PREF_FONT_NAME Audit Use this menu to set the font to use in windows. PREF_FONT_SIZE 7,127 Audit Type the size of the font to use in windows. PREF_POP_SIGH¥PopAccount Enter your login name and the name of your POP server, with an '@' between them. Eg, ''. PREF_SMTP¥SMTPServer The host to use to send mail. If you NEED to specify a specific port (ask your mail server admin) append name with a colon & port number. For example, to use port 2025. PREF_RETURN¥ReturnAddress EXPERTS ONLY\n\nYour email address. If you fill this in, be SURE you put in a working address. PREF_INTERVAL¥CheckForMailEvery 0,999999 Audit How often (in minutes) Eudora will check for mail. PREF_WRAP_OUT Audit When checked, Eudora will word-wrap outgoing messages. PREF_PPP_DISC CanChangePPPState() Audit When checked, Eudora will tell your Internet dialup software to disconnect after mail is transferred. PREF_PARAGRAPHS Audit When checked, Eudora will try to guess where paragraphs are when you do a Save As..., and will remove returns that don't end paragraphs. PREF_CREATOR Four-character creator code for the application that the Finder will use to open text files that Eudora saves. PREF_CREATOR_NAME Name of the application that the Finder will use to open text files that Eudora saves. PREF_LASTSCAN Audit Last time (in seconds) Eudora scanned your maildrop to see if it should do deletions. PREF_SEND_CHECK Audit When checked, Eudora will send queued mail whenever it checks mail. PREF_ZOOM_OPEN Audit When checked, windows will be zoomed to full size when first opened. UNUSED_PREF_AUTO_DISMISS Audit When checked, Eudora will dismiss alert dialogs after two minutes. PREF_AUTO_EMPTY Audit When checked, quitting Eudora will empty Eudora's trash. PREF_UNWRAP_OPTIONS Audit These options control how Eudora unwraps text.©©To turn OFF specific paragraph indicators, add: 1-internal space runs 2-large indent 4-indent change 8-quote change 16-short line 32-blank line. PREF_LMOS¥LeaveMailOnServer¥ACAPBoolean Audit When checked, Eudora will not immediately delete mail from the POP server. PREF_KEEP_OUTGOING Audit When checked, Eudora will keep a copy of all mail you send. PREF_NEW_ALERT Audit When checked, Eudora will use an alert dialog to get your attention. PREF_NEW_SOUND Audit When checked, Eudora will use sound to get your attention. PREF_SIG Audit When checked, Eudora will attach your signature to messages you create. PREF_PH¥PhServer The host to use for Directory Services. PREF_SAVE_PASSWORD When checked, Eudora will remember your password from one session to the next. Only check it if your Macintosh is in a secure location. PREF_AUTO_SEND Audit When checked, Eudora will send mail immediately instead of queueing it. PREF_BX_TEXT¥IncludeResource¥ACAPBoolean Audit When checked, Eudora will always send Macintosh resources, type, and creator with attachments. PREF_TRANS_METHOD Audit Whether to use MacTCP or the Communications Toolbox to transfer mail. PREF_TAB_IN_TEXT Audit When checked, the tab key moves the cursor from the body to the To: field. When unchecked, the tab key inserts a tab. Holding down the option key will reverse the setting for a given tab. PREF_PRINT_FONT Audit Use this menu to set the font to use when printing. PREF_PRINT_FONT_SIZE 3,127 Audit Type the font size to use when printing. PREF_PASS_TEXT The text of your saved password. Whoever put this in a dialog should be shot. PREF_NICK_NOT_SHOWN Internal use only. PREF_NO_APPLE_FLASH Audit When checked, Eudora will flash an icon in the menu bar to get your attention.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_CAN_PIPELINE¥OverlapPOP3¥ACAPBoolean Audit When checked, Eudora will send the next command to your server before the one before completes. This is faster, but not all POP3 servers can handle this. PREF_EASY_DEL_UNREAD Audit When checked, Eudora will warn you before it deletes unread mail. PREF_SUPERCLOSE Audit When checked, closing a mailbox will close all messages from that mailbox. PREF_SENSITIVE Audit When checked, Eudora's Find command will care about the case of letters. PREF_NICK_FOLLOW When checked, nothing interesting will happen. PREF_MWIDTH 20,140 Audit Message windows will open wide enough to display this many characters. PREF_MHEIGHT 10,90 Audit Message windows will open tall enough to display this many lines. PREF_EXCLUDE_HEADERS Audit When checked, Eudora will include headers when doing a Save As... PREF_SWITCH_MODIFIERS Audit Hold down these modifiers and press the arrow keys to switch between messages. PREF_AUTOHEX_NAME Name of the folder to which Eudora will save attachments. PREF_AUTOHEX Audit When checked, Eudora will save attachments to a folder without consulting the user. PREF_AUTOHEX_VOLPATH Volume and directory id of the folder to which attachments are saved. PREF_WARN_RICH HasFeature(featureExtendedStyles) Audit When checked, Eudora will ask for each styled message whether you want the styles to be sent. PREF_NO_BIGGIES Audit When checked, large messages will not be automatically downloaded from the POP server. PREF_NICK_AUTO_EXPAND Audit When checked, will expand nicknames when switching fields in composition window. PREF_SPACE_REPLACEMENT Beats me. PREF_SUM_ONLY Audit When checked, Eudora will search only in the summaries of messages, not the messages themselves. PREF_NO_OPEN_IN Audit When checked, Eudora will open mailboxes after depositing new mail in them.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_MANUAL_BOX_SELECTION Audit Controls what Eudora selects when you open a mailbox from the menu or mailboxes window.©© 0 for restore previous selection, 1 for FUMLUB, 2 for last message. PREF_IGNORE_OUTDATE Audit When checked, Eudora will not worry if a mailbox has been changed since its table of contents was created; it will use the table of contents anyway. PREF_NO_HANGUP Nothing interesting now. PREF_REPLY_ALL Audit When checked, Eudora will reply to all recipients of a message; unchecked, only the sender gets the reply.\n\nHold down the option key to reverse the setting for a single reply. PREF_NOT_ME Audit When checked, Eudora will include your address when doing a reply to all.