/* Copyright (c) 2017, Computer History Museum All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the disclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of Computer History Museum nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE GRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "nickae.h" /* Copyright (c) 1995 by QUALCOMM Incorporated */ #define FILE_NUM 78 #define This (*Aliases)[which] OSErr NickObjFromNum(AEDescPtr nickFileDescP,short mNum,AEDescPtr nickDescP); OSErr NickFileObjFromNum(AEDescPtr dummyDescP,short nNum,AEDescPtr nickFileDescP); typedef struct { PropToken property; short file; } NickFileSpecifier; typedef struct { PropToken property; NickToken nick; } NickSpecifier; #pragma segment NickAE Boolean AENickFileExists(AEDescPtr token) { short which; AEGetDescData(token,&which,sizeof(which)); if (which >=0 && which < NAliases) return (true); else return(False); } Boolean AENicknameExists(AEDescPtr token) { NickToken nickToken; AEGetDescData(token,&nickToken,sizeof(nickToken)); if (nickToken.nickIndex >=0 && nickToken.nickFileNumber >=0) return (true); return(False); } Boolean AENickFieldExists(AEDescPtr token) { FieldToken ft; AEGetDescData(token,&ft,sizeof(ft)); return (NickUserFieldExists(ft.name)); } OSErr GetNickFileProperty(AEDescPtr token,AppleEvent *reply, uLong refCon) { NickFileSpecifier whichNickFile; short which; FSSpec spec; short err = errAENoSuchObject; AEGetDescData(token,&whichNickFile,sizeof(whichNickFile)); which = whichNickFile.file; spec = This.spec; switch (whichNickFile.property.propertyId) { case pEuFSS: err = MyAEPutAlias(reply,keyAEResult,&spec); break; default: err = errAENoSuchObject; break; } return err; } OSErr GetNickProperty(AEDescPtr token,AppleEvent *reply, uLong refCon) { #pragma unused(refCon) AttributeValueHandle avPairs; AttributeValuePtr avPairPtr; short count,i; Str255 tag; NickSpecifier whichNick; OSErr err= noErr; short index; short which; Str63 name; Handle tempHandle = nil,temp2Handle = nil,theNames = nil; AEGetDescData(token,&whichNick,sizeof(whichNick)); index = whichNick.nick.nickIndex; which = whichNick.nick.nickFileNumber; if (index >=0 && which >=0) { switch (whichNick.property.propertyId) { case pEuNickNick: // PCopy(name,*((*((*Aliases)[which].theData))[index].theName)); GetNicknameNamePStr(which,index,name); err = AEPutPStr(reply,keyAEResult,name); break; case pEuNickAddrOld: case pEuNickAddrNew: tempHandle = GetNicknameData(which,index,true,true); if (tempHandle) { MyHandToHand(&tempHandle); err = AEPutParamPtr(reply,keyAEResult,typeChar,LDRef(tempHandle),GetHandleSize_(tempHandle)); UL(tempHandle); ZapHandle(tempHandle); } else err = AEPutPStr(reply,keyAEResult,"\p"); break; case pEuNickNotes: tempHandle = GetNicknameData(which,index,false,true); LDRef(tempHandle); if (tempHandle != nil) if (avPairs = ParseAllAttributeValuePairs (tempHandle, &temp2Handle, avAllButHiddenPairs, avNoPairs)) { avPairPtr = LDRef (avPairs); count = GetHandleSize (avPairs) / sizeof (AttributeValueRec); for (i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++avPairPtr) { MakePStr (name, *tempHandle + avPairPtr->attributeOffset, avPairPtr->attributeLength); if (StringSame (name, GetRString (tag, ABReservedTagsStrn + abTagNote))) { PtrPlusHand (*tempHandle + avPairPtr->valueOffset, temp2Handle, avPairPtr->valueLength); break; } } } UL(tempHandle); if (temp2Handle) err = AEPutParamPtr(reply,keyAEResult,typeChar,LDRef(temp2Handle),GetHandleSize_(temp2Handle)); else err = AEPutPStr(reply,keyAEResult,"\p"); UL(temp2Handle); ZapHandle(temp2Handle); break; case pEuNickRawNotes: tempHandle = GetNicknameData(which,index,false,true); if (tempHandle) { MyHandToHand(&tempHandle); err = AEPutParamPtr(reply,keyAEResult,typeChar,LDRef(tempHandle),GetHandleSize_(tempHandle)); UL(tempHandle); ZapHandle(tempHandle); } else