/* Copyright (c) 2017, Computer History Museum All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Computer History Museum nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "mywindow.h" #define FILE_NUM 28 /* Copyright (c) 1990-1992 by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees */ #pragma segment MyWindow #define W_INSET 1 #define W_MIN 72 void EraseAndSeparate(MyWindowPtr win); void SizeTopMargin(MyWindowPtr win); MyWindowPtr FindAdWin(void); pascal void DrawWindowHeader(ControlHandle control, SInt16 part); pascal void LabelDraw(ControlHandle cntl, SInt16 part); static OSStatus WindowEvents(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void *userData); /********************************************************************** * GetNewMyWindow - create a new window from a template **********************************************************************/ MyWindowPtr GetNewMyWindow(short resId,void *wStorage,MyWindowPtr win,WindowPtr behind,Boolean hBar, Boolean vBar, short windowKind) { return GetNewMyWindowWithClass(resId,wStorage,win,behind,hBar, vBar, windowKind, 0); } /********************************************************************** * GetNewMyWindowLo - create a new MyWindow **********************************************************************/ // (jp) We've grown a new parameter, win, to support memory preflighting for // a world of opaque data structures. We formerly passed in a pointer to an // extended WindowRecord in 'wStorage'... which we won't be able to do under // Carbon. In fact, under Carbon we can't preflight memory at all -- so this // will have to eventually change again. For the time being, we're passing in // pre-allocated storage for both the WindowRecord and our own window structure. MyWindowPtr GetNewMyWindowWithClass(short resId,void *wStorage,MyWindowPtr win,WindowPtr behind,Boolean hBar, Boolean vBar, short windowKind, WindowClass winClass) { MyWindowPtr wazooWin; WindowPtr theWindow; Rect oldContR; Boolean fIsWazoo; ControlHandle junk; DECLARE_UPP(ScrollAction,ControlAction); DECLARE_UPP(WindowEvents,EventHandler); EventTypeSpec winEventList[] = { {kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowResizeStarted }, {kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowBoundsChanged }, {kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowResizeCompleted } }; wazooWin = GetNewWazoo(windowKind,&fIsWazoo); INIT_UPP(ScrollAction,ControlAction); INIT_UPP(WindowEvents,EventHandler); if (!wazooWin) { if (HandyMyWindow) { win = HandyMyWindow; HandyMyWindow = nil; } else if ((win=New(MyWindow))==nil) return (nil); WriteZero(win, sizeof(MyWindow)); if (winClass) { Rect rBounds; Str32 wTitle; Handle hWIND; OSErr err; if (hWIND = GetResource_('WIND', resId)) { rBounds = *(Rect*)*hWIND; PStrCopy(wTitle,*hWIND+18,sizeof(wTitle)); } else { SetRect(&rBounds,10,10,50,50); // We will resize later *wTitle = 0; } if (winClass == kToolbarWindowClass) { // For the toolbar, use a dialog def proc so we get a border around the window WindowDefSpec def; def.defType = kWindowDefProcID; def.u.procID = kWindowPlainDialogProc; err = CreateCustomWindow(&def,winClass,kWindowNoAttributes,&rBounds,&theWindow); } else err = CreateNewWindow(winClass,winClass==kDrawerWindowClass?kWindowCompositingAttribute+kWindowResizableAttribute:kWindowNoAttributes,&rBounds,&theWindow); if (err) { ZapPtr (win); return(nil); } SetWTitle(theWindow,wTitle); } else theWindow = (ThereIsColor?GetNewCWindow(resId, wStorage, behind):GetNewWindow(resId, wStorage, behind)); if (theWindow==nil) { ZapPtr (win); return(nil); } SetWindowMyWindowPtr (theWindow, win); win->theWindow = theWindow; SetPort_(GetWindowPort(theWindow)); win->isDialog = False; win->windowType = kStandard; UsingWindow(theWindow); win->windex = ++Windex; CreateRootControl(theWindow,&junk); SetWindowKind (theWindow, windowKind); // Needed for PromoteToWazoo if (fIsWazoo) PromoteToWazoo(win); } else { win = wazooWin; theWindow = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (wazooWin); } SetPort_(GetWindowPort(theWindow)); SetWindowKind (theWindow, windowKind); if (ThereIsColor) { GetRColor(&win->textColor,TEXT_COLOR); GetRColor(&win->backColor,BACK_COLOR); RGBBackColor(&win->backColor); } /* * add scroll bar(s) */ if (hBar) { if (!(win->hBar = GetNewControl_(PrefIsSet(PREF_LIVE_SCROLL) ? LIVE_SCROLL_CNTL : SCROLL_CNTL, theWindow))) WarnUser(NO_CONTROL,ResError()); else { SetControlAction(win->hBar,ScrollActionUPP); SetControlMinimum(win->hBar,0); SetControlValue(win->hBar,0); SetControlMaximum(win->hBar,0); } } if (vBar) { if (!(win->vBar = GetNewControl_(PrefIsSet(PREF_LIVE_SCROLL) ? LIVE_SCROLL_CNTL : SCROLL_CNTL, theWindow))) WarnUser(NO_CONTROL,ResError()); else { SetControlAction(win->vBar,ScrollActionUPP); SetControlMinimum(win->vBar,0); SetControlValue(win->vBar,0); SetControlMaximum(win->vBar,0); } } win->hPitch = FontWidth; win->vPitch = FontLead; win->minSize.h = win->minSize.v = W_MIN; TextFont(FontID); TextSize(FontSize); SetWindowKind (theWindow, windowKind); win->titleBarHi = win->uselessHi = win->leftRimWi = win->uselessWi = -1; /* * do size-related computations */ WriteZero(&oldContR,sizeof(Rect)); MyWindowDidResize(win,&oldContR); /* * hooray! */ win->isActive = FALSE; /* let the activation event handle this */ // Add support for live resizing if (!PrefIsSet(PREF_NO_LIVE_RESIZE)) { InstallWindowEventHandler(theWindow, WindowEventsUPP, GetEventTypeCount(winEventList), winEventList, win, NULL); ChangeWindowAttributes(theWindow, kWindowLiveResizeAttribute, kWindowNoAttributes); } return(win); } /************************************************************************ * LabelDraw - draw the label color ************************************************************************/ pascal void LabelDraw(ControlHandle cntl, SInt16 part) { #pragma unused(part) Str255 s; RGBColor c; MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr(GetControlOwner(cntl)); Rect r; if (win->label) { MyGetLabel(win->label,&c,s); if (!BlackWhite(&c)) { SAVE_STUFF; if (!IsControlActive(cntl)) LightenColor(&c,50); RGBForeColor(&c); GetControlBounds(cntl,&r); PaintRect(&r); REST_STUFF; } } } /************************************************************************ * SetTopMargin - set the top margin of a window ************************************************************************/ void SetTopMargin(MyWindowPtr win,short h) { WindowPtr winWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (win); Rect r; DECLARE_UPP(DrawWindowHeader,ControlUserPaneDraw); DECLARE_UPP(LabelDraw,ControlUserPaneDraw); if (h!=win->topMargin) { InvalTopMargin(win); win->topMargin = h; win->contR.top = h; if (h) { if (!win->topMarginCntl) { Zero(r); win->topMarginCntl = GetNewControlSmall(gGoodAppearance ? TOPMARGIN_CNTL:BAD_TOPMARGIN_CNTL,winWP); if (win->topMarginCntl) { if (!gGoodAppearance) { // We're using a user pane to draw the window header because of some problems with window headers // with Appearance 1.0. INIT_UPP(DrawWindowHeader,ControlUserPaneDraw); SetControlData(win->topMarginCntl,0,kControlUserPaneDrawProcTag,sizeof(DrawWindowHeaderUPP),(Ptr)&DrawWindowHeaderUPP); } win->labelCntl = NewControlSmall(winWP,&r,"\p",True,0,0,0,kControlUserPaneProc,0); if (win->labelCntl) { INIT_UPP(LabelDraw,ControlUserPaneDraw); SetControlData(win->labelCntl,0,kControlUserPaneDrawProcTag,sizeof(LabelDrawUPP),(void*)&LabelDrawUPP); EmbedControl(win->labelCntl,win->topMarginCntl); } } } SizeTopMargin(win); } else if (win->topMarginCntl) { DisposeControl(win->topMarginCntl); win->topMarginCntl = nil; win->labelCntl = nil; } InvalTopMargin(win); } } /************************************************************************ * SetBotMargin - set the bottom margin of a window ************************************************************************/ void SetBotMargin(MyWindowPtr win,short h) { if (h!