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_APOP Audit Use APOP for authentication. Your server administrator will tell you if you should use this; most people should use passwords. PREF_NW_DEV 1,3 Audit Number of the monitor on which to put new windows. PREF_CORVAIR Audit EXPERTS ONLY\n\nWhen checked, Eudora will work faster, but you might lose mail if your Macintosh crashes. PREF_NO_RF_TOC_BACKUP Audit When checked, Eudora will keep two copies of mailbox tables of contents when new-style resource toc's are in use.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_AUXUSR Username to substitute for Ò\\UÓ in navigation scripts. PREF_AUXPW Password to substitute for Ò\\PÓ in navigation scripts. What idiot put this in a dialog? PREF_LOCK_CODE Audit Load the whole program into memory and keep it there (68K only). Uses more memory, but is a little faster. PREF_BOX_HIDDEN Audit Mailbox windows will show only the columns you select PREF_LOCK_REDIR Audit Do not allow changes to the text of redirected messages. PREF_RECEIPT Audit These settings control what Eudora does when your correspondent has requested a receipt for his mail. PREF_RRT HasFeature(featureReturnReceiptTo) Audit When checked, Eudora will include the old Return-Receipt-To header along with the new return receipt header. PREF_NO_DELKEY Audit When checked, Eudora will allow the delete key to delete mail from mailboxes.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_POP_MODE¥FirstUnread Audit These determine how Eudora figures out what mail is unread. Most people should use Normal Method. PREF_OLD_DIGEST Audit When checked, Eudora will convert MIME digests into Eudora mailboxes. PREF_LOG Audit Eudora can log certain actions to a file named ÒEudora LogÓ in your Eudora Folder. Check the item(s) you wish to log. PREF_NO_IN_PRIOR Audit When checked, Eudora will pay no attention to priority headers on incoming messages.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_XF_PRIOR Audit When checked, copies priorities from original messages to replies.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_FINGER¥DSDefault Internal use. PREF_IN_XLATE Audit Transliteration table to use on incoming non-MIME mail. PREF_OUT_XLATE Audit Transliteration table to use on outgoing mail. PREF_REALNAME¥RealName Your real name. The text you enter here is included in the From: field of messages you send. PREF_NO_AUTO_OPEN Audit When checked, Eudora will open the next message when you delete the message you're reading, if the next message is unread.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_LINES Audit When checked, Eudora will draw separator lines in mailbox windows.©© 0 for both, 1 for vertical, 2 for horizontal, 3 for none. PREF_HEX_PERMISSIVE Audit When checked, Eudora will ignore illegal characters in BinHex attachments. PREF_PROMISCUOUS_REATTACH Audit When checked, Eudora will relax attachment matching rules for attachments with long names in the attachments folder. PREF_POP3_LIMIT 0,1000 Audit EXPERTS ONLY\n\nThe maximum number of messages Eudora will fetch in a single session. PREF_PERS_NO_SEND Audit When checked, Eudora will send this personality's mail whenever mail is sent.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_OFFLINE Audit When checked, Eudora will make no connections. PREF_NO_FLATTEN Audit When checked, Eudora will replace certain special characters (ÒÓÔÕ¥ÑÐ) with plain ascii characters (\"\"''o--) when sending mail.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_TIDY_FOLDER Audit When checked, Eudora will put attachments in the Finder's Trash when you put the messages they came with into Eudora's Trash. PREF_POP_SEND¥UsePOPSend¥ACAPBoolean Audit EXPERTS ONLY\n\nWhen checked, Eudora will use the ÒXTND XMITÓ extension to POP3 to send mail, in lieu of SMTP. Most POP servers do not support this, so only check this if you are SURE. PREF_PH_IN Audit Transliteration table for ph results. PREF_PH_OUT Audit Transliteration table for ph queries. PREF_ATT_TYPE Defunct. PREF_NO_QP¥UseQuotedPrintable¥ACAPRevBoolean Audit When checked, Eudora will use MIME Quoted-Printable encoding when necessary to protect special characters.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_LASTHOST Beats me. PREF_CC_REPLY Audit When checked, replies to all will put the recipients from the To: field into the Cc: field of the reply, not the To: field. PREF_SMALL_COLOR Audit When checked, Eudora will color only the label part of message summaries, not whole summaries. PREF_LOCAL_DATE Audit Whether Eudora should show the time of the message using the sender's timezone or the local timezone. PREF_RANDOM_MAILDROP PREF_NO_EZ_OPEN Audit These settings determine what Eudora will open next after deleting, transferring, or filtering a message away, or paging off the end with the space bar.©© 0 for nothing, 1 for next message, 2 for next unread message, 3 for next message if unread, 4 for next message if unread & same subject. PREF_LAST_SCAN Audit Last time Eudora checked for mail to be deleted. UNUSED_PREF_OLD_USE_STATUS Audit Reserved. PREF_100 PREF_LMOS_XDAYS¥LeaveOnServerDays 1,30 Audit Number of days to leave mail on server, if you have Leave Mail On Server checked. Leaving it blank means forever. PREF_SERVER_DEL Audit When checked, mail emptied from Eudora's trash will be removed from the server on the next mail check. PREF_FINGER_HOST¥FingerServer Host to use for finger queries. PREF_IGNORE_GX Audit When checked, Eudora will not use the QDGX printing code. Standard print manager calls will be made instead. PREF_CHECK_HOURS Audit These settings can be used to limit the times of day when Eudora checks for mail automatically. PREF_DNS_BALANCE¥DNSLoadBalancing¥ACAPBoolean Audit When selected, if a server has multiple IP addresses, Eudora will pick one at random instead of just using the first. PREF_BINHEX Audit When selected, attachments will be sent with BinHex encoding. This is best for sending to other Macintoshes. PREF_SINGLE Audit When selected, attachments will be sent with AppleSingle encoding. A few whackos need this. PREF_DOUBLE Audit When selected, attachments will be sent with AppleDouble encoding. This is best for sending to MIME mailers. PREF_UUENCODE Audit When selected, attachments will be sent with uuencode encoding. Use this only if the recipient says you have to. PREF_NEWMAIL_SOUND Use this menu to select the sound to play when mail arrives. PREF_ERROR_SOUND Use this menu to select the sound to play when Eudora needs help. PREF_OLD_BUILDMENU Audit When checked, Eudora will use a more compatible (but much slower) way of building its menus. PREF_EDIT_FROM Audit When checked, Eudora will allow From: fields to be edited in composition windows. PREF_TURBO_REDIRECT Audit When checked, Eudora will do turbo redirect; unchecked, Eudora does regular redirect.