err = AEPutPStr(reply,keyAEResult,"\p"); break; case cEuNickFile: err = AEPutPStr(reply,keyAEResult,This.spec.name); break; case pEuNickExpansion: // PCopy(name,*((*((*Aliases)[which].theData))[index].theName)); GetNicknameNamePStr(which,index,name); theNames = NuHandle(0); if (!theNames) break; if (err=PtrPlusHand(name,theNames,*name+2)) break; err = PtrPlusHand("",theNames,1); // final delimiter if (!err) err = ExpandAliases(&tempHandle,theNames,0,true); if (!err && tempHandle) CommaList(tempHandle); err = AEPutParamPtr(reply,keyAEResult,typeChar,LDRef(tempHandle),GetHandleSize_(tempHandle)); UL(tempHandle); ZapHandle(tempHandle); ZapHandle(theNames); break; case pEuIsRecip: err = AEPutBool(reply,keyAEResult,IsNicknameOnRecipList(which,index)); break; default: err=errAEEventNotHandled; } } else err=errAEEventNotHandled; return(err); } OSErr SetNickProperty(AEDescPtr token,AEDescPtr data) { NickSpecifier whichNick; OSErr err= noErr; short index; short which; Str63 name,oldName; Handle tempHandle = nil,temp2Handle = nil,theNames = nil,dataHandle = nil; AEDesc obj,textAD; AEDesc *useMe; Boolean isRecip; Handle hData; AEGetDescData(token,&whichNick,sizeof(whichNick)); index = whichNick.nick.nickIndex; which = whichNick.nick.nickFileNumber; NullADList(&textAD,&obj,nil); if (index >=0 && which >=0) { // PCopy(oldName,*((*((*Aliases)[which].theData))[index].theName)); GetNicknameNamePStr(which,index,oldName); switch (whichNick.property.propertyId) { case pEuNickNick: GetAEPStr(name,data); ChangeNameOfNick(which,oldName,name); break; case pEuIsRecip: isRecip = GetAEBool(data); if (!IsNicknameOnRecipList(which,index) && isRecip) AddStringAsTo(oldName); else if (!isRecip && IsNicknameOnRecipList(which,index)) RemoveFromTo(oldName); break; case pEuNickAddrNew: case pEuNickAddrOld: if (data->descriptorType == typeChar) useMe = data; else if (err=AECoerceDesc(data,typeChar,&textAD)) return(err); else useMe = &textAD; AEGetDescDataHandle(useMe,&hData); ReplaceNicknameAddresses(which,oldName,hData); AEDisposeDescDataHandle(useMe); break; case pEuNickNotes: AESaveCurrentAlias(which,index); if (!(dataHandle = GetNicknameData(which,index,false,true))) if (!(dataHandle = NuHandle(0))) return(MemError()); if (data->descriptorType == typeChar) useMe = data; else if (err=AECoerceDesc(data,typeChar,&textAD)) return(err); else useMe = &textAD; AEGetDescDataHandle(useMe,&hData); HandPlusHand(hData,dataHandle); AEDisposeDescDataHandle(hData); ReplaceNicknameNotes(which,oldName,dataHandle); ZapHandle(dataHandle); break; default: err = errAEEventNotHandled; } } ForceSelectedAliasUpdate(which,index,whichNick.property.propertyId!=pEuIsRecip); DisposeADList(&textAD,&obj,nil); return(err); } OSErr GetNickField(AEDescPtr token,AppleEvent *reply, uLong refCon) { FieldToken ft; NickToken theNickToken; Str63 sViewData; Boolean nickNameEmpty; OSErr err = errAEEventNotHandled; AEGetDescData(token,&ft,sizeof(ft)); theNickToken = ft.nickT; NickGetDataFromField(ft.name,sViewData,theNickToken.nickFileNumber,theNickToken.nickIndex,false,true,&nickNameEmpty); if (!nickNameEmpty && *sViewData) { err = AEPutParamPtr(reply,keyAEResult,typeChar,sViewData + 1,*sViewData); } else err = AEPutPStr(reply,keyAEResult,"\p"); return(err); } OSErr SetNickField(AEDescPtr token,AEDescPtr data) { FieldToken ft; NickToken theNickToken; short which; short index; long offset; Handle tempHandle,dataHandle; Str63 field,name; char endTag = '>',beginTag = '<',colonTag = ':'; OSErr err = noErr; AEDesc textAD; AEDesc *useMe; Handle hData; AEGetDescData(token,&ft,sizeof(ft)); theNickToken = ft.nickT; which = theNickToken.nickFileNumber; index = theNickToken.nickIndex; NullADList(&textAD,nil); AESaveCurrentAlias(which,index); PCopy(field,ft.name); MyLowercaseText(field+1,*field); // PCopy(name,*((*((*Aliases)[which].theData))[index].theName)); GetNicknameNamePStr(which,index,name); dataHandle = NuHandle(0); if (!dataHandle) return(MemError()); if (tempHandle = GetNicknameData(which,index,false,true)) { offset = SearchPtrHandle(field + 1,*field,tempHandle,0,false,false,nil); if (offset >= 0) { PtrPlusHand(LDRef(tempHandle),dataHandle,offset - 1); offset = SearchPtrHandle(&endTag,1,tempHandle,offset,false,false,nil); if (offset >= 0) PtrPlusHand(LDRef(tempHandle) + offset + 1,dataHandle,GetHandleSize_(tempHandle) - offset - 1); else err = errAEEventNotHandled; UL(tempHandle); } else HandPlusHand(tempHandle,dataHandle); } PtrPlusHand(&beginTag,dataHandle,1); PtrPlusHand(field + 1,dataHandle,*field); PtrPlusHand(&colonTag,dataHandle,1); if (data->descriptorType == typeChar) useMe = data; else if (err=AECoerceDesc(data,typeChar,&textAD)) return(err); else useMe = &textAD; AEGetDescDataHandle(useMe,&hData); HandPlusHand(hData,dataHandle); AEDisposeDescDataHandle(hData); PtrPlusHand(&endTag,dataHandle,1); ReplaceNicknameNotes(which,name,dataHandle); ForceSelectedAliasUpdate(which,index,true); DisposeADList(&textAD,nil); return(err); } OSErr AECreateNick(DescType theClass,AEDescPtr inContainer,AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply) { NickFileToken theFileToken; short which, index = -1; Str63 name; AEDesc inToken,nickDesc,dataDesc,textAD; AEDescPtr useMe; OSErr err = noErr; long theHandleSize,theDataSize; NullADList(&dataDesc,&textAD,&nickDesc,&inToken,nil); #ifdef ALIAS_UNTITLED_NICK GetRString(name,ALIAS_UNTITLED_NICK); #else PCopy(name,"\puntitled"); #endif if (!(err = AEResolve(inContainer,kAEIDoMinimum,&inToken))) { AEGetDescData(&inToken,&theFileToken,sizeof(theFileToken)); which = theFileToken.nickFileIndex; if (inToken.descriptorType!=cEuNickFile) err = errAEEventNotHandled; if (!err && !(err=AEGetParamDesc(event,keyAEData,typeWildCard,&dataDesc))) if (!(err = GotAERequired(event))) { if (dataDesc.descriptorType == typeChar) useMe = &dataDesc; else { err=AECoerceDesc(&dataDesc,typeChar,&textAD); useMe = &textAD; } if (!err) // We have a file name. { theHandleSize = AEGetDescDataSize(useMe); theDataSize = theHandleSize < sizeof(name) - 1 ? theHandleSize:sizeof(name) -1; AEGetDescData(useMe,name + 1,theDataSize); name[0] = theDataSize; } } if (!err) index = NewNickLow(nil,nil,which,name,false,nrDifferent,true); if (index < 0) err = errAEEventNotHandled; if (!err && !(err = NickObjFromNum(inContainer,index - 1,&nickDesc))) { err = AEPutParamDesc(reply,keyAEResult,&nickDesc); ABTickleHardEnoughToMakeYouPuke(); } } DisposeADList(&dataDesc,&textAD,&nickDesc,&inToken,nil); return(err); } OSErr AECreateNickFile(DescType theClass,AEDescPtr inContainer,AppleEvent *event, AppleEvent *reply) { OSErr err = errAEEventNotHandled; AEDesc dataDesc,textAD,nickFileDesc; AEDescPtr useMe; Str63 fileName; long theHandleSize,theDataSize; short which = -1; NullADList(&nickFileDesc,&dataDesc,&textAD,nil); if (!(err=AEGetParamDesc(event,keyAEData,typeWildCard,&dataDesc))) if (!(err = GotAERequired(event))) { if (dataDesc.descriptorType == typeChar) useMe = &dataDesc; else { err=AECoerceDesc(&dataDesc,typeChar,&textAD); useMe = &textAD; } if (!err) // We have a file name. { theHandleSize = AEGetDescDataSize(useMe); theDataSize = theHandleSize < sizeof(fileName) - 1 ? theHandleSize:sizeof(fileName) -1; AEGetDescData(useMe,fileName + 1,theDataSize); fileName[0] = theDataSize; which = NickMakeNewFile(fileName); err = noErr; } } if (!err && !