/* Copyright (c) 2017, Computer History Museum All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Computer History Museum nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* Copyright (c) 1996 by Qualcomm, Inc. */ #include "netscapeplugins.h" #include "npapi.h" #include "npupp.h" // !! This area needs work !! static Byte sPluginFolder[] = "\pNetscape Plug-ins"; #define OPEN_NPLUGIN OPEN_SETTINGS #define FILE_NUM 82 // ее Constants ее enum { kMinorVersion = NPVERS_HAS_STREAMOUTPUT }; // This is the minimum version of Netscape we support enum { kPluginResType = 'NSPL', kPluginResID = 128 }; // Code resource for 68K code #pragma segment NPLUGINS // ее Structs ее // Info for an active plugin typedef struct { ConnectionID connID; // Used for PPC code Handle hCode; // Used for 68K code short fRefNum; // Resource file refnum NPPluginFuncs pluginFuncs; NPP_ShutdownUPP unloadFunc; NPSavedData *savedData; } ActivePluginInfo, *ActivePluginPtr, **ActivePluginHandle; typedef struct { NPWindow wind; NP_Port npPort; } ndataRec; // Info for each plugin file typedef struct { Str32 fileName; Handle hMIMEandFileExt; // STR# resource 128 short instanceCount; // How many instances are active? ActivePluginHandle hData; } PluginFileInfo, *PluginFilePtr, **PluginFileHandle; typedef struct { short pluginIdx; // Index into ghPlugins NPP_t instance; } InstanceInfo, *InstancePtr, **InstanceHandle; // ее Globals ее static short gPluginCount; static PluginFileHandle ghPlugins; static short gPVRefNum; static long gPDirID; static NPNetscapeFuncs gNetscapeFuncs; // ее Prototypes ее static void GetToken(StringPtr sPtr,StringPtr sToken,short *pIdx); static Boolean InitPlugin(PluginFilePtr pPlugin); static void RegisterPlugins(void); /********************************************************************** * CheckNetscapePlugin - Find any Netscape plugins **********************************************************************/ Handle NPluginCheck(FSSpec *pSpec, Rect *pRect) { // Find a .extension short i; Str32 sExtension; Str32 sToken; StringPtr sPtr; InstanceHandle hInstance=nil; Str255 sMIMEcstring; RegisterPlugins(); for(i=*pSpec->name,sPtr=pSpec->name+i;i;i--) { if (*sPtr--=='.') { BMD(sPtr+2,sExtension+1,*sExtension=*pSpec->name-i); break; } } if (i) { // Search for the plugin short plugin; for(plugin=0;pluginpluginIdx = plugin; pNewProc = (*(*ghPlugins)[plugin].hData)->pluginFuncs.newp; if (CallNPP_NewProc(pNewProc,sMIMEcstring, &(*hInstance)->instance, NP_FULL, argc, argn, argv, (*(*ghPlugins)[plugin].hData)->savedData)) { // Error ZapHandle(hInstance); } else { (*hInstance)->instance.ndata = NewPtrClear(sizeof(ndataRec)); (*ghPlugins)[plugin].instanceCount++; HUnlock((Handle)hInstance); } } } HUnlock((Handle)ghPlugins); goto Done; } } sPtr += *sPtr+1; } } } Done: return (Handle)hInstance; } /********************************************************************** * NPluginClose - Close an instance **********************************************************************/ void NPluginClose(Handle h) { InstanceHandle hInstance = (InstanceHandle)h; short pluginIdx = (*hInstance)->pluginIdx; ActivePluginHandle hData = (*ghPlugins)[pluginIdx].hData; // Close the instance HLock((Handle)hData); HLock((Handle)hInstance); CallNPP_DestroyProc((*hData)->pluginFuncs.destroy,&(*hInstance)->instance,&(*hData)->savedData); ZapHandle(hInstance); if (--(*ghPlugins)[pluginIdx].instanceCount == 0) { // Last instance. Close down the plugin. CallNPP_ShutdownProc((*hData)->unloadFunc); // Call function's NPP_Destroy CloseConnection(&(*hData)->connID); // Get rid of code fragment if ((*hData)->savedData) { // Get rid of savedData if ((*hData)->savedData->buf) DisposePtr((*hData)->savedData->buf); DisposePtr((Ptr)(*hData)->savedData); } ZapHandle(hData); // Get rid of active data } if (hData) UL(hData); } /********************************************************************** * NPluginDraw - Draw the plugin **********************************************************************/ void NPluginDraw(Handle h, Rect *pRect, CGrafPtr port, Boolean fSetWindow) { EventRecord event; InstanceHandle hInstance = (InstanceHandle)h; short pluginIdx = (*hInstance)->pluginIdx; ActivePluginHandle hData = (*ghPlugins)[pluginIdx].hData; HLock(h); if (fSetWindow) { InstancePtr pInstance; ndataRec *pNData; pInstance = *hInstance; pNData = (ndataRec*)(pInstance->instance.ndata); pNData->npPort.port = port; pNData->npPort.portx = -pRect->left; pNData->npPort.porty = -pRect->top; pNData->wind.window = &pNData->npPort; pNData->wind.x = pRect->left; pNData->wind.y = pRect->top; pNData->wind.width = pRect->right - pRect->left; pNData->wind.height = pRect->bottom - pRect->top; pNData->wind.clipRect.top = pRect->top; pNData->wind.clipRect.left = pRect->left; pNData->wind.clipRect.bottom = pRect->bottom; pNData->wind.clipRect.right = pRect->right; CallNPP_SetWindowProc((*hData)->pluginFuncs.setwindow,&pInstance->instance, &pNData->wind); } // Since we never received an update event, we need to create one EventAvail(everyEvent, &event); event.what = updateEvt; event.message = (long)port; NPluginEvent(h, &event); HUnlock(h); } /********************************************************************** * NPluginEvent - Handle an event **********************************************************************/ void NPluginEvent(Handle h, EventRecord *pEvent) { InstanceHandle hInstance = (InstanceHandle)h; short pluginIdx = (*hInstance)->pluginIdx; ActivePluginHandle hData = (*ghPlugins)[pluginIdx].hData; HLock((Handle)hInstance); CallNPP_HandleEventProc((*hData)->pluginFuncs.event,&(*hInstance)->instance, pEvent); // For now, pass a null event also { EventRecord nullEv; nullEv = *pEvent; nullEv.what = nullEvent; CallNPP_HandleEventProc((*hData)->pluginFuncs.event,&(*hInstance)->instance,&nullEv); } UL(hInstance); } /********************************************************************** * RegisterPlugins - Find any Netscape plugins **********************************************************************/ static void RegisterPlugins(void) { static Boolean fRegistered; if (!fRegistered) { FSSpec spec; OSErr err; if (!GetFileByRef(AppResFile,&spec) && !(err = FSMakeFSSpec(spec.vRefNum,spec.parID,sPluginFolder/*GetRString(name,STUFF_FOLDER)*/,&spec))) { CInfoPBRec hfi; Str31 name; short refN; short saveRefN = CurResFile(); // Resolve the plugins folder IsAlias(&spec,&spec); spec.parID = SpecDirId(&spec); gPVRefNum = spec.vRefNum; gPDirID = spec.parID; hfi.hFileInfo.ioNamePtr = name; hfi.hFileInfo.ioFDirIndex = 0; ghPlugins = NuHandle(0); // Find each plugin while(!DirIterate(gPVRefNum,gPDirID,&hfi)) if (hfi.hFileInfo.ioFlFndrInfo.fdType=='NSPL') { if ((refN=HOpenResFile(gPVRefNum, gPDirID, name, fsRdPerm))==-1) FileSystemError(OPEN_NPLUGIN,name,ResError()); else { PluginFileInfo plugin; Zero(plugin); if (plugin.hMIMEandFileExt = Get1Resource('STR#',128)) { DetachResource(plugin.hMIMEandFileExt); PCopy(plugin.fileName,name); if (!PtrAndHand(&plugin, (Handle)ghPlugins, sizeof(plugin))) gPluginCount++; } CloseResFile(refN); } } UseResFile(saveRefN); } // Set up some data that will be needed by the plugins // Address of callback functions gNetscapeFuncs.size = sizeof(gNetscapeFuncs); gNetscapeFuncs.version = (NP_VERSION_MAJOR << 8) + NPVERS_HAS_STREAMOUTPUT; gNetscapeFuncs.geturl = NewNPN_GetURLProc(NPN_GetURL); gNetscapeFuncs.posturl = NewNPN_PostURLProc(NPN_PostURL); gNetscapeFuncs.requestread = NewNPN_RequestReadProc(NPN_RequestRead); gNetscapeFuncs.newstream = NewNPN_NewStreamProc(NPN_NewStream); gNetscapeFuncs.write = NewNPN_WriteProc(NPN_Write); gNetscapeFuncs.destroystream = NewNPN_DestroyStreamProc(NPN_DestroyStream); gNetscapeFuncs.status = NewNPN_StatusProc(NPN_Status); gNetscapeFuncs.uagent = NewNPN_UserAgentProc(NPN_UserAgent); gNetscapeFuncs.memalloc = NewNPN_MemAllocProc(NPN_MemAlloc); gNetscapeFuncs.memfree = NewNPN_MemFreeProc(NPN_MemFree); gNetscapeFuncs.memflush = NewNPN_MemFlushProc(NPN_MemFlush); gNetscapeFuncs.reloadplugins = NewNPN_ReloadPluginsProc(NPN_ReloadPlugins); gNetscapeFuncs.getJavaEnv = NewNPN_GetJavaEnvProc(NPN_GetJavaEnv); gNetscapeFuncs.getJavaPeer = NewNPN_GetJavaPeerProc(NPN_GetJavaPeer); gNetscapeFuncs.geturlnotify = NewNPN_GetURLNotifyProc(NPN_GetURLNotify); gNetscapeFuncs.posturlnotify = NewNPN_PostURLNotifyProc(NPN_PostURLNotify); fRegistered = true; } } /********************************************************************** * GetToken - get a token from a comma delimited string **********************************************************************/ static void GetToken(StringPtr sPtr,StringPtr sToken,short *pIdx) { short idx; for (idx = *pIdx;idx <= *sPtr && sPtr[idx]!