\n\nHold down the option key to reverse for a single redirect.\n\nTurbo Redirect redirects the message, queues the redirected message, and deletes the original. PREF_AUTOQUAL¥DomainQualifier This domain will be added to any address that doesn't have a domain. E.g., if you put Òanytown.usÓ in it, and send mail to ÒjdoeÓ, the address Eudora uses will be Òjdoe@anytown.usÓ. PREF_KERBEROS Audit Use Kerberos for authentication. Your server administrator will tell you if you should use Kerberos; most people should use passwords. PREF_REALM Kerberos realm. Go ask your Kerberos administrator. PREF_DONT_PASS Audit Send a cleartext password to login to the mail server. Most people do this. Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ to use passwords, ÒyÓ NOT to use passwords! PREF_NO_BATT_CHECK Audit When selected, Eudora will not do automatic checks if the Mac is on battery power. PREF_FIXED_DATES Audit Whether or not Eudora should vary date format with the age of a message. PREF_SYNC_IO Audit When checked, Eudora will do only synchronous disk i/o. This may be needed by buggy SCSI disk drivers. PREF_SHOW_ALL Audit When checked, Eudora will show all the headers from messages, not just an abbreviated set. PREF_NO_PROGRESS Audit When checked, Eudora will show what it's doing with a progress window.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_F_LIST_WIDE Audit Width of filter list box (in pixels). PREF_NEW_TOC Audit When checked, Eudora will use external files to store mailbox tables of contents, rather than using the resource fork. PREF_127 Audit When checked, Eudora will remove old-style .toc files as their contents are written to resource forks. PREF_REPORT Audit When checked, Eudora will generate the filter report when messages are filtered from the In mailbox. PREF_TOOLBAR Audit Show the toolbar. PREF_TB_VARIATION Audit Varcode for toolbar. PREF_TB_VERT Audit Should the toolbar be vertical? PREF_WIPE Audit Should Eudora overwrite mailbox temp files? PREF_3D Audit Should we waste processor cycles being trendy? PREF_LAST_SCREEN Audit The number of the settings screen Eudora was last viewing. PREF_EASY_DEL_QUEUED Audit When checked, Eudora will warn you before deleting queued but unsent messages. PREF_EASY_DEL_UNSENT Audit When checked, Eudora will warn you before deleting mail you are composing. PREF_SUBJECT_WARNING Audit When checked, Eudora will warn you if you try to queue a message with no subject field. PREF_EASY_QUIT Audit When checked, Eudora will warn you when you quit with messages queued to be sent. PREF_AUTO_FCC HasFeature (featureFcc) Audit When checked, Eudora will automatically place a copy of a reply in the same mailbox as the original message being replied to. PREF_NO_DRAG Audit When checked, Eudora supports the Drag manager.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_PPP_NOAUTO CanCheckPPPState() Audit When checked, Eudora won't check your mail automatically unless your Internet dialup software is already connected. PREF_MA Audit When checked, use Teaching Tele-Apprenticeships' Message Assistant. PREF_SITE The user's site #. PREF_SUPPORT The user's support code. PREF_GEN_IMPORTANCE Audit When checked, Eudora will generate the RFC 1327 Importance header, based on message priority. Importance will work with systems other than Eudora, but is less exact than X-Priority. PREF_SUP_PRIORITY Audit When checked, Eudora will generate its own X-Priority header, based on message priority. X-Priority is more exact than Importance, but only works with Eudora. PREF_UNCOMMA Audit When checked, Eudora will reformat names with embedded commas to remove the comma. PREF_NEWSGROUP_HANDLING Audit When set, Eudora will pay attention to and generate Newsgroups: headers. PREF_HEAD_RETURN Audit When checked, carriage returns take you to the next header field in composition windows. Unchecked, they will be inserted into headers. PREF_EZ_SAVE Audit When checked, Eudora will warn you before saving an incoming message when you set the message back to uneditable. PREF_SLOW_RESORT Audit When checked, Eudora will sort mailboxes only when mail is added to them or when they're opened. PREF_NO_TRASH_WARN Audit When checked, Eudora will warn you when you empty the trash mailbox.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_AUTO_CHECK Audit When checked, Eudora will check for mail at the specified interval. PREF_IGNORE_PPP Audit DonÕt attempt to interact with PPP at all. PREF_NO_TB_BALL Audit When checked, Eudora will show help balloons automatically for toolbar buttons.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_SMTP_DOES_AUTH Audit Your SMTP server offers a login protocol that Eudora understands. PREF_GV_BRAINDAMAGE Audit Check this if you have a PowerBook 5300 with a Global Village ethernet card. PREF_DIE_DOG Audit When checked, Eudora will invalidate your Kerberos ticket when you quit the program. PREF_NO_LOWER_HESIOD Audit When checked, Eudora will convert Hesiod results to lower-case, except for usernames.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_SEND_CSET Audit Name of charset to use when sending mail with special characters, if Eudora Tables plug-in is not being used. PREF_INTERPRET_ENRICHED Audit When you receive a message with styled text, these settings let you ignore part or all of the style information. PREF_DIE_DOG_USER Audit When checked, Eudora will destroy your Kerberos username when you quit the program. PREF_DONT_ALIGN_HEADERS Audit When checked, Eudora will nicely line up mail headers. PREF_TOSHIBA_FLUSH Audit When checked, Eudora will be extra paranoid about flushing to disk. Necessary for some models of Toshiba hard drives. PREF_NICK_VIEW_BY Internal use only PREF_NO_SCAMWATCH_TIPS Audit When checked, Scamwatch will not display tool tips for URLs. UNUSED_PREF_READ_PEST Audit Reserved PREF_TB_FKEYS Audit When checked, Eudora will treat the function keys as toolbar buttons. PREF_FURRIN_SORT Audit When checked, Eudora will use slower but internationally correct string comparisons. PREF_SHOW_FKEYS Audit When checked, Eudora will show function keys in toolbar. PREF_FIND_BACK Audit When checked, Eudora will look from the end to the beginning when finding. PREF_FIND_WORD Audit When checked, Eudora will only find strings if they are a full word. PREF_REGISTER Audit Used internally for registration state. Set to 4 to indicate the user has registered. PREF_DRAG_OPTIONS Audit These settings control how drag & drop works within Eudora.