=win->topMargin) { WindowPtr winWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (win); Rect rPort; GetWindowPortBounds(winWP,&rPort); InvalBotMargin(win); win->botMargin = h; win->contR.bottom = rPort.bottom-h; InvalBotMargin(win); } } /************************************************************************ * SizeTopMargin - size the topmargin control ************************************************************************/ void SizeTopMargin(MyWindowPtr win) { Rect r; if (win->topMargin && win->topMarginCntl) { WindowPtr winWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (win); Rect rPort; PushGWorld(); SetPort_(GetWindowPort(winWP)); GetWindowPortBounds(winWP,&rPort); MoveMyCntl(win->topMarginCntl,-1,-1,RectWi(rPort)+2,win->topMargin+1); if (win->labelCntl) { GetControlBounds(win->topMarginCntl,&r); InsetRect(&r,MAX_APPEAR_RIM,MAX_APPEAR_RIM); r.bottom = r.top + 4; MySetCntlRect(win->labelCntl,&r); } PopGWorld(); } } /********************************************************************** * UpdateMyWindow - handle an update event for a window **********************************************************************/ void UpdateMyWindow(WindowPtr winWP) { MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP); int maxH, maxV; Rect updRect; PETEHandle pte; #if __profile__ static Boolean profileUpdates; #endif // Defensive programming for the masses and a little debugging for ourselves ASSERT(winWP && win); if (!winWP || !win) return; //Dprintf("\pStart %x;g",win); if (win->noUpdates) return; if (win->updating) // Recursive update. Ignore for now. return; if (!IsWindowVisible(winWP)) { // If window is invisible, can ignore updates Rect r; SetRect(&r,-REAL_BIG,-REAL_BIG,REAL_BIG,REAL_BIG); ValidWindowRect(winWP,&r); return; } GetUpdateRgnBounds(winWP,&updRect); InfiniteClip(GetWindowPort(winWP)); /* * set the port */ PushGWorld(); SetPort_(GetWindowPort(winWP)); win->updating = true; /* * let the window manager move regions for us */ BeginUpdate(winWP); if (IsMyWindow(winWP) && win && !(IsWindowVisible(winWP) && (updRect.bottom<=updRect.top || updRect.left>=updRect.right))) { #if __profile__ if (profileUpdates) ProfilerClear(); #endif /* * make life normal */ //WinGreyBG(win); #if TARGET_CPU_PPC if ((long)NormalizeThemeDrawingState != kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress) { short oldFont = GetPortTextFont(GetQDGlobalsThePort()); short oldSize = GetPortTextSize(GetQDGlobalsThePort()); if (!win->isDialog) NormalizeThemeDrawingState(); TextFont(oldFont); TextSize(oldSize); } else #endif PenNormal(); EraseAndSeparate(win); // See if we need to do any wazoo preliminaries WazooPreUpdate(win); /* * redraw the contents */ maxH = win->hMax; maxV = win->vMax; if (win->update) (*win->update)(win); /* * draw the controls, etc. */ if (!win->isDialog) { if (!win->dontDrawControls) UpdateControls(winWP,MyGetPortVisibleRegion(GetWindowPort(winWP))); } else { if (!win->update) DrawDialog(GetDialogFromWindow(winWP)); } RGBBackColor(&win->backColor); for (pte=win->pteList;pte;pte=PeteNext(pte)) PeteUpdate(pte); DrawSponsorAd(win); #if __profile__ { Str255 sTitle,sFile; static short count; MyGetWTitle(winWP,sTitle); if (*sTitle > 15) *sTitle = 15; ComposeString(sFile,"\pEudora Update %p",sTitle); if (profileUpdates) ProfilerDump(sFile); // Dprintf("\pUpdate %d %d %d %d %p %d",updRect.top,updRect.left,updRect.bottom,updRect.right,sTitle,count++); } #endif } /* * put stuff back */ EndUpdate(winWP); /* * the update routine may have necessitated a change in the scroll bars */ if (IsMyWindow(winWP) && win && win->isActive) { if (win->hBar && maxH!=win->hMax) Draw1Control(win->hBar); if (win->vBar && maxV!=win->vMax) Draw1Control(win->vBar); } /* * reset the port */ PopGWorld(); //Dprintf("\pEnd %x;g",win); win->updating = false; } /************************************************************************ * EraseAndSeparate - Erase window, and write separators ************************************************************************/ void EraseAndSeparate(MyWindowPtr win) { WindowPtr winWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (win); Rect r; ThemeBrush brush = (win->isActive && !InBG) ? kThemeActiveModelessDialogBackgroundBrush:kThemeInactiveModelessDialogBackgroundBrush; static short kWazooMargin = 28; GetWindowPortBounds(winWP,&r); // r.top += win->topMargin; // if (!win->isDialog) { // set appropriate background if (win->backBrush) SetThemeWindowBackground(winWP,brush,False); else RGBBackColor(&win->backColor); } /* * erase bottom */ if (!IsWazoo(winWP)) EraseRectExceptPete(win,&r); // tab control will handle "erase" otherwise /* * erase non-grey rect */ if (win->backBrush) { RGBBackColor(&win->backColor); EraseRect(&win->dontGreyOnMe); SetThemeWindowBackground(winWP,brush,False); } } /********************************************************************** * EffectiveBGColor - find the actual bg color for a possibly 3D-affected thing **********************************************************************/ RGBColor *EffectiveBGColor(RGBColor *color,short label,Rect *r,short depth) { Boolean blackWhite; if (label) GetLabelColor(label,color); blackWhite = BlackWhite(color); if (!label || blackWhite) GetBackColor(color); if ((!label||blackWhite) && D3) { if (r) depth = RectDepth(r); if (depth==4) SetRGBGrey(color,k4Grey1); else SetRGBGrey(color,k8Grey1); } return(color); } /********************************************************************** * move a window **********************************************************************/ void DragMyWindow(WindowPtr winWP,Point thePt) { MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP); Rect bounds; Rect oldPos; Boolean oldZoomed; /* * calculate a bounding rectangle */ GetQDGlobalsScreenBitsBounds(&bounds); bounds.top += GetMBarHeight(); InsetRect(&bounds,W_INSET,W_INSET); utl_SaveWindowPos(winWP,&oldPos,&oldZoomed); /* * do it */ #ifdef FLOAT_WIN MyDragWindow(winWP,thePt,&bounds); #else DragWindow(winWP,thePt,&bounds); if (!(MainEvent.modifiers&cmdKey)) SelectWindow_(winWP); #endif //FLOAT_WIN if (HaveTheDiseaseCalledOSX() && WinRectUnderFloaters(winWP,nil,kWindowDragRgn)) { MoveWindow(winWP,oldPos.left,oldPos.top,false); return; } /* * toolbar */ if (IsFloating(winWP) && win && win->windowType == kDockable) ToolbarNudgeAll(true); if (win) win->saveSize = True; SFWTC = True; } /************************************************************************ * FrontWindowNeedsUpdate - does the frontmost window need updating? ************************************************************************/ WindowPtr FrontWindowNeedsUpdate(WindowPtr ignoreThisWin) { WindowPtr theWindow; for (theWindow=FrontWindow();theWindow;theWindow=GetNextWindow(theWindow)) { if (IsKnownWindowMyWindow(theWindow) && IsWindowVisible(theWindow) && theWindow!=ignoreThisWin) { if (HasUpdateRgn(theWindow)) return(theWindow); else return(nil); } } return(nil); } /********************************************************************** * grow a window **********************************************************************/ void GrowMyWindow(MyWindowPtr win,EventRecord *event) { WindowPtr winWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr(win); GrafPtr oldPort; Rect bounds; Rect oldContR, newContR; /* * save port */ GetPort(&oldPort); SetPort_(GetMyWindowCGrafPtr(win)); /* * calculate a bounding rectangle */ if (event->modifiers & cmdKey) { // No minimum size bounds.top=bounds.left=0; } else { bounds.top=win->minSize.v; bounds.left=win->minSize.h; } bounds.bottom=win->maxSize.v ? win->maxSize.v : REAL_BIG; bounds.right=win->maxSize.h ? win->maxSize.h : REAL_BIG; /* * grow it */ if (ResizeWindow(winWP, event->where, &bounds, &newContR)) { Rect r; /* * invalidate grow region */ GetWindowPortBounds(winWP,&r); r.left = r.right - GROW_SIZE; r.top = r.bottom - GROW_SIZE; InvalWindowRect(winWP,&r); // Allow window to adjust to grid if (win->grow) { Point newSize,adjustSize; newSize.h = RectWi(newContR); newSize.v = RectHi(newContR); adjustSize = newSize; (*win->grow)(win,&adjustSize); if (!EqualPt(newSize,adjustSize)) SizeWindow(winWP,adjustSize.h,adjustSize.v,true); } /* * diddle it */ oldContR = win->contR; MyWindowDidResize(win,&oldContR); /* * update it */ UpdateMyWindow(winWP); win->saveSize = True; } /* * restore port */ SetPort_(oldPort); SFWTC = True; } /********************************************************************** * zoom a window **********************************************************************/ void ZoomMyWindow(WindowPtr winWP,Point thePt,int partCode) { MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP); GrafPtr oldPort; GDHandle gd; Rect oldStd; Rect oldUsr; Rect curState; Rect newStd; Rect dummy1, dummy2; Boolean hasMB; Boolean wasZoomed; GetWindowStandardState(winWP,&oldStd); GetWindowUserState(winWP,&oldUsr); Zero(curState); curState = CurState(winWP); wasZoomed = AboutSameRect(&curState,&oldStd); /* * save port */ GetPort(&oldPort); SetPort_(GetWindowPort(winWP)); /* * watch that mouse... */ if (thePt.h == -1 || TrackBox(winWP,thePt,partCode)) { Rect r,rState; /* * invalidate grow region */ GetWindowPortBounds(winWP,&r); r.left = r.right - GROW_SIZE; r.top = r.bottom - GROW_SIZE; InvalWindowRect(winWP,&r); /* * erase the window (grumble) */ EraseRect(&r); /* * figure new zoom rect */ FigureZoom(winWP); GetWindowStandardState(winWP,&newStd); /* * figure out what WE think the part code should be */ partCode = (wasZoomed && AboutSameRect(&newStd,&oldStd)) ? inZoomIn : inZoomOut; /* * zoom it * */ ZoomWindow(winWP,partCode,FALSE); /* * if the window was in the "zoomed" state before, preserve the old * user state; ZoomWindow will have set it to the previous state, which * may have been the old standard state, which is not a very useful thing to do. */ if (partCode==inZoomOut) { utl_GetWindGD(winWP,&gd,&dummy1,&dummy2,&hasMB); if( WinLocValid( &oldUsr, hasMB ) ) SetWindowUserState(winWP,&oldUsr); else { GetWindowStandardState(winWP,&rState); SetWindowUserState(winWP,&rState); } } /* * note size change */ if (IsMyWindow(winWP) && win) MyWindowDidResize(win,nil); /* * update it all (grumble, grumble) */ InvalWindowPort(winWP); /* * update it */ UpdateMyWindow(winWP); } /* * restore */ SetPort_(oldPort); SFWTC = True; } /********************************************************************** * ReZoomMyWindow - rezoom a window **********************************************************************/ void ReZoomMyWindow(WindowPtr theWindow) { Rect oldStd; Rect oldUsr; Rect curState = CurState(theWindow); Rect newStd; Point pt; GetWindowStandardState(theWindow,&oldStd); GetWindowUserState(theWindow,&oldUsr); if (AboutSameRect(&curState,&oldStd)) { FigureZoom(theWindow); GetWindowStandardState(theWindow,&newStd); if (!AboutSameRect(&newStd,&oldStd)) { SetWindowStandardState(theWindow,&oldStd); pt.h = -1; ZoomMyWindow(theWindow,pt,0); } } } /********************************************************************** * OffsetWindow - bump a window to its proper place **********************************************************************/ void OffsetWindow(WindowPtr winWP) { MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP); short offset; Point corner; Rect oldContR,r; SetPort_(GetWindowPort(winWP)); offset = TitleBarHeight(winWP); if (IsMyWindow(winWP)) { if (IsWazoo(winWP)) { PositionWazoo(win); return; } if (win->position) { oldContR = win->contR; if ((*win->position)(False,win)) { MyWindowDidResize(win,nil); return; } } if (PrefIsSet(PREF_ZOOM_OPEN) && !win->isRunt) { Point pt; pt.h = pt.v = -1; ZoomMyWindow(winWP,pt,0); return; } } GetWindowPortBounds(winWP,&r); if (win && win->centerAsDefault) { utl_CenterDlogRect (&r, true); MoveWindow (winWP, r.left, r.top, False); } else if (win && win->windowType==kStandard) { MyStaggerWindow(winWP,&r,&corner); MoveWindow(winWP,corner.h,corner.v,False); } else { utl_StaggerWindow(winWP,&r,0,offset,TitleBarHeight(winWP),LeftRimWidth(winWP),&corner,GetPrefLong(PREF_NW_DEV)); MoveWindow(winWP,corner.h,corner.v,False); } if (IsMyWindow(winWP)) MyWindowDidResize(win,nil); SFWTC = True; } /********************************************************************** * MyGetMainDevice - get the main device, bearing Eudora's prefs in mind **********************************************************************/ GDHandle MyGetMainDevice(void) { GDHandle gd = nil; short specificDevice = GetPrefLong(PREF_NW_DEV); // If ad window, constrain to main screen if (specificDevice) utl_GetIndGD(specificDevice,&gd,nil,nil); else gd = GetMainDevice(); return gd; } /********************************************************************** * UpdateAllWindows - update all windows **********************************************************************/ void UpdateAllWindows(void) { WindowPtr theWindow; for (theWindow=FrontWindow();theWindow;theWindow=GetNextWindow(theWindow)) { if (IsKnownWindowMyWindow(theWindow)) UpdateMyWindow(theWindow); else PlugwindowUpdate(theWindow); } } /********************************************************************** * MyWindowDidResize - handle a window whose size has changed **********************************************************************/ void MyWindowDidResize(MyWindowPtr win,Rect *oldContR) { WindowPtr winWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (win); Rect r; Rect oldCont; Boolean topMarginCtlVisible = false; Rect controlR; PushGWorld(); SetPort_(GetWindowPort(winWP)); if (!oldContR) SetRect(&oldCont,0,0,0,0); else oldCont = *oldContR; SetupWinSponsorInfo(win); /* * make a couple of copies of the portRect */ GetWindowPortBounds(winWP,&r); r.top += win->topMargin; r.bottom -= win->botMargin; win->contR = r; /* * header */ // To avoid unnecessary drawing, hide the top margin control for a bit if (!IsWazoo(winWP) && win->topMarginCntl && IsWindowVisible(winWP)) { topMarginCtlVisible = IsControlVisible(win->topMarginCntl); SetControlVisibility(win->topMarginCntl, false, false); } SizeTopMargin(win); InvalBotMargin(win); /* * handle scroll bars */ if (win->hBar) { SetRect(&controlR,r.left-1,r.bottom-GROW_SIZE,r.right,r.bottom+1); controlR.right -= GROW_SIZE-1; MySetCntlRect(win->hBar,&controlR); win->contR.bottom -= GROW_SIZE; } if (win->vBar) { MoveMyCntl(win->vBar,r.right-GROW_SIZE,r.top-1,GROW_SIZE+1,r.bottom-r.top-GROW_SIZE+2); win->contR.right -= GROW_SIZE; } /* * grow region */ r.left = r.right - GROW_SIZE; r.top = r.bottom - GROW_SIZE; InvalWindowRect(winWP,&r); /* * window-specific adjustments */ if (win->didResize) (*win->didResize)(win,&oldCont); if (IsWazoo(winWP)) DidResizeWazoo(win,&oldCont); /* * now the scroll bars */ MyWindowMaxes(win,win->hMax,win->vMax); if (!IsWazoo(winWP) && topMarginCtlVisible) { RgnHandle tempRgn = NewRgn(); if (tempRgn) { GetWindowUpdateRgn(winWP,tempRgn); // Making the top margin control visible messes up the update rgn SetControlVisibility(win->topMarginCntl, true, true); if (win->labelCntl) SetControlVisibility(win->labelCntl, true, true); LocalizeRgn(tempRgn); InvalWindowRgn(winWP,tempRgn); DisposeRgn(tempRgn); } } PopGWorld(); } /********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ void MySetCntlRect(ControlHandle cntl,Rect *r) { MoveMyCntl(cntl,r->left,r->top,RectWi(*r),RectHi(*r)); } /********************************************************************** * MoveMyCntl - move a control attached to a window **********************************************************************/ void MoveMyCntl(ControlHandle cntl,int h,int v,int w,int t) { Rect r; Boolean hideAndShow; Rect oldR; // If control is visible but window isn't, hide it while we move it. // Things go a lot faster that way. hideAndShow = IsControlVisible(cntl) && !IsWindowVisible(GetControlOwner(cntl)); if (hideAndShow) SetControlVisibility(cntl,false,false); GetControlBounds(cntl,&oldR); if (w && w!=RectWi(oldR) || t && t!=RectHi(oldR)) { GetControlBounds(cntl,&r); if (!w) w = r.right-r.left; if (!t) t = r.bottom-r.top; SizeControl(cntl,w,t); } if (oldR.left != h || oldR.top!=v) MoveControl(cntl,h,v); if (hideAndShow) SetControlVisibility(cntl,true,false); } /************************************************************************ * GetCtlNameWidth - get width of control title ************************************************************************/ short GetCtlNameWidth(ControlHandle hCtrl) { Str255 s; // Used to be Str32, but crashed for long control titles GetControlTitle(hCtrl,s); return StringWidth(s)+2; } /************************************************************************ * SetupButton - set up a button ************************************************************************/ ControlHandle NewIconButton(short cntlId,WindowPtr theWindow) { ControlHandle hCtl; ControlButtonTextPlacement placement = kControlBevelButtonPlaceToRightOfGraphic; ControlButtonTextAlignment alignment = kControlBevelButtonAlignTextFlushLeft; ControlButtonGraphicAlignment gAlignment = kControlBevelButtonAlignLeft; if (hCtl = GetNewControlSmall_(cntlId,theWindow)) { LetsGetSmall(hCtl); SetControlData(hCtl,0,kControlBevelButtonTextAlignTag,sizeof(alignment),(void*)&alignment); SetControlData(hCtl,0,kControlBevelButtonTextPlaceTag,sizeof(placement),(void*)&placement); SetControlData(hCtl,0,kControlBevelButtonGraphicAlignTag,sizeof(gAlignment),(void*)&gAlignment); } return hCtl; } /************************************************************************ * NewIconButtonMenu - set up a button that displays a menu ************************************************************************/ ControlHandle NewIconButtonMenu(short menuId,short iconId,WindowPtr theWindow) { Str255 title; Rect r; ControlHandle hCtl; ControlButtonTextPlacement placement = kControlBevelButtonPlaceToRightOfGraphic; ControlButtonTextAlignment alignment = kControlBevelButtonAlignTextFlushLeft; ControlButtonGraphicAlignment gAlignment = kControlBevelButtonAlignLeft; Zero(title); GetMenuTitle(GetMenu(menuId),title); SetRect (&r, 0, 0, 16, 16); if ((hCtl = NewControlSmall(theWindow, &r, title, True, menuId, kControlContentIconRef+kControlBehaviorCommandMenu,0,kControlBevelButtonSmallBevelProc+kControlBevelButtonMenuOnRight,0)) != NULL) { SetBevelIcon(hCtl,iconId,0,0,nil); SetControlData(hCtl,0,kControlBevelButtonTextAlignTag,sizeof(alignment),(void*)&alignment); SetControlData(hCtl,0,kControlBevelButtonTextPlaceTag,sizeof(placement),(void*)&placement); SetControlData(hCtl,0,kControlBevelButtonGraphicAlignTag,sizeof(gAlignment),(void*)&gAlignment); } return hCtl; } /************************************************************************ * GetMenuFromIconButton - get the menu from an icon button ************************************************************************/ MenuHandle GetMenuFromIconButton(ControlHandle cntl) { MenuHandle mh = nil; return((GetControlData(cntl,kControlMenuPart,kControlBevelButtonMenuHandleTag,sizeof(mh),(Ptr)&mh,nil) == noErr) ? mh : nil); } /************************************************************************ * PositionBevelButtons - position and size bevel buttons ************************************************************************/ void PositionBevelButtons(MyWindowPtr win,short count,ControlHandle *pCtlList,short left,short top,short height,short maxWidth) { #define kIconButtonWidth 26 short width[64]; short i,spacing,sumWidth; short winWidth; Boolean isSponsorAd = win->sponsorAdExists; // Get width of each button (including names) sumWidth = 0; spacing = INSET; for (i=0;isponsorAdRect.top || top > win->sponsorAdRect.bottom) isSponsorAd = false; // No overlap. Don't need to worry about sponsor ad } winWidth = (isSponsorAd ? win->sponsorAdRect.left : win->contR.right) - win->contR.left; winWidth = MIN (maxWidth, winWidth); if (sumWidth + (count+1)*spacing > winWidth) { // Oops, window not wide enough. Display buttons without names for (i=0;i winWidth) // Oops, window still not wide enough. Display buttons without spacing between spacing = 0; } // move the buttons for (i=0;i win->sponsorAdRect.left) // Sponsor ad is in the way. Get rid of it. win->sponsorAdExists = false; } /************************************************************************ * ShowControlHelp - display help for a control ************************************************************************/ Boolean ShowControlHelp(Point mouse,short strnID,ControlHandle cntl,...) { va_list args; short hnum; if (!cntl) return false; va_start(args,cntl); do { Rect r; GetControlBounds(cntl,&r); if (PtInRect(mouse,&r)) { hnum = strnID; if (!ControlIsGrey(cntl)) hnum++; MyBalloon(&r,100,0,hnum,0,nil); return true; } strnID += 2; } while (cntl = va_arg(args,ControlHandle)); va_end(args); return false; } /********************************************************************** * ScrollMyWindow - scroll a window **********************************************************************/ void ScrollMyWindow(MyWindowPtr win,int h,int v) { RgnHandle updateRgn; Rect r; if (!h && !v) return; PushGWorld(); SetPort_(GetMyWindowCGrafPtr(win)); if (!win->scroll || (*win->scroll)(win,h,v)) { /* * create a region for ScrollRect to use */ updateRgn = NewRgn(); ScrollRect(&win->contR,h*win->hPitch,v*win->vPitch,updateRgn); // add one more pixel to update region GetRegionBounds(updateRgn,&r); if (h<0) { r.left--; r.right = r.left+1; } else if (h) { r.right++; r.left = r.right-1; } if (v<0) { r.top--; r.bottom = r.top+1; } else if (v) { r.bottom++; r.top = r.bottom-1; } RgnPlusRect(updateRgn,&r); /* * update region maintenance */ InvalWindowRgn(GetMyWindowWindowPtr(win),updateRgn); DisposeRgn(updateRgn); } PopGWorld(); } /********************************************************************** * MyWindowMaxes - set the max values for the scroll bars * takes the maximum number of units in each direction, and subtracts * the number of units represented by the window. **********************************************************************/ void MyWindowMaxes(MyWindowPtr win,int hMax,int vMax) { int h=0,v=0; if (win->hBar) { win->hMax = hMax; h = BarMax(win->hBar,hMax,win->contR.right-win->contR.left,win->hPitch); } if (win->vBar) { win->vMax = vMax; v = BarMax(win->vBar,vMax,win->contR.bottom-win->contR.top,win->vPitch); } ScrollMyWindow(win,h,v); } /********************************************************************** * BarMax - set the max value for a scroll bar **********************************************************************/ int BarMax(ControlHandle cntl,int max,int winSize,int pitch) { int old; old = GetControlValue(cntl); max -= winSize/pitch; if (max < 0) max = 0; SetControlMaximum(cntl,max); #if TARGET_CPU_PPC if ((long)SetControlViewSize!=kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress) SetControlViewSize(cntl,winSize/pitch); #endif return(old>max ? old-max : 0); } /********************************************************************** * ScrollAction - action procedure for scroll bar **********************************************************************/ pascal void ScrollAction(ControlHandle theCtl,short partCode) { WindowPtr winWP = GetControlOwner(theCtl); MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr(winWP); short inc=0,page; Boolean isH; Rect r; static uLong lastTicks; short threshId = (partCode==kControlUpButtonPart||partCode==kControlDownButtonPart) ? SCROLL_ARROW_THROTTLE : SCROLL_THROTTLE; short growSize; GetControlBounds(theCtl,&r); if (win) { growSize = win->isRunt || win->hBar&&win->vBar ? 0:GROW_SIZE; if (!partCode) {lastTicks = 0; return;} // reset throttle if (TickCount()-lastTicks r.bottom-r.top; page = (isH ? (r.right-r.left+growSize)/win->hPitch : (r.bottom-r.top+growSize)/win->vPitch)-1; switch(partCode) { case kControlUpButtonPart: inc = -1; break; case kControlDownButtonPart: inc = 1; break; case kControlPageUpPart: inc = -page; break; case kControlPageDownPart: inc = page; break; } if (inc) inc = -IncMyCntl(theCtl,inc); if (inc) { if (isH) ScrollMyWindow(win,inc,0); else ScrollMyWindow(win,0,inc); UpdateMyWindow(winWP); } } } /************************************************************************ * ScrollIsH - is a scroll bar a horizontal one? ************************************************************************/ Boolean ScrollIsH(ControlHandle cntl) { Rect r; GetControlBounds(cntl,&r); return(r.right-r.left > r.bottom-r.top); } /********************************************************************** * AMLiveScrollAction - action procedure for live scroll bar using Appearance Mgr **********************************************************************/ pascal void AMLiveScrollAction(ControlHandle cntl, SInt16 part) { #pragma unused(part) SInt32 oldA5 = SetCurrentA5(); WindowPtr winWP = GetControlOwner(cntl); MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr(winWP); short delta, NewCtlValue = GetControlValue(cntl); if (delta = gLastCtlValue - NewCtlValue) { if (ScrollIsH(cntl)) ScrollMyWindow(win,delta,0); else ScrollMyWindow(win,0,delta); UpdateMyWindow(winWP); } gLastCtlValue = NewCtlValue; SetA5(oldA5); } /********************************************************************** * ActivateMyWindow - handle an activate event for one of my windows **********************************************************************/ void ActivateMyWindow(WindowPtr winWP,Boolean active) { MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr(winWP); GrafPtr oldPort; ControlHandle cntl; PETEHandle pte; Boolean nickScanningRefreshed; if (!IsMyWindow(winWP) || !win) return; UsingAnyWindows = true; GetPort(&oldPort); SetPort_(GetWindowPort(winWP)); //Dprintf("\pActivate %x %p %p %p",win,*win->qWindow.titleHandle,win->isActive?"\pis":"\pisn't",active?"