean isActive); Boolean TabActivateProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, Boolean *isActive); void TabMenuEnable (ControlHandle tabControl, Boolean ro); Boolean TabMenu (ControlHandle tabControl, int menu, int item, short modifiers); Boolean TabKey (ControlHandle tabControl, EventRecord *event); Boolean TabDragIsInteresting (ControlHandle tabControl, DragReference drag); Boolean TabDragIsInterestingProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, DragReference drag); OSErr TabDrag (ControlHandle tabControl, DragTrackingMessage which, DragReference drag); OSErr ImageWellDrop (ControlHandle tabControl, TabObjectPtr objectPtr, DragReference drag); void HiliteImageWell (ControlHandle theControl, DragReference drag, Boolean hilite); Boolean CopyPictureFromImageWell (ControlHandle theControl); void PastePictureIntoImageWell (ControlHandle tabControl, TabObjectPtr objectPtr); OSErr ReplaceImageWellPicture (ControlHandle tabControl, TabObjectPtr objectPtr, PicHandle picture); OSErr FSpMakeIconSuite (FSSpec *tempSpec, PicHandle picture, PStr name); Boolean TabHasSelection (ControlHandle tabControl); Boolean ClickTab (ControlHandle tabControl, EventRecord *event, Point pt); Boolean TabSetKeyboardFocus (ControlHandle tabControl, TabFocusType tabFocus, Boolean getFocus); Boolean FirstFocusObjectProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, TabObjectPtr *foundObjectPtr); Boolean LastFocusObjectProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, TabObjectPtr *foundObjectPtr); Boolean TabObjectSetKeyboardFocus (TabPtr tabPtr, TabObjectPtr objectPtr, Boolean getFocus); Boolean TabAdvanceKeyboardFocus (ControlHandle tabControl); Boolean TabReverseKeyboardFocus (ControlHandle tabControl); Boolean TabFindString (ControlHandle tabControl, Boolean hasFocus, PStr what); Boolean TabFindStringProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, TabFindStringProcParamPtr paramsPtr); void HandleTabObjectBehavior (ControlHandle tabControl, TabObjectPtr objectPtr); Boolean MutuallyExclusiveCheckboxProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, TabObjectPtr hitObjectPtr); Boolean SwapTabObjectsProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, ControlHandle tabPaneTwo); void ClearTab (ControlHandle tabControl); Boolean ClearTabProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, ControlHandle tabControl); TabFieldHandle GetTabFieldStrings (ControlHandle tabControl, TagFieldStringType type); Boolean GetTabFieldStringsProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, GetTabFieldsPtr gtfp); TabFieldHandle GetExportableTabFieldStrings (ControlHandle tabControl); Boolean GetExportableTabFieldStringsProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, TabFieldHandle *fields); TabFieldHandle GetTabFieldsFromResources (TagFieldStringType type, OSType applOwner, OSType tabOwner); Boolean FindFieldString (TabFieldHandle fields, PStr key); void CleanTab (ControlHandle tabControl); Boolean CleanTabPaneProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, void *private); Boolean IsTabDirty (ControlHandle tabControl); Boolean DirtyTabPaneProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, Boolean *dirty); void HideTab (ControlHandle tabPane); void ShowTab (ControlHandle tabPane); void ShowHideTabObjects (ControlHandle tabPane, Boolean showIt); Boolean ShowHideProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, Boolean *showIt); void MoveTab (ControlHandle tabControl, int h, int v, int w, int t); void MoveTabPane (ControlHandle tabPane, short int h, int v, int w, int t); ControlHandle GetActiveTabUserPane (ControlHandle tabControl); short SwitchTabs (ControlHandle tabControl, short currentTabIndex, short newTabIndex, short tabPrefResID); void SwitchLabelFieldsOnThisTab (ControlHandle tabControl, short tabIndex, Boolean showIt); short CalcRelevantCoordinate (ControlHandle tabPane, TabPtr tabPtr, RelativeToPtr relative); short GetRelativeToDelta (RelativeToPtr relative, short defaultMargin); Rect *GetRelevantObjectBounds (ControlHandle tabPane, TabPtr tabPtr, short object, RelativeFlagsType flags, Rect *boundsRect); Ptr ParseTabHeader (Ptr from, TabResHeaderPtr tabHeader); Ptr ParseObject (ControlHandle tabControl, Ptr from, TabObjectPtr object); Ptr