©©Add: 1 - immediate summary drag 2 - control for text drag PREF_INTERPRET_HTML Audit When you receive a message with styled text, these settings let you ignore part or all of the style information. PREF_SEND_STYLE HasFeature (featureExtendedStyles) Audit When you use styles, Eudora can send just a styled version, just a plaintext version, or both. PREF_DELDUP Audit When checked, Eudora will delete extra copies of the same message. PREF_NO_CHECK_MEM Audit When checked, Eudora will warn you when you attempt an operation that might take too much memory.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_INTERPRET_PARA Audit When you receive a message with styled text, these settings let you ignore part or all of the style information. PREF_AMO_AVOIDANCE Audit Determines how Eudora's mailboxes interact with the Recent Documents folder in the Apple Menu.©©0 for visible mailboxes, 1 for all mailboxes, 2 for no mailboxes. PREF_PH_LIVE Audit When checked, and you are typing a query in the Directory Services window, the lookup automatically begins shortly after you've stopped typing, so that you don't have to click the ÒLookupÓ button. Doesn't work for Finger lookups. PREF_NO_OFF_OFFER Audit When checked, Eudora will offer to go offline when you cancel a connection attempt.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_JUST_SAY_NO Audit When checked, Eudora will check mail for this personality on manual mail checks.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_REG_VERS Audit Major version of last registration. Times 100 if demo, 10,000 if pro. PREF_PRO_FILT_WARN Audit Display warning if a Paid Mode filter file is read in by Light. PREF_SIGFILE Audit Name of signature file to use on new mail. PREF_MB_FILT_WARN Audit Controls for what Eudora does with Filters that refer to mailboxes when the mailboxes are renamed. PREF_COMP_TOOLBAR Audit When checked, Eudora will display a formatting toolbar in composition windows. PREF_NICK_NOSORT Audit Sort addresses in address book entries that have multiple email addresses.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_IGNORE_MX¥UseMX¥ACAPBoolean gUseOT == true && GetOSVersion () < 0x1030 Audit When checked, Eudora will use MX records to pick the best host to exchange mail with. Works only with OSX < 10.3. PREF_NICK_COLLAPSED Internal use. PREF_NO_SELF_RECEIPT Audit When checked, Eudora will prompt you for receipts if you send a receipt-requested message to yourself. This is silly, but novices seem to expect it. While you're here, turn this silly thing off, please.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NICK_BACKUP Audit When checked, nicknames files will be automatically backed up to Spool Folder in your Eudora Folder. Use for debugging only. PREF_SPOOL_DESTROY Audit Folders in the spool folder will be removed after this many days. Set to 0 to keep items indefinitely. PREF_POP_SENDHOST Audit When checked, Eudora will send the hostname along with the POP3 USER command. PREF_EVIL_SENDMAIL¥AvoidSendMailDelays¥ACAPBoolean Audit When checked, Eudora will reformat addresses to avoid RCPT TO delays when talking to some sendmails. PREF_NO_SERVICES Audit When checked, Eudora will support the OSX ÒServicesÓ menu, so that other applications can randomly highjack command keys.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_PPP_FOREGROUND Audit When checked, Eudora will attempt PPP connections in the foreground, and not let you switch out. Annoying, but safer. PREF_DUMB_PASTE Audit When checked, Eudora will do Òsmart paste,Ó to manage whitespace around pasted text.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_200 Do Not Use PREF_SLOW_QUIT Audit When checked, Eudora will wait for the POP3 server to acknowledge the QUIT command; required for fussy servers. PREF_NO_APPEARANCE Appearance Manager is now required. PREF_NICK_EXP_TYPE_AHEAD HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, while typing in an address field, Eudora will automatically expand it to the first matching nickname. PREF_NICK_WATCH_IMMED HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, nickname auto-completion and nickname highlighting features will respond a little sooner (this may make typing a little less responsive on slower machines). PREF_NICK_WATCH_WAIT_KEYTHRESH HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, nickname auto-completion and nickname highlighting features will wait until the keyboard repeat delay has passed before responding to a keypress (may make it easier to type). Ignored when ÒDo processing immediatelyÓ is turned on. PREF_NICK_WATCH_WAIT_NO_KEYDOWN HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, nickname auto-completion and nickname highlighting features will wait until there are no more keystrokes to process before responding to a keypress (may make it easier to type).©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NICK_POPUP_ON_MULTMATCH HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, Eudora will bring up a popup if there are multiple matches when you do Finish Address Book Entry. PREF_NICK_POPUP_ON_DEFOCUS HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, Eudora will bring up the nickname popup menu when switching fields in the composition window. PREF_LIVE_SCROLL Audit When checked, Eudora will scroll your document dynamically as you move the scroll box. PREF_MF_SUBJECT_DEFAULT_FOLDER Name of the folder Make Filter will create new mailboxes in when matching on the Subject field. PREF_MF_FROM_DEFAULT_FOLDER Name of the folder Make Filter will create new mailboxes in when matching on the From field. PREF_MF_ANYR_DEFAULT_FOLDER Name of the folder Make Filter will create new mailboxes in when matching on Any Recipient. PREF_OPEN_IN_ERR_MESS Audit When checked, Eudora will open incoming messages with transfer errors. PREF_NICK_HILITING HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, nicknames in recipient fields will be displayed in bold. PREF_NICK_TYPE_AHEAD_HILITING HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, nicknames being created via auto-completion will be displayed in a special text style, even if Nickname Hilighting is off. PREF_NO_FUZZY_HELPERS Audit When checked, helper applications will be remembered by creator only, not as specific applications.