\pshdbe":"\pshdn'tbe"); win->isActive = active; if (!win->dontActivate && !GetRootControl(winWP,&cntl)) { RgnHandle tempRgn = NewRgn(); if (tempRgn) { // Save updateRgn as Control Manager may change it GetWindowUpdateRgn(winWP,tempRgn); if (active) ActivateControl(cntl); else DeactivateControl(cntl); LocalizeRgn(tempRgn); InvalWindowRgn(winWP,tempRgn); DisposeRgn(tempRgn); } } if (!win->isDialog) { if (win->backBrush) { if (win->dontActivate) SetThemeWindowBackground(winWP,kThemeActiveModelessDialogBackgroundBrush,False); else { RgnHandle invalRgn = NewRgn(); if (invalRgn) { SetThemeTextColor(win->isActive ? kThemeActiveModelessDialogTextColor : kThemeInactiveModelessDialogTextColor, RectDepth(&win->contR),True); RectRgn(invalRgn,&win->contR); RgnMinusRect(invalRgn,&win->dontGreyOnMe); InvalWindowRgn(winWP,invalRgn); UpdateMyWindow(winWP); DisposeRgn(invalRgn); } } } else RGBBackColor(&win->backColor); } if (win->activate) (*win->activate)(win); if (win->pteList) { nickScanningRefreshed = false; for (pte=win->pteList;pte;pte=PeteNext(pte)) { // (jp) Refresh the nickname globals if at least one field is nick scannable if (!nickScanningRefreshed) if (HasNickScanCapability (pte)) { RefreshNicknameWatcherGlobals (false); nickScanningRefreshed = true; } //Dprintf("\pActivate %x %d %d;g",pte,active&&win->pte==pte,active); PeteActivate(pte,active && win->pte==pte,active); if (win->pte==pte && (*PeteExtra(win->pte))->frame) PeteHotRect(win->pte,active); } } if (win->isDialog) { MenuHandle mh = GetMHandle(EDIT_MENU); if (mh) { EnableIf(mh,EDIT_COPY_ITEM,active); EnableIf(mh,EDIT_CUT_ITEM,active); EnableIf(mh,EDIT_PASTE_ITEM,active); EnableIf(mh,EDIT_CLEAR_ITEM,active); EnableIf(mh,EDIT_UNDO_ITEM,active); } } if (active) SFWTC=True; #ifdef FLOAT_WIN HiliteWindow(winWP,(active || IsFloating(winWP))); #endif //FLOAT_WIN SetPort_(oldPort); } /********************************************************************** * CloseMyWindow - close a window, asking for confirmation if necessary **********************************************************************/ Boolean CloseMyWindow(WindowPtr winWP) { MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP); Boolean current = GetQDGlobalsThePort() == GetWindowPort(winWP); Boolean rmHelp = HasHelp && winWP==FrontWindow_(); PETEHandle pte, nextPTE; #ifdef FLOAT_WIN WindowPtr floater = 0; #endif //FLOAT_WIN if (!win) return (false); InsertWin = nil; if (IsPlugwindow(winWP)) return(PlugwindowClose(winWP)); if (!GrowZoning && win->saveSize && win->position) (*win->position)(True,win); #ifdef FLOAT_WIN //This window is no longer interested in keystrokes. Figure out who should get keys now. if (keyFocusedFloater==win) SetKeyFocusedFloater(nil); #ifdef FLOAT_MULTIPLE_KEYFOCUS //Give key presses to the frontmost, non-floating window. if ((floater = MyFrontNonFloatingWindow())==winWP) floater = GetNextWindow(floater); if (floater==0 || (GetWindowKind(floater)==TBAR_WIN)) { //There are no non-floaters around to listen to keys. Find the topmost floater. floater = FrontWindow(); if (floater==winWP) floater = GetNextWindow(floater); if (floater && IsFloating(floater)) SetKeyFocusedFloater(GetWindowMyWindowPtr(floater)); } #endif #endif //FLOAT_WIN if (IsWindowVisible(winWP)) AuditWindowClose(win->windex); if (IsWazoo(winWP)) { if (!CloseWazoo(win)) return false; } else if (win->close && !(*win->close)(win)) return(False); #ifdef PEE for (pte=win->pteList;pte;pte=nextPTE) { nextPTE = PeteNext(pte); PeteDispose(win,pte); } #endif win->isDialog ? DisposDialog_(GetDialogFromWindow(winWP)) : DisposeWindow_(winWP); if (current) SetPort(InsurancePort); /* just to be sure... */ SFWTC = True; if (rmHelp) HMRemoveBalloon(); if (winWP==ModalWindow) { PopModalWindow(); EnableMenus(FrontWindow_(),False); } #ifdef FLOAT_WIN if (winWP == lastHilitedWinWP) lastHilitedWinWP = 0; #endif //FLOAT_WIN WashMe = true; return(True); } /********************************************************************** * RaisedWindowRect - put a raised rectangle around a window's content **********************************************************************/ void RaisedWindowRect(MyWindowPtr win) { RGBColor color; if (D3 && RectDepth(&win->contR)>=4) { SetRGBGrey(&color,RectDepth(&win->contR)==4 ? k4Grey1:k8Grey1); Color3DRect(&win->contR,&color,e3DSlight,True); } else EraseRect(&win->contR); } /********************************************************************** * GoAwayMyWindow - track a click in the go away box **********************************************************************/ void GoAwayMyWindow(WindowPtr theWindow,Point pt) { SetPort_(GetWindowPort(theWindow)); if (TrackGoAway(theWindow,pt)) CloseMyWindow(theWindow); } /********************************************************************** * ShowMyControl - show a control, but do it right **********************************************************************/ void ShowMyControl(ControlHandle cntrlH) { Rect r; ShowControl(cntrlH); GetControlBounds(cntrlH,&r); ValidWindowRect(GetControlOwner(cntrlH),&r); } /************************************************************************ * ShowMyWindow - make a window visible ************************************************************************/ OSErr ShowMyWindow(WindowPtr theWindow) { InfiniteClip(GetWindowPort(theWindow)); return(ShowMyWindowBehind(theWindow,nil)); } /************************************************************************ * StashStructure - stash the structure rect of a window so that we can * still avoid it if it is hidden ************************************************************************/ void StashStructure(MyWindowPtr win) { WindowPtr winWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (win); GetStructureRgnBounds(winWP,&win->strucR); if (RectHi(win->strucR)contR)) win->strucR.bottom = win->strucR.top + RectHi(win->contR); if (RectWi(win->strucR)contR)) win->strucR.right = win->strucR.left + RectWi(win->contR); } /************************************************************************ * ShowMyWindowBehind - make a window visible ************************************************************************/ OSErr ShowMyWindowBehind(WindowPtr winWP, WindowPtr behindWP) { MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP); short kind = GetWindowKind(winWP); OSErr err = noErr; Rect rBig; if (win) { WashMe = true; win->noUpdates = false; if (!IsWindowVisible(winWP)) { #ifdef NEVER if (RunType!=Production) { Str255 title; Dprintf("\pShowMyWindowBehind %x %x;g",win,behindWP); if (winWP&&winWP!=InFront&&((long)winWP&1)==0) Dprintf("\p%x Ò%pÓ;g",winWP,MyGetWTitle(winWP,title)); if (behindWP&&behindWP!=InFront&&((long)behindWP&1)==0) Dprintf("\p%x Ò%pÓ;g",behindWP,MyGetWTitle(winWP,title)); } #endif if (win->gonnaShow) err = (*win->gonnaShow)(win); if (!err) { OffsetWindow(winWP); AuditWindowOpen(win->windex,GetWindowKind(winWP),IsWazoo(winWP)?1:0); if (win->pte) PETEScroll(PETE,win->pte,0,pseSelection); if (!behindWP && ModalWindow) behindWP = ModalWindow; if (!behindWP) { #ifdef FLOAT_WIN if (!IsFloating(winWP)) SendBehind(winWP, GetMyWindowWindowPtr(FindLastFloater())); // Send this window behind the last floater #endif //FLOAT_WIN win->isActive = !InBG; ActivateMyWindow(winWP,!InBG); if (IsFloating(winWP)) { ShowHide(winWP,true); StashStructure(win); } else { ShowWindow(winWP); SelectWindow_(winWP); } } else { ASSERT(behindWP!=winWP); if (behindWP!=winWP&&behindWP!=(WindowPtr)1) SendBehind(winWP,behindWP); win->isActive = False; ActivateMyWindow(winWP,False); ShowWindow(winWP); } SetRect(&rBig,-REAL_BIG/2,-REAL_BIG/2,REAL_BIG/2,REAL_BIG/2); InvalWindowRect(winWP,&rBig); SFWTC = True; } } if (err == noErr) WindowIsVisibleClassic(winWP); } return(err); } /************************************************************************ * ScrollIt - scroll a window, doing all the nasty things that have to * be done. ************************************************************************/ void ScrollIt(MyWindowPtr win,int deltaH,int deltaV) { WindowPtr winWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (win); RgnHandle oldClip; int hMin,hMax,hVal; int vMin,vMax,vVal; SetPort_(GetWindowPort(winWP)); if (deltaH && win->hBar) { hMin = GetControlMinimum (win->hBar); hMax = GetControlMaximum (win->hBar); hVal = GetControlValue (win->hBar); if (deltaH<0) { if (deltaHhVal-hMin) deltaH = hVal-hMin; } } else deltaH = 0; if (deltaV && win->vBar) { vMin = GetControlMinimum (win->vBar); vMax = GetControlMaximum (win->vBar); vVal = GetControlValue (win->vBar); if (deltaV<0) { if (deltaVvVal-vMin) deltaV = vVal-vMin; } } else deltaV = 0; if (deltaH || deltaV) { oldClip = SavePortClipRegion(GetWindowPort(winWP)); InfiniteClip(GetWindowPort(winWP)); if (deltaH) SetControlValue(win->hBar,hVal-deltaH); if (deltaV) SetControlValue(win->vBar,vVal-deltaV); ScrollMyWindow(win,deltaH,deltaV); UpdateMyWindow(winWP); RestorePortClipRegion(GetWindowPort(winWP),oldClip); } } /************************************************************************ * EraseUpdateRgn - erase a window's update region ************************************************************************/ void EraseUpdateRgn(WindowPtr theWindow) { Point origin; RgnHandle rgn = NewRgn(); if (rgn) { GetWindowUpdateRgn(theWindow,rgn); SetPort_(GetWindowPort(theWindow)); origin.h = origin.v = 0; LocalToGlobal(&origin); OffsetRgn(rgn,-origin.h,-origin.v); EraseRgn(rgn); DisposeRgn(rgn); } } /************************************************************************ * InvalContent - invalidate a window's content region ************************************************************************/ void InvalContent(MyWindowPtr win) { InvalWindowRect(GetMyWindowWindowPtr(win),&win->contR); } /************************************************************************ * InvalTopMargin - invalidate the top margin of a window ************************************************************************/ void InvalTopMargin(MyWindowPtr win) { Rect r; SetRect(&r,-REAL_BIG/2,-REAL_BIG/2,REAL_BIG/2,win->topMargin); InvalWindowRect(GetMyWindowWindowPtr(win),&r); } /************************************************************************ * InvalBotMargin - invalidate the bottom margin of a window ************************************************************************/ void InvalBotMargin(MyWindowPtr win) { Rect r; SetRect(&r,-REAL_BIG/2,win->botMargin,REAL_BIG/2,REAL_BIG/2); InvalWindowRect(GetMyWindowWindowPtr(win),&r); } /************************************************************************ * CalcCntlInc - do the necessary drudge work before changing a control ************************************************************************/ short CalcCntlInc(ControlHandle cntl,short tentativeInc) { short current,max,min,new; if (!tentativeInc) return(0); new = current = GetControlValue(cntl); if (tentativeInc<0) { min = GetControlMinimum(cntl); if (current > min) new = MAX(min,current+tentativeInc); } else { max = GetControlMaximum(cntl); if (current < max) new = MIN(max,current+tentativeInc); } return(new-current); } /************************************************************************ * IncMyCntl - change a control. Returns the change in value. ************************************************************************/ short IncMyCntl(ControlHandle cntl,short inc) { inc = CalcCntlInc(cntl,inc); if (inc) SetControlValue(cntl,GetControlValue(cntl)+inc); return(inc); } /************************************************************************ * UsingWindow - mark a window as in use ************************************************************************/ void UsingWindow(WindowPtr winWP) { MyWindowPtr win; if (IsMyWindow(winWP)) if (win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP)) win->inUse = True; UsingAnyWindows = true; } /************************************************************************ * NotUsingWindow - mark a window as not in use ************************************************************************/ void NotUsingWindow(WindowPtr winWP) { MyWindowPtr win; if (IsMyWindow(winWP)) if (win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP)) win->inUse = False; } /************************************************************************ * IsAnyWindow - is a "window" on the window list? ************************************************************************/ Boolean IsAnyWindow(WindowPtr maybeWindow) { WindowPtr theWindow = GetWindowList(); while (theWindow) { if (theWindow==maybeWindow) return true; theWindow = GetNextWindow(theWindow); } return false; } /************************************************************************ * FigureZoom - figure out the proper zoomed state for a window ************************************************************************/ void FigureZoom(WindowPtr winWP) { MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP); GDHandle gd; Rect zoom,regular,staticZoom; Boolean hasMB; Point corner; Boolean isHideMe = win->hideme; short titleBarHi; utl_GetWindGD(winWP,&gd,&zoom,®ular,&hasMB); if (gd) // If not on screen, don't zoom { GetDisplayRect(gd,&zoom); ComputeWinUseless(winWP,nil,nil,nil,nil); titleBarHi = TitleBarHeight(winWP); InsetRect(&zoom,3,3); // leave a little room InsetRect(&zoom,UselessWidth(winWP)/2,0); zoom.top += titleBarHi; zoom.bottom -= (UselessHeight(winWP)-titleBarHi); if (IsMyWindow(winWP) && win->zoomSize) (*win->zoomSize)(win,&zoom); corner.h = corner.v = 0; win->hideme = true; /* make staggerwindow ignore us */ utl_StaggerWindow(winWP,&zoom,1,TitleBarHeight(winWP),TitleBarHeight(winWP),LeftRimWidth(winWP),&corner,GDIndexOf(gd)); win->hideme = isHideMe; OffsetRect(&zoom,corner.h-zoom.left,corner.v-zoom.top); //if the window's original top-left corner location was alright, then don't move the window if( win && FigureStaticZoom( win, hasMB, &zoom, &staticZoom ) ) SetWindowStandardState(winWP,&staticZoom); //otherwise, move it to the top-left corner of the valid screen area else SetWindowStandardState(winWP,&zoom); } } /************************************************************************ * FigureStaticZoom - given the originally figured zoom rect for a window * (which will cause the window to jump to the upp-left corner of the * screen), figure out the zoom rect without jumping, and return whether or * not the original location for the window (based on top left corner) is * valid ************************************************************************/ Boolean FigureStaticZoom( MyWindowPtr win, Boolean hasMB, const Rect* origZoom, Rect* staticZoom ) { WindowPtr winWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (win); Point origTopLeft; Rect validateMe,rCont; //save the original top-left corner of the window. Isn't there a nicer place to find this info? GetContentRgnBounds(winWP,&rCont); origTopLeft.h = rCont.left; origTopLeft.v = rCont.top; //get the previously figured zoom rect for the window *staticZoom = *origZoom; //compute the static zoom rect staticZoom->right += origTopLeft.h - origZoom->left; staticZoom->left = origTopLeft.h; staticZoom->bottom += origTopLeft.v - origZoom->top; staticZoom->top = origTopLeft.v; ToolbarNudgeRect(win,staticZoom,false); validateMe = *staticZoom; if (win->titleBarHi==-1) ComputeWinUseless(winWP,nil,nil,nil,nil); validateMe.top -= win->titleBarHi; validateMe.bottom += win->uselessHi-win->titleBarHi; validateMe.left -= win->leftRimWi; validateMe.right += win->uselessWi-win->leftRimWi; if( WinLocValid( &validateMe, hasMB ) ) return( True ); else return( False ); } /************************************************************************ * WinLocValid - determines whether the given window rect is in a valid * location ************************************************************************/ Boolean WinLocValid( Rect* winRect, Boolean hasMB ) { GDHandle tmpGD; Rect validScreenRect, tb, sect; Point corner; short i; //now loop through each screen until we find the one the window is on tmpGD = GetDeviceList(); while( tmpGD ) { //if the current device is an active screen if( TestDeviceAttribute( tmpGD, screenDevice ) && TestDeviceAttribute( tmpGD, screenActive ) ) { //determine the valid area on the screen validScreenRect = (**tmpGD).gdRect; validScreenRect.left += GetRLong(DESK_LEFT_STRIP); validScreenRect.right -= GetRLong(DESK_RIGHT_STRIP); validScreenRect.bottom -= GetRLong(DESK_BOTTOM_STRIP); validScreenRect.top += GetRLong(DESK_TOP_STRIP); if( hasMB ) validScreenRect.top += utl_GetMBarHeight(); corner.h = winRect->left; corner.v = winRect->top; //if we've found the screen that the top-left corner is on if( PtInRect( corner, &validScreenRect ) ) { //then check to make sure the other three corners are also on the screen for( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { switch( i ) { case 0: corner.h = winRect->right; corner.v = winRect->top; break; case 1: corner.h = winRect->right; corner.v = winRect->bottom; break; case 2: corner.h = winRect->left; corner.v = winRect->bottom; break; } if( !PtInRect( corner, &validScreenRect ) ) return( False ); } //if the window's location is in the valid screen rectangle //and doesn't overlap the toolbar, then return true ToolbarRect(&tb); return( !SectRect( &tb, winRect, § ) ); } } tmpGD = GetNextDevice( tmpGD ); } //we never found the window rect in a valid location on any screen. Return false. return( False ); } /************************************************************************ * GDIndexOf - find the index of a given gd ************************************************************************/ short GDIndexOf(GDHandle gd) { short i = 0; GDHandle candidate; Rect r; Boolean b; if (ThereIsColor) { for (utl_GetIndGD(++i,&candidate,&r,&b);candidate;utl_GetIndGD(++i,&candidate,&r,&b)) if (candidate==gd) return(i); } return(0); } /************************************************************************ * ZeroWinfuncs - remove all special handlers from a window ************************************************************************/ void ZeroWinFuncs(MyWindowPtr win) { WriteZero(&win->update,(UPtr)&win->zoomSize-(UPtr)&win->update+sizeof(UPtr)); } #pragma segment Main /************************************************************************ * NotUsingAllWindows - mark all windows as not in use ************************************************************************/ void NotUsingAllWindows(void) { WindowPtr winWP; MyWindowPtr win; static WindowPtr oldFrontWin; WindowPtr newFrontWin = FrontWindow(); // if frontmost window has changed, make sure all is right in the floating world if (oldFrontWin != newFrontWin || oldFrontWin && newFrontWin && GetWindowKind(oldFrontWin)!