(err = NickFileObjFromNum(inContainer,which,&nickFileDesc))) { err = AEPutParamDesc(reply,keyAEResult,&nickFileDesc); } DisposeADList(&nickFileDesc,&dataDesc,&textAD,nil); return(err); } OSErr AEDeleteNickname(NickTPtr token) { short which,index; which = token->nickFileNumber; index = token->nickIndex; if (!AERemoveNick(index,which)) return(errAEEventNotHandled); return(noErr); } OSErr AEDeleteNickFile(NickFileTPtr token) { short which,index; which = token->nickFileIndex; index = -1; if (!AERemoveNick(index,which)) return(errAEEventNotHandled); return(noErr); } OSErr CountNickFileElements(DescType theClass,AEDescPtr inContainer,long *howMany) { NickFileToken theFileToken; short which; short i,totalNicks,realCount; AEGetDescData(inContainer,&theFileToken,sizeof(theFileToken)); which = theFileToken.nickFileIndex; totalNicks = NNicknames; if (which >= 0 && which < NAliases) { realCount = 0; if ((*Aliases)[which].theData) for (i=0;i= 0) token.nickFileIndex = index; else err = errAENoSuchObject; break; default: err = errAENoSuchObject; break; } if (!err) err = AECreateDesc(cEuNickFile,&token,sizeof(token),theToken); return(err); } pascal OSErr FindNickname(DescType desiredClass, AEDescPtr containerToken, DescType containerClass, DescType keyForm, AEDescPtr keyData, AEDescPtr theToken, long refCon) { #pragma unused(desiredClass,refCon) NickToken token; NickFileToken theFileToken; short err=errAENoSuchObject,which; long index = -1; Str255 name; RegenerateAllAliases(false); token.nickIndex = -1; token.nickFileNumber = -1; if (containerClass==typeNull) { GetAEPStr(name,keyData); for (which=0;which= 0) { token.nickIndex = index; token.nickFileNumber = which; err = noErr; break; } } } else switch (keyForm) { case formName: GetAEPStr(name,keyData); AEGetDescData(containerToken,&theFileToken,sizeof(theFileToken)); which = theFileToken.nickFileIndex; index = NickMatchFound(((*Aliases)[which].theData),NickHash(name),name,which); if (index >= 0 && which >= 0) { token.nickIndex = index; token.nickFileNumber = which; err = noErr; } break; case formAbsolutePosition: index = GetAELong(keyData); AEGetDescData(containerToken,&theFileToken,sizeof(theFileToken)); which = theFileToken.nickFileIndex; if (index >=0 && which >=0 && index < NNicknames) { token.nickIndex = index; token.nickFileNumber = which; err = noErr; } break; default: err = errAENoSuchObject; break; } if (!err) err = AECreateDesc(cEuNickname,&token,sizeof(token),theToken); return(err); } pascal OSErr FindNickField(DescType desiredClass, AEDescPtr containerToken, DescType containerClass, DescType keyForm, AEDescPtr keyData, AEDescPtr theToken, long refCon) { #pragma unused(desiredClass,containerClass,refCon) FieldToken token; short err; switch (keyForm) { case formName: GetAEPStr(token.name,keyData); AEGetDescData(containerToken,&token.nickT,sizeof(token.nickT)); token.isNick = true; err = noErr; /* cheating; we'll report errors if the field is used and not present */ break; default: err = errAENoSuchObject; break; } if (!err) err = AECreateDesc(cEuField,&token,sizeof(token),theToken); return(err); } /************************************************************************ * NickObjFromNum - specify a nickname object ************************************************************************/ OSErr NickObjFromNum(AEDescPtr nickFileDescP,short nNum,AEDescPtr nickDescP) { OSErr err; AEDesc nNumDesc; long longNum = nNum+1; if (!(err = AECreateDesc(typeLongInteger,&longNum,sizeof(longNum),&nNumDesc))) { err = CreateObjSpecifier(cEuNickname,nickFileDescP,formAbsolutePosition,&nNumDesc,False,nickDescP); AEDisposeDesc(&nNumDesc); } return(err); } /************************************************************************ * NickFileObjFromNum - specify a nickname file object ************************************************************************/ OSErr NickFileObjFromNum(AEDescPtr dummyDescP,short nNum,AEDescPtr nickFileDescP) { OSErr err; AEDesc nNumDesc; long longNum = nNum; if (!(err = AECreateDesc(typeLongInteger,&longNum,sizeof(longNum),&nNumDesc))) { err = CreateObjSpecifier(cEuNickFile,dummyDescP,formAbsolutePosition,&nNumDesc,False,nickFileDescP); AEDisposeDesc(&nNumDesc); } return(err); }