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_ACAP¥UseAcapServer¥ACAPBoolean Audit Use ACAP for initial settings load. PREF_ACAP_SERVER¥ACAPServer Server to use for ACAP PREF_ACAP_USER¥AcapUserID Username to use for ACAP PREF_ACAP_PASS Password to use for ACAP PREF_STUPID_USER¥MailName Username to use for mail PREF_STUPID_HOST¥MailServer Host to use for receiving mail; must not contain any @ signs. If you NEED to specify a specific port (ask your mail server admin) append name with a colon & port number. For example, to use port 1110. PREF_THREADING_SEND_OFF Audit When checked, Eudora will check and send mail simultaneously in the background. PREF_FIXIFY Audit When checked, plain text messages will be show in fixed width font. PREF_TASK_PROGRESS_AUTO Audit When checked, Eudora will automatically open and close the Task Progress window. PREF_NEW_HTML_RENDER Audit When checked, Eudora will use the new HTML rendering engine. UNUSED_PREF_SEND_HTML UNUSED_228 Reserved. PREF_LDAP_NO_LABEL_TRANS Audit When checked, Eudora will not modify attribute names returned by the LDAP server.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_LAST_APP_VERSION Audit Last version of Eudora to use this settings file. PREF_HIGHEST_APP_VERSION Audit Highest version of Eudora to us this settings file. PREF_CUR_DIR_SVC_TYPE Internal use. PREF_NO_SUMMARY_ICONS Audit When checked, Eudora will draw pretty icons in message summaries instead of letters.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_2022 Audit When checked, Eudora will scan for $ and send the text as iso-jp-2022.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_UNUSED_235 Audit Reserved. PREF_NO_INLINE Audit When checked, Eudora will display pictures inside messages when possible.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_IMAP_DONT_AUTHENTICATE Audit Send your password in clear text format when logging into this IMAP server. This bypasses fancy IMAP authentication methods. PREF_LDAP_REQUIRE_BASE_OBJECT Audit When checked, LDAP searches will fail if a Base Object is not specified in the LDAP serverÕs URL. PREF_LDAP_OVERRIDE_DFL_STUB Audit When checked, the 68K LDAP library will be accessed directly. For internal use only - don't use this unless you're a programmer. PREF_NO_NICK_FAST_SAVE Audit When checked, Eudora uses an incremental nickname save strategy.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_IE Audit When checked, Eudora will use the enhanced HTML viewer, giving better displays but using more memory and time. PREF_ALLOW_8BITMIME Audit When checked, Eudora will send 8bit characters if the server offers the 8BITMIME ESMTP extension. PREF_PASTE_PLAIN Audit When checked, Eudora will paste text without styles unless the shift key is held down. PREF_IS_IMAP Audit Select POP if this personality will be connecting to a POP mail server, or IMAP if it will be connecting to an IMAP mail server. PREF_IMAP_FULL_MESSAGE Audit When checked, entire messages are fetched during a resync, including attachments up to the given size. PREF_NO_PREVIEW Audit When checked, show preview panes in mailboxes by default.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_PREVIEW_READ Audit These options control if and when messages displayed in preview panes are automatically marked as read.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_GRAB_TEXT Audit When checked, message text is downloaded if itÕs smaller than the skip big messages limit, even if the attachments are too big.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_WINTERTREE HasFeature(featureSpellChecking)&&HaveSpeller() Audit Controls whether or not the spell-checker runs all the time, or only when you ask it to run.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_WINTERTREE_OPTS HasFeature(featureSpellChecking)&&HaveSpeller() Audit These options control EudoraÕs internal spell-checker. PREF_USE_LIZZIE Audit Internal use only (not currently used). PREF_DONT_FETCH_GRAPHICS Audit When checked, Eudora will automatically download graphics in HTML messages when the message is viewed. PREF_NO_ATT_COMMENT Audit When checked, Eudora will write message info into the Get Info comments of attachments.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_IMAP_NOTHING_BUT_HEAD Audit When checked, Eudora grabs body information when doing minimal headers. This will slow down minimal header fetches. PREF_IMAP_FETCH_ATTACHMENTS_WITH_MESSAGE Audit When checked, Eudora fetches a message's attachments along with its body. PREF_IMAP_NO_FANCY_TRASH Audit When checked, Eudora will maintain a trash mailbox on the IMAP server. When unchecked, deleted messages will be marked as deleted, but not removed.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_SPEAK_NO_NICE_ADDRESSES HasFeature (featureSpeak) Audit When checked, Eudora will try to make sense of an address before speaking.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_CMD_DONT_FRONT Audit When checked, Eudora will make an application sent a url via cmd-click stay in the background. Not supported under OS X. PREF_SEARCH_PREVIEW Audit Size of preview pane for new Search windows. PREF_FLOWED_BITS Audit These settings control when Eudora will interpret or generate format=flowed.©© Set to 1 to turn off completely. PREF_SPOKEN_WARNINGS No longer used. See PREF_NO_SPOKEN_WARNINGS PREF_IMAP_EXTRA_LOGGING Audit When checked, Eudora will log certain IMAP transactions regardless of your logging settings. PREF_ATT_SUBFOLDER_TRASH Audit When checked, Eudora will move attachments not only in the attachments folder but also in subfolders into the Trash when a message is deleted. UNUSED_PREF_SMTP_AUTH Audit PREF_PRELOAD_NAV Audit When checked, Eudora will preload Navigation Services Ñ but will also require more memory to run. PREF_OPEN_WHERE Audit This determines where mailboxes opened by mail checks go.