ParseRelativeInformation (Ptr from, RelativeToPtr relativePtr); Ptr ParseAlignmentInformation (Ptr from, AlignToptr alignPtr); Ptr ParseFieldObject (ControlHandle tabControl, Ptr from, TabObjectPtr object); Ptr ParseControlObject (ControlHandle tabControl, Ptr from, TabObjectPtr objectPtr); Ptr ParseControlResourceObject (ControlHandle tabControl, Ptr from, TabObjectPtr objectPtr); Ptr ParsePictureObject (ControlHandle tabControl, Ptr from, TabObjectPtr objectPtr); Ptr ParsePosition (Ptr from, ObjectPositionPtr positionPtr); Ptr ParseRelativeInformation (Ptr from, RelativeToPtr relativePtr); void * CopyBytesAndMovePtr (void *from, void *to, short len); short WidthHint (TabObjectPtr objectPtr); short HeightHint (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, short lineHeight); ControlHandle FindTabPaneWithTitle (ControlHandle tabControl, PStr title); Boolean FindTabPaneWithTitleProc (ControlHandle tabControl, ControlHandle tabPane, short tabIndex, PStr title); TabObjectPtr FindObjectWithTag (ControlHandle tabControl, PStr tag); Boolean FindObjectWithTagProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, PStr tag); PStr FindTitleWithTag (ControlHandle tabControl, PStr tag, PStr title); PStr FindShortNameWithTag (ControlHandle tabControl, PStr tag, PStr shortName); TabObjectPtr FindObjectWithTitle (ControlHandle tabControl, PStr title); Boolean FindObjectWithTitleProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, PStr title); TabObjectPtr FindObjectWithShortName (ControlHandle tabControl, PStr shortName); Boolean FindObjectWithShortNameProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, PStr shortName); TabObjectPtr FindObjectWithTagOnTab (ControlHandle tabPane, PStr tag); TabObjectPtr FindObjectWithTitleOnTab (ControlHandle tabPane, PStr title); PETEHandle FindFieldOnTab (ControlHandle tabControl, short tabIndex, PETEHandle pte); Boolean FindFieldOnTabProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, PETEHandle *pteTarget); TabObjectPtr FindObjectWithFocus (ControlHandle tabControl); TabObjectPtr PtInTabObject (ControlHandle tabPane, Point pt); Boolean PtInTabObjectProc (TabObjectPtr objectPtr, Point *pt); TabObjectPtr SetObjectValueWithTag (ControlHandle tabControl, PStr tag, UPtr value, long valueLength); Boolean SetPictureObjectValue (ControlHandle tabControl, TabObjectPtr objectPtr, UPtr value, long valueLength); void DisplayPictureObject (TabObjectPtr objectPtr); OSErr ImageWellRemovePicture (ControlHandle theControl); void ImageWellDrawFocus (ControlHandle theControl, Boolean hasFocus); void ImageWellDrag (ControlHandle theControl, EventRecord *event); PicHandle GetImageWellPicture (ControlHandle theControl); OSErr SetImageWellPicture (ControlHandle theControl, PicHandle picture); Boolean GetPictureDragRgn (MyWindowPtr win, PicHandle picture, Rect *pictRect, RgnHandle *phRgn, GWorldPtr *pgworld, RgnHandle *phDrawRgn,DragReference drag); ControlHandle IterateTabPanes (ControlHandle tabControl, TabPaneIterateProc tpiProc, void *private); TabObjectPtr IterateTabObjects (ControlHandle tabControl, ObjectIterateProc oiProc, void *private); TabObjectPtr IterateTabPaneObjects (ControlHandle tabPane, ObjectIterateProc oiProc, void *private); void UnlockObject (TabObjectPtr objectPtr); void SwapObjectValues (TabObjectPtr objectOne, TabObjectPtr objectTwo); void DirtyActiveTabPane (ControlHandle tabControl); void PeepingTom (ControlHandle tabControl); Boolean ChooseGraphicStd (FSSpec *spec); pascal Boolean chooseGraphicObjectFilterProc (AEDesc *theItem, void *info, SFODocPtr optionsPtr, NavFilterModes filterMode); void SetImageWellFSSpec (ControlHandle tabControl, TabObjectPtr objectPtr, FSSpec *spec); TabPtr LockTabs (ControlHandle tabControl, short tabIndex, SignedByte *oldHState); void UnlockTabs (ControlHandle tabControl, SignedByte oldHState); TabObjectPtr LockTabObjects (TabPtr tabPtr, short objectIndex, SignedByte *oldHState); void UnlockTabObjects (TabPtr tabPtr, SignedByte oldHState); #define IterateTabObjectsUL(aControlHandle,aObjectIterateProc,aVoidPtr) UnlockObject(IterateTabObjects(aControlHandle,aObjectIterateProc,aVoidPtr)) #define IterateTabPaneObjectsUL(aControlHandle,aObjectIterateProc,aVoidPtr) UnlockObject(IterateTabPaneObjects(aControlHandle,aObjectIterateProc,aVoidPtr)) #endif