=GetWindowKind(newFrontWin)) { FloatingWinIdle(); oldFrontWin = FrontWindow(); } if (UsingAnyWindows) for (winWP=FrontWindow();winWP;winWP=GetNextWindow(winWP)) { win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP); InfiniteClip(GetWindowPort(winWP)); //WHACK! // windowshade is evil if (IsMyWindow(winWP) && !HaveTheDiseaseCalledOSX()) { Rect r; GetPortBounds(GetWindowPort(winWP),&r); if (r.top>r.bottom) { GetWindowUserState(winWP,&r); SizeWindow(winWP,RectWi(r),RectHi(r),true); } } NotUsingWindow(winWP); if (IsKnownWindowMyWindow(winWP)) { if (IsFloating(winWP)) { if (IsWindowVisible(winWP)) StashStructure(win); if (IsWindowVisible(winWP)==InBG) ShowHide(winWP,!InBG); } if ((IsDirtyWindow(win) && win->userSave) != IsWindowModified(winWP)) SetWindowModified(winWP,win->userSave && IsDirtyWindow(win)); } if (!CorrectlyActivated(winWP) && win) ActivateMyWindow(winWP,!win->isActive); // Carbon has a tendency to set our windows to the wronte hilite state else if (win && win->isActive != IsWindowHilited(winWP)) ActivateMyWindow(winWP,win->isActive); // Properly activate EMSAPI windows if (!InBG && (GetWindowKind(winWP)==EMS_PW_WINDOWKIND)) { // Deactive EMSAPI windows that aren't frontmost if (IsWindowHilited(winWP) && (winWP != FrontWindow_())) { PlugwindowActivate(winWP, false); // Protect against less friendly EMSAPI windows that // don't defer to Eudora's SelectWindow. #ifdef FLOAT_WIN if (winWP == lastHilitedWinWP) lastHilitedWinWP = 0; #endif //FLOAT_WIN } // Activate EMSAPI windows that are if (!IsWindowHilited(winWP) && (winWP == FrontWindow_())) SelectWindow_(winWP); } } UsingAnyWindows = false; } /************************************************************************ * InfiniteClip - set a window's clipping region to REAL_BIG ************************************************************************/ void InfiniteClip(CGrafPtr thePort) { if (thePort) { Rect r; SetPort(thePort); SetRect(&r,-REAL_BIG,-REAL_BIG,REAL_BIG,REAL_BIG); ClipRect(&r); } } /************************************************************************ * DoWindowPropMenu - process item from window properties menu ************************************************************************/ void DoWindowPropMenu(MyWindowPtr win,short item,short modifiers) { switch (item) { case wpmDockable: // ChangeWindowType(win,win->windowType == kDockable ? kStandard : kDockable); break; case wpmFloating: // ChangeWindowType(win,win->windowType == kFloating ? kStandard : kFloating); break; case wpmTabs: if (modifiers & optionKey) SetupDefaultWazoos(); else if (IsWazoo(GetMyWindowWindowPtr(win))) DemoteWazoo(win); else PromoteToWazoo(win); break; } } /************************************************************************ * SetWindowPropMenu - enable/check items in window properties menu ************************************************************************/ void SetWindowPropMenu(MyWindowPtr win,Boolean enable,Boolean all,char markChar,short modifiers) { WindowPtr winWP = GetMyWindowWindowPtr (win); MenuHandle mh = GetMHandle(WINDOW_MENU); Boolean doEnable = all||IsWazooable(winWP); Boolean option = (modifiers & optionKey) != 0; if (!mh) return; #ifdef DEBUG if (RunType!=Production) { mh = GetMHandle(WIND_PROP_HIER_MENU); if (!mh) return; if (enable) { // Enable/disable EnableIf(mh,wpmTabs,doEnable || option); EnableIf(mh,wpmFloating,doEnable); EnableIf(mh,wpmDockable,doEnable); } else { SetItemR(mh,wpmTabs,option ? REVERT_TO_DEFAULT_TABS : TABS_ITEXT); SetItemMark(mh,wpmTabs,IsWazoo(winWP) && !option ? markChar : noMark); SetItemMark(mh,wpmFloating,win && win->windowType == kFloating ? markChar : noMark); SetItemMark(mh,wpmDockable,win && win->windowType == kDockable ? markChar : noMark); } } else #endif { if (enable) EnableIf(mh,WIN_PROPERTIES_ITEM,doEnable || option); else { SetItemR(mh,WIN_PROPERTIES_ITEM,option ? REVERT_TO_DEFAULT_TABS : TABS_ITEXT); if (option) EnableIf(mh,WIN_PROPERTIES_ITEM,true); SetItemMark(mh,WIN_PROPERTIES_ITEM,IsWazoo(winWP) && !option ? markChar : noMark); } } } /********************************************************************** * MyFrontWindow - returns top window. Can be floating window if it has focus. **********************************************************************/ WindowPtr MyFrontWindow(void) { #ifdef FLOAT_WIN return keyFocusedFloater ? GetMyWindowWindowPtr(keyFocusedFloater) : MyFrontNonFloatingWindow(); #else //FLOAT_WIN return FrontWindow_(); #endif //FLOAT_WIN } /********************************************************************** * DrawWindowHeaderType - draw proc draws window header **********************************************************************/ pascal void DrawWindowHeader(ControlHandle control, SInt16 part) { #pragma unused(part) Rect r; GetControlBounds(control,&r); DrawThemeWindowHeader(&r, IsControlActive(control) ? kThemeStateActive : kThemeStateDisabled); } #undef ActivateControl #undef DeactivateControl /************************************************************************ * ActivateMyControl - activate or deactivate a control ************************************************************************/ void ActivateMyControl(ControlHandle cntl,Boolean active) { if ((IsControlActive(cntl)==0) != (active==0)) if (active) ActivateControl(cntl); else DeactivateControl(cntl); } /************************************************************************ * MyGetOriginalWTitle - get "original" window title * written to handle naming wazoos of windows that change title * (e.g. Task Progress Window) ************************************************************************/ void MyGetOriginalWTitle(MyWindowPtr win, Str255 title) { #ifdef TASK_PROGRESS_ON if (win==TaskProgressWindow) MyGetItem(GetMHandle(WINDOW_MENU),WIN_TASKS_ITEM,title); else #endif GetWTitle(GetMyWindowWindowPtr(win), title); } /************************************************************************ * RememberWindow - save window info for reopening ************************************************************************/ Boolean RememberWindow(WindowPtr winWP,DejaVu *dv) { MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP); TOCHandle tocH; MessHandle messH; TextDHandle textH; extern FindClose(); FSSpec spec; Zero(*dv); dv->wType = GetWindowKind(winWP); if (win && (UPtr)win->close==(UPtr)FindClose) dv->wType = FIND_WIN; switch (dv->wType) { case dialogKind: return false; case MBOX_WIN: case CBOX_WIN: if (GetSearchWinSpec(winWP,&spec)) dv->wType = SEARCH_WIN; else { tocH = (TOCHandle) GetMyWindowPrivateData(win); spec = GetMailboxSpec(tocH,-1); } PCopy(dv->name,spec.name); dv->dirId = spec.parID; GetMyVolName(spec.vRefNum,dv->volName); break; case MESS_WIN: case COMP_WIN: messH = (MessHandle) GetMyWindowPrivateData(win); if (SumOf(messH)->length==0) return false; /* forget it */ tocH = (TOCHandle) (*messH)->tocH; spec = GetMailboxSpec(tocH,-1); PCopy(dv->name,spec.name); dv->dirId = spec.parID; GetMyVolName(spec.vRefNum,dv->volName); dv->index = (*messH)->sumNum; dv->id = ValidHash(SumOf(messH)->uidHash) ? SumOf(messH)->uidHash : SumOf(messH)->msgIdHash; break; case TEXT_WIN: textH = (TextDHandle) GetMyWindowPrivateData(win); PCopy(dv->name,(*textH)->spec.name); if (!