©© 0-above topmost non-comp window, 1-on top, 2-behind In, 3-behind current mailbox, 4-rearmost, 5-second. PREF_LIST_REPLYTO Audit When checked, Eudora treats reply-to with special semantics. When unchecked, Reply-To is just a replacement for From:. PREF_IMAP_NO_FILTER_INBOX Audit When checked, Eudora will apply filters to IMAP inboxes.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_IMAP_NOT_JUST_MINIMAL_HEADERS Audit When checked, only a limited set of message headers is downloaded when a mailbox is resynchronized. PREF_IMAP_FULL_MESSAGE_AND_ATTACHMENTS Audit When checked, the entire message and all attachments are fetched when a mailbox is resynchronized. PREF_NO_CUSTOM_MB_ICONS Audit When checked, custom mailbox icons will not be displayed in the Mailboxes window. PREF_IMAP_NO_CONNECTION_MANAGEMENT Audit When checked, Eudora is smarter about managing multiple connections to an IMAP server. PREF_BOMBS_AWAY Audit When checked, Eudora will let you use filters to redirect even list mail. If you turn this on and make a mail loop, donÕt say I didnÕt warn you. PREF_IMAP_TP_BRING_TO_FRONT Audit When checked, the Task Progress window will be brought to the front during every single little IMAP operation. PREF_KEYCHAIN KeychainAvailable() Whether or not Eudora uses the system keychain for password storage. PREF_IMAP_SKIP_TOP_LEVEL_INBOX Audit When checked, Eudora grabs the Inbox outside of your location prefix, as it jolly well should. UNUSED_PREF_USE_LIST_COLORS Audit When checked, Eudora list views will use a color scheme like the FinderÕs. Works only for mailbox windows right now. PREF_EXCHANGE_FIND_SEARCH Audit When checked, Eudora will exchange the menu key commands for Find and Search. PREF_NO_NOT_FOUND_ALERT Audit When checked, Eudora will not display an alert when find text not found PREF_IMAP_SAVE_ORPHANED_ATT Audit When checked, Eudora won't delete attachments belonging to IMAP messages that are transferred. PREF_TEXT_MOVIES Audit When checked, Eudora will allow QuickTime to display text file attachments as movies. PREF_ANIMATED_GIFS Audit When checked, Eudora will animate animated GIF images. May slightly slow opening messages containing GIF images. PREF_SCHEERDER Audit When replying to messages, nuke all styles and hard wrap. ICK!!!! DonÕt do this!!!! PREF_REG_NAME The registration name. PREF_REG_CODE The registration code. PREF_SPEAK_BODY_GYMNASTICS_BITS HasFeature (featureSpeak) Audit These settings control how Eudora will apply additional email specific rules to speak messages.©© Set to 1 to turn off completely. PREF_NO_SPOKEN_WARNINGS HasFeature (featureSpeak) Audit Turns off Eudora's Spoken Warning feature. Spoken Warnings tell you about certain undesirable situations by speaking warning messages instead of annoying you with an alert..©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_IMAP_NO_EXAMINE_ON_DELETE Audit When checked, Eudora won't double-check remote mailboxes for messages before deleting the mailbox. PREF_DIAL_MODE Audit Whether Eudora should dial through the speaker or the modem. PREF_IMAP_STUPID_PASSWORD Audit When checked, Eudora will forget the password after an attempted login, even though the login may have failed for other reasons. PREF_USE_NETWORK_SETUP Audit When checked, Eudora will use the Network Setup Library to read the connection settings, rather than read directly from the TCP/IP preferences file. This is more compatible, but slower. PREF_TB_FLOATING Audit Should the toolbar be floating? PREF_NICK_CACHE HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, Eudora will maintain a history of recently used addresses which are automatically detected as you type.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NICK_CACHE_NOT_VISIBLE HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, the History List file will be visible and editable in your address book.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NICK_CACHE_NOT_ADD_REPLY_TO HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, addresses you reply to will automatically be added to the History List file.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_PICT_CONVERSION Audit When checked, Eudora will convert PICT HTML images to a more universal format.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_LINK_HISTORY HasFeature (featureLink) Audit When checked, Eudora will maintain a history of recently clicked URLs.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! UNUSED_PREF_NO_URL_ACCESS Audit PREF_NO_FILT_LWSP Audit When checked, filtering will treat all blanks, tabs, and returns as single blanks when matching.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_300 Reserved PREF_IMAP_VERBOSE_RESYNC Audit When checked, Eudora will display sender and subject when resyncing a mailbox. This will slow you down if you're on a fast connection! PREF_SEND_ENRICHED_NEW Audit When checked, Eudora will use the older text/enriched format for styled text. Not recommended. PREF_SHOW_NUM_SELECTED Audit When checked, Eudora will show the number of messages that are selected in a mailbox. PREF_IMAP_DONT_USE_UID_RANGE Audit When checked, Eudora will operate on messages one at a time. This is safer, but slower. PREF_DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE_CHECK Audit When checked, Eudora will occasionally check to see if software updates are available.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_ADWIN_DRAG_BAR Audit When checked, the ad window will have a drag bar.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_IMAP_EXPUNGE_EXCLUSIVITY Audit When checked, close other idle connections to the IMAP mailbox before an EXPUNGE. This is slower, but more compatible with IMAP servers that require exclusive access. PREF_SASL_AUTHORIZE Authorization entity to use for SASL PLAIN mechanism. PREF_SMTP_AUTH_NOTOK Audit When checked, Eudora will do SMTP authorization with the SMTP server if the SMTP server offers it.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_IMAP_POLITE_LOGOUT Audit When checked, Eudora will sit and wait to hear back from the IMAP server when logging out. This is more polite. PREF_LINK_OFFLINE_WARN Audit When checked, Eudora will warn you when you try to follow a link when you're offline. PREF_HTTP_PROXY_HOST¥HTTPProxyHost The HTTP proxy host. PREF_USE_HTTP_PROXY¥UseHTTPProxy Audit When checked, Eudora will use the HTTP proxy host. PREF_SMTP_GAVE_530 Audit Your SMTP server indicated it couldn't send mail without a login from you. PREF_NICK_CACHE_NOT_ADD_TYPING HasFeature (featureNicknameWatching) Audit When checked, addresses you type in recipient fields will automatically be added to the History List file.