=',';idx++); // Find end of string or comma BMD(sPtr+*pIdx,sToken+1,*sToken = idx-*pIdx); // Copy of token *pIdx = idx < *sPtr ? idx+1 : 0; // Where do we start next time (if at all)? TrimInitialWhite(sToken); } /********************************************************************** * InitPlugin - Initialize a plugin **********************************************************************/ static Boolean InitPlugin(PluginFilePtr pPlugin) { FSSpec spec; Boolean result = false; Str255 s; Ptr mainAddr; ActivePluginHandle hData; ActivePluginPtr pData; short fRefNum; short saveResFile; pPlugin->hData = hData = (ActivePluginHandle)NuHandleClear(sizeof(ActivePluginInfo)); if (!hData) return false; saveResFile = CurResFile(); HLock((Handle)hData); pData = *hData; if (!FSMakeFSSpec(gPVRefNum,gPDirID,pPlugin->fileName,&spec)) { IsAlias(&spec,&spec); fRefNum = FSpOpenResFile(&spec, fsCurPerm); if (fRefNum != -1) { short saveResFile = CurResFile(); UniversalProcPtr pMainUPP; short whatType = 0; Handle hCode; UseResFile(fRefNum); pData->fRefNum = fRefNum; // Try PPC code fragment first if (!GetDiskFragment(&spec, 0, kWholeFork, "", kLoadNewCopy, &pData->connID, &mainAddr, s)) whatType = 1; // PPC // Failed, try 68K code resource else if (hCode = Get1Resource(kPluginResType,kPluginResID)) { // Got 68K code HLock(hCode); mainAddr = *hCode; whatType = 2; // 68K } if (whatType) { NPError NErr; pMainUPP = NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)mainAddr, uppNPP_MainEntryProcInfo, whatType==2 ? kM68kISA : kPowerPCISA); HLock((Handle)hData); pData->pluginFuncs.size = sizeof(NPPluginFuncs); pData->pluginFuncs.version = (NP_VERSION_MAJOR << 8) + NPVERS_HAS_STREAMOUTPUT; NErr = CallNPP_MainEntryProc(pMainUPP, &gNetscapeFuncs, &pData->pluginFuncs, &pData->unloadFunc); HUnlock((Handle)hData); DisposeRoutineDescriptor(pMainUPP); if (NErr) { if (whatType==1) CloseConnection(&pData->connID); } else result = true; } if (!result) CloseResFile(fRefNum); // Failed, closed the resource file UseResFile(saveResFile); } } UL(hData); UseResFile(saveResFile); return result; } // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // Netscape callback functions // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // NPN_DestroyStream NPError NPN_DestroyStream(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, NPReason reason) { DebugStr("\pDestroy Stream"); } // NPN_GetJavaEnv JRIEnv* NPN_GetJavaEnv(void){} // Unsupported // NPN_GetJavaPeer jref NPN_GetJavaPeer(NPP instance){} // Unsupported // NPN_GetURL NPError NPN_GetURL(NPP instance, const char* url,const char* target) { return NPERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } // NPN_GetURLNotify NPError NPN_GetURLNotify(NPP instance, const char* url,const char* target, void* notifyData) { return NPERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } // NPN_MemAlloc void* NPN_MemAlloc(uint32 size) { return NewPtr(size); } // NPN_MemFlush uint32 NPN_MemFlush(uint32 size) { uint32 startFree,needed; // Start by compacting memory. If that's not enough, do a purge also startFree = FreeMem(); needed = startFree+size; CompactMem(needed); if (FreeMem() < needed) PurgeMem(needed); return FreeMem() - startFree; // Amount of freed memory } // NPN_MemFree void NPN_MemFree(void* ptr) { DisposePtr(ptr); } // NPN_NewStream NPError NPN_NewStream(NPP instance, NPMIMEType type, const char* target, NPStream** stream) { DebugStr("\pNew Stream"); return NPERR_NO_DATA; } // NPN_PostURL NPError NPN_PostURL(NPP instance, const char* url, const char* target, uint32 len, const char* buf, NPBool file) { DebugStr("\pPost URL"); return NPERR_NO_DATA; } // NPN_PostURLNotify NPError NPN_PostURLNotify(NPP instance, const char* url, const char* target, uint32 len, const char* buf, NPBool file, void* notifyData) { DebugStr("\pPost URL"); return NPERR_NO_DATA; } // NPN_RequestRead NPError NPN_RequestRead(NPStream* stream, NPByteRange* rangeList) { DebugStr("\pRequest Read"); return NPERR_NO_DATA; } // NPN_Status void NPN_Status(NPP instance, const char* message) { } // NPN_UserAgent const char* NPN_UserAgent(NPP instance) { return "Eudora"; } // NPN_Write int32 NPN_Write(NPP instance, NPStream* stream, int32 len, void* buffer) { DebugStr("\pRequest Read"); return NPERR_NO_DATA; } // NPN_ReloadPlugins void NPN_ReloadPlugins(NPBool reloadPages) { DebugStr("\Reload Plugins"); }