Probably inadvertent, but Eudora has determined that something is covering all or a significant portion of an ad. The software is designed to notify you when this happens (EudoraÕs just doing its job). If you uncover the ad, this window wonÕt keep popping up. YouÕd like that, right? WeÕre always working on good stuff back at the home office, and itÕs the ads in Eudora that pay the bills while we continue to develop the software. WeÕve worked hard to make sure the advertising isnÕt annoying and we genuinely hope that you are not deliberately trying to cover the ads because theyÕre bothering you. Of course, you can pay us for Eudora by choosing ÒPayment & RegistrationÓ from the ÒHelpÓ menu and clicking on ÒPaid Mode (costs money, no ads).Ó Or you can remove whatever is obscuring the ad and weÕll shut up.