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_ALWAYS_CHARSET Audit When checked, Eudora will always save character set information with the message and interpret it when the message is opened. IMAP_RESYNC_OPEN_MAILBOXES Audit When checked, Eudora will resynchronize all mailboxes that are open and belong to the account that is checking mail. PREF_NICK_GEN_OPTIONS Audit Options to control the generation of nicknames from fullnames.©© 1 - use Asian rules; 2 - last first, always PREF_NO_COURIC HasFeature(featureAnal) Audit Controls whether and how to use the Mood Watch feature to indicate potentially inflammatory mail. PREF_STAT_TIME_PERIOD Internal use. PREF_STAT_MORE Internal use. PREF_COUNT_ALL_IMAP Audit When checked, Eudora statistics will count IMAP messages received in all mailboxes, not just the InBox. PREF_SUPPRESS_NICKS_IN_VIEW_BY Audit When checked, Eudora will append the name of each nickname to the data displayed in the nickname list when ÒView ByÓ sorting is set to a non-nickname field. PREF_ALLOW_NICK_RENAME_IN_LIST Audit When checked, Eudora will allow you to rename nicknames by clicking and selecting their names in the Address Book nickname list. PREF_ANCHORED_SELECTION Audit When checked, Eudora will do ÒanchoredÓ selection, ala Microsoft, instead of extension selection, ala practically every non-MS, non-geek application out there. PREF_NICK_DROP_ON_GROUPS Audit When checked, Eudora allows you to drop nicknames onto nickname groups in the address book, adding the dropped nickname to the group. PREF_NICK_EXPAND_DRAGS Audit When checked, Eudora will auto expand Address Book files, thus revealing their contents while dragging. PREF_HTML_TABLES Audit When checked, Eudora will make my machine crash by testing out unfinished HTML table code. PREF_NO_MAILBOX_LEVEL_WARNING Audit When checked, Eudora will warn you if you try to create a mailbox or mail folder that will not display in the menus.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_ETL_IGNORE_DELETES Audit When checked, Eudora will ignore message delete requests from ETL translators. PREF_BOX_NO_LONGER_VIRGIN Internal use. Makes sense only for the despised box builds. PREF_LAST_NICK_TAB Audit Name of the last Address Book tab you were viewing so that the next time you open your Address Book, Eudora displays that tab. PREF_CACHE_ATLESS_NICKS Audit When checked, Eudora will included potentially ill-formed addresses without '@' signs to the History List. So type carefully! PREF_ALLOW_EMPTY_NICK_EXPANSIONS Audit When checked, Eudora will allow nicknames containing empty expansions to be matched when performing nickname expansion and completion (not recommended!). PREF_NOT_SMALLER Audit When checked, Eudora will honor requests to use a smaller font than your default.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_INLINE_SIG HasFeature (featureInlineSig)&&OkSigIntro() Audit When checked, display signature text inline in composition windows.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_NS_LIB_WARNING Audit When checked, Eudora will warn you when it can't find the Network Setup Extension.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_REDIRECT_MSG_DROPS_ON_TB_NICKS Audit When checked, Eudora will Redirect messages dropped onto toolbar nicknames, instead of the normal Forward. PREF_CHANGE_BITS_FOR_CONDUIT Audit When checked, Eudora will maintain special information in the Address Book so you can sync data with your PDA. PREF_INCLUDE_HIDDEN_NICK_FIELDS_IN_DRAGS Audit When checked, Eudora will include hidden nickname fields when performing TEXT flavored drags. PREF_REMOVE_NICKS_WITH_DELETE_KEY Audit When checked, Eudora will allow you to remove nicknames from the Address Book by pressing the Delete key. PREF_VCARD_QUIT_ON_ERROR HasFeature (featureVCard) Audit When checked, Eudora will quit parsing vCards at the first sign of trouble, otherwise Eudora tries to grab as much useful information as possible from a possibly ill-formed vCard. PREF_HOME_IS_NICER_THAN_WORK HasFeature (featureVCard) Audit When vCards lack specific information about ÒHomeÓ or ÒWorkÓ locales, Eudora will assume that ÒHomeÓ is a better place to be. PREF_NEXT_NICK_UNIQUE_ID Internal use. PREF_ALLOW_IMAP_NUKE Audit EXPERTS ONLY\nWhen checked, nuke will simply nuke, even in IMAP mailboxes. PREF_PERSONAL_NICKNAMES_NOT_VISIBLE HasFeature (featureVCard) Audit When checked, your Personal Business Cards (vCards) will be hidden in the address book. PREF_SSL_POP_SETTING CanDoSSL() Audit The current SSL setting for POP.©©0 means no SSL. Other stuff to follow. PREF_HIDE_VCARD_BUTTON HasFeature (featureVCard) Audit When checked, Eudora will hide the Business Card button in composition windows. PREF_SSL_SMTP_SETTING CanDoSSL() Audit The current SSL setting for SMTP.©©0 means no SSL. Other stuff to follow. PREF_SSL_IMAP_SETTING CanDoSSL() Audit The current SSL setting for IMAP.©©0 means no SSL. Other stuff to follow. PREF_VCARD HasFeature (featureVCard) Audit When checked, Eudora will allow you to work with electronic Business cards (vCard) in the Address Book. PREF_ALTERNATE_CHECK_MAIL_CMD Audit Check to shift-cmd-N for check mail just like Apple's Mail application. Use cmd-M to miminize window. PREF_DONT_DISPLAY_PDF Audit When checked, Eudora will display PDF files inline.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_ALTERNATE_ATTACH_CMD Audit Check to use shift-cmd-A for attach just like Apple's Mail application. Use cmd-H to hide application.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_URL_ACCESS Audit When checked, Eudora will use URL Access to download HTML graphics itself instead of downloading them itself PREF_K5_POP Audit When checked, Eudora will use Kerberos 5 and GSSAPI to do authentication for POP3, instead of Kerberos 4. PREF_NO_BULK_SEARCH Audit When checked, Eudora will do full text searches of mailboxes for fastest searching. This may not find non-English text or text broken by HTML tags.