*dv->name) return false; MyGetWTitle(winWP,dv->alias); GetMyVolName((*textH)->spec.vRefNum,dv->volName); PCatC(dv->volName,':'); dv->dirId = (*textH)->spec.parID; dv->id = (*textH)->textAttrbutes; break; #ifdef TWO case PICT_WIN: MyGetWTitle(winWP,dv->name); break; #endif } return true; } /************************************************************************ * RecallWindow - reopen a window ************************************************************************/ void RecallWindow(DejaVu *dv) { TOCHandle tocH; short vRef; FSSpec spec; long sumNum; switch (dv->wType) { case MBOX_WIN: case CBOX_WIN: vRef = GetMyVR(dv->volName); if (!FSMakeFSSpec(vRef,dv->dirId,dv->name,&spec) && #ifdef IMAP ((FindDirLevel(vRef,dv->dirId)>=0) || (IsIMAPMailboxFile(&spec)))) #else FindDirLevel(vRef,dv->dirId)>=0) /* don't open boxes not in tree */ #endif (void) GetMailbox(&spec,True); break; case PREVIEW: case MESS_WIN: case COMP_WIN: vRef = GetMyVR(dv->volName); if (!FSMakeFSSpec(vRef,dv->dirId,dv->name,&spec) && (IsIMAPMailboxFile(&spec) || (FindDirLevel(vRef,dv->dirId)>=0)) && /* don't open boxes not in tree, unless it's an IMAP mailbox */ (tocH = TOCBySpec(&spec)) && dv->index<(*tocH)->count) { sumNum = dv->index; if (ValidHash(dv->id)) if (TOCFindMessByMID(dv->id,tocH,&sumNum)) TOCFindMessByMsgID(dv->id,tocH,&sumNum); GetAMessage(tocH,sumNum,nil,nil,True); } break; case TEXT_WIN: vRef = GetMyVR(dv->volName); if (!FSMakeFSSpec(vRef,dv->dirId,dv->name,&spec)) OpenText(&spec,nil,nil,nil,True,nil,dv->id & kTextAttributeReadOnly ? true : false,dv->id & kTextAttributeIsHTML ? true : false); break; case ALIAS_WIN: OpenABWin(nil); break; case MB_WIN: OpenMBWin(); break; case SIG_WIN: OpenSignaturesWin(); break; case PERS_WIN: if (HasFeature (featureMultiplePersonalities)) OpenPersonalitiesWin(); break; case STA_WIN: if (HasFeature (featureStationery)) OpenStationeryWin(); break; case LINK_WIN: if (HasFeature (featureLink)) OpenLinkWin(); break; #ifdef ADWARE case PAY_WIN: OpenPayWin (); break; #endif case FIND_WIN: DoFind(FIND_FIND_ITEM,0); break; case PH_WIN: OpenPh(nil); break; #ifdef TASK_PROGRESS_ON case TASKS_WIN: OpenTasksWin(); TaskDontAutoClose = true; break; #endif #ifdef TWO case PICT_WIN: PICTResWin(dv->name); break; case FILT_WIN: OpenFiltersWindow(); break; case SEARCH_WIN: vRef = GetMyVR(dv->volName); if (!FSMakeFSSpec(vRef,dv->dirId,dv->name,&spec)) OpenSearchFile(&spec); break; case STAT_WIN: OpenStatWin(); break; #endif } } long GetWindowPrivateData (WindowPtr theWindow) { MyWindowPtr win; long privateData; privateData = nil; if (win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (theWindow)) privateData = win->privateData; return (privateData); } long GetDialogPrivateData (DialogPtr theDialog) { MyWindowPtr win; long privateData; privateData = nil; if (win = GetDialogMyWindowPtr (theDialog)) privateData = win->privateData; return (privateData); } void SetWindowPrivateData (WindowPtr theWindow, long privateData) { MyWindowPtr win; if (theWindow) if (win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (theWindow)) win->privateData = privateData; } void SetDialogPrivateData (DialogPtr theDialog, long privateData) { MyWindowPtr win; if (theDialog) if (win = GetDialogMyWindowPtr (theDialog)) win->privateData = privateData; } //#define IsMyWindow(wp) ((wp) && IsAnyWindow((MyWindowPtr)wp) && \ // ((GrafPtr)wp)!=InsurancePort && (((MyWindowPtr)wp)->qWindow.windowKind==dialogKind &&\ // ((MyWindowPtr)wp)->qWindow.refCon==CREATOR || \ // ((MyWindowPtr)wp)->qWindow.windowKind>=userKind && ((MyWindowPtr)wp)->qWindow.windowKind!=EMS_PW_WINDOWKIND)) // // We have to be very careful here since things like Standard File act stupidly... sigh. #ifdef DEBUG void WindowSanityCheck (WindowPtr winWP); #endif Boolean IsMyWindowLo (WindowPtr winWP,Boolean checkWindowList) { short windowKind; Boolean isIt; // well? isIt = false; // First, do the Window pointery things if (winWP && (!checkWindowList || IsAnyWindow (winWP)) && GetWindowPort (winWP) != InsurancePort) { windowKind = GetWindowKind (winWP); if (windowKind == dialogKind) { // Isn't the Standard File package nice?? long refcon = GetWRefCon(winWP); if (refcon) if (GetMyWindowPrivateData (winWP ? (MyWindowPtr) GetWRefCon (winWP) : nil) == CREATOR) isIt = true; } else if (windowKind >= OUR_WIN && windowKind < LIMIT_WIN && windowKind != EMS_PW_WINDOWKIND) isIt = true; } #if defined(DEBUG) && !defined(__profile__) if (isIt && RunType!=Production) WindowSanityCheck (winWP); #endif return (isIt); } #ifdef DEBUG void WindowSanityCheck (WindowPtr winWP) { MyWindowPtr win = (MyWindowPtr) GetWRefCon (winWP); ASSERT (win != 0); if (win) { // ASSERT (win->theWindow == winWP); if (win->theWindow != winWP) { // The simple ASSERT was not enough info Str255 sTitle; GetWTitle(winWP,sTitle); Dprintf("\passertion failed: win->theWindow(0x%x) != winWP(0x%x): \"%p\"",win->theWindow,winWP,sTitle); } ASSERT (win->isRunt == true || win->isRunt == false); ASSERT (win->isDialog == true || win->isDialog == false); ASSERT (win->isNag == true || win->isNag == false); ASSERT (win->isActive == true || win->isActive == false); ASSERT (win->isDirty == true || win->isDirty == false); ASSERT (win->hasSelection == true || win->hasSelection == false); ASSERT (win->butch == true || win->butch == false); ASSERT (win->inUse == true || win->inUse == false); ASSERT (win->noUpdates == true || win->noUpdates == false); ASSERT (win->ignoreDefaultItem == true || win->ignoreDefaultItem == false); ASSERT (win->centerAsDefault == true || win->centerAsDefault == false); ASSERT (win->hideme == true || win->hideme == false); ASSERT (win->dontActivate == true || win->dontActivate == false); ASSERT (win->showsSponsorAd == true || win->showsSponsorAd == false); ASSERT (win->sponsorAdExists == true || win->sponsorAdExists == false); ASSERT (win->classicVisible == true || win->classicVisible == false); ASSERT (IsAnyWindow(winWP)); } } #endif //#ifdef FLOAT_WIN //#define CorrectlyActivated(win) (!IsMyWindow(win) || (!InBG && ((win)==FrontWindow_() || IsFloating(win)))==(win)->isActive) //#else //FLOAT_WIN //#define CorrectlyActivated(win) (!IsMyWindow(win) || (!InBG && ((win)==FrontWindow_()))==(win)->isActive) //#endif //FLOAT_WIN Boolean CorrectlyActivated(WindowPtr winWP) { MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP); #ifdef FLOAT_WIN return (!win || !IsMyWindow(winWP) || (!InBG && (winWP==FrontWindow_() || IsFloating(winWP)))==win->isActive); #else return (!win || !IsMyWindow(winWP) || (!InBG && (winWP==FrontWindow_()))==win->isActive) #endif } // Previously, all of the storage we allocated when creating a dialog was disposed by the Dialog Manager, // simply by disposing of thedialog itself. Since we can no longer use extended dialog records we have // to hang our own window structure off of the dialog's refcon field, so we have to manage disposal of // this data ourselves void MyDisposeWindow (WindowPtr winWP) { if (IsMyWindow (winWP)) { MyWindowPtr win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP); ZapPtr (win); SetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP, win); } DisposeWindow (winWP); } /************************************************************************ * IsWindowVisibleClassic - has a window been displayed to the user? ************************************************************************/ Boolean IsWindowVisibleClassic(WindowPtr winWP) { Boolean visible = false; MyWindowPtr win; if (IsMyWindow(winWP)) if (win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP)) visible = win->classicVisible; return (visible); } /************************************************************************ * WindowIsInvisibleClassic - this window was just made invisible ************************************************************************/ void WindowIsInvisibleClassic(WindowPtr winWP) { MyWindowPtr win; if (IsMyWindow(winWP)) if (win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP)) win->classicVisible = false; } /************************************************************************ * WindowIsVisibleClassic - this window has just been made visible ************************************************************************/ void WindowIsVisibleClassic(WindowPtr winWP) { MyWindowPtr win; if (IsMyWindow(winWP)) if (win = GetWindowMyWindowPtr (winWP)) win->classicVisible = true; } /************************************************************************ * WindowEvents - handle carbon window events ************************************************************************/ static OSStatus WindowEvents(EventHandlerCallRef nextHandler, EventRef theEvent, void *userData) { MyWindowPtr win = (MyWindowPtr)userData; static MyWindowPtr resizeWin; switch (GetEventKind(theEvent)) { case kEventWindowResizeStarted: // Indicate we are resizing this window resizeWin = win; break; case kEventWindowBoundsChanged: // Do live resizing if (win == resizeWin) { // Only handle this event while resizing. Don't handle while // moving the window MyWindowDidResize(win,nil); UpdateMyWindow(GetMyWindowWindowPtr(win)); } break; case kEventWindowResizeCompleted: resizeWin = nil; break; } return CallNextEventHandler (nextHandler, theEvent); } /************************************************************************ * RequestPeteFocus - somebody would like to change the focus in this window ************************************************************************/ Boolean RequestPeteFocus(MyWindowPtr win, PETEHandle pte) { // does the window care? if (win->requestPeteFocus) return win->requestPeteFocus(win,pte); // window doesn't care, just do it PeteFocus(win,pte,true); return true; }