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_IGNORE_IMAP_ALERTS Audit When checked, Eudora will ignore ALERT messages sent from the IMAP server. PREF_USE_OWN_DOC_HELPERS HaveTheDiseaseCalledOSX() Audit When checked, Eudora will use its own document helper lists instead of the system ones (OS X only). PREF_USE_OWN_URL_HELPERS HaveTheDiseaseCalledOSX() Audit When checked, Eudora will use its own url helper lists instead of the system ones (OS X only). PREF_NO_COMP_BEAUTIFY Audit When checked, Eudora will look for a real name in the address book to use in the summaries of outgoing messages©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_JUNK_MAILBOX Audit Settings related to the use of the junk mailbox.©© To turn things off: 1 - whole thing 2 - trimming 4 - trim warning. 8 - refiltering 16 - unread mail indicator 32 - existing mailbox warning 64 - intro dialog 128 - immediate server delete PREF_FOREGROUND_IMAP_FILTERING Audit When checked, Eudora will filter IMAP messages in the foreground. This is awkward and clumsy, but it works. PREF_NO_OUTLOOK_FIX Audit Fix up various Outlook-isms in incoming mail, such as RE: and FW:©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_LAST_JUNK_TRIM Last time the Junk mailbox was trimmed, in seconds since the dawn of time (sorta). PREF_PROXY Proxies!=nil Audit Name of proxy service to use. PREF_DRAWER_WIDTH Audit Width of the mailbox drawer. PREF_DRAWER_EDGE Audit Which side to open mailbox drawer on.©© 0 default, 1 for left, 2 for right. PREF_NO_LIVE_RESIZE Audit When checked, Eudora will redisplay window as you resize.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_CONCON_BITS Audit Options for the content concentrator©© Set to 1 to allow indiscriminate multiple concentrations PREF_MULTI_REPLY Audit Generate multiple messages when replying to multiple messages. PREF_THREADING_OFF Audit When checked, Eudora will check and send mail in the background.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_USE_UIDPLUS Audit When checked, Eudora will attempt to preserve the local cache of IMAP messages when transferred.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_DROP_TRASH_CACHE Audit When checked, Eudora won't save the local cache when transferring messages to the trash. PREF_RELAY_PERSONALITY HasFeature(featureMultiplePersonalities)&&PersCount()>1 Audit Name of personality used for sending relayed mail. PREF_NO_RELAY_PARTICIPATE HasFeature(featureMultiplePersonalities)&&PersCount()>1 Audit Eudora will use the configured relay personality (if any) when sending mail.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_K5_STRICT_HOSTNAMES Audit Implement strict Kerberos hostname semantics; do not use the DNS to resolve aliases. PREF_MAKE_EUDORA_DEFAULT_MAILER Audit Check at startup if Eudora is the default mailer, and make it so if it is not. PREF_HAVE_WE_ASKED_ABOUT_DEFAULT_MAILER Audit We should only ask once at startup if we should make Eudora the default mailer. PREF_SEARCH_WEB_BITS Audit Bits regarding the web search feature. PREF_PRINT_BLACK Audit Ignore default text colors when printing. PREF_SYNC_OSXAB (GetOSVersion () >= 0x1020) Audit When checked, Eudora will maintain a nickname file containing contacts from the OS X Addressbook. PREF_NO_TB_SEARCH Audit Keep a search widget on the toolbar.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_POP_BEFORE_SMTP Audit Reserved PREF_BELIEVE_STATUS Audit Respect Status: RO headers on incoming mail PREF_POP_LAST_AUTH Audit Reserved PREF_TEXT_FONT Audit Font name to use for text, as opposed to listings. PREF_TEXT_SIZE Audit Font size to use for text, as opposed to listings. PREF_IMAP_EXECUTE_QUEUED_COMMANDS_ON_QUIT Audit When checked, Eudora will connect to your IMAP server and execute any queued commands that are pending. PREF_IMAP_VISIBLE_SUM_FILTER Audit When checked, summaries will be displayed in the IMAP Inbox as they're filtered. PREF_BITE_ME_EMO Audit Settings that control emoticon display.©© 0 - default 1 - don't display as images 2 - send images embedded in email 3 - both 1 and 2. PREF_IMAP_AUTOEXPUNGE Audit When you delete IMAP messages, they are hidden from view (by default). These settings control when the messages should be removed from the server.©© Set to zero to reset launch warning. Otherwise, do not adjust these manually; use the UI. PREF_TOC_REBUILD_ALERTS Audit Turn this on if you want to be asked about rebuilding tables of contents. You'd better be an expert before turning this on. PREF_QD_TEXT_ROUTINES Audit Turn this on if you want Quartz font rendering, instead of QuickDraw©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_LIVE_SEARCHES Audit Turn this on and open Search windows will search new messages added to any of the mailboxes theyÕre searching.©© Setting reversed; use ÒnÓ for ON, ÒyÓ for OFF! PREF_NO_STEENKEEN_BATCHES Audit Controls the behavior of the unread message count badge on EudoraÕs dock icon.©©Add: 1 to turn off, 2 to ignore dates, 4 to do In and IMAP Inboxes rather than all open mailboxes. PREF_SAVE_IMAP_CACHE_SERVER Audit Experts Only! When checked, Eudora will save the local mailbox cache after changing the IMAP server in the settings. PREF_SUBMISSION_PORT Audit Use the new 'submission' network port, 587, for sending mail. PREF_SHOW_CHANGE_PASSWORD Audit When set, show the ÒChange Password ...Ó menu item. -POP_SCAN_INTERVAL 1,7 Audit -UNREAD_LIMIT 1,30 Audit -OPEN_TIMEOUT 10,255 Audit -RECV_TIMEOUT 10,255 Audit -SHORT_TIMEOUT 1,30 Audit -AE_TIMEOUT_TICKS 60,32000 Audit -BIG_MESSAGE 1,9999999 Audit -MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE 0,1000000 Audit -TOOLBAR_EXTRA_PIXELS -3,20 Audit -TOOLBAR_SEP_PIXELS -3,20 Audit -VICOM_FACTOR 1,100 Audit -CONCON_PREVIEW_PROFILE HasFeature(featureConCon) -CONCON_MULTI_PREVIEW_PROFILE HasFeature(featureConCon) -CONCON_MESSAGE_PROFILE 0 -JUNK_MAILBOX_THRESHHOLD 1,100 Audit -JUNK_MAILBOX_EMPTY_DAYS 0,365 Audit -JUNK_MAILBOX_EMPTY_THRESH 0,100 Audit -JUNK_XFER_SCORE 0,100 Audit -JUNK_JUNK_SCORE 1,100 Audit -JUNK_MIN_REASONABLE 0,100 Audit -FLUSH_TIMEOUT 0,30 Audit -JUNK_TRIM_SOON 1,30 Audit -JUNK_TRIM_INTERVAL 1,30 Audit -GRAPHICS_CACHE_MAX 1000,100000 Audit -CONCON_MULTI_MAX 1,500 Audit -ENCODED_FLOWED_WRAP_SPOT 20,70 Audit -PREVIEW_SINGLE_DELAY 0,120 Audit -PREVIEW_MULTI_DELAY 0,300 Audit -WIN_GEN_WARNING_THRESH 2,100 Audit -MULT_RESPOND_WARNING_THRESH 2,100 Audit -IMAP_DEFAULT_JUNK_SCORE 0,100 Audit -IMAP_FLAGGED_LABEL 0,15 Audit -SEARCH_DF_AGE 0,100000 -SEARCH_DF_AGE_REL 1,4 Audit -SEARCH_DF_AGE_SPFY 1,6 Audit -SEARCH_DF_ATT 0,200 Audit -SEARCH_DF_ATT_REL 1,4 Audit